AutoCad :: 2012 Annotation Scales Not Fully Listed?
Sep 29, 2011
I can not figure out why my annotation scale list has very few scale listings to choose form. The only scales that are listed are ratio (i.e. 1:1), i seem to be missing feet and inches (i.e. 1/4" = 1'). Is there a way to turn the rest of the scales on?
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Feb 27, 2013
I need a 1:50 annotation scale but it is not listed do I have to make this scale and add it?
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Oct 19, 2009
For a project we are currently working on all files are stored on projectwise, all xrefs run through projectwise, so essentially whatever changes are made are immediately avaliable to everyone working on the job. This is great and all, but, one of the companies dwgs have an average of 11,000 + annotation scales. And those dwgs are referenced into ours. Usually in a situation like this we would just get rid of the annotation scales in the original, but since its run through projectwise every time they open and close one of these dwgs it over rides any changes we made (like getting rid of the annotation scales) We dont use annotation scales and i never have, is 11,000+ alot of annotation scales or is that normal? half the time i open the dwgs with these xrefed in it crashes autocad or takes forever.
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Jun 15, 2012
Any way, through acad.lsp or similar, to check "Yes" and "Always perform my current choice" for all users in the dialog below? I just don't know if this is a system variable or something else that is easy to set.
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Nov 8, 2012
I have some annotation scale in my drawing but over the course of the last year many have come from different places.
We use Annotation scales called Meters 1:1000 but another company we work with use 1:1000m. Is there a way to merge these two annotation scale to Meters1:1000?
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Mar 14, 2013
How to make txt orientation match layout without also having annotative scales. I need the txt to be a fixed size according to other drawing objects in different viewports -with different scales - and with different orientation.
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Feb 13, 2012
We are using in the office annotative blocks with text attributes.
When changing the display annotation scale, the attributes go normally, at the beginning, all back to 0,0,0 point; what we solve by using ATTSYNC command, and works fine; they go back to correct size and location.
But, for some reason in some computers, when closing and saving the file, and opening it again next day, all the attributes, at the same display scale than the day before, are all wrong size and location.
I have tried to uninstall the whole program and install it again from zero, and the same problem persists.What can I do?
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Apr 27, 2012
If I accidently turned it off and can not find it in the Hiddeen Messages Settings dialog, is there a variable or registry key or other trick to turn it on again?
Would be interested in a variable for the "missing shx files" dialog as well.
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Apr 30, 2013
I have determined that an AutoCAD drawing has the unfortunate ability to have Annotation Scales "hard coded", meaning they CANNOT be removed from the drawing.
Let me explain....
In a detail drawing file (i.e. my master drawing file where I keep all of our standard details), I was getting duplicate Annotation Scales. I would try to use the SCALELISTEDIT command to try and delete the anno scales not being used, but it would appear they WERE being used. (and resetting the anno scales didn't work either)
I was using a combination of tricks to determine WHICH annotation objects were using the duplicate anno scales. I would set ANNOALLVISIBLE to 0 and set the CANNOSCALE to the duplicate anno style to see where they were being used with no luck
I would then use the QSELECT command to group select each type of annotation object that were annotative, and check to see if they were using the duplicate scales. Again, no luck
THEN, I decided to cut-n-paste each detail one-at-a-time from my master drawing file to a new BLANK drawing with only one annotation scale in it (i.e. 1:1). I would paste a detail, and then enter the SCALELISTEDIT command to see which anno scales "came along for the ride". I pasted a particular detail that carried over the duplicate anno scales, but when I checked all of the annotation objects for the duplicate anno scales - NOTHING! I then deleted that particular detail, purged it, and then I was able to delete the duplicate anno scales. But no matter what I did to try and fix that detail (i.e. wblock, cut-n-paste, save-down, etc) the duplicate anno scales simply will NOT be allowed to be deleted even though i cannot find any objects associated with them.
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May 15, 2012
Using Civil 3D 2012, is there a way to import/export a list of metric annotation scales for use in another drawing?
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Nov 1, 2011
How to set the annotation scale for a viewport in version 2012. I am not having any success finding what the variable is that needs to be set. Is this possible?? If so, how?
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Nov 2, 2011
I was finishing up my autocad project I noticed that the little arrow next to the annotation scale on the bottom right corner of the page was gone. The little arrow shows a list of scales in autocad so you can properly scale your drawing. how to bring the arrow back or is it a glitch?
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Oct 6, 2013
create a code to add scales to the scale’s list?
