Photoshop :: CS5 - Driver Error Leads To Constant Crash In CS6
Jun 21, 2013
I was using CS5.1 for a while with no problems. Everything went well until one day it gave me an error on hardware acceleration. All it did was give me a scrubby zoom. I spent a few days researching it and eventually gave up on finding a solution.
So I thought I'd try out CS6, to see if it fixed anything. It doesn't. It's worse, even. It crashes randomly at various actions (like switching tools, changing layers, saving), and it crashes without fail if I use liquefy or transform a layer and then try to duplicate it (I'm just trying to make a gif, darnit!) If I'm just drawing and erasing and using undo, it doesn't crash as much. Scrubby zoom is still a problem.
My driver is up to date according to the HP website:Intel High-Definition (HD) Graphics Driver2010-12-03 , Version:, 78.05MIt's really old, but HP isn't updating it. I've tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it. Moot point.The driver is compatible with OpenGL.
I also tried this driver, but apparently it's not compatible.
Additional info/things I've tried: Processor: Intel Core i5 CPU M 450 @ 2.40GHZ 2.40 GHzRAM: 4GBSystem type: 64-bit No third-party plug-ins. 60% memory available to Photoshop. Photoshop is updated to the latest version.Windows is updated (I spent a freggin day trying to figure that out because updates were frozen, and then spent 3 hours trying to figure out why F8 wouldn't bring up advanced boot options so I can delete old update logs so I can update windows so I can get photoshop working--TO NO AVAIL) GPU support option is greyed out, so it's already turned off.
When it crashes, all Windows says is "Adobe Photoshop CS6 has stopped working". Then the details afterwards note "files that describe the problem", which include...
The C:UsersBaniAppDataLocalTempWER7781.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml file, which states:
-<WERReportMetadata>-<OSVersionInformation><WindowsNTVersion>6.1<Build>7601 Service Pack 1<Product>(0x1): Windows 7 Ultimate<Edition>Ultimate<BuildString>7601.18113.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533<Revision>1130<Flavor>Multiprocessor Free<Architecture>X64<LCID>1033</LCID>
The is on pastebin here: [URL]
So I looked up other issues regarding "aticfx64.dll", and nothing works. My last options are either to downgrade again, or to upgrade my video card, but I don't know what kind of video card I need.
I'm seeing Premiere Pro CC (7.2.1) constantly crash with a few projects when I try to export. The common thread (as I can see) are that they were all started in earlier versions of Premiere.
I'll finish editing, then hit Ctrl-M (or Export -> Media), and Premiere sits idle for a moment, then it crashes. Importing the project sequence in AME allows for encode though.
Checking the event viewer in Windows turns up that the ntdll.dll might have something to do with it.
I just installed Photoshop CC v14.1.2 x64 on a box and it grumbles at me when I launch the program. It says "Photoshop detected an error in your display driver. Update or reinstall the driver and check Use Graphics Processor to retry."
Checking the graphics driver it is indeed up to date.
Setup: Win7 Pro 64 bit Video cards: mv video hook driver2 (disabled) Nvidia Quadro K4000, v9.18.13.2902
The graphics options in Photoshop are simply greyed out.
I have a user who is using Photoshop CS4 on a Dell Optiplex 745, with onboard Intel video. Since I read that Photoshop now uses OpenGL heavily in its operations, and also understanding that OpenGL support is pretty bad on Intels integrated video, we put an Nvidia GeForce8400 card in the PCIExpress slot, and loaded the latest drivers from Nvidia (version 182.50 currently). The user reports he periodically gets the attached error message, "Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver and has temporarily disabled GPU enhancements. Check the video card manufacturers website for the latest software"... Knowing that some other OpenGL-enabled software is picky about what version of Nvidia graphics drivers are installed, I wonder if this is what we're seeing here...
i have had this error for since over a couple of months and i have been udated my graphics card to the latest beta versions.this is what my graphics process settings show URL....
So I have 64-bit Windows 8, 64-bit Photoshop CS6 and an ATI Radeon HD 4770 GPU. When I go to the settings in PS, it tells me that there is a problem with my display driver so I cannot use GPU graphics processing. I would really like these features to be available to me, especially since my GPU meets the recommendations by Adobe. I installed the latest driver from AMD.
