Photoshop :: CS5.1 - Making Long Strokes With ANY Textured Brushes - Getting Lag?
Mar 15, 2012
Whenever making long strokes with ANY textured brushes (where the "Textures" feature is in use via Brush Presets), I get a horrible, horrible lag when making long brush strokes...Any other brush is fine, as long as its not textured. I have turned off OpenGL, have updated PS to 12.1, using two scratch disks, etc etc.
My computer is pretty beastly as I built it for high performance gaming (8 gigs RAM, Win7 Ultimate, SSD/HDD combo, Nvidia Geforce 560 TI, etc) so I am at a loss as to why I am experiencing this issue... I even tried rolling back my Wacom driver, but then I realized this doesn't matter since the lag still occurs when using a mouse as well. I could obviously un-tick the Textured feature, but that's not what I'm going for.
Strangely enough, I never experienced this problem when I was working on CS5 on a Vista computer with much less fancy parts in it. Could it be an issue with Windows 7 or CS5.1...?
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Feb 15, 2007
I would like to make a leather textured background. I know there is a way of doing this in Photoshop incorporating seamless Tiles. Is there anyone that might be able to walk me through the process or have any suggestions on how to develop a texture from scratch in Photoshop.
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Mar 10, 2012
I have spent the last 2 days trying to take a portrait taken between 1950 and 1970 and printed on "Kodak extra life" photo paper made to resemble a canvas painting. I took several photos of this portrait using a Canon 60D EOS. Unfortunately, the portrait looks like it was literally printed on flattened bubble wrap. The Gausian blur can't do enough. Even when combined with ALL of the noise filters AND the sharpen, unsharpen masks. Curves and levels, hues and saturations, radius, inverting, working the image in RAW...
I have tried all available forms posted on the web and I have even tried a few other things just to see what would happen. Gimp with fft failed right along with other programs claiming to be able to do this task. I spent the entire night recoloring pixels in an attempt to get this portrait to lose the bubble wrap and not be so blurred you could go cross eyed looking at it. Unfortunately, when you zoom in on the pixels you can see what could be random brush marks in the "Kodak extra life" paper printed portrait. I am stumped with this one and the web does not have a lot of info regarding this type of image.
The portrait belongs to a friend whose mom died. As they were going through her things they found this photo of her when she was younger than they can recall her being. It is the only one they found. It is stained and color faded, no problem to fix that part of it... I am not sure it can be transformed from "bubble wrap" but I will keep trying until something can change it. I have ADOBE Photoshop CS5 running on windows 7.
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Aug 20, 2013
I'm looking for free vector brush strokes. Not brushes, but actual pre-drawn brush strokes, in vector format (looks something like this).
The first few pages of Google results yield pay websites, and I just didn't have the patience to keep hunting for the free ones.
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Sep 2, 2012
I paint for a long time with Photoshop. I always tried to set up my brushes so that the paint strokes look as realistic (for example like pencil or like acrylic brush strokes) as possible.
The problem is, when i Google for realistic brushes i always find only scanned brush/pencil strokes or scanned flowers and so on. But i need the brush settings to make the Photoshop brush behave like a pencil, marker or acrylic brush.
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May 27, 2006
I'm not sure if the title describes what I want to do, but here it is:
I'm wondering if there's a tool that makes strokes that look like quill strokes. Something that draws lines (not necessarily straight) that start thick on one end (and preferably round) and then tapers off as it gets to the other end.
Here's an example of what I mean. I did this manually, and I'm just wondering if there's a tool that can make strokes like this automatically.
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Oct 8, 2012
I am working with CS6 windows. I am having a problem when I made a brush, and add additional strokes to the same line.
Here is a pic of what is happening. You can see at the beginning of the arrow, there is a blue and pink link showing around the beginning of the arrow head. I added the pink and blue lines to the same line as the brush using the appearance tab.
Now if I add a dash to the the pink and blue lines, this is what happens... There is a little pink and blue line at the very tip of the arrow head. My dash options use for both the pink and blue lines.
My question is how to I get rid of this little line? What I am trying to do is.. use the black arrowhead on line with a stoke of 1 point black, and then under that have a 3 point stroke of white. In the image what is blue would be white, and what is pink would be black, and the arrowhead is correct as it is now. I had this same setup in CS4, and did not have that little line at the beginning.
here is my brush settings..