I just want to have the necessary scales, so don’t want to add to the template.
The command function is basically to allow me type the value of the scale and based on that, adjust the properties of the scale. (Name appearing in scale list - Paper Milimeters - Drawing Meters)
>Command line: setscale
>type the value of the scale to create: 50
set 1:50 to default
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May 14, 2013
I have a bit of code that I use to create hatches but the names are just coded inside (like "BRICK" or "CLAY"); I would like to list all available patterns for the curent drawing(on a form, using a combobox, etc), which is the best way to go?
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Jun 4, 2012
Under Sheet Set Properties, I have more than one Callout block listed.
But when I go to sheet views and right click a view, only the 1st callout block that I used is available under place callout block.
How do I chose a different callout block? 2013 Civil 3D
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Mar 26, 2013
Is it possible to eliminate the Profile listed in the title are? I prefer to view the path in the title area. Sometimes the path can be fairly long and characters get cut off. If I could eliminate the current profile from being listed here, I could view more of the path. See attached.
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Aug 24, 2011
Here's my background, im in the power transformer business, started as a winder (making the coils) but ended up making the design and drawings of them. Basically coils are cylindrical and we only make a radial cut view of it. Going from the center of the core to the outer most coil. The part list would typically have roughly 80 items for a full phase assembly, we make a drawing of the full assembly, then first winding, second winding, third winding, etc. The way i work right now is with standard drawings giving A, B, C etc dimensions, and when i make the piece for the transformer, i have to input the dimension in the excel part list by hand.
The can i do these things questions..
1-Only way to have individual items listed in the part lists would be with blocks right? The equivalent of inventor i-parts? Each block would have to be named after the item?
2-Can i add mass to the items? this could get complicated since its cylindrical, but in 2d... so i guess some math formulas would have to go in for this, as a cylinder with a diameter of 500, thickness of 5, and height of 1000 for example, would just be represented in the drawing as a rectangle of 5x1000, the diameter is the core center to the cylinder*2 (radial drawing). So the mass would need to take into account that the rectangle goes all the way around an axis.
3-I've played with autocad 2010 parametrics. With the axis as a base, i can enter the diameter of the first cylinder, then the thickness and height of everything that follows, the clearance from bottom and top also and if i change 1 value, everything adjusts to it. BUT can i change the dimensions via an excel sheet? If not, how hard would it be (i know a small bit of visual basic from excel), to make a LISP or VBA menu inside cad where we could enter the dimensions and the whole assembly automatically adjusts?
4-I make a drawing of the full assembly, then demolish it to each individual coils. The equivalent of an inventor .iam, would be xref in autocad? So i can makea coil 1, coil 2, coil 3, interwinding wraps, and then make an xref that would combine all of these into the full assembly? And also i guess if its split into 4 to 5 different drawings, the possible BOM out of there would be much easier to manage.
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Nov 22, 2011
When trying to open or insert files, the folders and files are listed in reverse alphabetical order (Z on top to A on bottom) in AutoCad. All other programs are listed fine, Word, Visio, etc. Is there a variable I can type in? I have changed none of the setting that I know of. Using AutoCad 2009LT.
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May 27, 2013
When connecting to an Industry Model one can use the Convert to Industry Model dialog.Here you can select the source you want to map. This can be an FDO connection, a file (SDF, SSQLite, DWG).If you choose DWG, 4 options can be used as input/source:
AutoCAD Entities,
Object data
Block Names
However, the MAP 3D feature classes (from Classification) are not listed here, nor can I find (Hoping I am overlooking it) a way of converting mapping them to the IM. Seems the only option is to redo the classification "defintion" effort again.
If this is the case, I am getting more the impression that Map3D is becomming a bunch of tools rather then a consistent framework supporting a step by step path from CAD to GIS to Industry Model type it is being marketed.
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Feb 25, 2012
“Linetype” file” and “measurement” value are not listed in the properties pane..I’m wondering why the AutoCAD
doesn’t show the “linetype” file (acad.lin/acadiso.lin) from which a particular linetype is takendoesn’t show the “measurement” value (0 or 1) when a particular object is drawn Why these properties are not set on the property pane?
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Aug 30, 2013
I made this sketch and the two marked dimensions were added when i pressed the Automatic Dimension and Constraints tool, because, in spite of all the dimensions i put manually, the sketch wasn't fully constrained.
Why wasn't it? it seems to me that i gave all the necessary information.
