Illustrator Scripting :: Make A Clipping Path While Retaining It's Appearance - Script
Dec 1, 2013
I've devised this script that "kind of" works.This script takes your selection, copies appearance attributes, and pastes them to the top object after clipping.It's currently limited in a few ways:
• It does not accept compound paths as clipping object (and I don't know how to test for it, nor how to iterate down said compound clipping object to set each path object to clipping separately)
• It only works with a single stroke or fill
• It does not understand "no fill" it will fill your object with white instead *FIXED*
• I'm hoping to use the "graphicStyle" property to copy the appearance, since that sounds way cleaner. But I don't understand how to.
Even with these limitations, I bound this to CMD+7 using fastscripts - I'm *already* used to it working this way!
#target Illustrator
// = Clip Retaining Color.jsx;
// script.required = at least two paths selected, top most path is the clipping mask;
// script.parent = Herman van Boeijen, // 30/11/13;
// Here's hoping to use the "graphicStyles" property to copy over the appearance.
I want to make a clipping path around a person who has hair blowing in the wind. How can I make a good clipping and get close enough without losing the effect?
I have created a method to create line art roof shingles row-by-row. I think something like this is a good candidate for scripting, but I run into a dead-end quickly when trying to script this. Basically, I use "expand appearance" multiple times during the course of this process and I can't find any way to script that action. I have heard about using MenuIDs, but I can't find anything on how to discover what the MenuID for "expand appearance" is.
I have also tried recording an action, but "expand appearance" doesn't get saved.
I use my script to embeding a placed graphic (MyImage.embed();). Then I always get a group with the correct paths and two clipping paths in a grouped grouped groupItem.
My question is: I want to delete the two clipping paths to get only the correct paths of the graphic.
down under step #4 it says to Copy (& Paste) the circle that's inside a Clipping Mask and to the drag it out of the mask in order to duplicate it twice.
I've pulled it out of the mask or even, actually, how to go about pulling it out of the mask
thus far I've Copied and Pasted in In Front ... does copying and pasting it in front bring it outta the mask?
do i need to create a new layer after I've Copied it and then Paste it on the new layer?
I have some type converted to outlines, and it is in front/on top of a places raster pattern. when I select the type shapes and pattern and make a clipping mask, the pattern disappears and the letter shapes are filled with nothing!
Matters not whether the letter shapes are grouped or there a way to have all of the letter shapes act as clipping mask together?
Trying to mask type with a vector pattern (place a vector pattern in a type clipping path), but nothing seems to be working. Never had issue before. Tried path in front, pattern in front, converting type path to compound path, converting vector to compound path. A couple of times it looked like it worked, but the pattern was invisible within the path. Illustrator CS6, on a Mac.
I'm creating a logo that employs a stippled texture (a half-tone) in various sections of objects comprising the logo. I've placed the stipple where I want it, created a clipping path to capture the area. Now I have all these other points that I don't need that I want to delete.
Is there anyway short of releasing the clipping path, manually delete unwanted sections of the stipple and then re-apply the clipping path again? It would be like 'Applying Mask' in photoshop.
I'm working with another artists's file, and I can't seem to release the clipping mask he created. When I try, I get an error message that says, "Can't ungroup the objects." I've tried releasing Compound Paths, but I get the same message.
Any way to do this using strokes, but everything I've tried so far has been unsuccessful. I'm starting to realize that this may actually be impossible, but maybe there's a trick I'm unaware of. Pic should explain what I'm trying to do.
I want to create an illustration with black outlines. Within these outlines I want to have some spots without outlines that stay clean within the lines. I have tried 3 options so far and have found a solution but it's far from ideal.
1. Create clipping masks for each element that has a spot on it and assign a stroke to the clipping path again after. However by creating the clipping path, the path styles dissapear. In this case I want to keep the pointed ends to the open path outlines (see top image).
2. Draw in the lines where the spots are and create a live paint object of the entire illustration. Then paint in the spots and other areas. However when I create this live paint object the lines again lose their applied styles and even 'end' at each intersection, creating nasty edges where the lines should go 'underneath' smoothly (see bottom image).
3. The option Im using now. Duplicate the path outlines and create clipping masks for the spots without strokes. Then put the stroked outline with the desired styles on top. The problem with this is that I have almost twice as much elements in my illustration now than I actually 'need'. And the styled outlines are not connected with the color underneath, so its very easy to accidentally move something around...
Any easier way to create this effect without all the hassle?
URL....Everything works fine until I get to the part where it says to: 'Copy the crimson circle and Paste it In Front'..first of all I think the copy should cover everything else, right? At least it looks that way in the tutorials' picture. Well, it doesn't cover and it seems to stay in place.
