Illustrator :: Differences Between AI And PS PDFs?

Apr 21, 2013

I produce documents in AI, and save them to pdf.  Then, in order to reduce the file size, I load then into PS, flatten image, then resave as pdf.  All are in CMYK.

There appears to be a big difference in the output pdfs from AI and PS. In the PS ones, blacks are very grey, and drop shadow effects become exaggerated.  I've attached some screen shots. I hope you can see the differences. The AI ones are on the left.  It is quite hard to see the differences here, but across a whole document it is very obvious.

What can I do to stop the PS pdfs turning out this way?

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Illustrator :: Color Differences Between High And Low Resolution Images In Pdfs

Jan 14, 2013

OK, I'm creating a tradeshow graphic for a client. I designed the whole thing in Illlustrator CS6. But for the proof, I used a low res image of the sky (before we purchased it). Everyone was happy. It was a low-res RGB image imported into Illustrator, then the whole thing was exported as a pdf.
Once they approved it, I purchased the high res image. RGB. Same image... just high res. I popped it into the Illustrator file and exported it in exactly the same way. But now, the image looks much more purple. The low res pdf showed it as much brighter, lighter blue.
My client prefers the lighter blue. When I look at the two images in Photoshop, they look the same (in terms of color). should I be worred? Why is there such a color difference?

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Illustrator :: Colour Differences When Copying?

Feb 7, 2013

I work on a Mac and I just updated from Illustrator CS5 to Illustrator CS6 and I'm noticing a weird problem. I have a file that I created in CS5 that when I copy the artwork to a new file in CS6, the colours are totally different.
I have checked my preferences against those of a co-worker that still has CS5, and as far as I can tell, everything is the same!
I've attached a set of screenshots (below), using a file created in CS5 (bottom image), and what it looks like when it is copied into a new file (top image).

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Illustrator :: Pixels And Document Size Differences As Compared To Photoshop

Nov 6, 2012

Why is the pixel ratio of a project in illustrator different than that of the same pixel ratio of a project in Photoshop? Example: A project can in Illustrator can have an artboard of 950px X 950px and be 12in and in Photoshop that same pixel ratio will be 4 3/4in.

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Illustrator :: PDFs Are Too Big To Email?

Jan 10, 2012

I email a lot of pdf's out of Illustrator and have a saved setting. I am basically using the smallest file size setting but with bleed and trim marks. Files normally come out about a MB or smaller. We recently upgraded to CS 5.5 just after All of a sudden for about the last 2 weeks when I save a pdf the files are 10 MB or bigger. I have tried just about everthing to reduce the file size and nothing is working. Why this would have happened and what I can do to fix it. I had to export the files as jpgs in order to make them small enough to email.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Does Not Save PDFs To Artboard

Apr 16, 2013

The first time it happened, I uninstalled AI and did a fresh install which fixed it for a short time. When I save a PDF out of AI, it does not save to the artboard constraints. This is a screen shot of my AI document which has 2 pages.

When I save as PDF, this is what the file looks like:

(Pg 1)
(Pg 2)
After the original file has been saved (incorrectly) I can open it and save it again and it will be fine.

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Illustrator :: Spot Color PDFs

Sep 10, 2013

How do I create a PDF that only incluse my PMS spot colors and process black?

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Illustrator :: Importing PDFs - Size Discrepancy Between AI And PS

Nov 22, 2012

I run a department that cleans PDF architectural drawings in Illustrator and Photoshop for use in online documentation software.  I am currently working on creating spreadsheets laying out "if plan is 1/8" = 1', scale at 'X' %", etc, as up until now it is simply done by eye, but we try to scale up or down all plans to roughly the same size.  While trying to determine a scaling ratio to create these charts, I realized that when I imported the same PDF into AI, it resizes the image, where as when I import it into photoshop, it imports it at full size.  For example, I took the same PDF and dropped it into AI, and it was 2108 x 2881, and when dropping into PS it was 8788 x 12007
How can I import a PDF into AI and PS and have them be the same dimensions?I saved a GIF file 5,000 pixels wide, and it imported 5,000 pixels wide into both programs, so it appears I am only having this issue when working with PDF files.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Files Not Saving Properly As PDFs?

