Photoshop :: Differences In Camera Lens Profiles In ACR?
May 24, 2012
differences in the Camera Lens Profiles in ACR and the Lens Correction Filter in Photoshop CS6.Reason I ask is my D800 and Nikon 14-24mm lens is detected and correction applied in ACR, but the same camera and lens combination is not recognized in the Photoshop lens correction filter. The D800 is nowhere to be found. But interestingly the profiles for the D4 are
Many folks have asked in the past when the D800 and Canon 5DM3 would be supported but all the attention has been focussed on ACR, so when will these profiles be available for Photoshop Lens Correction?
I can never find those lists of lens profiles to pick from, even when I go Filter>lens corrections. I remember doing this before but cant get in anywhere. When i try to go directly with lens profile downloader, this is all i get from a newly downloaded app.
I recently formatted my mac and now i cant find where to download the correct lens profiles to camera raw. Im a photographer and its crucial i have the right ones!!
Just came back from the camera store after testing out the Nikon Coolpix P7800 and Sony RX100ii. Imported the RAW files into LR 5.3 to compare the image quality of the cameras. I noticed that I could not assign camera and lens profiles to the photos. I currently have a Nikon P7100 which does show up in the drop down list and have had no problem doing lens corrections for the older camera. I thought the P7800 and RX100ii cameras were added in the latest update.
I recently returned from a photo trip where for the first time I used multiple camera bodies (I purchased a second 5D MII body).
When importing my photgraphs into Lightroom I find all the correct lens profiles are available to images shot with my original 5D MII body, but images taken with the new body are only presented with a default list of 15 profiles, which don't include several of the lenses I used.
I'm using LR 3.6 on Windows 7 64 bit and find that the full list of lens profiles is in the folowing folder:
I also found the following folder present on the PC which had no profiles but and empty Dowloads folder.
So tried copying the profiles here but that didn't work either.
How I can correct this problem get all my profiles avalable to both bodies? I tried exporting the images to photoshop and downloading lens profiles via the Lens Correction Filter but that didn't work either.
LightRoom and Camera Raw have profiles for Lens Correction and all the current available lens are in the list for the Canon 6D raw files. BUT the Filter/Lens Correction when in Photoshop CS6 only have 2 Tamron lens listed. Odd that there are lens profiles for the Canon 6D raw files in Lightroom and Camera RAW but not CS6 Filter/Lens Correction.
Camera RAW, LR and PS are up to date..... NOTE: I have a Canon 7D, G11 and 1D Mark II N and all their files work as expected. It's only RAW files created by the Canon 6D.
In LR 4.4 lens correction profiles works fine for my Canon 70-200 f/4L IS USM, but when I use the Canon Extender 1.4 III with this lens there is no correction profile available.How do I obtain a profile covering this?
Why won't the Lens Correction filter recognize my camera and lens, which is shown in the metadata below the correction window? I had been using the venerable Canon 5D Mk II and now the Mk III. For images taken with the III it doesn't even list Canon in the Camera drop down -- too new? Even with the II, I had to choose the camera manually and then choose the lens from a very tedious list, and had no indication if it was using the focal length in the case of a zoom, or the aperture.
I do strongly prefer to do this correction in Camera Raw or Lightroom, and realize it needs to be done on an uncropped image to be accurate. why even present it as an auto correction if it can't use the metadata? Why not just limit it to the manual correction?
After an, automatic, update to camera raw 7.3 in Photoshop Elements 11 all Camera Profiles are gone. All that is left is "Matrix". I use Elements 11, windows Vista on a 64-bit machine, my camera is a Nikon D7000.
Under Lens Corrections in ACR I get the following error message : "Unable to locate a matching lens profile automatically." How do I install the known profiles as I believe the lenses I use are well known and are in the adobe list of common profiles?
I think that ACR uses same lens correction profiles with the filter in PS.
There is only one profile for Canon EF 100 mm f/2.8 L Macro IS USM, but I get two different results when correcting in PS and correcting in ACR (default lens correction mode).
When, oh when, will I be able to access lens profiles for Canon 5D mark 3 in CS6. there is an update due soon (and not interested in making my own for a mainstream camera!!)
If I import a lot of photos into Lightroom at once and they were all taken using the same lens can I enable the lens profile for them all at once? Or do I have to do this one image at a time?
I shoot photos with a Nikon D2X and my wife uses a Nikon D70. If I open a D70 raw file, and then go to camera calibration, the profiles available are for various standard profiles and D2X profiles. The D70 profiles do not show in the drop down list. All of the profiles have been downloaded, from Adobe, and installed.
If I open a D2X raw file, the standard and D2X profiles are shown in the dropdown box.
Have I missed something in the installation? Do the profiles have to be loaded somehow?
I use LR 4.4 (Windows 7, 64-Bit) and i missed unter DEVELOPMENT Lens Adjustments my Nikkor 70-200mm 1:4G ED, only the 70-200mm 2.8 is available. I hope that with Adobe Lens Profile Downloader this could be corrected, but on the download instructions i see that Adobe Air is necessary. This I do not understand. Do I have to buy first Adobe AIR?? Or would it be better to Upgrade from LR 4.4 to LR 5?
