Illustrator :: Possible To Apply Path Styles To Live Paint Objects Or Clipping Paths?
Jul 13, 2012
I want to create an illustration with black outlines. Within these outlines I want to have some spots without outlines that stay clean within the lines. I have tried 3 options so far and have found a solution but it's far from ideal.
1. Create clipping masks for each element that has a spot on it and assign a stroke to the clipping path again after. However by creating the clipping path, the path styles dissapear. In this case I want to keep the pointed ends to the open path outlines (see top image).
2. Draw in the lines where the spots are and create a live paint object of the entire illustration. Then paint in the spots and other areas. However when I create this live paint object the lines again lose their applied styles and even 'end' at each intersection, creating nasty edges where the lines should go 'underneath' smoothly (see bottom image).
3. The option Im using now. Duplicate the path outlines and create clipping masks for the spots without strokes. Then put the stroked outline with the desired styles on top. The problem with this is that I have almost twice as much elements in my illustration now than I actually 'need'. And the styled outlines are not connected with the color underneath, so its very easy to accidentally move something around...
Any easier way to create this effect without all the hassle?
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Aug 9, 2013
I need to apply a single gradient acros a number of live paint objects but am finding it annoyingly hard to find a way. I know that normally, to apply a gradient across multiple objects, you would need to make them all into one compound path but does this apply to live paint groups in any way?? Can what i need to achieve actually be done?
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Jan 26, 2014
I made a drawing of a stone floor excavation and I used 'draw inside' to delimit the excavation borders as below:
and this is what it looks like with edit contents selected:
I also wanted to carry on drawing in 'Live paint' mode to 'colour in' sections (the above is just a small section of a much larger drawing), but because 'draw inside' creates a clipping mask, this object is now incompatible with the 'Live paint' paradigm! So I thought I would 'expand appearance' to continue and this is what I get:
My question is, is there a way for me to successfully translate a 'draw inside' object to a 'Live paint group'? The above objects are just simple shapes with a single fill & stroke.
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Jul 18, 2013
I'm working with another artists's file, and I can't seem to release the clipping mask he created. When I try, I get an error message that says, "Can't ungroup the objects." I've tried releasing Compound Paths, but I get the same message.
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Apr 14, 2013
So I've been messing with Live paint, and I've noticed that where paths overlap or abut, or even if a path was expanded to a fill, a transparent line is there. They are not always noticeable in Illustrator, but when I bring the documents into Photoshop, they're blatantly obvious!
This is a section of my linework before making a Live Paint:
Now this is what comes up when I make the live paint:
When I bring it into PS, it becomes a lot more obvious:
Is there anything that I can do about this? After more than an hour of chatting with a Tech support person, we determined that turning off anti-aliasing when I open the docuement in PS will fix this, but then all the lines are jagged, so that's not a viable fix. I know I can fill these gaps in in Photoshop, but I don't think that I should have to do that, and also, with complex artwork, this isn't exactly a viable option... Am I working too small?
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Nov 20, 2013
I have never really figured out how to properly build an illustrator file in a way that it will fill properly so my only other option (that I know of) is to use Live Paint. Unfortinately Live paint also wrecks all my line weights. It also makes the object noneditable later down the road. I found this out the hard way for a logo project at college and spent over 30 hours on it just trying to fiddle with the illustrator program, looking up tutorials that never seemed to work for me and nonstop frustration.
This time Live paint doesn't work at all. (I'm trying to paint in a more complicated object than a simple logo). First off my object has gaps in it, and even when I click "Gap options" it doesn't appear to do anything and there are still gaps. So I try to fill them in myself but this wrecks my line weights. And finally Live paint appears to work but only on certain objects such as the eyes, the nose, annd the ears, yet it refuses to fill in the entire body of the animal I'm trying to colour in. I drew this animal in illustrator with the pen tool and applied line weights with the line weight tool. Yes there are numerous gaps in the image.
This is what it looks like as of now:
Only imagine it not in a pdf but an illustrator file because yes I have the original and yes it's vector.
Also I use Adobe illustrator CS6
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Dec 6, 2013
Illustrator CC keeps crashing whenever I try to move a path or an object in a live paint group. I've tried it on other computers, but they seem to work fine. It seemed to only affect my laptop, so I'm not sure what happened. Restarting and updating it doesn't seem to solve the problem.
Here are the technical specifications for my Macbook Pro:
Mid-2009 Macbook Pro 15"
2.8 GHz model w/ SD card slot
Intel Core 2 Duo
Has Mavericks
4 GB of RAM
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Jan 9, 2014
I'm currently working on a project in which I have a background that has a large text layer above it. What I want to do is create a sort of "dynamic" clipping mask that essentially subtracts the shape of the text from the background yet remains editable as text in case I need to change the word or font.
However every way I've tried so far as been met with the backgrounds instead being constrained inside of the shape of the text...which is NOT what I want.
How can I do this while still having the text able to be edited?