I'm using AE CC and can't render any comp using the Quicktime codec. Any other codec seems fine strangely.Attached/below is the error message that crops up whenever I attempt this.
I've got a Lenovo Thinkpad R500 running Windows Vista.
I seem to be having an issue with my display driver. Everytime I open Adobe Photoshop, I get an error that photoshop has encountered an error with my display driver, and it does not display images properly (they seem to be very low resolution).
I checked my drivers, and everything is up to date. I even ran Windows Update just to be sure.
I recently upgraded my laptop to Windows 8.1 and now from time to time, I am receiving the error above on the right side of the screen and my photoshop files won't open. Instead it just freezes and becomes unresponsive so I have to close Photoshop from going to 'End Task'. I am using CS6.
when I start photoshop, I get a message saying: "Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver and has temporarily disabled GPU enhancements. Check the video card manufacturer's website for the latest software. GPU enhancements can be enabled in the Performance panel of Preferences."
I have the latest graphics drivers installed, but this message does not always occur when I start Photoshop although the driver does not change. So, I guess there might be some other reason causing this error message.
I am running Photoshop on a Thinkpad with Windows XP Professional.
I am receiveing this message every time I open Photoshop. What dose this mean?
Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver, and has temporarily disabled GPU enhancments. Check the video card manufacturer's website for the latest software.
GPU enhancments can be enabled in the Performance panel of Preferences.
I'm only a few seconds in to my video and a few clips in... and when I play it back I get weird audio feedback like a repetitive noise that appears to be an artifact of decompression. I tried to produce an output to see if it shows up there as well (as opposed to my project view playback) and near the end of processing the short clip, I get an error message:
error message:"Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" Display driver Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7(R) stopped responding and has successfully recovered.
This happens when I copy and paste a group of blocks. The screen goes black for 2-3 seocnds then finally recovers.
I wanted to connect my Euphonix Color Board to Smoke, but in the beginning I get an error message saying that the EuCon Driver is incompatible.So which version is compatible? I'm running Smoke for Mac 2012 SP1, on Mac OS X 10.6.7
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
Trying to print from LR 5.3 RC using .icc profile in printer settings in Epson Pro 3800 driver the Color Settings and Color drop downs are disabled???? In other applications these options are enabled and selectable.
1. Create a document and type some text in a font size, for example I used a 30 points size.
2. Duplicate this layer.
3. Make the text layer it bigger but don't use the Text tool, use Transform. The font size will be shown in the Text panel accordingly. Deselect this layer.
4. If you select the layer or point the Text tool the size will be right (42,66 pt)
5. Select all the text in the layer you just made bigger, the panel will show that text is still 30 points!
I wanted to upload photos to clarify the problem, but the browser disn't allow me to do so, although pics are 450px wide and less than 2.0 MB each.
I am running Photoshop CS3 extended on a Mac. Working fine last night. Today every time I try to open something (FILE, OPEN) the program crashes with an error - 600 message. Any ideas?
The other day I had a computer crash now I can't see Photoshop CS6 application icon or upgrade it on my Creative Cloude. It looks like it does uphrade only to at the end come up with an error U44M2P7.
I have been having a problem with Photoshop crashing.It seems to be (may be) triggered by using the pattern "Pattern Overlay" option in the Layer Style dialog box. When I click on the pattern thumbnail to bring up the full range of loaded patterns.
Photoshop then seems to activate Photoshop Online Help, despite not being prompted to do so.I have two screen shots of the error messages which I am presented with. Unfortunately I seem to be unable to upload them to this message (I am using Chrome). This is another error to flag maybe?
One of the errors says, "Photoshop.exe - Application Error: The exception unknown software exception (0x40000015) occurred in the application at location 0x660561c9."The second error says, "Layer Style - Photoshop Online Help could not be displayed because you are not connected to the internet."
My system info is detailed below:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 Physical processor count: 4 Processor speed: 2893 MHz [code]....
Whenever I overlap UV shells in the UV editor either by transfering UV maps between mirrored objects, or simply copying objects, or by manually snapping UVs on top of each other, I run into a problem when I want to move those overlapping shells. When I marquee select all those UVs or hit Select Shell and then try to move all of them at once with the move tool, they become misaligned. In certain cases they snap back together or are only off a little, but most of the time, they jump around in a weird fashion.
