In viewing/creating anything in photoshop 7.0 (and I tried 7.x) the color is different than in any other program... if for instance I take a solid red 255,0,0 and fill a new file - it appears more orange than red. I can take the color picker and it shows the correct RGB say of 255,0,0 but again, it shows orangish on the screen.
ALL other graphics programs, including Imageready DO show the correct color... but NOT Photoshop! - I have tried changing the color preferences up the wah-zoo - nothing. I have tried reinstalling photo 7.0 no avail, I think (or thought) perhaps it was after I downloaded CS to try - to see if I would upgrade ????
this could be far off the mark, but at this point my graphics development work is hurting because I if I develop/create anything in photoshop I have to have another graphics program also open just to see what the true color looks like.... PLEASE help. I really don't know what else to do besides finding and deleting ANYTHING related to photoshop/upgrades etc and reinstalling again.
Using Adobe Photoshop CS2. I'm noticing a color difference between an image I'm working on in PS and the final image - after it has been saved.
For example: working on a image of earth. The image on the web has very deep blues. but when I open it into PS, it looks very purple-ish and when I save it, the color is blue again.
Sometime the difference is slight, and other times it is definitely noticeable. Is there a setting I could adjust? One that would keep the image's true color?
How can I make sure my photos are the same from my Mac to a pc.? I just opened up my disc to view my clients photos on a pc and the color is way off. I edited them using Lightroom on my Mac.
I just spent 30+ hours editing a set of 123 wedding photos in RAW file format. When I export to JPEG, the colors change on just about every photo. I understand that if I would have correctly set up the camer calibration prior to editing, this would have possibly solved my problem. However, the photos are already edited. When I export the files in TIFF, they look fine. It's just the JPEG file format that changes the look of my images. I'm using Lightroom 2.3. My last brainstorm involved importing the already edited TIFF files and then trying to export those into JPEG, the color format was still off.
I have the same x5 loaded on 2 different systems. The problem I ran into is the visual difference of the color palettes. One is very much brighter to the eye than the other system. I am using the same rgb color palette or spot color palette on each system. The same shared file is not even close to the same color shade on the two systems. Also, I have eliminated the possibility of a monitor situation. I have used the same monitor on both systems with the same result.
OK, I'm creating a tradeshow graphic for a client. I designed the whole thing in Illlustrator CS6. But for the proof, I used a low res image of the sky (before we purchased it). Everyone was happy. It was a low-res RGB image imported into Illustrator, then the whole thing was exported as a pdf.
Once they approved it, I purchased the high res image. RGB. Same image... just high res. I popped it into the Illustrator file and exported it in exactly the same way. But now, the image looks much more purple. The low res pdf showed it as much brighter, lighter blue.
My client prefers the lighter blue. When I look at the two images in Photoshop, they look the same (in terms of color). should I be worred? Why is there such a color difference?
I currently use Photoshop CS2, but I also encountered this problem on Photoshop Elements 4.0.
Whenever I am working in Photoshop, my blue looks purple, my red looks orange, but my green seems ok, however when I save it, the colour is different. I know it is not the gamma because that affects everything, not just how Photoshop looks (I'm pretty sure). If someone could help me and tell me how much of a loser I am and give me some simple solution, that would be great because it's a pain not being able to see what it is really going to look like without saving it and looking at that.
Here is what I am talking about, a screenshot and the saved .png: ....
Why is it that when i choose a Pantone colour from my Pantone book, then go into Photoshop and select the same Pantone colour number, the CMYK breakdown in my book is different to the one that Photoshop tells me?
I have saw some differences(rotation) while opening the same image in the photoshop and imaging preview applications. why this difference occurs. I have attached the screen shot for your references.
differences in the Camera Lens Profiles in ACR and the Lens Correction Filter in Photoshop CS6.Reason I ask is my D800 and Nikon 14-24mm lens is detected and correction applied in ACR, but the same camera and lens combination is not recognized in the Photoshop lens correction filter. The D800 is nowhere to be found. But interestingly the profiles for the D4 are
Many folks have asked in the past when the D800 and Canon 5DM3 would be supported but all the attention has been focussed on ACR, so when will these profiles be available for Photoshop Lens Correction?
