Photoshop Elements :: Don't See Any Of MS Virtual Adapters Listed
May 7, 2013
I get an error code U41M1C212 when trying to upgrade in PS Elements 11.I am running MS Windows 8.This doesn't seem to apply as I do not see any of those MS virtual adapters listed. URL....I also disabled firewalls and got the same error message.
I'm a new user to PE. How do I export photos for printing by others than that listed in PE? I don't want to use Photoworld - limited print size options, etc.
I am using Primo PDF virtual printer to convert Excel document into PDF format. However, every time I attempt to do this, PS Elements 10 opens and imports the document. How can I turn this off?
I have a font on my system (Geometr231 BT if it matters). It's a TrueType font. It shows up in all of my other programs on their font lists, but NOT IN PHOTOSHOP 5.5.
Many TTFonts are unfortunately country-coded incorrectly due to a bug in a font creation application that quite a few foundries were using.
The fonts are listed alphabetically by country code, starting with Western European.
If you open your adobefnt.lst file in a text editor, you will probably find those fonts that are giving you problems have one of the following entries:
Changing the entry to WritingScript:Roman *may* help - but I would make a copy of the file first....
If you do change the entries in the Adobefnt.lst, you will need to set it to read only to keep those settings. It will then not reflect any changes you make to your installed fonts.
When I moved from XP to Vista, it seems I've lost many fonts. I have installing them directly into the Common folder with no success.I have less than 500 fonts.
I have a scanner issue and wanted to load a psd to show the problem (600 almost looks better than 1200) but when I upload, it gets rejected. It's ~21 M.
Another issue re: scanners. Mine only has jpeg, bitmap, png and a few other file types. These are actual photographs and I'd like to scan them in RAW.
I have a bit of code that I use to create hatches but the names are just coded inside (like "BRICK" or "CLAY"); I would like to list all available patterns for the curent drawing(on a form, using a combobox, etc), which is the best way to go?
I would like each type of light to only be listed on the schedule once. The schedules seem really unstable, everytime I look at it the whole thing has changed. There are so many extra items listed and I don't know where they came from. The mark numbers are weird like AAAA, AAAAAA, BBBB, BBBBB. I don't know how these got added or why they have such strange marks.
I am using Lightroom 2.6 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, and the browse for files or folders dialog that comes up when I need to choose location for my raw files imported as .dng does not list all hard drives of my computer - it only lists contents of my user folder in drive C:/ - thus making it impossible for me to choose any other location than those within my user folder. I attach two screenshots - 1/ Normal browse for folders dialog as it appears from within Windows explorer. 2/ Same dialog as invoked by Lightroom - with all drives missing.
Just as of today, as I begin adding objects &/or text to a graphic, absolutely nothing is 'showing up' in the Object Manager under Layer 1. It seems like always in the past, whenever I added a shape or text or curve or anything, a new line would be added under whatever Layer I was working in, detailing the object's properties.
Is there some simple config-setting that I tripped without knowing it?
I have been using Xara for a very long time. I have recently started a side business generating signs and banners and continue to use Xara as my primary graphics editor, but I've discovered a tiny issue and I'm hoping there is some way around it. The Font Size live preview slider is limited (for some reason?) to sizes less than 32pt, and the font drop down list starts getting coarse after 24pt and tops out at 72pt sizes. Since most of what I'm doing involves text sizes larger than 72pt and much larger than the 32pt the slider allows, both of those options for adjusting font size have lost their usefulness.
Is there any way for me to adjust the values for the slider and/or for the drop down list to allow larger numbers? I realize I could use a scaling factor and layout my signs as a fraction of their intended size, but then I have hope to remember to change the scale when I import it into my sign cutting software or run the risk of wasting vinyl, so that would be my last choice.
Surely I can't be the only person who uses large text?
Also, any issues with exporting text into EPS and getting a change in the case of the text? If I export "This is Text" as an EPS file, when I import it into my sign cutting software, I sometimes get "tHIS IS tEXT", but if I import the same EPS into Xara it looks normal. Not sure if that is Xara or the sign cutting software (LXi Express Expert edition)... Until I figure that one out, I make sure to convert text to editable shapes before exporting it...
I can not figure out why my annotation scale list has very few scale listings to choose form. The only scales that are listed are ratio (i.e. 1:1), i seem to be missing feet and inches (i.e. 1/4" = 1'). Is there a way to turn the rest of the scales on?
I'm using Lightroom 4, currently waiting to upgrade to 4.4. However, I'm having a problem not finding any of my lens profiles listed in the lens correction control panel. If I check the box, "Enable Profile Corrections" and then select from the "Lens Profile" dropdown menu, I get a list of only six available lens brands: Apple, Canon, Nikon, Sigma, Sony, and Tamron. This is odd, because when I view the package contents for the software under Package Contents > Contents > Plugins > Resources > Lens Profiles - ALL the lenses that I use (Pentax) ARE listed there. Why then will they not show up in the interface of the actual software when running?
