Photoshop :: Does GIF Support True Transparency

May 24, 2013

gif support true transparency?

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Photoshop :: True Gold

Sep 11, 2006

Does anyone know the true number and letters of the color gold using pscs2 color picker?

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Photoshop :: *TRUE* Sharpen?

May 24, 2008

I just started experimenting with a way to get Photoshop to do a TRUE sharpen, where it actually pulls the pixels around blurry edges together, rather than just adding contrast to create the *illusion* of sharpness... but I need ideas. I use sharpening a great deal on photos, but if done too heavily, it always adds that fake "sharpened" look to it, around all the edges... Trouble is, some images NEED that sharpness, and I'm wondering why Adobe still hasn't come up with anything that does a *true* sharpen, after all these years.

So, before I dive more deeply into this, I want to save time (since I don't have much) by seeing if anyone has any ideas as to how to do a couple things.

b - 1.
How would you suggest bringing the blurry pixels in selected regions together?

On my test image, I've had some success using Surface Blur (applied multiple times) believe it or not, but the problem is that on actual photos, it has a knack to only "true-sharpen" the hardest edges, and soften the more subtle ones. Here's an example of what I started testing with:

I also tried Posterize, but this won't work on a large image with more than a few colors in it, because it likes to cut things down to just a few colors (and it looks very messy in photos, because of jagged edges).

b - 2.
Umm, okay, I guess there isn't a second thing... I figured out several good ways of selecting edges; now I just need to find a reliable way to pull blurry edges together along those edges.

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Photoshop :: Transparency To Not Transparency In Photo

Sep 10, 2006

I have two pictures.

I would like the two pictures to blend in the middle from left to right.
The picture on the left will be sharpe on the left side but fade/transparent by the time it reaches the middle.
The picture on the right will be sharpe on the right side but fade/transparent in the middle.

I would think I need a gradient transparency (you always have to use a color)

I see pictures like this all the time, but can not seem to find the correct feature or combinations of features.

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Photoshop :: True Resolution For Image?

Feb 8, 2013

as I search the internet for a particular popular image, when it pops up in Google image search, it shows up with a bunch of different resolutions / sizes / whatever you call it. I assume that when the image was originally created, it had one resolution it was created it, the one where it's the best quality. Is there a way in photoshop to figure this out? ie what is the optimal resolution that an image should be displayed at?
For instance, I'm doing an image search on "success kid" which is a popular meme. Of all the images that pop up, should I take the one with the highest resolution? But however could that have meant that it was resized to be very big?

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Photoshop :: Patternmaker Results: Not True To...

Aug 15, 2009

I'm using Pattern Maker in Photoshop CS 3, but when I generate a pattern it's not true to the original pattern. Here's what the original pattern looks like:  the result I get when I generate a pattern in Pattern Maker (Filter > Pattern Maker) is this:   I'm using Pattern Maker at the defaults; this result is not true to the original pattern. How do I get Pattern Maker to generate the original pattern?

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Photoshop :: Saving Image In CS6 As EPS Is Actually True Vector Quality?

Jun 10, 2012

Saving an image in Photoshop CS6 as .eps is actually True Vector quality?
Will the images I save as .eps be totally scaleable without losing any quality?
If not, is there anything I can do to the (tons) of images I have already made to make them not lose quality?
I tried opening a .eps file/image in Inkscape which as I understand is a vector program but the open file doesn't recognize the .eps files.
The .eps seems file w/in Ps itself but now I'm wondering about other programs. I'm so new I don't even know if that makes an sense.
Also, if Ps .eps files tend to lose scalable quality then is there a way in which I can create images as true vector or as images that won't lose their quality? Do I need an other program?

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Photoshop :: How Do You Make A True B/w Picture From A Color Photo?

Dec 13, 2003

How do you create a true black and white photo from an original color photo. i know you can select greyscale but that isn't a true black and white photo(i don't think).

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - Photo Colors Are Not True To Original

Apr 15, 2013

I recently purchased the above and I am having problems with colour. When trying to work with a photo the colours are not true to the original. I have checked the inks and have checked the printer. When copying somthing staight from the printer the colours are perfect. I have only had this problem since I installed the above. What can I do to rectify this problem.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Achieve True White Background

Aug 30, 2013

In the attached image, I'm trying to achieve a true white background in PSE. I put a true white box in the image to show the gray background that's in the original shot. (I understand it'd be best if I could achieve the true white with the camera in the original shot, but this seems to be the best I can do with the camera. I set white balance and over-exposed as far as I could without washing out the subject. Still a gray background.)
The problem I'm having is that every PSE tool I use to try to adjust the background image washes out the thin hairs of the grain. Ideally, I'd like to be able to create a perfect mask so I can just kockout the background. That way, I can adjust the tones of the subject without affecting the surrounding area.

