I need to know how to create a texture that will follow the shape/path of an arc, the letter c for example?
I have created a texture already that is a rasterized rectangle, and I want to apply that same texture to an arc so it follows the path not just "stamping" it on like applying a pattern to it.
I have three images; a wooden beer cask, a horned skull, and a charred board. I want to be able to make the wooden beer cask look like it has the horned skull charred into the side of it. How do I do that?
How i could fill something with the textures which are croped from the pictures and that i need to do to make it look smooth if thre are few similar croped pictures (f.e. i want fill somtehing with denim texture, but picture is four times bigger, so i need this croped file repeat four times, but when it looks ugly.) what i need to do, to look it more realistic?
I use clipping paths on images to create contour cut items for various media. Think - turning a picture of a woman holding a product converted to a cardboard display of a same woman and product.
Been using some outsourced clipping path services and get a wide variety of formats returned to me (even from within the same companies who've done multiple jobs for me). I think what happens is the jobs get passed to whoever and they assume I use the pics for web applications.
Anyway, after jumping through a few different vendors trying to get some consistent deliverables, thought I might just see if someone can teach me to do it myself.
I'd be happy to forward an "original" and the delivered "version that works for me" and a sample of the "version that doesn't work for me." Need advice on steps to convert the "not working" file to "one that works." The main problem is that many timeswhile the clipping path is around the correct object, when I import into my software (FlexiSIGN) I then see the image on the white background (good) but when you click the image it is "framed" in the original square outline of the photograph (not so good). My machine wants to cut around the square outline not around the image.
My c drive is full and i now create and store any new textures for use in max material editor and new scenes on a new x drive which is regularly auto backed up.
Ideally i would love to be able to transfer all c models with their c textures replaced by copy x textures in one swoop without having to individually re map every single texture of every model so that old models and models i use regularly will be backed up intact. is there a way to do this ?
I bought the lightroom 3 cd and installed it. When I downloaded the 3.6 update and tried to install it, I got this error message : Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid. Ive tried uninstalling the 3.2 version and then installing the 3.6 version, but that didnt work either.
I'm intermediate (at best) with Illustrator. I'm using CS6 on a 2009 iMac. How to make Illustrator ignore stroke weight/cap/join settings when I'm applying a live rotate/multiple copy effect on a group of paths? Currently, Illustrator sets the rotation point to the outermost part of my stroke (figuring in the strokes atrributes), but I only want it to calculate the from the path's structure: the coordinates of my designated anchor point.
Here's the top/right group of paths with a rotate/ 3 copies effect of 90 degrees. Looks problem-free at this view.
Here's that top/right group of paths with the addition of a reflect/ 1 copy effect of X-axis. Still no apparent problems.
But here's a close up of the misalignment of corner points. As shown, the Transform effect is based off the strokes attributes (the tip of its corner), not the actual location of the corner point.
It does not apply different cap/corner styles or stroke alignments; that only slightly nudges the pivot point to the center.
Plus, this one point stroke is somewhat arbitrary. I only set it so in order to see my dynamic effects.
Tweaking the vertical/horizontal moves effects of the rotated/copied elements won't support because this art will later undergo lots of alteration, mostly changes in stroke weight (maybe even variable stroke width).
I need the skeleton of my structure to snap together precisely.
Any solution, no matter how roundabout, would save this project!
I want to join two paths to create a shape that I can fill but at the same time retain one of the original paths (the red one in the image below). I can copy the path I want to retain but surely there is a more elegant solution. See below for for an illustration:
I would like to add extra textures to PS is there anywhere to get free ones? or how can I make my own? and how do I add them. I want to make textures like net muslin, and lace for background effects.
I have some textures and icons that I've bought and/or gathered and I'd like to install them, but some are .png and some are .jpg. How do I install those on CS5?
Are there any good tutorials for making textures for 3d objects? Not the objects themselves. Just the textures. I'm thinking of things like, rusty metal, water, stone, bricks, etc.
