Photoshop :: Color Differences Between Photoshop And Saved File

Jan 21, 2006

I currently use Photoshop CS2, but I also encountered this problem on Photoshop Elements 4.0.

Whenever I am working in Photoshop, my blue looks purple, my red looks orange, but my green seems ok, however when I save it, the colour is different. I know it is not the gamma because that affects everything, not just how Photoshop looks (I'm pretty sure). If someone could help me and tell me how much of a loser I am and give me some simple solution, that would be great because it's a pain not being able to see what it is really going to look like without saving it and looking at that.

Here is what I am talking about, a screenshot and the saved .png: ....

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Photoshop :: CS2 - Color Differences Between Image When Opened And After Saved

Feb 15, 2012

Using Adobe Photoshop CS2. I'm noticing a color difference between an image I'm working on in PS and the final image - after it has been saved.
For example: working on a image of earth. The image on the web has very deep blues. but when I open it into PS, it looks very purple-ish and when I save it, the color is blue again.
Sometime the difference is slight, and other times it is definitely noticeable. Is there a setting I could adjust? One that would keep the image's true color?

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Photoshop :: Color Differences

Mar 20, 2004

In viewing/creating anything in photoshop 7.0 (and I tried 7.x) the color is different than in any other program... if for instance I take a solid red 255,0,0 and fill a new file - it appears more orange than red. I can take the color picker and it shows the correct RGB say of 255,0,0 but again, it shows orangish on the screen.

ALL other graphics programs, including Imageready DO show the correct color... but NOT Photoshop! - I have tried changing the color preferences up the wah-zoo - nothing. I have tried reinstalling photo 7.0 no avail, I think (or thought) perhaps it was after I downloaded CS to try - to see if I would upgrade ????

this could be far off the mark, but at this point my graphics development work is hurting because I if I develop/create anything in photoshop I have to have another graphics program also open just to see what the true color looks like.... PLEASE help. I really don't know what else to do besides finding and deleting ANYTHING related to photoshop/upgrades etc and reinstalling again.

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 Color Intensity Differences Between Organizer And Fotoeditor

Nov 15, 2013

The EIZO CG223G monitor color intensity using PSE 11 Organizer differs significantly from using Fotoeditor for the same tiff and jpg files.

How to make the color rendering the same?

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Photoshop :: File Size Differences

Sep 15, 2013

Two questions ...
1. I'm getting the following warning ...
I think that a TIFF file bigger than 2 gb does not create any quality issue in LR - PS workflow ... correct?

It is just related with some third party programs, as the warning box says.
2. This file .. an uncompressed TIFF file ... it is 1 gb inside the PS and it is 2.21 gb in the system folder. Where is this difference coming from?

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Illustrator :: AI File Saved To PNG Or JPG Changes Color?

Feb 17, 2014

When I save my AI file, it saves in the correct color scheme but when I go to look at it on a different computer, the color is off. The blues are greener etc.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Color Separations Saved As CDR File

Mar 14, 2012

How can I save the separations without having to manually seperate them into a printable file for the screen printer?

Is there a way I can print seps to file?

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Lightroom :: Color Differences From Mac To PC?

Aug 22, 2012

How can I make sure my photos are the same from my Mac to a pc.? I just opened up my disc to view my clients photos on a pc and the color is way off. I edited them using Lightroom on my Mac.

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Lightroom :: Exporting RAW Into JPEG Color Differences

Feb 6, 2012

I just spent 30+ hours editing a set of 123 wedding photos in RAW file format. When I export to JPEG, the colors change on just about every photo. I understand that if I would have correctly set up the camer calibration prior to editing, this would have possibly solved my problem. However, the photos are already edited. When I export the files in TIFF, they look fine. It's just the JPEG file format that changes the look of my images.  I'm using Lightroom 2.3. My last brainstorm involved importing the already edited TIFF files and then trying to export those into JPEG, the color format was still off.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Visual Color Differences

Sep 27, 2013

I have the same x5 loaded on 2 different systems. The problem I ran into is the visual difference of the color palettes. One is very much brighter to the eye than the other system. I am using the same rgb color palette or spot color palette on each system. The same shared file is not even close to the same color shade on the two systems. Also, I have eliminated the possibility of a monitor situation. I have used the same monitor on both systems with the same result.