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Apr 11, 2012
I bought a graphic which separate objects should be color changeable due to given clipping paths.Unfortunately, I did not manage to change any attributes of this graphic. I would like to get rid of the white background and I to change the color of the different objects, but no way.
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Sep 9, 2013
When I open up previous versions of Illustrator files (i.e. CS5), why are all of my paths messed up. Every object is embedded in a Clipping Mask, paths are compounded and in most cases type on a path is expanded into multiple non-editable objects. This causes complete redesign.
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May 18, 2012
I'd like to be able to make Clipping Paths out of (unexpanded) Compound Shapes. We can't do that already.I'd also like the Expand button to work like it did in CS4 again.
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Sep 23, 2012
I use my script to embeding a placed graphic (MyImage.embed();). Then I always get a group with the correct paths and two clipping paths in a grouped grouped groupItem.
My question is: I want to delete the two clipping paths to get only the correct paths of the graphic.
This is, what I always have:
and this is, what i want:
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May 11, 2012
I have some negative space I created(black area, see first image) that I want to fill with type, not just a simple fill.
Basically I want to create the negative space from a bunch of small minus signs(-) that need to line up as they go across. If I type on each path one at a time as the text doesn't line up that way. This needs to be one continuous path. (see second image)
Unfortunately if I add them together, it creates a compound path, which you cannot type on, unless I am mistaken? So I need them to be a path, not a compound object.
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Oct 16, 2012
I'm intermediate (at best) with Illustrator. I'm using CS6 on a 2009 iMac. How to make Illustrator ignore stroke weight/cap/join settings when I'm applying a live rotate/multiple copy effect on a group of paths? Currently, Illustrator sets the rotation point to the outermost part of my stroke (figuring in the strokes atrributes), but I only want it to calculate the from the path's structure: the coordinates of my designated anchor point.
Here's the top/right group of paths with a rotate/ 3 copies effect of 90 degrees. Looks problem-free at this view.
Here's that top/right group of paths with the addition of a reflect/ 1 copy effect of X-axis. Still no apparent problems.
But here's a close up of the misalignment of corner points. As shown, the Transform effect is based off the strokes attributes (the tip of its corner), not the actual location of the corner point.
It does not apply different cap/corner styles or stroke alignments; that only slightly nudges the pivot point to the center.
Plus, this one point stroke is somewhat arbitrary. I only set it so in order to see my dynamic effects.
Tweaking the vertical/horizontal moves effects of the rotated/copied elements won't support because this art will later undergo lots of alteration, mostly changes in stroke weight (maybe even variable stroke width).
I need the skeleton of my structure to snap together precisely.
Any solution, no matter how roundabout, would save this project!
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Jan 13, 2013
Using IL CS6. I have a photo that I did an image trace on. Now I want to make it an illustration. I would like to select multiply paths and apply a color change to all of them at once. I would like to be able to select the paths to change by their current color, and then apply the change all in one shot if possible.
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Jan 19, 2013
Win7 64bit Ai: Cs6
down under step #4 it says to Copy (& Paste) the circle that's inside a Clipping Mask and to the drag it out of the mask in order to duplicate it twice.
I've pulled it out of the mask or even, actually, how to go about pulling it out of the mask
thus far I've Copied and Pasted in In Front ... does copying and pasting it in front bring it outta the mask?
do i need to create a new layer after I've Copied it and then Paste it on the new layer?
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Nov 20, 2012
I have some type converted to outlines, and it is in front/on top of a places raster pattern. when I select the type shapes and pattern and make a clipping mask, the pattern disappears and the letter shapes are filled with nothing!
Matters not whether the letter shapes are grouped or there a way to have all of the letter shapes act as clipping mask together?
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Dec 5, 2012
Trying to mask type with a vector pattern (place a vector pattern in a type clipping path), but nothing seems to be working. Never had issue before. Tried path in front, pattern in front, converting type path to compound path, converting vector to compound path. A couple of times it looked like it worked, but the pattern was invisible within the path. Illustrator CS6, on a Mac.
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Mar 23, 2014
I'm trying to create a clipping mask of a photograph using several separate shapes and then separate the final masked image/shapes.
I've made the shapes a compound path, and then applied a clipping mask (so far so good).
Now that I have my masked photo/shapes I want to separate the shapes so I can edit them individually and independent of one another.
(using Illustrator CS4)
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Apr 30, 2013
I'm creating a logo that employs a stippled texture (a half-tone) in various sections of objects comprising the logo. I've placed the stipple where I want it, created a clipping path to capture the area. Now I have all these other points that I don't need that I want to delete.
Is there anyway short of releasing the clipping path, manually delete unwanted sections of the stipple and then re-apply the clipping path again? It would be like 'Applying Mask' in photoshop.