I am a Mac user and have been disappointed at some of the limitations of elements 11 on my Mac versus what I understand you can do on a pc. Have these issues been corrected for Mac users in elements 12?
I make layer mask which is a bit fuzzy, so it merges picture from both layers in some parts. Then I want to save it in order to use it later somewhere, so I convert the mask into a selection. But the selection does not hold the fuzziness of original mask, so when I use it as a mask somewhere else, it varies from original.
I attached the psd file with example what I mean, I have saved mask of the Layer 1 as selection, loaded into Layer 2, created mask, but it is not the same, when I switch on and off visibility of the Layer 2 the picture changes.
Is there a way to make the selection to hold all the information about the mask including fuzziness exactly ?
What are the differences, preferences, etc. of saving files (jpgs) with these various methods? The baseline "standard" gives the largest file. Is this preferred?
Why is the pixel ratio of a project in illustrator different than that of the same pixel ratio of a project in Photoshop? Example: A project can in Illustrator can have an artboard of 950px X 950px and be 12in and in Photoshop that same pixel ratio will be 4 3/4in.
I normally upgrade every other version. I currently use X2 on a Windows XP computer. My primary uses are photo editing. My key interests are:
- processing 16 bit per color files
- use of layers and blends
- stereo photography (combining and aligning stereo pairs)
- use of various tools such as cloning and healing.
- Color management and Printing
Reviewing the product page, I haven't really found anything that shows a list of upgraded or added features. Most of the things mentioned appear to be in X2 already. Looking at the thread calling for future features, it appears that the things missing are still missing. X2 is serving me well, but there has to be some reason to upgrade?
I produce documents in AI, and save them to pdf. Then, in order to reduce the file size, I load then into PS, flatten image, then resave as pdf. All are in CMYK.
There appears to be a big difference in the output pdfs from AI and PS. In the PS ones, blacks are very grey, and drop shadow effects become exaggerated. I've attached some screen shots. I hope you can see the differences. The AI ones are on the left. It is quite hard to see the differences here, but across a whole document it is very obvious.
What can I do to stop the PS pdfs turning out this way?
I have a doubt on colors and monitor profile. I am using an imac with monitor calibrated with Spyder pro3 and shoot photos with a Canon 500D (RAW+JPG).
I recently added a cir polarized filter to my camera, and really satisfied of colors I see in the camera screen, and the same colors I see on my imac when I look at jpg files. Unfortunately when I open photos on Lightroom 4.1, colors seems the same while loading the picture (probably reading the jpg) but than suddenly changes when rendering the preview and in develop module. Colors seems less vivid like missing some contrast (in attachment an example of the same file opened with lightroom and apple preview in raw and jpg).
I know that jpg created by camera are different from raw files, but actually never had such a difference in colors with all other photos I shoot before. Is this because of the filter or do I have to set anything in particular in lightroom, such as monitor profile or others?
what are the differences among the surface types we can create?
I see we can use convert to surface command and have a surface made from the object which receives NURBS property. And I see we can command a planar surface, realizing it can't have a NURBS Surface for further changes.
when we thicken the planar surface, the surface goes off then, and it can be no longer selected ! what's going on with this planar surface, what is it for? why does autocad actually got a Planar surface?
I work on a Mac and I just updated from Illustrator CS5 to Illustrator CS6 and I'm noticing a weird problem. I have a file that I created in CS5 that when I copy the artwork to a new file in CS6, the colours are totally different.
I have checked my preferences against those of a co-worker that still has CS5, and as far as I can tell, everything is the same!
I've attached a set of screenshots (below), using a file created in CS5 (bottom image), and what it looks like when it is copied into a new file (top image).
I'm working on making a .gif animation in Gimp 2.6, and it seems to work just fine in the preview playback. However, when I export it to .gif and view it, the .gif moves as if each frame is supposed to be displayed for 100ms. Why is this happening?
When I export it as an animation to .gif, I do not check the box that says "use delay entered above for all frames, but the delay still says 100ms. I select "don't care" for frame disposal and use that for all frames. Is there an incorrect setting here?