Jan 5, 2013

Prior to printing my work, I save PDF versions of my files.  More often than I'd like, when I print the PDF file from my computer, some of the graphics do not print correctly.  For example, a portion of a curved graphic (like a swirl) might be cut off leaving a blunt straight edge. Have issues with PDF files?  Is there anything I can do to control this quality issue?

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Illustrator :: File Size And Performance Using PDFs From CAD

Aug 1, 2013

Using Illustrator CS5.5, I'm trying to open and use floor plan PDFs originally created from AutoCAD, Revit, etc. The files contain detailed vector artwork, but the file sizes and RAM/CPU usage I'm seeing don't seem to correspond to the information in the file. I open a 2MB floor plan PDF and when I save as Illustrator, it becomes 20MB. It takes 2GB of RAM to open that file.
I've checked for masks and transparencies, but can't figure out what's making these so difficult to work with. Are there attributes I'm not checking that could be slowing things down?

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Illustrator :: Gradients Dropping Out When Opening PDFs

Sep 30, 2013

I work for a large format printing company. We receive thousands of files every year from many different designers. We started to notice that gradients would drop out of some PDFs when opening them in Illustrator but they would preview fine when opened in Acrobat. I searched high and low for an explanation for this glitch. The only response I received is "Stop opening exported PDFs in Illustrator." The downfall with these workarounds: all spot colors located in the gradients will convert to CMYK mixes. I'm still researching to see if there is a way to keep spot colors intact in these areas.
A little back story: InDesign is converting the gradients into something called NChannel. It enables more accurate handling of color blending by including additional dot gain and color mixing info. Both InDesign and Acrobat have the ability to display these elements whereas Illustrator, from what I’m finding, does not. Which is why we’re seeing gradient elements drop out when opened in Illustrator.
Workaround for CMYK Gradients
Open PDF exported from INDD in Acrobat
Go to Tools > Print Production > Convert Colors
Object Type: Smooth Shade (this tells Acrobat to hone in on Gradients only)
Color Type: DeviceCMYK
Check Embed next to Conversion Profile (should be SWOP)
Expand Document Colors on the right and Select DeviceCMYK in Color Spaces then click ok
Save the PDF


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Illustrator :: CC Produces PDFs With Missing Content

Aug 7, 2013

I have a business card file created in AI CS6. The file has two identically-sized art boards with crop marks. All the fonts are outlined, there are no linked graphics. I've opened the file in AI CC, made some minor changes, and tried to save as a PDF. When I open the PDF in either Acrobat Reader or Pro XI, there is no content, only the crop marks.
Interestingly, the desktop icon preview, and the open dialog box preview both show the content, and when I open the PDF in AI CC, the content is there. But when I open the file in either version of Acrobat, the content is gone. Just the crop marks show.

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Illustrator :: Turned Off Layers Visible On PDFs In Mac Products?

Jan 2, 2013

I have several documents with what I call "reference layers" in them that I turn off when making a PDF. When I view the PDF on a Windows based machine, it is fine in both FireFox and IE. When viewing the PDF on a Mac product (iPad, iPhone, Mac desktop), the layers I have turned off are showing up in the PDF.

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Illustrator :: Color Shift In PDFs When Viewing On IPad

Oct 24, 2012

what I need to do to my PDF to ensure color are some what close to original when saving a PDF in Illustrator or InDesign. Yes i understand iPad would be using a different coor management to a desktop computer but surely there is a way to get the colors, brightness closer to original?
I notice that when doing standard and high quality saves in PDF format, the saturation and brightness contrast changes quite a bit, but if I save the image as a jpg its a lot closer.
I was just browsing a car site which seems to be exeriencing a very similar situation with one of their PDFs. When viewing in iPad have a look at how bad this looks (its way too dark) but when viewing on a desktop machine its fine.