I look in the Layers palette and it shows that a Copy has been made and I look under Edit and it says under Undo: Undo Paste In Front.Next I am suppose to Select the Crimson Circle Copy and The Blend and then go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make
Rather than it working I get an Error Message that says: 'Can't Make Clipping Mask, The Top Selected Object Must Be A Path, A Compound Shape, A text Object Or A Group Of Those'
No matter what I do I cannot make a Clipping Mask in this manner.I have read a lot about Clipping Mask today and have looked in the FAQ's to no avail.
I have the illustration wich is basically just some dots, i grouped all the dots. Put my text in front of it select both, make clipping mask. The text becomes white and it says the top object is very complex and may cause the document to fail to print or preview if used as a mask.
how to make a clipping mask, URL....In the link to above tutorial on how to make a medieval scroll I'm stuck.
As said in step 25 that expand the appearance of the scroll and select the two then clip the mask. In th above picture I have just selected the scroll to show how it looks.
I have expanded the appearance of the paper scroll. Then I selected the paper scrol and the yellowish green grunge background placed below it. And the moment I hit Ctrl+7 (in windows) or Command+7 (in Mac) to make a clipping mask the error that showed up has been highlighted.
I have a collection of circles and rectangles in my document. Is there any way to sort out circles from rectagles using JavaScript? Say i want to make my circles red and the rectangles blue.
Is there any way to find a specific point on a path, that is not necessarily an anchor point?
What I'd like to be able to do is tell Illustrator "Give me the coordinates of the point that's exactly at half of this path's length" or "... exactly 25% ...". And if that's possible, can I somehow add an anchor point to that point, or cut the path at that point?
I'd like to be able to make Clipping Paths out of (unexpanded) Compound Shapes. We can't do that already.I'd also like the Expand button to work like it did in CS4 again.
All I am trying to do is move an anchor from one location to another using vbscript. I have searched everywhere and scoured the scripting references but I have not been able to figure this out as of yet.
I am able to select anchor points without an issue....moving those points seems to be a problem.
I need an Illustrator script for distribute a collection of diferent symbols along a path. The symbols should be distributed from the beginning to end of path and separated a proportional space each other. Additionally each symbol should be rotated pointing to a "look at" object.
Please look at the attached image for further info.
So I deal with a lot of files each day that need to be saved according to their lead code, meaning that there is a folder that holds thousands of sub folders that have the same name as this lead code on a server.
So since I have the lead code in the file name I'm trying to use that in conjunction with the file path to tell illustrator where to save it with Javascript. Also the idea of a dynamic save path is useful.
Here's what I've got so far, it's not working yet but I feel like I'm close.
/*///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dynamic Save Path//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ #target illustrator
I'm trying to change the colors of a pathItem corresponding to the string value of several text fields in my document. I've been successful in changing the fill and stroke color of the pathItem, but I can not find any reference in the Illustrator Javascript Guide for accessing additional strokes and/or fills that have been applied to the object in the Appearance panel.
Im making a logo for a client and am having a nightmare of a time trying to properly use the clipping masks in illustrator CS5. I copied and pasted the logo I made behind itself with a different color just for a drop shadow-like effect. And now I'm trying to apply this diagonal line pattern I created over top the "shadow" I made to give it some texture.
Here's an example of what I'm going for, only imagine the line pattern on the text instead of banner.
I have a very simple javascript for Illustrator that is intended to render all filled objects semi-transparent. It works nicely but for large documents with many objects this takes ages, even beyond the time it would take to do it manually.
I'm wondering if there is any way to improve this script so it works in a reasonable time for large files? I'm running Illustrator CS5 on a Windows 7 64-bit Intel Quadcore i5-2400 @ 3.10 GHz System with 12 GB of RAM and an AMD Radeon HD 6350 graphics. Would upgrading to CS6 significantly improve the speed? CPU load is only at 25%, but I guess javascript cannot be run in multiple threads with the Illustrator engine? Is there another scripting language that would allow me faster processing of that task in illustrator or is my code just poorly optimized?
with (app.activeDocument) { if (pathItems.length > 0) { for (var g = 0 ; g < pathItems.length; g++) { if (pathItems[g].filled == true) { pathItems[g].opacity = 50; } } } }
The first loop grabs the geometries drawn in the current document and rotates it around itself creating duplicates. The second loop is supposed to circumvent more geometries around the newly created geometries.
But instead of creating a radiant pattern, this code builds a tower: for the second loop everytime it grabs the last drawn geometry instead of what is in the "Original"
for NumPaths = 1 to frontDocument.PathItems.count set myPath = frontDocument.PathItems.item(NumPaths) For index = 0 To 30 set newPath = myPath.Duplicate call newPath.translate(100*sin(6.14* index/30),100*cos(6.14* index/30))