Illustrator :: Applying Live Rotate / Multiple Copy Effect On A Group Of Paths?

Oct 16, 2012

I'm intermediate (at best) with Illustrator. I'm using CS6 on a 2009 iMac. How to make Illustrator ignore stroke weight/cap/join settings when I'm applying a live rotate/multiple copy effect on a group of paths? Currently, Illustrator sets the rotation point to the outermost part of my stroke (figuring in the strokes atrributes), but I only want it to calculate the from the path's structure: the coordinates of my designated anchor point.
Here's the top/right group of paths with a rotate/ 3 copies effect of 90 degrees. Looks problem-free at this view.

Here's that top/right group of paths with the addition of a reflect/ 1 copy effect of X-axis. Still no apparent problems.
But here's a close up of the misalignment of corner points. As shown, the Transform effect is based off the strokes attributes (the tip of its corner), not the actual location of the corner point.

It does not apply different cap/corner styles or stroke alignments; that only slightly nudges the pivot point to the center.
Plus, this one point stroke is somewhat arbitrary. I only set it so in order to see my dynamic effects.

Tweaking the vertical/horizontal moves effects of the rotated/copied elements won't support because this art will later undergo lots of alteration, mostly changes in stroke weight (maybe even variable stroke width).

I need the skeleton of my structure to snap together precisely.
Any solution, no matter how roundabout, would save this project!

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Illustrator :: How To Copy One Group Of Paths / Elements From One Layer To Other Existing Layers

Jul 5, 2013

Note Layer > Duplicate will not work in this regard, because I want to copy one group of paths/elements from one layer to other existing layers, not to a new layer.
I have not found a command for this, nor have I found any scripts. Note I'm using CS3 but have been thinking about an upgrade.

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Photoshop :: Applying Effect To One Group?

Jan 25, 2013

I'm working on a portfolio site and want to apply a desaturation/black and white adjustment just to one group, instead of having to individual adjust every image. However, whenever I do so, it applies the effect to the entire background of my image. Is there a way to do this?

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Illustrator :: How To Create Object / Group And Copy Across One Document In Multiple Places

Nov 27, 2012

Is there a way to create an object/group in Illustrator and then copy it across one document in multiple places (multiple art boards, etc.) - allowing the designer to then update the original and seeing the changes cascade to all copies?
I know this can be done using InDesign by linking an Illustrator file and making subsequent updates to that Illustrator file.  But I do not want to use InDesign, I want to use Illustrator.  What I want is much like creating Symbols in Flash, updating one will cascade throughout the file. 

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Illustrator :: Any Way To Rotate And Scale Type Live?

Aug 6, 2013

I'm using cs6 and I want to rotate and scale individual letters.  Whenever I try to do it I am only altering the text box.  Is there any way I can do the same thing with the text itself without rasterizing it?

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Illustrator :: Taking Out Live Paint Group As Separate Shape

Oct 4, 2012

i'm making a map showing arid areas, dry areas, plain, mountains. i'm using the live paint bucket function with great difficulty. i'm using this for first tim, i have almost zero experience in illustrator . i'm stuck now. the greean area on the left can't be isolated out, or lets say cut paste as a new individual shape. I'm using illustrator cs5

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Illustrator :: Why Won't AI Allow To Drag Selection Icon Into Live Paint Group

Jan 23, 2013

I routinely add paths to existing Live Paint Groups, by dragging a path that is outside the group, into the LP group. But AI won't let me drag the "selection icon" from a nested layer, into an existing LP Group. Why?

It seems I'm requesting the same action, but AI won't allow the icon to be dragged into the group. I have to either open the layer and drag the objects directly, or drag the objects into the main layer, then into the Live Paint Group. I think this is an interface flaw.
FYI… I realize I could jump into the Live Paint Group using Isolation mode, but that takes extra steps and makes the template less useful.

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Illustrator :: Crashes When Moving Objects In Live Paint Group?

Dec 6, 2013

Illustrator CC keeps crashing whenever I try to move a path or an object in a live paint group. I've tried it on other computers, but they seem to work fine. It seemed to only affect my laptop, so I'm not sure what happened. Restarting and updating it doesn't seem to solve the problem.
Here are the technical specifications for my Macbook Pro:
Mid-2009 Macbook Pro 15"
2.8 GHz model w/ SD card slot
Intel Core 2 Duo
Has Mavericks
4 GB of RAM

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Photoshop Elements :: Rotate Multiple Layers On Their Own Individual Axis Not As A Group?

Jul 25, 2013

I have a floorplan of a building and am labeling exits of the building for evacuation routes.  Each exit label is on its own layer.  I need to show the floor plan from different perspectives/orientations and therefore need to rotate the exit labels in place on their own individual axis.  So far I have been going in and selecting the image (label) on each layer and rotating it 90 degrees and then repeating the process for the next label.  When I group the layers they all rotate on one axis and therefore are not near the exit they are supposed to be near.  Is there an easier (quicker) way to rotate the labels as I have to do this for four different perspective for each of four floor plans?

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Illustrator :: Change Color After Applying 3D Effect (without Altering Effect)?