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Dec 13, 2012
I've previously posted about poor performance across our WAN, and working with Toolspace open. I have suspected that maybe the drawing wasn't loading completely, so whenever I did certain operations, C3D needed to go back across the WAN to the server for more of the drawing, or maybe just to read some portion of the drawing file, where the request was getting delayed by latency in the server.
Anyway, today, I copied a drawing file to my harddrive and opened it. As expected, the drawing loaded fairly quickly, except for having to go out to the server to syc the references and xref'd drawings. But once loaded, everything worked the way it is supposed to. I can turn on the contours, and it just happens. I can open the drawing settings, and then close them, and I instantly have control back, all with Toolspace open.
Now, C3D may still be needing to go back to the drawing for whatever it is that it needs, but being on my harddrive, it can get what it needs very quickly.
My question is: Why doesn't C3D completely load a drawing into memory? We now have 64 bit systems with access to gobs of memory.
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Aug 10, 2010
It seems there is a problem with Inventor 3D Sketching. I have a 3D Sketch, with 1 fully constrained vertical line, and another vertical line with an open length. I then join the 2 lines with a line on the top. When I give the top line an angle dimension, I expect it to be fully constrained, but it appears not as the line remains "green".
See attached file.
Windows 7
Inventor Suite 2011
Dell Precision M6400
Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU 2.40GHz
NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700M
Spatial Feedom - Astroid
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Mar 12, 2012
i am beginer in Assembly,How i come to know whether my assembly is fully constrained or not?
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May 7, 2012
How do you convert a read only dwg to a fully functional dwg? I had to force quit AutoCAD when I got the rainbow spinning wheel (on Mac) and now when I reopen, it says it is currently in use and would I like to open the read only version. Meanwhile, I can't save any changes in this version! Am I royally screwed? Is there a way to convert back to normal?
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Jul 9, 2013
One of our AutoCAD drawings circa 1990 on only one of our machines (our newest, 64-bit, Win 7, see more specs in attachment) opened only partially in ACAD 2008. If saved in this state, the drawing permanently loses whatever information was not loaded, so I’m pretty sure it’s not a display issue. All of our other machines are much, much older, running Windows XP Prof, none of them have exhibited this phenomenon. It happened regardless of whether the file was on the hard drive or on the server. Any way to fix this so that 2008 works correctly on this machine with all drawings. BTW, this did not happen with two drawings dated 1989.
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Apr 2, 2008
I have a font on my system (Geometr231 BT if it matters). It's a TrueType font. It shows up in all of my other programs on their font lists, but NOT IN PHOTOSHOP 5.5.
Many TTFonts are unfortunately country-coded incorrectly due to a bug in a font creation application that quite a few foundries were using.
The fonts are listed alphabetically by country code, starting with
Western European.
If you open your adobefnt.lst file in a text editor, you will probably
find those fonts that are giving you problems have one of the
following entries:
when they should have
Changing the entry to WritingScript:Roman *may* help - but I would
make a copy of the file first....
If you do change the entries in the Adobefnt.lst, you will need to set it to read only to keep those settings. It will then not reflect any changes you make to your installed fonts.
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Aug 6, 2008
When I moved from XP to Vista, it seems I've lost many fonts. I have installing them directly into the Common folder with no success.I have less than 500 fonts.
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Jun 14, 2012
In Auto desk inventor how to check assy was fully constrain and whick comand to use to check ?
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Apr 11, 2013
I am trying to make a robot chassis in inventor using vex parts. I have a full library of vex parts. I have my basic chassis constrained but for some reason when i use the move command the parts still move, but then snap back into place.
Also, after giving up on the moving chassis i tried to move onto bearing flats. Bearing flats consist of 3 holes in a line that match up with the holes in the chassis rails. I constrain the face of the bearing flat to the face of the chassis rail. This constraint works and removes a degree of freedom. However, when i try to remove the other 2 degrees of freedom they dont seem to go away. I use the tangent constraint, constraining the hole of the bearing flat to the hole of the chassis rail(which is square) using an offset to make the hole centered. I constrain in both of my remaining degrees of freedom, but they bearing flat still moves.
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Jun 12, 2013
I realize that i don't understand how to use constraints (specifically how to "fully constrain" entities) in my dynamic block.
attached is a sample of what i've got. (note the small circle at the insertion point that has 4 lines in it - i used these to base my angle constraints on)
upon inserting the first instance, everything behaves as i'd like. but once i stretch out the bubble, it seems to go back and automatically update the definition so that the next instance i insert is using the first instances dimension as the starting point.
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