Since this is just a PC and not a mac program, (and I am only a mac person), I bought the new mac/PC duo. I've purchased photoshop elements for the PC side... when I try to load it, it says something about the VGA setting not being there.
Does Adobe CS 2 have and equivalent of Corel Painter? If I just want to create a paintbrush stroke that is wide at the beginning but tapers in the end (just like a painter would do with a brush stroke),
I have a ton of seamless images I want to make most into tile in this or that project but I don't want to make them all into .pat files because I hate hunting up .pat files plus if I am in the middle of a project with 25 layers. I want to simple pull in the image I want and use it without having to close everything to make a pat file then reopen the project I am on and have to hunt down my pat file to load it to use.
Now I have moved on to using 3D > New Title Painting which works great on a simple layer I need to turn a seamless tile into a pattern for that one project. However I am having one problem. Say I am working on a project where all the layers must be 2500 x 2500 pixels (for example) and I pull in an images onto one of the layers. Can I do one of the two:
Can I set photoshop cs5 to let me have different size layers in one project so the title paint can see image size it wants?
Can I set the title painter to have it set my layer size?
The problem I have is when I pull in a seamles image into a layer then make it a smart shape so I can resize it, make it smaller, then use title painter it makes spaces between the tiles.
With the same folder open in Scrapbook and Connect side by side within Draw as a test , PSD and RIF thumbnails are visible in Scrapbook but not visible in Connect.
I would prefer to use Connect over Scrapbook but these are the two main file types I use.
Is there a way to view Painter RIF and PSD thumbnails in Corel Connect?
As some know, it comes on the installation CD of PSPX3.
Quite simply, three seconds after double clicking the program icon, I get this. I'm on the second installation. Patches won't install. I get the message " product that needs to be updated not found" or something similar.
I have set up a metadat preset to apply IPTC data to images on import. When I used this, with the Painter Tool, to update existing images they lost their keyword tags. What can I do to add the copyright to lots of images and keep their existing keywords?
I just updated to CS 2 from PS7. I am running a 2 Ghz Pentium 4 with 512 MB of Ram. Windows XP.
My problem is that when you start CS 2 it starts to eat away the virtual memory like crazy, eventually causing the system to hang.
My scratch disk is on a separate physical drive from the OS. I also reset the pref file to no avail. Does any one have any suggestions or seen this type of behavior?
Can Adobe Photoshop CS4 create seamless panoramas and output virtual reality Quicktime (or other format) "movies?"
I will capture a scene using a QVTR tripod head and use exposure bracketing to make sure the scene is captured in HDR quality.
I want to end up with an interactive product that is ready to be inserted into a web-page.
(I have CS2 and would upgrade for that capability.)
If CS4 can't do this, please suggest software that can.
I think my current version (CS2) can do the assembling. But, I'm not sure about the seamless edge. I know that CS2 cannot create the output that I want.
I've got an older version of Photoshop CS that I am attempting to thinapp and assign to my virtual desktop. I get the same virtual desktop each time.
The thinapp process went fine and the program works but every time I log off and log back on it says a hardware change has been detected and I have to re-activate the software in order to use it. It activates successfully and I can use the program but I don't think I should have to do this every time.
I'm trying to "bend" an image (or text) into a ring. I'm not talking about simply having the text follow a circular path, but rather more like the filmstrip on Apple's new dotMac logo,
How did they get the items - like the video frames in particular - to "wrap" around the globe like that? Perhaps Photoshop is not the right tool? I've seen this same effect with text and other images on various site, and I've always assumed it was done in Photoshop.
I get an error code U41M1C212 when trying to upgrade in PS Elements 11.I am running MS Windows 8.This doesn't seem to apply as I do not see any of those MS virtual adapters listed. URL....I also disabled firewalls and got the same error message.
I can't determine if I've encountered a bug or operator oversight. From within LR 5.2 I opened an adjusted [NEF] file in PSCC (not as a smart object) and added adjustment layers, etc. With file still open in PS, I returned to LR, made a virtual copy, changed LR adjustments, and attempted to "Edit in..." I simply get referred back to the existing canvas. I'd like to work with both, side by side, and save when I'm ready.
I installed Photoshop CS6 64-bit on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit.When it starts, these two messages are displayed: Unable to open a virtual memory file because the file is locked. You do not have permission or the file is being used by another program.
Unable to initialize Photoshop because the file is locked. You do not have permission or the file is being used by another program.
I took a promo portrait of a book author that needs to be in color and b&w depending on where it will be used (b&w on the book sleave, color on a flyer, etc). I have a vitual copy for the b&w image which has different contrast settings, otherwise they are identical. Normally I only have one photo to deal with if I need to use Photoshop, and it's aways my last step. This is a little different in that if I don't want to adjust the contrast on the edit, I will have to eyeball the same brush strokes both copies, which will never exactly match. Is there any way to do an identical Photoshop "Liquify" edit on both?
I am using Primo PDF virtual printer to convert Excel document into PDF format. However, every time I attempt to do this, PS Elements 10 opens and imports the document. How can I turn this off?
I cannot use any images in a Virtual Studio setup. I mapped the image onto the plane and really poor aliasing is occurring in versions 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Today, I re-installed my subscription version of 2009 and now the antialiasing is almost eliminated and I can go back to modeling which I haven't done for several years.
