AutoCAD Inventor :: 3D Sketch Not Fully Constrained
Aug 10, 2010
It seems there is a problem with Inventor 3D Sketching. I have a 3D Sketch, with 1 fully constrained vertical line, and another vertical line with an open length. I then join the 2 lines with a line on the top. When I give the top line an angle dimension, I expect it to be fully constrained, but it appears not as the line remains "green".
See attached file.
Windows 7
Inventor Suite 2011
Dell Precision M6400
Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU 2.40GHz
NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700M
Spatial Feedom - Astroid
I made this sketch and the two marked dimensions were added when i pressed the Automatic Dimension and Constraints tool, because, in spite of all the dimensions i put manually, the sketch wasn't fully constrained.
Why wasn't it? it seems to me that i gave all the necessary information.
I'm having trouble extruding a fully constrained sketch. The sketch is a cross-section of a hollow cylinder that is splined on the inside surface (see attached part file). The line segments that create these splines seem to be grouped together because moving one line moves the others, however the sketch will not extrude.
I can't use the coincident constraint button to group the lines because they don't separate from each other. I also tried to use the close loop button but was unable to select all the necessary lines.
how I can extrude this sketch or make an equivalent sketch that is easier to extrude
I am trying to constrain a point(on a different part) to the sketch(yellow) on the inside surface of the triangle part. If I try the constraint like how it is now, it only allows me to select one segment, not the entire triangular shaped line. It would work if inventor saw the sketch as one single element, but it of course does not. I tried making a 3d sketch of the inner surface and then constraining to that, but it did not work.
This assembly has piping parts that are not filly constrained yet will not move. For example a Tee that has only its centerline mated to a pipe centerline acts like it is fully constrained or grounded. I can demote those parts into a sub-assembly and then they behave normally. I'm wondering if this assembly has some kind of bug, even though no errors are reported and rebuild all doesn't work. Is there any kind of other program that goes through an assembly file and cleans up bugs? The pack n go is 65 MB.
When you're working on a sketch in the part environment the status bar shows the number of constraints needed to fully constrain the sketch. For example "2 Dimensions Needed".
How do you retrieve this value using Visual Basic Net?
I need to have one assembly constrained to three places on along a bar. Should I ( and how would I?) open another assembly drawing, insert said bar and some how insert those three assemblies into the drawing?
I'm trying to constrain a length of ACME threaded rod to a nut so that when the rod is spun or threaded it shows it traveling into the nut as it will be grounded. I would like it to work as a driven assembly or if I was to turn or spin the rod by the mouse. I've reseached this for the last 2 days and can not spend any more time on it so time to ask the experts.
Coming from a background of ProE, Usually a mirrored group of constrained parts would mirror with alternative constraints locking them in place. Is there a way to do this in Inventor?
Every time I mirror constrained parts through a Datum plane, the results are loose components that could be dragged anywhere. I might aswell have just placed them again, though it gives me a good idea of where they should be.
Without grounding them, is there someway of locking these compents in the mirrored position.
Also, bolted connections pick up on patterned holes and populate them, yet there is only one constraint to the original hole and the rest can rotate around it.
I've created a shared sketch and have used it with various features. Sometime those features are suppressed. The model works fine but the shared sketch generates a sketch doctor error because the feature that created it has been suppressed. Is there anyway to make the sketch suppressed so it doesn't trigger a sketch doctor error? Inventor 2013
How do I duplicate the 2D line work from a part level sketch into a drawing level (overlay) sketch?
I started a simple 2D piping system diagram sketch by opening a new part file and using a sketch to stick draw the system schematic including some annotations. Then I opened a new drawing file and made a base view of the part file to bring a view of the original sketch into the drawing.
I realize now that it would have been much easier to have created the schematic directly in a 2D sketch at the drawing level, which would have made editing the annotations much easier at the drawing level, and there is really no need for the part file to exist. I have no intention of creating a 3D model or "real" part in the .ipt file, was just using it as a jumping off point to sketch.
