Photoshop Elements :: 10 - Canvas Not Working With TIFF Images
Mar 5, 2013Elements 10 canvas not working with tiff images; works fine with jpegs. What to do? It does not allow me to add a colored canvas, only a blank canvas.
View 6 RepliesElements 10 canvas not working with tiff images; works fine with jpegs. What to do? It does not allow me to add a colored canvas, only a blank canvas.
View 6 RepliesI have PS Elements 9. Wondering if in a non-compressed image (in this case a tif file where there are several layers) why I cannot create a 1-inch black border in the background layer. Instead of creating a black border around my image, it simply adds 1-inch of the background layer color -- in other words "bumps it up" 1 inch, but does not create the black border I would like.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen resizing the canvas for a photo in some but not all saved images the canvas extension color is greyed out. The particular photo is saved as a Tiff. Why is this and how can I solve the problem.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.
My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:
I have PSE 7 and it does not support the "Transform" functions for 16-bit TIFF images, nor does it support Filter->Correct Camera Distortion. Are 16-bit TIFFs fully supported in PSE 10?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis is probably a really really simple question but I can't for the life of me find how I can find out an individual image size from multiple images on a canvas. eg I have 3 photos i want to arrange 1 large and the other two next to it half the size. How can I edit individual image size on the canvas as when I select the image on a sperate layer I want to resize it just resizes the entire canvas and not the individual image
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using PSE 12 as an external editor for Aperture. When I ask to use an external photo editor, Aperture creates a .tiff file in my Aperture folder, launches PSE 12 and tells it to edit that .tiff file. This all works great. When I am done editing in PSE 12, I ask it to save the file and it saves it back to the original Aperture folder with a .tif extension. I can instead say "save as" and then it suggests the file name with a .tif extension. When I correct the extension to .tiff it warns me that I'm going to overwrite the file (exactly what I want!). I say yes and then I find out that PSE did not overwrite the file, but wrote it as a .tif file anyway. I have to go to the folder, delete the .tiff file and rename the .tif file to .tiff and then everything is fine - but what a hassle.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am now getting a program error when I try to save some images as jpegs. It seems that only a small percentage of my pics are having this issue, and they are the ones I have taken in the past two days. I can go back into my catalog and run any other pics through PSE and save as a jpeg with no problems. But if I try to do any touch ups on any of the pics from yesterday or the day before, i get the error message. I can even go back into lightroom 4 and export any pics from 3 days ago and have no issues saving them as jpegs. I always get the option to save as a jpeg, it just errors out while trying to save. I'm using a somewhat older laptop w/ vista 64 bit.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy questions is this: What should I do cut down the almost frozen status of my computer when Im working with gigantic canvas sizes AND 300DPI?
the project in question is a 6 foot x 3 foot banner, that will be printed out, so the DPI has gotta be 300.....
but when im doing the simplest things, paint bucketing, using the paintbrush, it "loads" for a good few minutes for each move... at this rate, Im going to finish sometime 2 years after the deadline.
Whenever I create a shape on my canvas, or I use a shape as a clipping mask, the entire canvas blacks out and I can't see anything until I click off to the side, in the workspace, so none of my layers are selected. This has happened when I have dropped items onto my canvas and am moving them around, as well.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis function is working properly in os x, however on windows when I right click within the canvas I only get a list of all the layers under the mouse,historically since as far back as I can remember since photoshop had layers (rev 3.0 in 1995?) when you right click in windows within the canvas, you get a list of all the layers under your mouse, with the uppermost layer highlighted for easy identification and location of the contents of your layers. I've run all patches and updates and have even uninstalled/re-installed CS6.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI recently installed Windows 8 RTM and Photoshop CS6 Standard. I have installed the patch brining it up to 13.1 but rotate via the intuos tablet and it doesn't work. Intuos5 has touch now and that feature works on my laptop with W7 and CS5. Rotate canvas is also available on the touch ring but that doesnt work either.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhave a 3rd party illustration software program that can import my work into Photoshop (PSD). My probelem is with resizing my canvas in the 3rd party software for print needs. Would you reccomend Photoshop to assist me with resizing/scaling my imported image(s) for regular and larger professional print needs?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThere is a well known Photography studio chain that takes pictures in a white room and produces a multiple image canvas, which it frames and sells to you at an extortionate cost.
Is there any easy way of producing the same result with Photoshop ?
I have experimented with layers, but getting the pictures lined up in the right position has proved problematical. Ideally I'd like someone to tell me that there is a utility or plugin that allows you to create a canves,drag and drop, resize, add borders/effects and edit picture onto a grid, resulting in a professional finish.
Photoshop cs2 crashing while working with TIFF files with size above 60MB?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy MacBook Pro had been able to use the Rotate Canvas feature in the earlier release of Photoshop CC I downloaded in July, 2013. With the update in September, this feature has stopped working and it no longer detects my video card. True, I don't have 512 Megs of Video memory. And I have tried to install updated NVidia drivers for my computer... but even it refuses to update. My computer has 2 video cards depending on power settings.
OS X 10.6.8
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M (when in energy savings mode)
NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT (normal and usually the display driver I use)
I can not accept that rotate canvas does not work because of my video card or my lack of video card memory. Both Maya and ZBrush are able to handle this operation using software rendered modes. Maya is also able to use my hardware using Viewport 2.0.