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Illustrator :: Color Differences Between High And Low Resolution Images In Pdfs

Jan 14, 2013

OK, I'm creating a tradeshow graphic for a client. I designed the whole thing in Illlustrator CS6. But for the proof, I used a low res image of the sky (before we purchased it). Everyone was happy. It was a low-res RGB image imported into Illustrator, then the whole thing was exported as a pdf.
Once they approved it, I purchased the high res image. RGB. Same image... just high res. I popped it into the Illustrator file and exported it in exactly the same way. But now, the image looks much more purple. The low res pdf showed it as much brighter, lighter blue.
My client prefers the lighter blue. When I look at the two images in Photoshop, they look the same (in terms of color). should I be worred? Why is there such a color difference?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - How To Make Metadata Saved To XMP File Stay Saved

Mar 12, 2013

When a raw file badge shows that the file has been changed, I use Metadata Save to File & for the large majority of my images, the badge goes away and Metadata Status Changed does not show the file.  For some of my files, however, the Save to File command doesn't work properly.  If I am only displaying files with changes, the file briefly disappears, then returns.  Even if I go to Windows Explorer and delete the xmp file, then again Save metadata to file, it pops up again with the badge saying it needs to be saved.  I'm using Lightroom 4.3 64 bit on Windows 7.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Plot Differences Using Same CTB File / Same Printer And 2 Different Users

Aug 10, 2012

My office is running into a printing issue, when different people are plotting off the same drawing file.

I've checked the .CTB file, all of us are using the same file, all .CTB parameters are identical, and no line weights have been set up within the layers, all are set to default, and no transparency has been used.

One man prints the file from AutoCAD2013, on a Windows 7-32bit computer, to our HP Laser Jet 8150N and his drawing comes out light.

I print the same drawing file from AutoCAD2012, on a Windows 7-32bit computer to the same printer with the same .CTB file and my drawing file prints dark. Much darker than his does.

We're having the same issue with other computers here in the office all printing to the same printer using exactly the same .CTB file. I've checked all the versions of Windows, and we're all using Windows 7 32-bit.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe we have different graphics cards as the computers have been purchased at different times.

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Photoshop :: Disappearing Color Profile When Saved For Web?

Nov 12, 2013

I have a problem with the “Save for the Web” results using Photoshop CS6 running on Win 7 x64.
My photos are already in 8 bits and in sRGB and when I save for the Web I check the option “embed color profile”, uncheck “convert to sRGB”, metadata to “copyright and contact info”.

When I open the resulting photos in Photoshop, everything is fine as it recognizes the embedded color profile. Same thing when I open these files in Firefox, Safari or Chrome: the colors are correct.
Now, when I right-click on a file in the Win Explorer and look its properties, the line about the color profile is blank, as if there wasn't any. This doesn't bother me but the problem appears on my Website created with Joomla and using for the display a module, Responsive Image Gallery, which creates resized copies of the photos. At this point the copies have completely lost their color profile. I entered in contact with the module's support and they assured me that it preserves the embedded profile, so I come here to gather some information about how this “Save for the Web” embeds the color profile because may be I just didn't understand how it does and if it's different from the “Save as” way.
The fact I can't see the profile through the Win Explorer makes me think Joomla's module doesn't either.

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Photoshop :: Interface Color Scheme Saved In Workspace

Jul 14, 2012

While I generally have moved to the new darker color scheme, I find that sometimes (depending on a number of factors), I like/prefer to work in the light color scheme.
It would be great if the color schemes could be assigned keyboard shortcut to toggle between themes, or if they could be saved in a Workspace.

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Photoshop :: Block Color And Text Saved As Jpeg

Mar 14, 2008

I have block colour (or image) and text overlaid, fine. But save to Jpeg and the block color around the text becomes speckled. Other than saving as a higher quality what (if anything) can I do to prevent/minimise this?

While asking about text; is there any way to make the boundary of a text box irregular on one or two sides; say a box shape but jagged at one side so that text flows around a "protrusion"?

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Illustrator :: How To Access ASE Color Swatches Saved In Photoshop

Jul 14, 2013

how do I access ase color swatches saved in photoshop for exchange into illustrator cs6

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Photoshop :: File Saved As .5 File Type With CS5?

Jan 8, 2013

I've been working on a certificate and i saved it without looking at the file type. For some reason it set the file type to (.5). What is that? Is there any way I can open it again in CS5? Is there a file converter I could use. I just need to basically open the file agian in CS5 so I can continue to edit the certificate. I have tried opening the file with CS5 and CS6 and I get this message:
"Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document."

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Photoshop :: Why PSD Extension File End Up Saved As 8 File

Nov 19, 2012

I created a file in Photoshop and was saving it along the way as a layered PSD file. When I went to open it a few days later, it wouldn't open and said that it was an '8 file'. What happened, and how do I fix it? It had all the design layers I needed for another project.

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Photoshop :: Where Is My File Saved?

Jul 31, 2009

I'm running Windows Vista 64. I create a project in Photoshop CS. I save it. The file is stored in this path: C/Program Files x86/Adobe/Photoshop CS. If Photoshop is running and I click on Open, then navigate to this location the file appears and will open.However, if I try to navigate to the file by starting with My Computer and going to the exact same location as specified above the file does not appear. I've tried searching for it via Search, going through my entire computer and got nothing. And worse, sometimes I will Save a file in Photoshop and then go back to it a few days later and it is not there.I think the problem is where Photoshop actually saves the file. My 1st scratch disk is set to Startup. What does this mean? Is this dictating where Photoshop is saving the actual file?

