Can some direct my to a good, possibly free, stock photo site for acquiring grungy textures to apply to images with blend modes and layer mask. Hoping for more organic results than what I get with the filters.
I've been noticing a bunch of grunge sigs lately and i think they are really cool. I would like to do one of my own but im not sure how. Can anyone explain how to do them or show me where i can get a tutorial to do one?
I'm making some grunge brushes from a photo and there is some color on the part of the image I want to make the brush. I want to keep the color as it is and make a brush out of it. Is this possible? When I select the area of the image and goto define brush, the brush is just as black and stuff. The reason I can't just change my foreground color is because the image has multiple colors. Anyway I hope someone understands what I want here.
Okay so I got the grunge brushes off of expertstudio but now I need more.... I need stuff to create things like there are on the splash page of teamphotoshop (splash 17, or splash 13). Anyone have some cool brushes I could have? Thanks for the advice in advance.
I'm an advanced Photoshop user but I am hardly literate in Illustrator, and I was wondering if, and if so how it might be possible to create these effects in Photoshop?
Would anyone know how to achieve a frame like this in a dark room and is it possible to recreate from scratch digitally using photoshop or other software?
I have just downloaded and wanted to know if and how to add grunge brushes.I'm new to paint and photoscape.I have Windows 7 with IE 8 browser,if that matters.
I am trying to add some texture to some text by subtracting a grunge pattern from it. I've expanded the appearance of the text, so it is now shapes. However, when I place the texture shape over it and try to subtract it from the letter shapes, it only leaves me with the first letter.
Is there another way to do something like this? I would rather not have to keep subtracting the pattern from each letter individually. I've tried ungrouping the letters, then uniting them in the Paths panel, but it doesn't seem to be working either.
I made a design that consists of multiple shapes; the entire thing has been expanded and grouped. I image traced and expanded a grunge texture that I would like to "cut out" of my design. I placed the texture over the design, selected both Groups (texture and design), and tried Minus Front and Minus Back (among a few others just to test) and the two both leave nothing but a couple speckles from the texture.
I've created a logo with a grunge texture over the font in Illustrator CS5. When I try and create a compound path with the grunge texture I lose the detail. Here's one of the letter to show what it looks like before and after creating the compound path using the minus front pathfinder option. On the left is how I'd like it to look.
Although it doesn't look like much of a difference when printed it flattens out even more. I've tried every grouping option I could think of, used the pathfinder options and used this thread: [URL].... to try creating it using a transparency. Nothing gets the detail I need.
I would like to add extra textures to PS is there anywhere to get free ones? or how can I make my own? and how do I add them. I want to make textures like net muslin, and lace for background effects.
I have some textures and icons that I've bought and/or gathered and I'd like to install them, but some are .png and some are .jpg. How do I install those on CS5?
Are there any good tutorials for making textures for 3d objects? Not the objects themselves. Just the textures. I'm thinking of things like, rusty metal, water, stone, bricks, etc.
I am using PS CS2 and the Unreal 3 engine. I came across a tutorial that had to do with particles in the Unreal editor. The tutorial went well but at the top of the page he had the texture he used for the base of the particle. Here it is: Particle Texture I am seeking information on how to make my own textures like this that I can use for custom particle effects. I have tried blending options, filters and layer setups trying to emulate this texture but all of mine come out to rough and less "whispy" and smooth like the one above. The textures I make work fine in the editor but because they are not smooth and what not the particles look very blocky and unconvincing. Any tips or roads to go down on how I can achieve textures like the one above?
I have three images; a wooden beer cask, a horned skull, and a charred board. I want to be able to make the wooden beer cask look like it has the horned skull charred into the side of it. How do I do that?
I have Photoshop cs4, windows XP and I went to the goodies on the CD and put the textures folder into the filters folder (like readme said) and now don't know where to find the textures in Photoshop. I went to filters > texture but they are not there.