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Photoshop :: Can Sample Layer True Color Despite Its Opacity And Blend Mode

Jan 23, 2013

I'm doing some painting with a lot of layers set to different blend modes.  I find that every time I want to paint on one of these layers, I have to go to that layer, set the opacity back to 100, change the blend mode back to "normal" sample the color, then change everything back and continue painting.  I realize I can save a swatch for the color, but it can get confusing when you're using subtle color differences on multiple layers.  It seems like there should be a modifier key to the tool that samples the layers "true" color discarding opacity and blend mode. 

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Photoshop :: Default Color Settings Appear All Yellow And Green Toned And Not True RGB

Dec 3, 2008

I recently installed Photoshop 7 on my PC and when I open the program the default color settings appear all yellow and green toned and not true RGB. I have tried messing with the settings but I cannot seem to solve the problem. It would be easier if I could show the screen shot of what I am talking about.

I work for a large fortune 500 company and the software is installed through a server which allocates the licenses. I dont know if there may be a bug in the program but maybe that has something to do with it.

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Photoshop Elements :: Photo Editor Screen Does Not Show True Dimensions At 100% Setting

Nov 21, 2012

When a new blank file is created at given dimensions ( say 6 x 4 inches) the actual dimensions  on screen and the ruler appear approx. 1.333 times smaller than the actual size ( 4.5 x 3 inches ) .How can I correct this?

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Photoshop :: Edit Picture To Make It Black Color (background) But Object With True Colors

Nov 16, 2011

How can i edit picture to make it black color the background while the person or object in the middle still have a true colors.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Get True Elevation

Jul 13, 2012

What I am having trouble with is that I need to get a true elevation. When you use the scroll wheel the model moves away from a true elevation, either above or below ground level. I need the tru elevation to create 2D sections using flatshot.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: DWG To True PDF Conversion

May 1, 2012

When I try to plot a pdf of my drawing, the elements are distorted (circles larger, plines thicker, etc). How can I convert to a true pdf? I have AutoCAD 2012 student version.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Get True Name Of Anonymous Block

Dec 27, 2013

now i can get the anonymous blockname like 'uxxx', but i want to know the original block name before the insert changed to an anonymous block.

ps,the block is not a dynamic block.

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GIMP :: How To Make True Envelope

Oct 14, 2013

I'd like to make en envelope with Gimp. I'd like a true envelope (not a gif for website).

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AutoCad :: True North Construction

Apr 12, 2012

I am making use of some of the building models created using CAD. Since the models are added to virtual earth, I would like to get clarified for few of my doubts,

1) say, when the buildings of true representation on ground is made, whether any reference axis with respect to ground is considered to build the model?
2) How the scaling is made for the same model with respect to ground?

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Revit :: How To Rotate To True North

Mar 12, 2013

I have a drawing which crashes out of Revit 2013 SP2 as soon as I want to Rotate to True North. In fact if I use any tool under the Manage -> Location area.

I had a closer look at the drawing and I cant find the Survey and Project Base points.I assume this is related.
I turned on their visibility in Visual Graphics. I tried turning them on by using the Reveal Hidden Objects. Typed ZA and I then selected all the info ( Crop View off )  and looked at the filter. No Survey or Base Points. I also tried setting the View Range very large but I still cannot see these Points. 
I know these points have been hard coded into the RVT files and I tried deleting them from another drawing as a test but couldn't.
Is there any way I can find them quickly? or getting them back?
I have cleaned up the drawing and I can upload the drawing (27MB )?

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AutoCad :: How To Print True Color

May 18, 2011

I am trying to find out how to print a true color solid hatch for a rendered site plan. I can change the color in layer properties but when I go to print, it shows and prints a darker more saturated color almost like an autocad color. When I select the transparency button it seems to be closer to the real color.

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AutoCAD LT :: Importing True Type Fonts

Jul 20, 2012

I want to use a true type font on my CAD template. I have copied the file and saved it in the fonts folder (path x64/acadlt/windows/fonts), however in CAD when i try to select the font it is not available on the list.