(If the link does not work go to the main domain, click on vehicles from menu, select captiva5 then click view brochure) to load PDF
Is it just a matter of color proofing using a specific model and drawing back on blownout levels before outputting to PDF?

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Illustrator Scripting :: CS5 - Batch Saving AI Files As Low Res PDFs

Nov 20, 2012

I need to find a way to convert a LOT of ai files, individually, to low res pdf's. Preferably with the presets I want, not some defaults. I'm not interested in an action. I was hoping for a droplet, script, or something similar.
I did find this and it looked promising... [URL] ....
That almost worked.  Ultimately, for some reason, it couldn't see the ai files sitting in the specified folder.
Running CS5 with MacOS 10.8.2

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Illustrator :: Saving / Exporting Multiple Artboards To Separate PDFs In CS5

Jul 7, 2010

In Adobe Illustrator CS5, you now have the capability give a name to each artboard in your illustrator file. I understand that you can easily save each artboard as separate AI files but I would like to save them as separate PDFs instead.
Any script, or know the actual method of doing so? All I can possibly theorize is to save the artboards as separate PDFs and then have Acrobat convert those artboards to PDFs.

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Illustrator :: Save Blank PDFs With Information About Missing Content

May 22, 2013

I use Illustrator CS6 on OS X 10.8. Yesterday I noticed that my PDFs come out as blank files with the text
This is an Adobe® Illustrator® File that was saved without PDF Content.To Place or open this file in other applications, it should be re-saved from Adobe Illustrator with the "Create PDF Compatible File" option turned on. This option is in the Illustrator Native Format Options dialog box, which appears when saving an Adobe Illustrator file using the Save As command.
which is actually a description that typically appears in AI files saved without PDF compatibility. It's not document-wise but rather application-wise issue because it happens even if I create a new Document, draw something in the middle of the canvas and save it. Also, all of my existing documents which used to save well before, do that now. Basically, I cannot save correctly a single PDF. But it seems that the exported documents must contain the data because they have different sizes based on the content.
There's no problem with saving in AI format.

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Illustrator :: Sending File To Newspaper For Printing - Export MASSIVE PDFs

Feb 28, 2013

I am trying to send a file to a newspaper for print. Only thing is Illustrator makes the files massive.
A normal newspaper ad ends up to be 58MB when converted to PDF. When i make something in Indesign it only exports to about 8MB for PDF.

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Illustrator :: Choose A Font Besides Myriad Pro As Default / When Opening Existing PDFs

Nov 8, 2013

I work with PDFs generated in AutoCAD.When opening these files in Illustrator, the default font is always set to Myriad Pro.
How can I substitute my desired font for Myriad when opening EXISTING files, short of copy/pasting into a new file? That workaround is just as time-consuming as resetting the font every time I work on a new document.Illustrator has to be referencing something when defaulting to this font. It seems unbelievable that this setting cannot be altered.

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Illustrator :: Batch Edit PDFs To Remove Linked Content Within So It Stays Static?

Nov 15, 2013

I need to take a batch of pdfs and remove the links associated inside the file so they stay static.

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Illustrator :: Second Page Of Two-page PDFs Printing Upside-down?

May 8, 2013

In the past two days, two-page PDFs that I save out of CS6 are printing with the second page upside down. I have tried resaving the documents—didn't work. Tried saving the documents as individual PDFs and combining the PDFs in Acrobat—didn't work. I have had my colleagues print them, and the second page is upside-down too. When I print two-page PDFs that I saved last week or longer ago, I have no problem at all. It just seems to be happening with recently saved PDFs. I didn't update any software on my computer between saving the PDFs that are printing correctly and when this problem began.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Key Differences Between X2 And X4?

Sep 19, 2011

I normally upgrade every other version. I currently use X2 on a Windows XP computer. My primary uses are photo editing. My key interests are:

- processing 16 bit per color files

- use of layers and blends

- stereo photography (combining and aligning stereo pairs)

- use of various tools such as cloning and healing.