I am using PS CS2 and the Unreal 3 engine. I came across a tutorial that had to do with particles in the Unreal editor. The tutorial went well but at the top of the page he had the texture he used for the base of the particle. Here it is: Particle Texture I am seeking information on how to make my own textures like this that I can use for custom particle effects. I have tried blending options, filters and layer setups trying to emulate this texture but all of mine come out to rough and less "whispy" and smooth like the one above. The textures I make work fine in the editor but because they are not smooth and what not the particles look very blocky and unconvincing. Any tips or roads to go down on how I can achieve textures like the one above?
I have Photoshop cs4, windows XP and I went to the goodies on the CD and put the textures folder into the filters folder (like readme said) and now don't know where to find the textures in Photoshop. I went to filters > texture but they are not there.
hi all ! Im contributing in a project called infinity the quest for earth http://www.infinity-universe.com/Infinity/ And since its a space game Im trying to get hull textures/tutorials.
Is there any good resources for that? I have looked but there is nothing detailed or good enough.
I've been using photoshop for about a month now and i'm developing a pretty good basic knowledge of it. One thing that i dont understand are textures. I understand that you can create textures in photoshop using tools such as filters and that you can use the texturiser. Ive tried using the preset texturiser setting and ive loaded my own ( ive takenb pics of textures in the real world) and used them on objects but it just doesnt look right- the texture always seems 'behind' the colour of the object, if u know what i mean - and looks dead tacky ...
Can some direct my to a good, possibly free, stock photo site for acquiring grungy textures to apply to images with blend modes and layer mask. Hoping for more organic results than what I get with the filters.
Does anyone know how could creat different clothe textures (f.e. cotton, polyester, denim, leather, etc.?). I use Photoshop CS3. I hopwe that someone will put tutorial how could do it, because i dont know how to do it. P.S. I all time take croops from pictures, but i dont look good, so i think that own make texture will loke better.
good ways to speed up at making textures for minecraft with Photoshop or other adobe products.
Mostly im having problems at Textures which are like the same but they have diffrent colors.So i know about actions but im having problems at it.
I wanna make the first Texture and change it how i want, the next one should make all what i did before but dont use the color from the last one. Is there a Option where i can change that?
good web sites to download royalty free backgrounds, templates, textures, etc. for Photoshop. I'm willing to pay a small annual fee to join the site, but of course free is always good too. I'm looking more for a site that has Photoshop or other design applications in mind.
I've found a couple of sites through Google, but they seem old and not updated as often (they still mention compatibility with CS4 and 5).
I am looking for a nice but affordable (or free!) collection of textures and backgrounds to use in creating web store advertisements. I need something with the following themes: mechanical (bolts, steel, tires, motorcycles), fire, leather, and anything else cool.
For a few days now I've been trying to think of a way to create realistically contoured textures, e.g., flowing hair or a cloth texture wrapped around a shape (as in clothing).
Of course, the ideal solutions are 1) rendering with a 3D program and 2) very careful painting. However, I was wondering if there was another way that it could be done utilizing Photoshop's tools. I'm a pretty experienced user and my daughter asked me if there was a way to do that the other day (she uses Photoshop to color in scanned hand drawings and is very interested in learning everything she can). Usually I've been able to guide her through a how-to, but this one threw me for a loop.
Techniques I've tried (implied in all of this is that the original texture is made already-using the Texturizer filter as an example):
1) Liquify tool (but ends up smearing everything around more than anything)
2) Dodging and burning to add light (but then the texture stays 2D)
3) Displacement maps (did Google several tutorials but got so-so results, the main problem is that you don't seem to have to much ultimate control on the final result, it tends to really distort the texture as the shape severely curves away from you)
So, before throwing my hands up I thought I'd toss it out to my fellow Photoshop friends...any ideas?
By the way, I am absolutely not against some careful painting nor am I looking for the magic wrap-a-texture-to-a-contour filter (I know it's not that simple)-just wondering if someone has any insight on some more powerful Photoshop functionality that will enable one to accomplish this.
I'm holding out hope for Displacement Maps-if anyone knows of some super in-depth tutorials out there, please share! I will of course continue the search myself and share my results with the crew.