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Photoshop :: How To Be Saved As A Ico File

Aug 3, 2004

I want to set one of my pictures as a icon of "my conputer", so how to do this?I didn't find that PS can convert jpg to ico,

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Photoshop :: File Info Not Saved (GIF)

May 11, 2012

Modifying the "file info" for a gif file (in my case, "General" tab, "Document Title" and "Description") doesn't actually get saved with the file - or, at least, if it is saved, it's not visible when re-opening the file.
I believe that I understood that metadata for .png format isn't supported, but I thought that .gif was.  (Test case is easy: open .gif file, add a Title and Description, save, and re-open - information is gone).

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Photoshop :: I Can't Open A File I Saved!

Apr 15, 2006

I worked for quite some time on a design in Photoshop CS, and I saved the file as: "End Of The World 1.0.psp"...

Now it says that it's an unknown file and I can't open it (because I wasn't thinking and put the "1.0" in the name). Is there ANY way that I can open this file in Photoshop? I really don't want to do the whole thing over again.

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Photoshop :: Can`t Open Saved File

May 12, 2008

I don`t save my files after I`ve finished working with them . I named my project 15.05.08 and I didn`t check if everything was OK . A few minutes later I wanted to open it but to my big surprise there were no Photoshop file . There was only a thing that says it`s type is file but I can`t open it in Photoshop . When I try to open it it says " Couldn`t complete your request because it is not the right kind of document .

Is it possible to open it somehow?

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Photoshop :: Picture Saved As Just A File Instead Of...

May 3, 2008

I saved a picture on photoshop, turned off my computer, and when I turned it back on, I found that my picture was no longer a '.PSD' file but just a file that cannot be opened by my Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended. Is there any way I can change the file back to a PSD or just a regular JPEG?

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Photoshop :: Once File Is Flatten Or Saved, Can I Go...

Jun 18, 2009

on the right hand side, the layer menu shows all of the diffrerent effects you have done to each layer?Then when you flatten it or try to run filters and then save, it completely edits it and smashes everything together.So how can I go back on old graphics that I like that have already been flattened and saved and find out exactly what effects & filters were used?

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Illustrator :: CC Photoshop File Could Not Be Saved

Sep 24, 2013

I've always in the past brought a logo file that a graphic designer provided into Illustrator and then exported a psd so that I could bring it into Photoshop on layers and get the exact size, etc that I've wanted and since Illustrator CC I've not been able to do this with any .ai files that I've been given.  It always gives me this message after I've gone through the process: "Photoshop file could not be saved" no matter what the settings are.  This means I have to use the eps file that was provided which is not nearly large enough and when I try and resize it ... what a mess

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Photoshop :: How / Where To Keep Auto-Saved Recovered File

May 28, 2012

I was working on Photoshop CS6 beta on Lion OSX since one month with no problem.

Yesterday seemed to be the last day of use (1st june annonced however) and Photoshop CS6 Beta shutted down since I was working on it.

On the re-opening it asks for a licence key so I try to buy one month rental on the e-shop but the 3 bank cards tested failed. So I gave a call to the commercial service and they told me that they do not take in charge rental but only full licence and that I can download the trial for one more month if I want to.
So, I will replace the beta by the trial.
But :

- How can I keep my Auto-saved Recovered file I was working on when crashing (pretty important work)

- Where the recovered file is saved on the hard-drive ? And, can I make it works whith CS6 non-beta ?

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Photoshop :: Reduced Dpi From 300 To 72 Saved In New File Results

Nov 17, 2012

I use action macro to reduce 8x10s @ 300 dpi to 72 in a subfolder sent to clients by web for them to evaluate and choose preferred images.  However, they get 2x3 images at the original dpi, so what they see on their monitor is too small to see differences.  If uploaded to facebook etc. images look muddy.  What am I doing wrong?  Large files typically exceed Yahoo max. What can I do right?

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Photoshop :: Recover File Accidentally Saved Over?

Dec 30, 2012

I saved a file as PSD ,then delete all the layers and was doing another stuff on the sheet( the reason I did this is because I wanted the same page size and was lazy to enter the size:| )after I finished, I saved the file to another name. but, I found that the first file that i saved manually , is replaced by an autosave file on my work procedure on the second file. I know this happend because I was working with the sama names, but is there any way that I can restore my first file that I saved to what I manually saved?

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Photoshop :: Saved File With Merged Layers

Oct 20, 2012

I accidentally saved my PS file with merged layers, then quit. I can't believe I did that! Is there any way to reverse it?

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