Nov 14, 2013

I created a 3D drop shape and need to totaly change the colors (from red to yellow)... I use illustrator CS5

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Illustrator :: Possible To Apply Path Styles To Live Paint Objects Or Clipping Paths?

Jul 13, 2012

I want to create an illustration with black outlines. Within these outlines I want to have some spots without outlines that stay clean within the lines. I have tried 3 options so far and have found a solution but it's far from ideal.
1. Create clipping masks for each element that has a spot on it and assign a stroke to the clipping path again after. However by creating the clipping path, the path styles dissapear. In this case I want to keep the pointed ends to the open path outlines (see top image).
2. Draw in the lines where the spots are and create a live paint object of the entire illustration. Then paint in the spots and other areas. However when I create this live paint object the lines again lose their applied styles and even 'end' at each intersection, creating nasty edges where the lines should go 'underneath' smoothly (see bottom image).
3. The option Im using now. Duplicate the path outlines and create clipping masks for the spots without strokes. Then put the stroked outline with the desired styles on top. The problem with this is that I have almost twice as much elements in my illustration now than I actually 'need'. And the styled outlines are not connected with the color underneath, so its very easy to accidentally move something around...
Any easier way to create this effect without all the hassle?

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Illustrator :: Gradient Tool Won't Fully Function Inside Live Paint Group - CS4

Jun 5, 2009

I've noticed that the Gradient Tool won't show up when inside a Live Paint group, which makes it difficult to edit gradients. Is it supposed to be like this?
It is still possible to edit the gradient using the Gradient Panel, but I prefer to use the Gradient Tool instead because of it's direct approach.
Also, when selecting multiple areas within a Live Paint group to fill with a gradient, I don't seem to be able to Alt+Drag with the Gradient Tool in order to fill each selection with it's own gradient. It always ends up with one gradient being applied across all of the selections.

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Illustrator :: Fill Face In Live Paint Group With Pattern On Colored Background?

Aug 28, 2013

How do I fill a face in a Live Paint Group with a pattern on a colored background?

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Illustrator :: Applying SVG Filter To A Group - Masked Object Disappears

Jun 12, 2012

When applying certain SVG filters to a group that contains an object with an opacity mask, that masked object disappears. AI_Dilate_3, for example.

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Illustrator :: Loose After Copy / Paste Live Paint Areas?

Jan 20, 2014

If I copy paste something I loose the live paint area.I´m using the adobe illustrator CC. With CS5 I didn't have this problem.

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Illustrator :: Rotate A Group - Line In Object Horizontal Or Vertical

Dec 23, 2012

I have a grouped object with a line in it. I want to rotate the grouped object so, that the line in the object is horizontal or vertical. Now I do it by hand, this takes a lot of time.

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Illustrator :: Modify A Shape After Applying Warp Effect?

Mar 16, 2014

Using Illustrator CC. I made a sphere shape and reshaped it using a warp effect.
Now when I try use a transform command (reflect or rotate) it only effects the “original” bound box which is the sphere I first made, and not my warp effect shape. My question is can I modify a shape after I apply a warp effect?

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Illustrator :: Apply One Gradient Across Multiple Live Paint Objects?

Aug 9, 2013

I need to apply a single gradient acros a number of live paint objects but am finding it annoyingly hard to find a way.  I know that normally, to apply a gradient across multiple objects, you would need to make them all into one compound path but does this apply to live paint groups in any way??  Can what i need to achieve actually be done?

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Illustrator :: How To Simplify Complex File - Multiple Embedded Live Traces

May 15, 2013

I have created a piece of artwork in illustrator which is to be printed 4x3m for a wall mural. Therefore the file I am working with must either be a vecor or a large enough raster to be printed at such as size. I have set it up at 1 to 10 so its currently A3ish size. Each component of the collage is a separate ai file and contains many points as they are all live traces. It was no problem linking in all these initially but I now need to embed them so as I can give the printers a complete file. I have succeeded embedding every image apart from one last complex one which is crashing the whole thing. Are there any settings I may be able to change to reduce the file size or simplify the graphic (whilst remaining vectors.) Below is the file with the linked images and also the outline of the embedded version so far. The problem I am having is basically because of the final output size required.

The only thing I can think of doing is opening each separate component and saving as a raster then relinking these - but will this be even more problematic for illustrator that thousands of vector points? I can do it in photoshop if needs be but as the final image is to be printed 4x3m will this be too large to handle? The ai file with all images linked was 25MB but now 500MB with the sky still to embed.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Applying Multiple Strokes With JS

Apr 17, 2012

how to apply multiple strokes to a path with JavaScript? Assigning strokes width, caps, position in stack (my particular concern)? All i can do at the moment is to apply a single stroke.

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Illustrator :: Change Opacity Of Multiple Colors After Performing Live Paint Merge?

Jan 9, 2013

I recently created an illustration where I need muliple colors on 1 document. I did a command + a to select all, then I went to object->live paint->make. After I added my colors I tried to change the opacity on a few of them, but the opacity for the entire document changes. Is there a way to get around this.....or do it right?

