GIMP :: GIF Animation Speed Differences - Delay 100ms

Jun 28, 2012

I'm working on making a .gif animation in Gimp 2.6, and it seems to work just fine in the preview playback. However, when I export it to .gif and view it, the .gif moves as if each frame is supposed to be displayed for 100ms. Why is this happening?

When I export it as an animation to .gif, I do not check the box that says "use delay entered above for all frames, but the delay still says 100ms. I select "don't care" for frame disposal and use that for all frames. Is there an incorrect setting here?

The correct frame rates are as follows:

1000ms x1 frame
10ms x13 frames
50ms x4 frames
1400ms x1 frame
500ms x6 frames
5000ms x1 frame

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Photoshop :: Apparent Frame Delay In Animation

Jan 13, 2009

I already set the frame delay to 0secs but when I "save as web design..." but when I save it as a .gif after this step, viewing in FIREFOX browser, the animated gif is not the original speed. It has some delay.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Frame Animation Speed

May 25, 2013

I have a jpeg sequence of 165 frames in my psd animation.  Upon export (as an .mov file), I need to keep frames 1-29 and 80-165 as is, but speed up frames 30-79.  How can achieve this in PS CS4? 
I have tried exporting each of the clips individually and then brought them into i Movie to speed up the middle portion and subsequently re-piece them all together. This works great, but I am not familiar enough with i Movie or Premiere Pro to export the file properly; it seems to not allow me to export it with the same specs (mainly size, 1280x1024 at 30fps) as my source files. 

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Photoshop :: Controlling The Speed Of A Gif Animation?

Aug 29, 2004

I'm trying to do is take a video file and make a part of it into an animated gif. I only just got Photoshop CS (Version 8.0) and so I'm still a bit of a clutz with it. What I'm doing is going into ImageReady and using the "File > Open" option to open the video, I edit it down to the length I want with the dialog that pops up. Then I adjust the video and canvas size to my needs. But I can't find any option to control the speed. While I'm editing it the animation runs in slow motion, and when I save it to gif it still runs in slow motion. However, if I save it as a QuickTime file or something, it runs at normal speed. How can I change the frames per second or at least get it to run at the normal speed it does in the video for a gif file?

The only way I've found so far is to edit out frames from the animation, but then it comes out choppy. I've asked in several other places and looked at tutorials and they say to use the "File > Save to web" option. But there does not seem to be any such option and I think they may be referring to older versions. How can I do this in the version I have?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Speed Up Animation From Js

Apr 14, 2013

Is there a way to speed up animation? For example I have 5 sec animation. I want to play it normally (5sec) and play it reverse for 2 sec.

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Photoshop Elements :: Speed Up Entrance Of Text Animation

Oct 7, 2013

Is there a way to speed up the entrance of text animation using Elements 10?

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GIMP :: How To Add Delay To Animated GIF

Jul 25, 2011

I told GIMP not to add a delay to my animated gif but GIMP did anyway and now my animated gif is really slow. How can I prevent GIMP from adding a delay to my animated gif?



Edit: How can I save my project without losing my layers so I can work on it again later?


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GIMP :: Set Delay Between Frames Separately

May 31, 2011

what I want is to set the frames separately and not globally, as it is provided when saving the GIF image.

So, is there any tool to set the delay between the frames but separately?

E.g. I have two frames, let's say f1 and f2, what I want is a delay 10 secs (10k ms) between the f1 and f2, and then a delay 10 ms between f2 and f1.

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GIMP :: Export GIF File With Delay Specified In Name Of Layers

Oct 25, 2013

I am creating a gif animation with GIMP 2.8.6 in Windows 7 64 bits.

I open the png files with the option "Open as layers" and then I edit the name of each layer setting the delay and the mode, for example "layer1(1000 ms)(replace)", "layer2(5000 ms)(replace)", ...

If I go to "Filters->Animation->Reproduce" the animation is OK. But if I export the file to a .gif file, the delay between layers is the specified in the Export options and not the delay which I set in the name of the layers.

How can I export a .gif file with the delay specified in the name of layers?

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GIMP :: Can't Edit Delay Between Frames For GIF File

Feb 1, 2012

To gimp-user list recipients, I've run into a problem where I cant edit the delay between frames for my .GIF file. Im looking to set it it 41ms for each frame, which Ive done when prompted as I save my file, but the playback speed seems to stay at 100ms delay when I open the finished .GIF. Is it possible Gimp has trouble applying the delay to a high amount of frames? Im used alot of layers, 280 to be exact. The images/layers are from a video I previously converted to PNGs.

