Photoshop :: Making Quill Strokes

May 27, 2006

I'm not sure if the title describes what I want to do, but here it is:

I'm wondering if there's a tool that makes strokes that look like quill strokes. Something that draws lines (not necessarily straight) that start thick on one end (and preferably round) and then tapers off as it gets to the other end.

Here's an example of what I mean. I did this manually, and I'm just wondering if there's a tool that can make strokes like this automatically.

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Photoshop :: CS5.1 - Making Long Strokes With ANY Textured Brushes - Getting Lag?

Mar 15, 2012

Whenever making long strokes with ANY textured brushes (where the "Textures" feature is in use via Brush Presets), I get a horrible, horrible lag when making long brush strokes...Any other brush is fine, as long as its not textured. I have turned off OpenGL, have updated PS to 12.1, using two scratch disks, etc etc.

My computer is pretty beastly as I built it for high performance gaming (8 gigs RAM, Win7 Ultimate, SSD/HDD combo, Nvidia Geforce 560 TI, etc) so I am at a loss as to why I am experiencing this issue... I even tried rolling back my Wacom driver, but then I realized this doesn't matter since the lag still occurs when using a mouse as well. I could obviously un-tick the Textured feature, but that's not what I'm going for.

Strangely enough, I never experienced this problem when I was working on CS5 on a Vista computer with much less fancy parts in it. Could it be an issue with Windows 7 or CS5.1...?

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Photoshop :: Curved Brush Strokes Coming Out As Straight Brush Strokes

Feb 8, 2012

I recently upgraded my computer to Windows 7 (32 bit) and installed CS5 on it. Everything seems to be fine, but using my wacom intuos 3 tablet i found that when making curved brush strokes every so often it came out as a straight line, the straight line being where i start and finish the curve (see pic below. The S stroke is what should happen. The straight line is what happens every so often with the same motion).

At first i thought it was the tablet and reinstalled the drivers to no effect. Since then i've discovered that the same thing occurs with the mouse. The problem occurs once every five or so strokes (i'm doing digital art, so there's a lot of strokes). It never happens if i do a stroke slowly, but will almost always happen if i do a fast stroke.

Testing other painting programs i've found them all to be fine (i grabbed trials of open Canvas, Sai and Gimp and had no such issues). However, getting out my old copy of CS2, i found it had the same problem. The problem does appear to be Photoshop + my computer based. I've since reinstalled them both but had no success there either. (My computer is a intel i3 btw with 8gb of ram, so i wouldn't believe it to be a performance issue)

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Photoshop :: Dotted Strokes?

Dec 13, 2003

How do I make a stroke pattern that will give me a dotted stroke?

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Photoshop :: Gradient Strokes?

Feb 27, 2008

Is there a possibility to gradient strokes or put an image into a stroke in Photoshop CS3, like you can do in Flash?

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Out Layer Strokes?

Jan 9, 2012

I'm creating a couple of circular icons for a website and I'm having a heck of a time getting a smooth stroke. I'm using a 3 px stroke size with an inside position and normal blending. The color of the stroke is 100% black.

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Photoshop :: Dashed Strokes For Vectors

Jun 26, 2013

I've got a bitmap shape that I want to do a vector dash for.  I've figured out how to do it, but is this really the best way Create selection> work path > EDIT >define custom shape, create shape on layer and dash.
is there shortcut to avoid creating the custom shape?

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Photoshop :: How To Turn Off Strokes From Being Placed On New Shapes

Aug 6, 2013

I'm trying to figure out how to turn off strokes from being placed on new shapes I draw using the rectangle tool. I'm not sure what I did but every time a use that tool it automatically has a stroke on it.

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Photoshop :: Brush Lag After Every 4 Or So Normal Strokes In CS6

Jun 14, 2012

I was getting brush lag for a few days after installing CS6. every 4 or so normal brush strokes, the brush would start to lag. And after a few lagging strokes it would go back to normal and then repeat itself.
The first thing I did was delete the work spaces that I never use (I doubt that fixed the problem).
Second thing I did was turn the cache levels to 1 and set image previews to "never save" (found this tip online, didn't fix the lag problem but I still kept those settings anyway).
The third thing (and what I believe fixed the problem) was going to "performance" in Photoshop, clicking on the advanced settings for your graphics processor and turning the drawing mode from advanced to basic. 
I never had to do this on cs4 which is why it took a few days of tinkering around to fix the problem.

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Photoshop :: Shaky Brush Strokes

Nov 7, 2013

I recently tried the trial version of photoshop CS6, and the lines I draw in photoshop are more like series of little straight lines. I can draw better lines in Paint Tool SAI with no stabilizer, but no matter what I do in photoshop the resulting lines are finicky.

My (really not that good at all) PC
i3-550 processor
Intel HD Graphics (no workstation card for me, unfortunately)
500 GB HDD
Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium

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Photoshop :: Modifying Brush Strokes?

Nov 19, 2013

Lightroom is the ability to partially 'subtract' brush strokes using the ALT key, rather than deleting the entire brush stroke and starting all over again. Is it possible to do the same thing in Photoshop? If so, how?

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Photoshop :: Creating Brush Strokes?

Apr 21, 2004

I am working on a paint pallet and need to add brush strokes. I want to give the effect that some one whiped the brush through the paint and then dabd it on the pallet. Make sence? I hope so.