- Color management and Printing

Reviewing the product page, I haven't really found anything that shows a list of upgraded or added features. Most of the things mentioned appear to be in X2 already. Looking at the thread calling for future features, it appears that the things missing are still missing. X2 is serving me well, but there has to be some reason to upgrade?

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Photoshop :: Color Differences

Mar 20, 2004

In viewing/creating anything in photoshop 7.0 (and I tried 7.x) the color is different than in any other program... if for instance I take a solid red 255,0,0 and fill a new file - it appears more orange than red. I can take the color picker and it shows the correct RGB say of 255,0,0 but again, it shows orangish on the screen.

ALL other graphics programs, including Imageready DO show the correct color... but NOT Photoshop! - I have tried changing the color preferences up the wah-zoo - nothing. I have tried reinstalling photo 7.0 no avail, I think (or thought) perhaps it was after I downloaded CS to try - to see if I would upgrade ????

this could be far off the mark, but at this point my graphics development work is hurting because I if I develop/create anything in photoshop I have to have another graphics program also open just to see what the true color looks like.... PLEASE help. I really don't know what else to do besides finding and deleting ANYTHING related to photoshop/upgrades etc and reinstalling again.

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Photoshop :: Pantone Differences

Aug 19, 2003

Why is it that when i choose a Pantone colour from my Pantone book, then go into Photoshop and select the same Pantone colour number, the CMYK breakdown in my book is different to the one that Photoshop tells me?

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Xara :: Differences Between XDP X And XWDP MX?

Jun 30, 2012

What are the prime differences between XDP X and XWDP MX?? And do I need both programs?? I am a graphic designer, I do print and web design.

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Lightroom :: Colors Differences Between JPG And Raw

Jun 10, 2012

I have a doubt on colors and monitor profile. I am using an imac with monitor calibrated with Spyder pro3 and shoot photos with a Canon 500D (RAW+JPG).
I recently added a cir polarized filter to my camera, and really satisfied of colors I see in the camera screen, and the same colors I see on my imac when I look at jpg files. Unfortunately when I open photos on Lightroom 4.1, colors seems the same while loading the picture (probably reading the jpg) but than suddenly changes when rendering the preview and in develop module. Colors seems less vivid like missing some contrast (in attachment an example of the same file opened with lightroom and apple preview in raw and jpg).

I know that jpg created by camera are different from raw files, but actually never had such a difference in colors with all other photos I shoot before. Is this because of the filter or do I have to set anything in particular in lightroom, such as monitor profile or others?

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Lightroom :: Color Differences From Mac To PC?

Aug 22, 2012

How can I make sure my photos are the same from my Mac to a pc.? I just opened up my disc to view my clients photos on a pc and the color is way off. I edited them using Lightroom on my Mac.

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Photoshop :: Image Differences Occurs?

Dec 11, 2012

I have saw some differences(rotation) while opening the same image in the photoshop and imaging preview applications. why this difference occurs. I have attached the screen shot for your references.

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Photoshop :: File Size Differences

Sep 15, 2013

Two questions ...
1. I'm getting the following warning ...
I think that a TIFF file bigger than 2 gb does not create any quality issue in LR - PS workflow ... correct?

It is just related with some third party programs, as the warning box says.
2. This file .. an uncompressed TIFF file ... it is 1 gb inside the PS and it is 2.21 gb in the system folder. Where is this difference coming from?

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AutoCad 3D :: Differences Among Surface Types

Jul 23, 2013

what are the differences among the surface types we can create?

I see we can use convert to surface command and have a surface made from the object which receives NURBS property. And I see we can command a planar surface, realizing it can't have a NURBS Surface for further changes.

when we thicken the planar surface, the surface goes off then, and it can be no longer selected ! what's going on with this planar surface, what is it for? why does autocad actually got a Planar surface?

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Paint.NET :: Selecting And / Or Removing Differences

Sep 13, 2011

I would like to have a function so I can -at least- select the differences that sets picture a apart from picture b.

Is there a plugin for that or is it even build in p.n?

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