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GIMP :: Speed Of Animated GIF

Jul 9, 2013

GIMP can preview my animation at 25 fps but when I export the animated GIF I can't seem to get it to run fast enough. I reduce the amount of time between frames to 0 and tried experimenting with the 'use delay entered above for all frames' but it's just way too slow.

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GIMP :: Brush Size Speed

Aug 30, 2013

Well i've, been a gimp user since quite a time now, and always loved it over photostop for doing all my work except for the one i love most, and thats digital painting. My problem is the scaling of the brushes, ive tried everthing but at the end i don't feel satisfied with the behavior of how gimp scales the brushes pixel per pixel at time, its very slow working on large canvas, i know there's the scale more shortcut but its not quite precise and swapping between the normal scale shortcut with the scale more is a pain in the ass, at least for me because i barely use the keyboard so i rely heavily on my intuos 4 medium tablet using the touch ring for scaling, so my questions are:

theres no way to have a similar brush scale behavior similar to the one in photoshop ? like it doesnt matter if im very zoomed in or very zoomed out, the brush scales fast and precise

I dont remember where i read about this other shortcut called increase brush size relative, that is like a more precise way to scale the brush size but my problem is why it does nothing after assigning a key to it ? well it does, on the bottom where zoom percentage is located,to the right ive seen that it shows the selected tool, and when i click the assigned key to the command i said before it shows Brush Angel 0.00. why? im not trying to rotate the brush im trying to scale it, maybe is a bug i dont know.

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GIMP :: How To Make TGA Animation

Feb 4, 2013

How to make TGA animation?

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GIMP :: Why Other Layer Seen In GIF During Animation

Oct 19, 2012

I have a simple gif of two layers, both with transparent backgrounds. When I add the layers and animate the gif it shows both layers. Can't I just make only 1 layer display at a time with its transparency without seeing the other one behind?

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GIMP :: Exporting Animation To GIF

Oct 26, 2013

Im having issues when exporting an animation. I have set the time i want each layer displayed in the edit layer attributes section and entering a ms value. When i select layers, animation. play animation its perfect.

However. when i export it takes the values from that screen in preference over my specified values in each layer attribute. Explain the items in the export animation export window for me .

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GIMP :: GIF Can't Save As Animation

Sep 14, 2013

When I try to export my gif the only options are help, export, and cancel. There is no box that says 'save as animation'. I've checked GIMP 2libgimp2.0plug-ins for file-gif-save and file-gif-load and they are both there. I've reinstalled gimp as well.

I'm using windows 7 and gimp 2.8.6

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GIMP :: Save As GIF - Whole Animation Not Exporting

Jan 3, 2014

I have some experience using GIMP but I have just completed my first animation for my wedding invitation.

I have used GAP and am happy with the Playback and am ready to export to gif - something I have successfully done before in smaller images.

However, when I export to/save as gif, only the frame I have open at the time is exporting, not the whole animation. I have tried this on my two different systems - using GIMP 2.8.6 on Windows and 2.8.12 (I think) on Ubuntu but I am still stuck.

I'm not sure what information is relevant but I believe my frames are named correctly (000001.xcf - 000268.xcf) and as I said, the playback is working exactly as I want it to. Just not the gif!

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GIMP :: GIF Animation Saves Blurry?

Feb 26, 2013

Iv had gimp for awhile but just started messing around with animations. . .trying to make 100 x 100 avatar. Trying to learn as I go. I understand how to make the animation now and I need to change it to index mode etc. but it seems no matter what I do it saves looking smudged/blurry not crisp... not like the preview. I understand there are a limited amount of colors in gif... Iv been doing online searches and trying all the recommendations I seen. Everything from choosing the dithering option to saving each layer (its just 3 layers) as a .gif separately first and then adding them together... nothing seems to work. What else can I try?

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GIMP :: Anti-aliasing On GIF Animation

Jul 17, 2011

I created this Gif animation with GIMP using Blender to provide the frames. The end result looks like this:

Gif animation here

The question is: How to put anti-aliasing on the frames so it won't look as jagged?

Do the newer versions of GIMP provide PNG animation support? Is it planned?

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GIMP :: Make A Slideshow GIF Animation

Oct 25, 2013

I am trying to make a slideshow gif animation, varying the delay between the frames... see screenshot. I play the animation in gimp, it works perfectly. But when I save it as a gimp file, the resulting animation blips by with no reference to the delays I specified.

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GIMP :: How To Get Smooth Flow In Animation

Oct 14, 2012

Animation! I'm really new to this GAP-program. First I did Video/frames to image and changed (41ms) into (120ms), because the animation was too fast.