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Photoshop :: Export Multiple Paths To Illustrator

Aug 7, 2012

Photoshop CS5

Is there really no way to export multiple paths, on multiple vector layers, to Illustrator in one go?

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Illustrator :: How To Apply Color Changes To Multiple Paths CS6

Jan 13, 2013

Using IL CS6. I have a photo that I did an image trace on. Now I want to make it an illustration. I would like to select multiply paths and apply a color change to all of them at once. I would like to be able to select the paths to change by their current color, and then apply the change all in one shot if possible.

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Illustrator :: Selecting Paths With Multiple Strokes?

Jan 13, 2013

What is the correct technique for selecting paths with multiple strokes of the same colours?

Select Same doesn’t seem to work properly since it only selects one of the stroke colours.
I have several paths with the same stroke colour makeup yet they don’t behave as if they have the same appearance, depending on which of a path’s several strokes is selected in the Appearance panel.

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Illustrator :: Default Rotate To Object Group Center Not Artboard Center

Nov 27, 2013

I'm sure this is mind-numbingly obvious and I am overlooking it, but when I go to use the rotate tool, the center point of the rotation is defaulting to the center of the artboard, not the selected group of objects. How do I change that to default to rotating on the selection center by default?
PS. This is Illustrator CC (17.0.2) on a Mac running 10.9, if that is relevant.

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Illustrator :: Join Multiple Paths To Make One Object?

Apr 26, 2013

.... so as to be able to apply a fill over the whole object?? 
This might sound more obvious than it actually is in this case so i'll explain.  My partners artwork contains a lot of linework and unfortunately, i can't get the degree of accuracy i need with a continous path.  Therefore, the problem i have is joining lots of paths (some of which have endpoints joining midway through other paths) to make a single object with the strokes preserved, so i can apply a fill to the overall object or to individual sections. 
I've tried unite, join and all the other commands that i'm aware of but all give undesired effects.  I've tried using a compund path but all that does is make them act as one but still doesn't do what i need with regards to filling the object.
A simplified example of what i need to achieve is this...... create a square using 4 seperate paths and then a cross through the middle using more seperate paths to create a 4 box square.  I need to be able to make this one object so i can fill each individual square a different colour if need be?

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Illustrator :: How To Separate JPEG Logo Into Multiple Paths

Jul 20, 2012

My client has sent me a high resolution JPEG which is a monogram of his initial ("C") on top of a complex filigree. It's all one color. He wants the letter "C" to be a different color than the filigree pattern. The goal is to create a logo for his website and business cards.
How should I separate the C from the rest of the monogram? I've done an Image Trace which resulted in a perfect rendition of the entire artwork. But how to I separate the C? Any Illustrator experts out there?

Here's a lo-res version of the artwork he sent. I've already managed to eliminate the grays and turn this into a two-color (black and white) image. What next?

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Illustrator :: Align Multiple Objects And Paths As One While Keeping Shape?

Dec 4, 2013

When I have made a logo and there's mutiple parts and I want to center it, it messes all the parts up. How do I center it while keeping the shape without combining it all? Example in photo: [URL]

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Illustrator :: How To Find And Delete Multiple Overlapping Cut Contour Paths

Dec 10, 2012

Background: My job requires that I print vinyl cut letters and shapes. I do this by creating a cut contour path in illustrator with a spot color as a stroke, so that once printed, there will be instructions on the print showing where to cut and the cutter will recognize the marks.
My problem is that, for some reason, the cutter is going back over the cut path a 2nd time, as if there is more than one cut contour path in the file. But looking at the eps file in Illustrator, I don't see any extra overlapping paths with another stroke. It just looks like there is one pink line that there are actually extra cut paths that the cutter is reading that I don't know about. Is there a way for me to either A) find all of the paths and turn off the spot color swatch on all of them and just apply it to the one I need or B) find all paths and delete overlapping ones that I don't need?
getting extra overlapping cut paths in different Layers(?) I'm just really not sure what to do or how to find these and weed them out.

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Photoshop :: Applying Textures To Paths?

Dec 9, 2003

I need to know how to create a texture that will follow the shape/path of an arc, the letter c for example?

I have created a texture already that is a rasterized rectangle, and I want to apply that same texture to an arc so it follows the path not just "stamping" it on like applying a pattern to it.

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Photoshop :: Applying Correct Clipping Paths

Jun 4, 2008

I use clipping paths on images to create contour cut items for various media. Think - turning a picture of a woman holding a product converted to a cardboard display of a same woman and product.

Been using some outsourced clipping path services and get a wide variety of formats returned to me (even from within the same companies who've done multiple jobs for me). I think what happens is the jobs get passed to whoever and they assume I use the pics for web applications.

Anyway, after jumping through a few different vendors trying to get some consistent deliverables, thought I might just see if someone can teach me to do it myself.

I'd be happy to forward an "original" and the delivered "version that works for me" and a sample of the "version that doesn't work for me." Need advice on steps to convert the "not working" file to "one that works." The main problem is that many timeswhile the clipping path is around the correct object, when I import into my software (FlexiSIGN) I then see the image on the white background (good) but when you click the image it is "framed" in the original square outline of the photograph (not so good). My machine wants to cut around the square outline not around the image.

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