Whenever I launch 3dsMax 2012, it crashes without any kind of error message, apart from the Windows one that gives no details at all.The launcher goes up to the "Starting 3ds Max" step and then stops.I tried to desinstall/reinstall, different languages (I'm French but I'd rather use the English version). I also deleted the .ini just so the program could recreate one but it did nothing.
In fact it worked once or twice, I could launch & use it normaly, but then it stopped working..I'm using Windows 7 64bits SP1 on an Intel i5 2410M, GeForce GT550M, all my drivers seem to be updated, etc.
I had installed Corel Videostudio pro X5 on my laptop which has 64 bit WIN 8 and was working fine . Dues to system error which had nothing to do with the VS X5 , I had to reinstall Videostudio X5. Now it is crashing upon restart with some error that has to do with Changing the Environment (this error stays on for lass than one s second and closes itself so I cannot read complete error message)
Main issue is frequent crashes of the AutoCAD software. Sometimes 10-12 time's in a day. Unfortunately their are no error messages, and I have yet to see any pattern in when and how it crashes.
The problems I can see are the workspace, and process memory of my system. The workspace does not load correctly. The Ribbon shows multiples of the every tab at least twice. All tabs show the commands but not the pictures associated with the commands. CUIload shows correct workspaces.
Second note is that my system runs the same .dwg file's at 2/3 the processing memory than any other identical systems I run AutoCAD on.
Third, through my digging and attempted solutions I found that the AcSignCore_.dll file was missing.
I have: re-installed 3D twice, updated graphics drivers on my system and run open close save hotfix as well as AutoCAD2010 update 2 for 64 bit system.
I keep getting the error message when I try to open this one project. Everyone else is getting the same message when opening it. It doesn't matter if it is a local file or a detached central file the same message comes up and closes Revit.
This is a 2011 Revit Architecture model but also crashes 2012.
I had a corrupted file that crashed every time it's opened. Now the drawing recovery manager has this message when i click on the folder to try and remove the temp files. how to remove the recovery folders so this doesn't keep happening?
Drawing Recovery Palette Error Message:
Civil 3D x64 2012 Win 7 x64 Ultimate I7 3820 (3.6ghz quad core with HT) 32gig RAM (Corsair XMS3 4x8g) Intel x z79 mobo (BOXDX79TO 2011 socket) Radeon HD 7850 2gb GDDR5
Not sure if it's just the Puppet tool alone as I have used it many times on various layers and sizes within a comp with no problems. Have a character, used the pins on both legs, arms, and various strands of hair - no problem. It's when I try and place a puppet pin on the body of the character, AE crashes and gives me that error message. Used the puppet tool on larger projects before - have more than enough power and memory. It's a PS file, so why would it crash every time I want to place a pin on the body portion only? I've even scrapped the composition, started with the body portion instead of legs, etc and still, it crashes.
After mucking around with the settings (trying to find out what all the features do), I found that each one of my brush-strokes would underlap the last.
In other words, I drew a green line down the center of the screen (using the paintbrush tool). When I try to draw a red circle (also using the paintbrush) over the center of the green line, the green line overlaps it. Both were on the same layer. How do I turn this off?
I've tried restarting Photoshop, searching the documentation, asking buddies, and rummaging through the features again.
I am encountering persistent program crashes with Photoshop 11 (CS4) when I have multiple layers (four or more) and the file size exceeds 75 mb. The error message that Photoshop has encountered a problem and is closing appears without further details. When I reopen PS, I then get the message about "Photoshop encountering a problem with the display driver and disabled GPU enhancement" despite the fact that I previously unchecked enable OpenGL drawing in the preferences-performance tab. It is blank on that tab after "Detected Video Card" whereas in CS3, it correctly notes the following video card. My video card is nVidia GeForce 7600 GT with the latest driver dated 10/07/08.I have 4 GB of RAM, however in the performance tab of preferences it notes 1.633 GB AM available and Photoshop using 960 mb. I also have CS3 (PS10) and do not encounter the same problem. The OS is Vista.