I was thinking that I could correct my error in judgment by just copying the sketch and pasting it into a new sketch on the drawing, but it doesn't want to work that way. I have tried copying both the whole sketch at the browser level, and the entire sketch contents (all of the lines and annotations) from the opened part sketch, but when I attempt to paste either of those into the drawing, paste does not seem to be an option. I'd rather not have to draw the whole thing again, as in typical fashion, my once simple sketch has grown in proportion and complexity from its simple beginning.
I am trying to make a robot chassis in inventor using vex parts. I have a full library of vex parts. I have my basic chassis constrained but for some reason when i use the move command the parts still move, but then snap back into place.
Also, after giving up on the moving chassis i tried to move onto bearing flats. Bearing flats consist of 3 holes in a line that match up with the holes in the chassis rails. I constrain the face of the bearing flat to the face of the chassis rail. This constraint works and removes a degree of freedom. However, when i try to remove the other 2 degrees of freedom they dont seem to go away. I use the tangent constraint, constraining the hole of the bearing flat to the hole of the chassis rail(which is square) using an offset to make the hole centered. I constrain in both of my remaining degrees of freedom, but they bearing flat still moves.
In optimizing a new assembly I'll often have several iterations where I take an assembly to a point and would like to keep that design intact, yet would like to move on from there with new design features based off that existing design.
Currently this is the way I archive these fully functional design iteration steps that may be created just a few weeks apart.
Open assembly - save as "LinkageDesign-7.iam"
Open each part individually - save as next part # sequence...
In the new assembly then RMB click on each part and replace with new part # sequence that I just saved.
Parts keep all their contraints and are ready for me to start adjusting, all the while having the other version still intact so I can compare directly 2nd iteration with 7th iteration.
A way to do this with fewer clicks? As the larger the assembly the larger the task at completing this.
I'm having trouble with constaints, I'd like to constrain my sketch to a point in another sketch on a different plane. Is this posible in Inventor? If so how? If Inventor works differently how would you get a points in one sketch to be linked to points another?
For some reason, now when I click on Constrained Orbit or Free Orbit the screen automatically starts to move, its like I have just pressed on Continuous Orbit. Free Orbit works OK if I hold shift and use the scroll button, but I am used to using the icon .
How do I constrain crop to a certain height/width ration (say 3:4) and NOT do any resampling of the image?
For example, I have an image 2304x3072 and I want to crop it so that the result still has the 3:4 aspect ratio, e.g. the result may be 300:400 or 750:1000 or something in between. But I don't want to do resampling.
Possible to produce a piece of text, say a single word in XDP X9 and the try to stretch the height you simple get an increase in size with proportions constrained? Sometime you want to stretch the height and I already know how to enlarge with constrained proportions as I've been doing it for years.I can't find any useful tick box to stop this from happening and the only way round it I can find is to convert to editable shapes.
Using the crop tool I can only make selection marquees that are constrained as if I am clicking a corner handle. When the selction is finished I have no side handles only four corner handles.
I'm a new user of Paint Shop Pro X4 and have come across from Photoshop Elements 9.
One feature I can't seem to find, if it exists at all, even though it really should, is the ability to move a layer while constraining it horizontally or vertically.
In PSE/PS you can hold down the Shift key when dragging layers to keep it on the X or Y axis allowing the layer to be positioned without it drifting in the wrong direction.
Is there a way to list what items are constrained to levels? i need to remove a couple of annoying levels but have a feeling that walls, roofs, families, etc may be constrained to the levels that I need to delete.
I tried doing a multi-category schedule but I think I need to do one for doors, windows, etc. I thought I read somewhere that this feature was available in Revit 2012.
When I hold down shift to scale an object or image to keep the proportions constrained, it does not work. This has only recently started to happen and it also happens on photoshop.
I don't have entourage running, which I read could be a culprit.
Would I need to reinstall my CS2?
I am using a Mac Powerbook G4, OSX 10.4.11 Adobe CS2