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Sep 9, 2013
Im fairly new with illustrator, when i try and use live paint by selecting the brush strokes then going object > live paint > make, it makes my strokes really thin and it is really annoying
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Oct 26, 2013
Any way to do this using strokes, but everything I've tried so far has been unsuccessful. I'm starting to realize that this may actually be impossible, but maybe there's a trick I'm unaware of. Pic should explain what I'm trying to do.
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Dec 1, 2013
I've devised this script that "kind of" works.This script takes your selection, copies appearance attributes, and pastes them to the top object after clipping.It's currently limited in a few ways:
• It does not accept compound paths as clipping object (and I don't know how to test for it, nor how to iterate down said compound clipping object to set each path object to clipping separately)
• It only works with a single stroke or fill
• It does not understand "no fill" it will fill your object with white instead *FIXED*
• I'm hoping to use the "graphicStyle" property to copy the appearance, since that sounds way cleaner. But I don't understand how to.
Even with these limitations, I bound this to CMD+7 using fastscripts - I'm *already* used to it working this way!
#target Illustrator
// = Clip Retaining Color.jsx;
// script.required = at least two paths selected, top most path is the clipping mask;
// script.parent = Herman van Boeijen, // 30/11/13;
// Here's hoping to use the "graphicStyles" property to copy over the appearance.
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Dec 11, 2013
I auto traced a piece of artwork (a large bunch of leaves) & the strokes are made up of 2 paths.
Is there a quick way to reduce the paths to a single path
Or is it necessary to delete each leaf's secondary path manually
Is there something I should be doing differently when auto tracing.
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May 5, 2013
I want to take two 3D views from (autodesk) Revit Architecture 2012 to Illustrator CS5 and then make use of the live paint bucket tool*. I've printed the two 3D views into pdf files and imported them in Illustrator**. When I select the whole image in Illustrator and then click with the Live Paint Bucket tool on the drawing to modify the drawing so I can color the surfaces, Illustrator gives me the following error:
"The selection contains objects that cannot be converted. Live Paint groups can only contain paths and compound paths. Clipping paths are not allowed."
Exporting images (jpg, png and tiff) from Revit results in the same error. Is there a way to easily convert my vector drawing into a non-clipping paths drawing? Also I'm not sure if the problem should be found in either Revit or Illustrator. What's also strange is that I'm using a tutorial provided by my university, in which there are no issues with clipping paths or anything.
* This in order to make an conceptual image of my building, which I've modeled in Revit. I want to add basic colors to surfaces in Illustrator and then take the image to Photoshop to add shadow, materials, sky etc.
** They only consist of lines, using the 'hidden line' visual style in my views in Revit, in case you know a bit of Revit.
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Oct 7, 2013
I'm working on I've drawn a dragon using the pen tool. Now I want to use the live paint tool, however, after I select my dragon it won't let me "make" the live paint. I also can't expand, not sure if that's related.
I tested another simple drawing and was able to both expand and use live paint, so it must be something weird that I've done to my dragon.
I have a trial version of CS6. Also attaching a screen cap.
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May 29, 2013
So I am preparing a document for printing on an Epilog Zing Laser 10000. I have an outline for a cut I need to make, but I need to accomodate for the kerf of the laser. I am trying to select the circles and use the Offset Path tool to make new circles in the same places slightly smaller. However when I apply the negative offset I get a new circle on the outside of the path and on the inside.
As you can see there is now a larger circle as well as a smaller circle, but the smaller circles don't even have a smaller circle only a larger one despite the fact I entered a negative offset.What can I do to only get the smaller circle in all the circle? Am I even on the right path as far as the path offset tool? Pun intended.
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Jul 8, 2013
In Illustrator CC every time I click Merge Paint I need to go back to Live Paint > Gap Options > and reset Gap Detections to "Paint stop at Small Gaps". Despite I set "Paint stop at Small Gaps" as my default many times now, it seems that Illustrator CC does reset it automatically to "Custom Gaps" and therefore Merge Paint doesn't work correctly. A nightmare, I am forced to use Illustrator CS6!
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Aug 14, 2012
I've done some tests and it looks like clipping mask and pathfinder>crop (CS5) do pretty much the same thing. I realize that clipping mask leaves the paths of the original objects for possible release while crop is creating a new path.
When would you choose to use one vs. the other? The only thing I can think of is when you want to end up with a new object use crop but if you want to maintain the integrity of the original objects use clipping mask.
Is it a toss up?
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Jan 9, 2013
I have created custom text, so that each letter in my 3 letter word is a separate compound object.
Now I have made a filled (with gradient) ellipse and rectangle behind the text to create a clipping mask with all 3 text objects. (see image1) However, when I select all the objects and select: object>clipping mask >make, it only mask the one letter, which is the one on top. (see image 2)
However, when I group the 3 letters together, it does not create a clipping mask at all, it shows nothing... (see image 3)
How do I ake all 3 letters be in the mask?
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Sep 22, 2012
In CS5 there was an option to use the Live Paint Bucket on a newly traced image and there were also gap options to close gaps when doing this. I do not see these options in CS6. Where are they?
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