After upgrading to LR3.5 it seems that the lens correction lost some profiles (in particular 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 Nikon). It used to show this profile previously. I checked the file system and the profile(s) are in '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/LensProfiles/1.0/Nikon' as expected. Any thoughts to tell LR to show them to me?
I'm trying to work out the optimal workflow for doing HDR (using HDR EFEX 2) on a set of images. I can apply LR's Lens Correction (Nikon, 17-55mm F2,8) and chromatic aberation removal on the whole set set (using LR Sync) before I export to HDR - then turn off the Chromatic Aberation fix in HDR - and that gives me one workflow.
However, that makes a lot of changes to the TIF's before I go in - so I am wondering if it would be better to export the RAW files converted to TIF using minimal changes from LR e,g, no CA fix or Lens Profile correction; let the HDR do its thing and then make profile corrections, Upright, etc upon return from HDR. However, when I get back from HDR and go into Develop with the returned file and go to Lens Correction, I cannot chose the 17-55mm F2.8 lens from the drop downs. There are only about 4 or 5 lenses now showing as Nikon possibilities-and the 17-55 is NOT among them.
How come I don't still see the full list of Nikon profiles - shoudln't I be able to apply any profile to a TIF (even an incorrect one) ?
I tried pasting the Develop Settings from a virtual copy where I had set the Lens Profile to 17-55 F2.8 - but that only turns on the Lens Profile 'filter' and does not actually force-on the specific correction.
When I use Lightroom 3.6 with pictures from Nikon D800, the lens profile for the Mikro Nikor 60 mm lens is not in the list of coice. However, when the picture is from a Nikon D5000, the same lens appears in the list. So, a lens profile exists, but is not open for pictures from the D800. The same is true for the 18-200 mm lens, which however is not suited for the D800 due to heavy vignetting at wide angle, and with the 70-300 mm, which gives good results.
Can you enable the lens profile settings for more than one image at a time? If multiple images were imported and the same lens was used for all of them can you batch process them without having to do one image at a time?
I have a couple custom lens profiles as lcp files. They worked in LR 3 and LR 4.2. But, even though I copied the folders with the lcp files into C:Program Files Adobe Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.3 Resources Lens Profiles 1.0 LR 4.3 never finds the profiles.
I need to be able to apply these lens profiles (they are for my Rokinon 7.5 mm Fisheye lens).
I'm using Lr 4.1. I'm processing raw from a NEX 5 and a NEX 7. Under Lens Correction - Lens Profile - e50/1.8, e24/1.8z, and e18-200f/3.5-6.3 are not listed. I assume profiles for these lenses exist somewhere. Where I can download profiles for these lenses and tell me how to get them into Lr?
I've installed Adobe Lens Profile Downloader and found the lens I'm after but just can't download. The "download" button remains grey and unusable. I'm using Lightroom 3.
I have installed LR 4.2 RC but when I check Lens Profiles these lenses are not listed although ACR 7.2 is supposed to be supporting them. Where I can get the profiles for these lenses and what is the proper procedure to install them?
I'm trying to import images shot on a Canon 650d using two different lenses, the (according to EXIF displayed by LR) "EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II" (kit) lens and an "EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS II". Both lenses and the camera should be newly supported with this RC.
When I go to develop module and tick "activate lens corrections" (translating, I'm using the German version) nothing happens. No corrections are applied. I need to additionally change "Manufacturer" from "none" to "Canon", then the right lens is automatically found and the settings are applied.
However, if I save this as an import-standard (press Alt+"set standard"), just this lens is remembered: All imported images get corrected using the last selected lens profile. So if I manually correct an image taken on the 18-55mm lens and save this as default, at the next import all images, including those taken on the 55-250mm lens, get corrected using the 18-55mm profile (at least, that's what LR is showing me.)
It was my understanding that the import preset should be specific not only to the camera, but also to the lens the respective image was shot with.
I downloaded LR 4.1 RC today. Some of my lenses are not profiled in LR so I then downloaded Lens Profile Downloader Preview 3 to see if there are any profiles available for download. For some lenses I found profiles, but they were not done on the same body that I have (same sensor size though). Can I use profiles for lenses if they are for a camera body that is different than mine, but still the same sensor size? My understanding is that wiht a lens profile LR will automatically correct distortion, vignetting, and CA. Will that work if my body is different than the body used to profile the lens?
Recently bought into the m43s system because of the compact fast primes (Lumix G 20 1.7 and Olympus 24 1.8) and it looks like there are no "built-in" lens profiles for either in LR4 when I check "enable lens corrections". I thought I read somewhere that the 20 1.7 requires correction as it has a significant amount of (barrel, iirc) distortion if not corrected, yet the RAW images look fine upon import -- is Lightroom doing something that does not require a profile?
My lens profiles in the distortion correction list are small. I looked at the official list and mine is not right. I only have one Tamron lens profile. Nikon and Canon only have about 6 lenses each. What gives?
Rather than manually applying lens correction profiles to images by each time having to correct one image and then sync with the rest, I would like LR 5 to automatically apply the appropriate lens correction (either by EXIF info or "default" profile) when importing from the camera (card).