I have tried everything in 2014 and the other versions listed above, see the attachments. It is impossible to model anything accurately and in detail of human character images. I did not have this problem in ANY VERSION prior to 2010. So, Autodesk, what the devil did you do to screw up the Virtual Studio image set-up? I have tried ALL of the CHOICES for drivers offered in preferences/viewports AND there is no configuration available for the recommended nitrous driver.
Hardware: 2 dual opterons, Nvidia 9500 Graphic card, 10 gigs of ram, Win. Vista Ultimate.
the basic processes of Virtual Realty and Clash Detection modelling for Highway design. I've been asked by my employer to start developing skills in this area but I'm currently at a loss as to where to start with it all.
I'm a very competent Technician with AutoCAD 2D and have some experience with 3D modelling in AutoCAD, but the three software packages that I have been asked to 'learn' are Civil 3D, which I have attended an introductory course on but still only really understand the very basics of, 3DS MAX Design and NavisWorks Simulate, neither of which I have any experience with.
Basically, what I'm asking for now is, what practice role does each product play and in what order should I try and get experience with them? The AutoDesk website is full of jargon, sales language and amazing high resolution images of scheme concepts but nothing that says in plain English what it all does and how it all works together.
On the v.c.'s I've already made (in Develope) I get no "Delete Virtual Copy" option, only get "Create Virtual Copy" with a right click or "Delete Photos" (which then deletes all copies and the original!).
When I create virtual copies, the total number of instances of the image goes up but I don't see any of the virtual images. I unstack and it shows they're unstacked and "1 of 2" but I still can't see the other. I've turned off all filters and still nothing.It was happening in 4.3rc and is still happening in 4.3. It is only present in certain catalogs.
1. Made virtual copies, count goes up, can't see them in grid in library, develop, or in loupe. Thought they were stacked, but when I went to Photo>stacking> the rest is all grayed out...can't do anything. "set as master copy" also grayed out,. Read somewhere "preferences for lightroom might be corrupt"???? I tried to do the thing in the library to correct the preferences,:(on moubntain lion 10.8.3), but in the user file there is no I then looked up how to find the hidden library, but I can't find the stuff to do THAT!!! And, there IS a library on my hard drive, but when I open THAT up, there isn't anything about preferences.
I JUST bought this 2 mos ago--how can it have corrupt preferences when I only just started using it???--used it once, then discovered diddn't have right processor in old computer...bought a new computer...took several weeks to get (bought increased ram) I am just using for first time today. Started importing, but they are all coming up missing photoi (when I had lightroomn installed on old computer, I deleted uit and pics), then reinstalled and it was migrated over to this new computer. I looked up how to massive transfer missing photos and there is NO folder with a question mark, so I have to do hundreds and hundreds manually--can I tell you I am really hating LR4.4?
When I created a virtual copy of an image in LR3, and then I renamed the images, the virtual copies would have the new name with a hyphen.i.e if there were two virtual copies associate with the file, the renamed sequence would be as follows jcp0001, jcp0001-1(vc), jcp0001-2(vc), jcp0004
This had the advantage of keeping my file numbers in sync when I uploaded them to my online lab (Pictage) and the client gave me a file name. In LR4 renaming sequencing doesn't take into account the virtual copies in terms of the chronological # and compensating for the vcs. So the same sequence would be jcp0001, jcp0001-copy(vc), jcp0001-copy2(vc), jcp0002..This has the affect of misalignment my files with those of the online host.
Used the software to create a virtual spokesperson for their own website? I am new toe green screen techniques and want to create a virtual spokesperson for my own website. What I mean by steps is, if I shoot the video can I use Corel to actually get a product ready to be used in a way like this?
Is there an easier way to dimension to a virual sharp or place the ordinate dimension origin on a virtual sharp than by trying to drag the point along each line until you get the dotted lines to intersect?
I am using a pre-built virtual newsroom set. The artist has setup the scene using final render and in the environment there is 'beach_probe.hdr' I have tracked the talent on greenscreen (w/alpha) and want to import the talent with the tracking into the set. What is the preferred method for placing the talent in 3d space for proper placement and using the tracking data?
I have a VBA macro that places selected virtual components into an assembly. I can place virtual components with different part numbers into the assembly with no problem. When I try to place the second instance of a virtual component with the same part number I get an error.
For example: If I place a virtual component with the part number C123A456 into an assembly it shows in the tree as C123A456:1 If I try to place C123A456 again it errors at this line.
'Add selected line as a virtual part Set oOcc = oOccs.AddVirtual(sPartNumber, oMatrix)
I can place multiple virtual parts if I append -1, -2, -3 etc to the part number but I would like to let Inventor use the :1, :2, :3 to keep track.
I am using 2012 and am having a problem dimensioning to a virtual sharp.
On the above corner I select the straight edge on top or to the left of the corner. I then right click to bring up the intersect option but the only options I get are one, Snap Settings, Zoom, Pan, and Help.
Do I have a setting off somewhere? Or is there a location where the sharps don't work?
I have an image from a 7D to which I have only applied Enable Lens Profile, Remove CA, Constrain to warp, Manual Vert Perspective and Crop with Constrain Aspect Ratio Switched off.
The cropped dimensions of this image is now 2763 x 4472.
If I copy all settings and paste to a fresh untouched virtual copy of this image the resulting size is 2752 x 4453. The shot is part of a bracketed tripod shoot in AV mode, if I copy and paste to the other two untouched images the resulting size is also 2752 x 4453.