When I click on the makeup tools in version X6 – 64-bit it brings up 5 separate tools. I can find no options for the suntan or thinner tool although its states clearly in the user manual and other functions that there should be size and strength options. I have checked this forum and there are some posts that say there is no strength option for the suntan tool, however this is not what the user manual states. Is the user manual and the help function incorrect and if not, how do I bring up these options?
Is it possible to eliminate the Profile listed in the title are? I prefer to view the path in the title area. Sometimes the path can be fairly long and characters get cut off. If I could eliminate the current profile from being listed here, I could view more of the path. See attached.
Here's my background, im in the power transformer business, started as a winder (making the coils) but ended up making the design and drawings of them. Basically coils are cylindrical and we only make a radial cut view of it. Going from the center of the core to the outer most coil. The part list would typically have roughly 80 items for a full phase assembly, we make a drawing of the full assembly, then first winding, second winding, third winding, etc. The way i work right now is with standard drawings giving A, B, C etc dimensions, and when i make the piece for the transformer, i have to input the dimension in the excel part list by hand.
The can i do these things questions..
1-Only way to have individual items listed in the part lists would be with blocks right? The equivalent of inventor i-parts? Each block would have to be named after the item?
2-Can i add mass to the items? this could get complicated since its cylindrical, but in 2d... so i guess some math formulas would have to go in for this, as a cylinder with a diameter of 500, thickness of 5, and height of 1000 for example, would just be represented in the drawing as a rectangle of 5x1000, the diameter is the core center to the cylinder*2 (radial drawing). So the mass would need to take into account that the rectangle goes all the way around an axis.
3-I've played with autocad 2010 parametrics. With the axis as a base, i can enter the diameter of the first cylinder, then the thickness and height of everything that follows, the clearance from bottom and top also and if i change 1 value, everything adjusts to it. BUT can i change the dimensions via an excel sheet? If not, how hard would it be (i know a small bit of visual basic from excel), to make a LISP or VBA menu inside cad where we could enter the dimensions and the whole assembly automatically adjusts?
4-I make a drawing of the full assembly, then demolish it to each individual coils. The equivalent of an inventor .iam, would be xref in autocad? So i can makea coil 1, coil 2, coil 3, interwinding wraps, and then make an xref that would combine all of these into the full assembly? And also i guess if its split into 4 to 5 different drawings, the possible BOM out of there would be much easier to manage.
When trying to open or insert files, the folders and files are listed in reverse alphabetical order (Z on top to A on bottom) in AutoCad. All other programs are listed fine, Word, Visio, etc. Is there a variable I can type in? I have changed none of the setting that I know of. Using AutoCad 2009LT.
Size of page differs in page size dialogue box to that listed in print options box. I changed computers and it works correctly in the second one in that the page size is the same in both boxes, but I still cannot get it to work in the original pc. Both the file and the printer are common. Reinstalling Xara does not work. It looks like it is not installing correctly, even though it appears to be.
When connecting to an Industry Model one can use the Convert to Industry Model dialog.Here you can select the source you want to map. This can be an FDO connection, a file (SDF, SSQLite, DWG).If you choose DWG, 4 options can be used as input/source:
AutoCAD Entities, Layers Object data Block Names
However, the MAP 3D feature classes (from Classification) are not listed here, nor can I find (Hoping I am overlooking it) a way of converting mapping them to the IM. Seems the only option is to redo the classification "defintion" effort again.
If this is the case, I am getting more the impression that Map3D is becomming a bunch of tools rather then a consistent framework supporting a step by step path from CAD to GIS to Industry Model type it is being marketed.
“Linetype” file” and “measurement” value are not listed in the properties pane..I’m wondering why the AutoCAD
doesn’t show the “linetype” file (acad.lin/acadiso.lin) from which a particular linetype is takendoesn’t show the “measurement” value (0 or 1) when a particular object is drawn Why these properties are not set on the property pane?
Since this is just a PC and not a mac program, (and I am only a mac person), I bought the new mac/PC duo. I've purchased photoshop elements for the PC side... when I try to load it, it says something about the VGA setting not being there.
I just updated to CS 2 from PS7. I am running a 2 Ghz Pentium 4 with 512 MB of Ram. Windows XP.
My problem is that when you start CS 2 it starts to eat away the virtual memory like crazy, eventually causing the system to hang.
My scratch disk is on a separate physical drive from the OS. I also reset the pref file to no avail. Does any one have any suggestions or seen this type of behavior?
Can Adobe Photoshop CS4 create seamless panoramas and output virtual reality Quicktime (or other format) "movies?"
I will capture a scene using a QVTR tripod head and use exposure bracketing to make sure the scene is captured in HDR quality.
I want to end up with an interactive product that is ready to be inserted into a web-page.
(I have CS2 and would upgrade for that capability.)
If CS4 can't do this, please suggest software that can.
I think my current version (CS2) can do the assembling. But, I'm not sure about the seamless edge. I know that CS2 cannot create the output that I want.
I've got an older version of Photoshop CS that I am attempting to thinapp and assign to my virtual desktop. I get the same virtual desktop each time.
The thinapp process went fine and the program works but every time I log off and log back on it says a hardware change has been detected and I have to re-activate the software in order to use it. It activates successfully and I can use the program but I don't think I should have to do this every time.