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Jul 28, 2005
Ok, I just received my order from Dosch and these are some great looking trees. Now I need to make brushes out of them, which has raised a question or two. Do the brushes have to be greyscale? That really sucks since these are such a great color to begin with. Any advice in creating these brushes?
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Sep 12, 2002
I have rached the point were i want to create brushes.
go to the brush menu and select define brush
I don't have this option on my brush menu
define a brushe rather than cut-n-paste like a million times
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Oct 2, 2011
Is it possible to make your own Natural (Media) Brushes and add them to your library?Anywhere a tutorial about this how to go about?And I assume that it should be possible to design your own symbols as well.
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Aug 30, 2013
I understand how to make the brushes, but is there any way to have greater control over how uniform the patterns appear?
For example: I'm trying to create a brush that is made up of tiny beads. But I can't seem to make one perfectly, as the beads get distorted or chopped off when I attempt to create shapes with the line or pen tools.
And yes, I've tried all of the preferences in the brushes pane, but neither of them works well.
With this bead brush, I would like to write words. So you can see where I'm going with this. The letters of the words would be made up of tiny beads (there are fonts like this, except I'd like to colour the beads my own way).
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Feb 8, 2012
I recently upgraded my computer to Windows 7 (32 bit) and installed CS5 on it. Everything seems to be fine, but using my wacom intuos 3 tablet i found that when making curved brush strokes every so often it came out as a straight line, the straight line being where i start and finish the curve (see pic below. The S stroke is what should happen. The straight line is what happens every so often with the same motion).
At first i thought it was the tablet and reinstalled the drivers to no effect. Since then i've discovered that the same thing occurs with the mouse. The problem occurs once every five or so strokes (i'm doing digital art, so there's a lot of strokes). It never happens if i do a stroke slowly, but will almost always happen if i do a fast stroke.
Testing other painting programs i've found them all to be fine (i grabbed trials of open Canvas, Sai and Gimp and had no such issues). However, getting out my old copy of CS2, i found it had the same problem. The problem does appear to be Photoshop + my computer based. I've since reinstalled them both but had no success there either. (My computer is a intel i3 btw with 8gb of ram, so i wouldn't believe it to be a performance issue)
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Nov 15, 2005
make text with a texture(like rope or material for example)that curves and beb
nds with the letters giving the impression that the letters are made of the texture.
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May 22, 2006
I'd like to make realistic textured wings on photoshop.
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Feb 25, 2006
How do they produce a rough textured background like it this image...
Background Image
Am I right in assuming some noise filters need be applied?
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Oct 31, 2003
I want to make my text and pictures
knew of a method, filter, etc.
I could use to make my images appear as authentically destroyed.
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Apr 13, 2005
I saw this image. how i could make an effect like this for my own website.
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May 24, 2009
[CS4 bridge and PS] Is there some way to get a textured bkground when using the tools availabe in bridge at: Windows/workspace/output ? I see an area where I can set a color bkground (Document/background) but seem only possible to set solid colors.
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Nov 30, 2012
I was pretty much expecting to see a Ground Plane object in the scene explorer, but no such beast exists. My spirits were briefly lifted by finding a Ground Plane section in the Environments palette, but that does not allow you to attach texture maps to the ground plane, only a solid color.
If such a thing doesn't exist (for shame, Adobe), any quickest way to create a textured, infinite ground plane (imagine, for example, a tiled floor or a wooden floor that extends all the way off into the horizon)?
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Jan 18, 2013
I am just facing a challenge — I need to convert black T-shirt into whithe, but the fabric is textured. See the attached IMGs:
I tried several things, but the best result I got looks somehow close to this disaster:
Despite strong Curves Adjustment layer, there seems to be not a chance to get some contrast.
See how looks similar shirt from a slightly different material — just to get a brief idea:
Inversion will not work because of shadows, Shadows/Highlights does not work much. Converting from White to black is much more easier & almost perfect — because of this, there should be a reverse way…
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Jun 13, 2013
I'm seeing a lot of poster art these days online, and many of them have a really nice textured effect to the color fills. It's not your typical Photoshop filter, however.[URL]...
How is this done, do you think? A custom brush of some kind? Or load a selection and mask the color?I can't find the exact poster right now (that figures!) but sometime this texture looks almost like poor ink coverage, or a bad Zerox copy (low toner.)
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Jan 30, 2006
I am interested in grouping and sorting brushes according to size, shape, whatever.
Right now when I add a brush library, they just stack on top of one another.