Bur after this, it still was too fast, so I changed that manually in the Layers-box (into 170ms - 200ms). (I don't wanted all frames to have the same speed). Speed is now good, but somehow it isn't as smooth anymore.

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GIMP :: Single Layer Animation Possible?

Apr 3, 2013

I've created a picture with a layer of lava underneath a stone wall which is visible through some of the cracks in the stone. I'm looking to use the rippling animation on ONLY the lava layer while keeping the rest of the layers, i.e. shadows,drop shadow, background, etc. in tact.

Is this possible? I tried several different ways but couldn't make it work. So in other words, I'm only trying to animate only one layer.

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GIMP :: Make A Simple GIF Animation

Oct 26, 2012

I am trying to make a simple gif animation. however when i do each layer does not disappear when the next is played. Each layer remains and successive layers are pasted on top.

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GIMP :: Detaching Animation Pane?

Jul 6, 2013

I've done it in the past to click on the dotted line to detach the animation pane so while repeatedly using Animstack & Playback is less cumbersome. Why I no longer have that option?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Key Differences Between X2 And X4?

Sep 19, 2011

I normally upgrade every other version. I currently use X2 on a Windows XP computer. My primary uses are photo editing. My key interests are:

- processing 16 bit per color files

- use of layers and blends

- stereo photography (combining and aligning stereo pairs)

- use of various tools such as cloning and healing.

- Color management and Printing

Reviewing the product page, I haven't really found anything that shows a list of upgraded or added features. Most of the things mentioned appear to be in X2 already. Looking at the thread calling for future features, it appears that the things missing are still missing. X2 is serving me well, but there has to be some reason to upgrade?

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Photoshop :: Color Differences

Mar 20, 2004

In viewing/creating anything in photoshop 7.0 (and I tried 7.x) the color is different than in any other program... if for instance I take a solid red 255,0,0 and fill a new file - it appears more orange than red. I can take the color picker and it shows the correct RGB say of 255,0,0 but again, it shows orangish on the screen.

ALL other graphics programs, including Imageready DO show the correct color... but NOT Photoshop! - I have tried changing the color preferences up the wah-zoo - nothing. I have tried reinstalling photo 7.0 no avail, I think (or thought) perhaps it was after I downloaded CS to try - to see if I would upgrade ????

this could be far off the mark, but at this point my graphics development work is hurting because I if I develop/create anything in photoshop I have to have another graphics program also open just to see what the true color looks like.... PLEASE help. I really don't know what else to do besides finding and deleting ANYTHING related to photoshop/upgrades etc and reinstalling again.

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Photoshop :: Pantone Differences

Aug 19, 2003

Why is it that when i choose a Pantone colour from my Pantone book, then go into Photoshop and select the same Pantone colour number, the CMYK breakdown in my book is different to the one that Photoshop tells me?

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Xara :: Differences Between XDP X And XWDP MX?

Jun 30, 2012

What are the prime differences between XDP X and XWDP MX?? And do I need both programs?? I am a graphic designer, I do print and web design.

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Illustrator :: Differences Between AI And PS PDFs?

Apr 21, 2013

I produce documents in AI, and save them to pdf.  Then, in order to reduce the file size, I load then into PS, flatten image, then resave as pdf.  All are in CMYK.

There appears to be a big difference in the output pdfs from AI and PS. In the PS ones, blacks are very grey, and drop shadow effects become exaggerated.  I've attached some screen shots. I hope you can see the differences. The AI ones are on the left.  It is quite hard to see the differences here, but across a whole document it is very obvious.

What can I do to stop the PS pdfs turning out this way?

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Lightroom :: Colors Differences Between JPG And Raw

Jun 10, 2012

I have a doubt on colors and monitor profile. I am using an imac with monitor calibrated with Spyder pro3 and shoot photos with a Canon 500D (RAW+JPG).
I recently added a cir polarized filter to my camera, and really satisfied of colors I see in the camera screen, and the same colors I see on my imac when I look at jpg files. Unfortunately when I open photos on Lightroom 4.1, colors seems the same while loading the picture (probably reading the jpg) but than suddenly changes when rendering the preview and in develop module. Colors seems less vivid like missing some contrast (in attachment an example of the same file opened with lightroom and apple preview in raw and jpg).

I know that jpg created by camera are different from raw files, but actually never had such a difference in colors with all other photos I shoot before. Is this because of the filter or do I have to set anything in particular in lightroom, such as monitor profile or others?

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Lightroom :: Color Differences From Mac To PC?

Aug 22, 2012

How can I make sure my photos are the same from my Mac to a pc.? I just opened up my disc to view my clients photos on a pc and the color is way off. I edited them using Lightroom on my Mac.

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