Explain the logic behind the differences between RVT Categories and how they display in Plan View?
I made a custom component (Family) that was set as the 'Generic Model'
When placed, its elevation was set above the Cut Plane but below the Top of the Primary View Range for the Plan View. The Object displayed in its entirety. I then decided that this component was really better categorized as
'Specialty Equipment'. So, I re-assigned it in the Family Editor, and re-loaded it into my Project. As I did this, the object disappeared from Plan View. I then switched to a 3D View to verify it was still present in the model - and it was.
So why does Generic Model Display, and not Specialty Equipment, I ask? I've discovered that if I lower the Elevation of the Specialty Equipment to exist at or below the Cut Plane, but above the Bottom of the Primary View Range; it will display in Plan View. I've also tested and discovered that adding Symbolic Lines to the Plan View of the Specialty Equipment in the Family Editor and re-loading into the Project will not overcome this issue of elevation - if the object is above the Cut Plane the Symbolic lines will not display either.
I note that Specialty Equipment does not have a "Cut" setting for Lineweights in Object Styles, and Generic Model does. Is this the indicator for this display behavior that I'm experiencing? And if so, why is 'Specialty Equipment' regulated to this type of Category? Why not have a 'Cut' setting for it?
Quite a fair bit of an Architectural model gets lumped into this Category:
lockers, toilet accessories, kitchen equipment, medical equipment, etc.
I have been finding some strange issues exporting out of Sp2 and now still the same in ext1. I set up some color bars and exported HD YUV files in 8bit and 10bit and found there to be a big shift in color and gamma when viewing on the waveform monitor (both smoke's waveform monitor, and an external waveform monitor on my reference OLED screen)Ive attatched screen grabs of the differences when ive imported the files back in and put them in a timeline.
The original internally generated color bars and the exported 10bit uncompressed file are the same but both uncompressed forms of 8bit (2vuy, and yuv2) are completely shifted - and it is not a YUV headroom issue.
When looking at the waveform you can see the steps in luminance seem to be very different - as though the RGB to YUV or YCbCr conversion has been done with a different calculation. Maybe the SDTV BT.601 vs HDTV BT.709 calculation. Gamma is not being shifted as shown by the gradient I have running accross the frame being mapped as a straight line 0-100 in the waveform.
Most other forms of an 8bit YUV file ive tested dont have this issue ( h264, DNxHD mxf's, xdcamHD422). Also ProRes of all flavours is fine, although these are 10 and 12bit.However I have another issure with exporting XDCAMHD422 files in that the length of the mxf is always shorter by 2-5 frames. This is was something I reported as a bug a few months ago and it still isnt fixed.Frustrating since this is the required format needed to supply TVC's to the TV stations, and the most common export function I would use from smoke - although its useless, still...
My office is running into a printing issue, when different people are plotting off the same drawing file.
I've checked the .CTB file, all of us are using the same file, all .CTB parameters are identical, and no line weights have been set up within the layers, all are set to default, and no transparency has been used.
One man prints the file from AutoCAD2013, on a Windows 7-32bit computer, to our HP Laser Jet 8150N and his drawing comes out light.
I print the same drawing file from AutoCAD2012, on a Windows 7-32bit computer to the same printer with the same .CTB file and my drawing file prints dark. Much darker than his does.
We're having the same issue with other computers here in the office all printing to the same printer using exactly the same .CTB file. I've checked all the versions of Windows, and we're all using Windows 7 32-bit.
The only thing I can think of is that maybe we have different graphics cards as the computers have been purchased at different times.
I've done a 3D frame in Inventor 2012 and after doing a 2D with a partlist chart I found differences between lengths. The length of the part list was the first one, the frame was modified and the partlist didnt update.
Found out that the d18 parameter was a fixed number. I managed to change it manually by changing the G_L parameter to d18.How can I set up my inventor to update the part length automatically?
how to turn off the units in the output table for the Incremental Station Elevation Difference Report of a profile?
It currently adds "m" to the end of my data which makes it difficult to get working in excel (the "m" makes it a text cell and doesn't allow calculation, unless you can ignore letters in excel).