For example let's say I have a round brush with a 10 diameter, then next to it a round brush with a 20 diameter. If I make a 15, it goes to the bottom of the list, and I have to scroll all around. How can I group them?
I suspect I would have to make my own brush library with my brushes how I want them, then save that and load it?
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Jan 6, 2013
Today I downloaded a trial version of PSE. This means of course that I'm new to the game. I can follow a step-by-step guide though. Here's what I'd like to do: I've taken a dozen photos of an actor with a green screen as a background. Is there a way that I can chroma-key out the green and put in another color, like gray or perhaps a textured off-white?
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Oct 5, 2012
When I apply a material like brick to an object, it renders grey. Other materials like glass and metal work fine. For some reason materials with textures/bitmaps just render grey.
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Jan 26, 2013
I have a character that's textured, and I'd like to make adjustments to the mesh. I would like to select a Vertex on the right half of the mesh, and the Vertex on the left side would also get selected. So when I move it, the opposite moves in the "mirrored" direction.
In Softimage it's simple; I apply a Symmetry Map to the model, choose the Symmetry Mode, and it works. How do you set that up?
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Mar 8, 2013
I am trying to blend certain portions of an image where I have done some cut and paste work. I have tried many effects and plugins, but have yet to find a fairly seamless solution (yes I have tried Seamless Texture maker).
I have attached a part of the pic where you can see my copy and paste issues. A
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Nov 15, 2012
I want to modify a photo of an embroidered patch of my club's logo to make the texture appear simply smooth, not embroidered. Unfortunately, we have lost the original artwork that was used to make the embroidered patch, but we have nice sharp photos of the patch itself. The photos are in both GIF and JPEG format.
I've found info on how to add texture, but I want to do opposite -- smooth out the texture of the embroidered patch, so I can use it as a logo in print (in a newsletter, stationery, etc.) and on the web and in e-mails.
Is there a way to "de-texturize" an object in a photo? And is it possible to de-texturize the entire patch, or would it be necessary to do each color separately?
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Apr 27, 2011
I have been using Maya 2011 for a while now with relatively few real problems.
Recently I followed a modeling tutorial and everything was going great until it came to the application of materials and rendering. I applied materials of my own design and when I click on the Textured view icon in the perspective window, Maya freezes and nothing works...I have to open the task manager and terminate the process and re-start Maya.
It does not happen with other models or animations that I work on, just this one. I have looked at all my settings and there is nothing unusual happening as far as I can see!
If I render the model, it works fine in: Maya Software (No problem - looks great!), Maxwell Render (fine but very slow) and Maya Vector (Fine but obviously not what I want!).
If I try to render using Maya Hardware or VRAY it freezes up Maya and I have to terminate the program as before.
Once again other models and projects render fine in Maya Harware or VRAY
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Oct 30, 2013
Is it better to texture multiple meshes of a same object as opposed to unwapping and texturing just one mesh and then duplicating the object over and over?
Fox example, I'm working in Maya and I'm modeling a grocery store. And let's say I'm about to texture an isle with bagged snack chips. Do I unwrap every UV from every bag of chips and texture them individually or is it better to unwrap and texture just one bag (mesh) of chips and then duplicate object multuple times to get the whole isle of chips.
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Jul 5, 2011
When I turn on textures in the viewport, the display of some objects becomes really weird. Most times not even the whole model is affected but only parts of it. My first guess was that the noramls were corrupted, but turning on One-sided lighting and displaying the normals showed that they were absolutely okay.
It doesn't matter which render engine is used (Viewport 2.0, Default or High Quality) or whether the material is a Maya or MentalRay shader.
In the screenshot, only the head of the character is showing the artifacts. The used material is a Blinn with only the Diffuse (32-bit EXR; painted in Mudbox) plugged in for now.
How do I get rid of these artifacts?
Intel Core i7 920 @ 3.63 Ghz
nVidia GTX 560Ti
Windows 7 Professional x64
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Nov 15, 2012
I want to modify a photo of an embroidered patch of my club's logo to make the texture appear simply smooth, not embroidered. Unfortunately, we have lost the original artwork that was used to make the embroidered patch, but we have nice sharp photos of the patch itself. The photos are in both GIF and JPEG format.
I found Ofnuts' reply about how to [undefined=undefined]add texture, but I want to do opposite.
Is there a way to do that? And is it possible to "de-texturize" the entire patch, or would it be necessary to do each color separately?
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