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AutoCAD LT :: Can't Install True View 2013

Jul 27, 2012

The Architect posted a drawing that I must print in 2012 format (she forgot to save to 2004).  I have tried 6 machines in our office this morning, attempting to get True View 2013 to run.  The exact same error problem that plagued my attempts to use True View 2012 are occurring.  True View says .NET 4.0 isn't installed.  The problem is, that it is installed and running correctly.  In two of the machines I went through the repair process of .NET 4.0 to see if there was a problem.  There wasn't, no change; True View still errored out before installing.  Is this a problem with buggy software?  Are there any other options open to me?  I don't know why they stopped updating True Convert.  It was far superior and not full of programming/install bugs.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: FirstTime In Ribbon Is Always True

Mar 21, 2013

When I start Inventor2011 with classic UI only first start set  in my addin FirstTime on true, every oder run of inventor FirstTime is false - everythink is OK.

But when I change UI on Ribbon FirstTIme is always True, and every time UI is reloaded -there is bed.

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Revit :: Make True Cut In Windows / Doors

Aug 30, 2012

Is it possible to make a true cut in windows or doors. Sometimes windows or doors needs different presentation in different levels. I can do this by changing the door or window family to a generic model family but why can i not do this in the door/window family?
(too the left generic model family and to the right the door family)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Turning Off DWG True View

Apr 10, 2013

Last week I downloaded the Autodesk Design Review and for some reason I installed the DWG TrueView as well. Now, every time I open up a .dwg through explorer, True View overrules AutoCAD and thinks it has to be the one to open the file. Is there any way to turn this program off?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Previewing DWG Viewer Other Than DWG True View

Mar 20, 2013

I'm working with AutoCAD 2012 x64 and I need a control to view DWG files selected in my ListView. I tried using DWG True View 2013 and it worked well, but this is more than my requirement. My requirement is to simply show a preview of the drawing. But DWGTrue View is an advance control and is not standalone i.e. Users have to download and install its full installer.

This might require some customization to code in order to fix TOP View and do a Zoom Extent: Currently not succeeded.

I also seek using DWGThumnailviewer.ocx referenced in this post but unfortunately, I couldn't find DWGThumnailViewer.ocx with AutoCAD 2012. I guess it was discontinued.

Other option could be to generate a raster graphic file (*.jpg, *.gif, *.png, *.bmp) and display that into a picture box. I tried some code from this thread and this one  but at  some small dwg files, it is unable to read bytes.

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AutoCad :: DWG True View 2013 - Exporting To PDF Or DWF

Feb 21, 2013

I am trying to create a pdf file from a dwg file, using DWG True View 2013. I am NOT a CAD user, so all of the terms are new to me. I read that sometimes it's better to convert the DWG to DWF first and then convert it to PDF. So, I tried 'export' to DWF after trying 'export' to PDF. In both cases, after pressing SAVE, I tried to find the new file and couldn't. Basically, I am trying to print out a DWG file (that is in color), so when I print the DWG directly, you can't see the lines very well. That's why I'm trying to convert it to a pdf first.

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Premiere Pro :: True Multi Screen Editing?

Apr 8, 2014

Coming from a FCP background, and I see this in FCP and in AVID, but I can't seem to do it in premiere, though I really want to. I want a multi monitor set up where the first monitor has my timeline, source window, and project window, then my second monitor has my bins & effects & metadata, then the third will be a full screen of the project window that is still on my first monitor, and then finally a fourth, 65" 4k tv also displaying the project window (mirroring the third monitor). Dragging the project window around and toggling in and out of fullscreen is a waist of time since there was no need to do that with FCP for so many years.  I need 3 project windows in premiere (and I dont mean using the reference) , how do I do this with premiere?

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Photoshop :: Can Photoshop Make A True Vector Image?

Aug 9, 2008

"Can Photoshop Make a True Vector image"

Please can some one from Adobe finally Clear This Up for Users?

Ture yes or No?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Unable To Print True Black From EPS On Roland

Aug 3, 2011

I recently upgraded my setup and my printer hasn't been able to print a nice true black ever since. My printer is a Roland SP 300 V and I use Versaworks. I upgraded to CorelDRAW x5 from version 11. When I send an eps file to Versaworks the printer prints a dark gray on RGB black and various greens for Pantone blacks. I printed a default test chart directly in Versaworks and the 100% K printed great. I pulled an older file out which was exported using Corel 11 and the black prints fine. I don't know if I'm doing something obvious wrong or what but x5 has a whole more check boxes and options when exporting an eps file and I'm starting to get lost.

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