I want to prepare an image to be printed on a canvas using a service like [URL]
1. preparing images in PS to make them look better when printed this way?
2. What should I look for to assess quality when trying to pick one of these types of printing services? Types of ink used, canvas, etc.
Canvas rotation is a great tool, but something bugs me about it: As is commonly known, Photoshop offers pre-set zoom levels. By that I mean 25%, 33,3%, 50%, 66,7%, 100%, et. In other words: The zoom level Photoshop jumps to when using the + or - buttons on the keyboard. If an image is in it´s normal orientation on the screen, it appears sharp at all zoom levels. This changes however with canvas rotation.
Rotated at 90°, 180° and 270° the appearance of sharpness is maintained at all zoom levels. But with a rotation in between those values the appearance of sharpness is maintained only at 33,3% and 66,7% zoom. 25%, 50% and 100% make the image appear soft when combined with free canvas rotation.
Could it be the graphics card/driver having a problem with the image represantion while canvas rotation is used? And if so, what kind of graphic processor/driver would be able to maintain the appearance of sharpness at all zoom levels, while canvas rotation is being used?
Before I come across as being nitpicky: I´m mainly using Photoshop for illustration, which means a lot of freehand sketching. Being able to rotate the image area is therefore very important for me, and at some point this soft appearance of an image started to slightly annoy me because it´s slightly blurring detail. I guess it´s the same with seamlessly zooming in and out: At odd zoom levels the image becomes kinda soft as well, even without canvas rotation.
A little excursion into the past, to clarify this issue further: Let´s wind the clocks back to pre-creative suite days. Back then I noticed something strange with those pre set zoom levels in Photoshop. The image appeared perfectly fine at 25%, 50% and 100%, but had jagged edges at 33,3% and 66,7% (as if overly sharpened), which basiclly forced me to work only with the zoom levels mentioned first. Now this problem is gone, which I guess is mainly due to improved graphic drivers (if not: Let me know, I´m always willing to learn).
Have developed a problem trying to load some TIF images into Photoshop. I have a large number of images archived over a decade or more. At this point it may some of the older files that exhibit the problem.
Now all these files were edited and stored using the Photoshop versions during the complete time period. The files are always saved with no compression. Have tried to load from Photoshop and clicking on the file in a file list. Photoshop just hangs and I get the message Program not responding. I can take these same files and load them into the ROXIO photo editor with no problem. Stranger yet is if I simply load the file into the ROXIO editor then "save as" back into the same folder (overwrite) the file can then be brought into Photoshop with no problem!
I need a free software to convert Batch images from Tiff To Gif?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I try I get a circle with a diagonal line going through it, as a result the only way I am able to get images into Photoshop is by clicking File then open wich is really annoying and a waste of time.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was trying to open an image that had already been processed by me in CS6 on this laptop.
When i select the image that i want to open CS6 launches but then i recieve an error message saying that CS6 is unable to open the image. Frustatlingly this does not happen with every image.
One person has said to reinstall the software but i downloaded it from the Adobe site and don't wnt to end up paying twice.
System info
Processor Intel(R)Core(TM)i3-2350M @2.30Hz 2.30GHz
Installed memory Ram 8.00 (7.89 usable)
System type 64 bit
Plug ins
Alien Skin - Exposure 4
Anthropics -Portrait Proffesional
I have seen several cases of MAX 2013's clone tool not working correctly in viewport canvas. It simply will not sample areas that you select. Same workflow in 2012 works fine. This error is seen on a variety of hardware running windows 7.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen you export from Illustrator CS6 or CC in TIF format, you are given the checkbox option of LZW compression, but the output file does not seem to be compressed. When I open this TIF file in Photoshop and do a Save As, selecting the LZW option produces a dramatically smaller file than the one produced by Illustrator.
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow can i view all of a 200mb tiff file of scanned images in Ps? "windows photo viewer" opens all 5 pages of the tiff file. Ps appears to only open the first page of images. how can i view all 5 pages of images in Ps.
View 3 Replies View RelatedImages opening from LR to PS6 are opened as CR2 files (canon) and then saved in PS - the resulting saved images are PSD files. These files are not added to the LR catalog without re-importing them. This behavior is different than it was in CS5 - in CS5 they are opened as PSD and immediately added to the LR catalog. I want the same bahavior in CS6. In LR I have set preferences to open files as PSD but they are not PSD until they are saved in PS.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI can size the canvas perfectly, but when I add an image as a layer and try to resize the image, it will not resize to fit the canvas.
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsing Autodesk Map 3D 2009,
I've inserted several TIF images into my model space, toggled the frames of the TIF's then attempted to print them out in paper space. When I view or print/plot the images are missing. I've downloaded the raster inabler to no avail.
GIMP 2.6.11 WinXP
I've been opening my RAW images in Irfanview, converting them to .tif images, and then opening the .tif images in GIMP for processing, but I've been getting a pop-up window (see screenshot) that says:
"Calling error for procedure 'gimp-image-set-resolution': Image resolution is out of bounds, using the default resolution instead."
What does that message mean?
I cannot save images in jpg or tiff. I am using a Mac.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to import a .tif image into autocad 2013 this image I clipped in ArcMap 10.1 and reprojected. The size of the image that I can't import is 36.6 mb, but I can import a MrSIDs image size is 611 mb into AutoCAD this is the error message that I get when I try an import the smaller image. "this file is an unknown format or invalid for images"
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