Photoshop :: Adobe CS6 Won't Allow To Drag Images From A Folder To Canvas?
Oct 6, 2012
When I try I get a circle with a diagonal line going through it, as a result the only way I am able to get images into Photoshop is by clicking File then open wich is really annoying and a waste of time.
When I attempt to drag the image onto the "other" canvas (that has text) my red background on the "other" canvas goes black. I'm assuming it has something to do with the layering of the image I am trying to drag...but I can't seem to figure it out.
Every once in a while I print that has two side-by-side images on one piece of paper. My usual routine is to create a new document that is larger than the two images--say, 10x8 (horizontal) with a transparent background and the same resolution as the two images that I'll be placing on the canvas (say, two 4x3's). Then I simply click on the image I want to move and drag it from its layers palette onto the blank background canvas, and move/edit/size as needed.
when I drag an image over to the blank canvas, it assumes the size of the entire canvas. so I just have the image... enlarged. With no background canvas. when I click on the new image (the one dragged to the canvas), all of the editing commands are grayed out. So I cannot resize or move it.I'm on CS5 (mac)
We are moving to CS6 at work currently. In our workflow, we need to move from folder to folder (hundreds of them) often, and I do this quickly by dragging the desired folder into the open/save/place dialogs. Doing this immediately takes me to the folder I need without requiring me to navigate there manually.
In CS6, when I need to replace contents of a smart object (which I need to do proably 30 times every day), I right-click on the smart object's name and select "Replace Contents". A "Place" dialog opens and I can drag the folder of the asset I need into the dialog, but the dialog disappears when I click off of Photoshop to drag the folder. This happens in all screen modes. It is impractical to keep source folders in the left bar of the Place dialog (there are literally hundreds of folders I use).
CS5 let me drag files from the Finder into the open/save/place dialogs. CS6 apparently does not.
I'm rather puzzled with what happened to my Photoshop, i'm using Adobe Photoshop CS6 on a Windows 7 64 bit Notebook.when i'm in the office, it's docked at its station and connect to a larger monitor (via standard VGA plug on the dock) and i use both monitor (not closing the lid on the notebook) today, i had a spare monitor around that i can use, i plug it through the Displayport plug on the dock, it's all working fine, all three monitor display the desktop.
but when i load up photoshop, making new files or opening existing files, there is nothing in the screen although the layer panel shows there is something there.when i unplug the new monitor, everything back to normal.
Can I make layers default to the top when I drag and drop into a new layer folder instead of the bottom? It annoys me that they always go to the bottom and I inevitably always need them at the top.
When importing something off of a DVD or CD how do I direct Lightroom to copy the imported images or folder to a specific folder on my hard drive? It seems to default to MyCatalog but leaves the location on the CD rather than copying it to the drive. If I remove the CD the images is reported as missing.
When I go to the top of the screen for importing I can change the source but the location info on the right is not active or changeable.I am new to lightroom and coming from Photoshop Elements background.
I was in the process of moving a folder inside or LR. I might have clicked and moved it twice since it was very slow. LR wasn't able to complete the move and gave me an error message. After I clicked "OK" on the error message, I wasn't able to find my folder/images from the old or new location. I did a spotlight search on my mac, but I wasn't able to find them anywhere. Where has my folder/images gone? I tried to locate them without any success.
I was trying to install some brushes into the Brushes Preset folder but the only folders in the "Adobe Photoshop CS6" folder in the tree below doesn't have it. It's only a couple of random looking folders. I'm running OS 10.7.5 and CS6.
[URL] We have a client who are using Adobe Acrobat 9 and have .PDF's saved in a Share Folder. Is the creator of the document but is still faced with the read only prompt when trying to save the document after making an edit (e.g rotating). Upgrading to Adobe Acrobat 9 isn't an option.
Folder permissions in both Share and NTFS is okay. User's profile has full control of the folder it is being saved in. I've also ensured the reading pane is Windows Explorer is off when they're opening it.
Have run a repair on Adobe Acrobat 9 and tried with other documents with the same result.Saving locally does not have the same issue. using .PDF for Adobe Acrobat 9 in a Share Folder environment.
Server is SBS2008 and user's PC is Windows 7 Professional.
Someone sent me a logo a .gif. It wont drag into another image. I made it a PSD, same thing. so I was able to select it and copy it over, but I've never see something that would not drag into another document.
how to import / drag / place more than 1 image into a document. I have over 100 images that I have to repeat the same process to, and yes I know actions, but I need to go into each individual layer and adjust accordingly and would save me less time then to open each file and repeat. a crop for example would take 1 minute with multiple layers, a crop in a batch might take 5 min especially if there are a few hundred. then after that I can just choose a script and export layer to files. You can create groups in Bridge and do that method in InDesign and Illustrator,
have a 3rd party illustration software program that can import my work into Photoshop (PSD). My probelem is with resizing my canvas in the 3rd party software for print needs. Would you reccomend Photoshop to assist me with resizing/scaling my imported image(s) for regular and larger professional print needs?
There is a well known Photography studio chain that takes pictures in a white room and produces a multiple image canvas, which it frames and sells to you at an extortionate cost.
Is there any easy way of producing the same result with Photoshop ?
I have experimented with layers, but getting the pictures lined up in the right position has proved problematical. Ideally I'd like someone to tell me that there is a utility or plugin that allows you to create a canves,drag and drop, resize, add borders/effects and edit picture onto a grid, resulting in a professional finish.
Canvas rotation is a great tool, but something bugs me about it: As is commonly known, Photoshop offers pre-set zoom levels. By that I mean 25%, 33,3%, 50%, 66,7%, 100%, et. In other words: The zoom level Photoshop jumps to when using the + or - buttons on the keyboard. If an image is in it´s normal orientation on the screen, it appears sharp at all zoom levels. This changes however with canvas rotation.
Rotated at 90°, 180° and 270° the appearance of sharpness is maintained at all zoom levels. But with a rotation in between those values the appearance of sharpness is maintained only at 33,3% and 66,7% zoom. 25%, 50% and 100% make the image appear soft when combined with free canvas rotation.
Could it be the graphics card/driver having a problem with the image represantion while canvas rotation is used? And if so, what kind of graphic processor/driver would be able to maintain the appearance of sharpness at all zoom levels, while canvas rotation is being used?
Before I come across as being nitpicky: I´m mainly using Photoshop for illustration, which means a lot of freehand sketching. Being able to rotate the image area is therefore very important for me, and at some point this soft appearance of an image started to slightly annoy me because it´s slightly blurring detail. I guess it´s the same with seamlessly zooming in and out: At odd zoom levels the image becomes kinda soft as well, even without canvas rotation.
A little excursion into the past, to clarify this issue further: Let´s wind the clocks back to pre-creative suite days. Back then I noticed something strange with those pre set zoom levels in Photoshop. The image appeared perfectly fine at 25%, 50% and 100%, but had jagged edges at 33,3% and 66,7% (as if overly sharpened), which basiclly forced me to work only with the zoom levels mentioned first. Now this problem is gone, which I guess is mainly due to improved graphic drivers (if not: Let me know, I´m always willing to learn).
how do i open or drag multiple images onto the same window or blank background in elements 11? was easy in 2.0 as all images were available on same page. where is this option in 11?
Selecting (in grid view) dragging and dropping image to a new folder copies, not moves image. I want image gone from first folder. It works like that sometimes, but not all athe time.
I have just bought Elements 12. Great programme. I used to use Picasa 3, a good free programme. In Picasa it is easy to move images around in their folders by simply click, drag and drop. This does not work in elements. Is it possible to achieve this somehow?
This is probably a really really simple question but I can't for the life of me find how I can find out an individual image size from multiple images on a canvas. eg I have 3 photos i want to arrange 1 large and the other two next to it half the size. How can I edit individual image size on the canvas as when I select the image on a sperate layer I want to resize it just resizes the entire canvas and not the individual image
ok ive been trying to drag and drop images onto a flyer project im doing and i cant i have looked online for hours with no clear answer. im using gimp 2.7 windows 7 64 bit
I update to 6.2 version and one feature i missing is the ability to drag and drop images from Google images on firefox to Corel. Before the update works fine...after its only import the name of file like " Kgcjfdag.bmp" and not the image. But in IE works fine.