I am not done yet, I actually just started, but I couldn't figure out how to go about the brush strokes so I figured I would ask.

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Photoshop :: Japanese Brush Strokes?

Jan 7, 2009

I need to use a brush to create Japanese style brush strokes - like Japanese calligraphy as exemplified in the link below....

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Photoshop :: Collage Brush Strokes

Feb 14, 2007

Any ideas on how to duplicate the brush strokes in this collage that seem to integrate the background color with the individual pictures, making for a wonderful transition between background and pictures? I have tried it many ways without complete success. Attachment 17051

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Photoshop :: Fading Brush Strokes Over Their Length

Aug 29, 2013

Used to be possible to create a brush stroke that faded out over its length. You could choose the number of steps it took to fade and by trial, create a brush that faded the way you want.
Can't find anything in any documentation.

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Photoshop :: Brush Strokes Become Distorted Randomly?

Oct 2, 2012

Essentially when I draw a line in any drawing program, I am unable to produce clean smooth lines. I primarily use photoshop. All lines that are created have a jitteryness to them. I've uploaded two pictures one featuring when I have the issue and the other where I do not have the issue. It happens randomly and different things seem to fix it.

There are times where re downloading the driver works or sometimes making a backup of the driver and doing a restore works as well. There are even times where simply restarting the program that I'm using will fix the issue, but it always seems to come back no matter what.

At one point thought that maybe my video card drivers were all out of date but that's not the case. Originally the issue was happening on my tablet pc, so I thought that it was only related to that computer but then noted that it also was happening on my desktop as well when using my intuos!

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Photoshop :: Brush Strokes Filter Grayed Out In CS6 Even When In 6 Bit?

Feb 11, 2013

I read that I needed to change to 8 bit, and I did and I still can't use the brush strokes filter. Is there anything I can do about this?

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Photoshop :: How To Get A Layer (strokes) Anti-aliased

Nov 9, 2012

I create my layers with the pen-tool and some of them I'd like to have a few - several wide pixel border -- and want to use the stroke effect.  However, when I do, I get jagged edges on diagonals and curves.  
How do I get these strokes to be anti-aliased?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Recording Brush Strokes In Actions?

May 19, 2012

CS6 seems to only record a path and pen pressure for brush scrokes fails to record brush size and color. When Actions are played the stroke will play with the current foreground color and the current brush size not the color and the size that should have been recorded.

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Photoshop :: How To Alias Shape Strokes And Fills

Apr 8, 2013

In Photoshop, I realized that the shape tool is divided into three prefered styles - Shape, Path, and Pixels. In Shape, I have the option to to change the stroke and fill but not alias it. In Pixels, I have the option to alias it but not change both the fill and stroke. If I create a shape as one style, I cannot convert it to another. Is there a way to change both the fill and stroke of an aliased shape?

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Photoshop :: 6 - Manipulating Strokes Of Vector Shapes?

Mar 26, 2012

Is there any way in PS6 to NOT have the vector stroke automatically selected when selecting a vector element in layer panel? I am no longer able to see the 1-2 px strokes clearly as I am tweaking stroke-effect in real time as I am modifying them.

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Photoshop :: Textures/brush Strokes For Old Photos

Dec 3, 2003

I am trying to find out how to create a textured background for old photos, either try faint crosshatching or a cracked paint look to give an antique look. Do I have to try to create my own texture?

Also.....I am looking into purchasing photoshop books & was wondering what you would recommend. I am looking for an easy to follow directions showing how to do special effects & blending layers to create a graphic collage with photos & clippings.

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Photoshop :: Effect O FBrush Strokes As Oil Painting

Sep 1, 2007

Does anyone know if there are brushes for photoshop that will give the effect of looking like a brush stroke from an oil painting as you would see it on a canvas?

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Photoshop :: Batching/Recording Brush Strokes

Mar 27, 2007

I have trouble recording the brush strokes in PS CS2. The record action feature refuses to record brush strokes and similar actions. I tried to create a path and use the 'stroke path with brush' feature but it doesn't record the path. Any idea on how to get this working?

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Photoshop :: Change Brush Strokes On Animation Timeline?

Jun 20, 2012

I've made fire brushes and want them to change color and shape over time in the animation timeline for a movie sequence. I've made a separate layer for the fire, but can't figure out how to make it so that I can change the shape and colors over time on the timeline. This is a 10 second sequence.

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Photoshop :: Repeat Same Brush Strokes On Multiple Images?

Aug 13, 2012

How can I repeat the same clone stamp or healing brush marks on multiple images?  I often shoot multiple versions of the same still life product and have the occasion to make the same brush strokes on each of a half dozen or so images.  Most the time I use clone stamp or the healing brush.
Is there a way to repeat the same brush strokes on multiple images?

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Photoshop :: UNDO And BACKWARD Not Working For Brush Strokes?

Nov 3, 2012

After making three consecutive brush strokes in my image:Click on Undo once, History list backs up one step, but last stroke remains on screen. Press Undo again (Redo) and History list returns to last position, last stroke is still on screen. Click Undo again, History list backs up one step, but now brush stroke disappears as it should.
Or, after clicking Undo the first time, the brush stroke will disappear if I apply another stroke or enter a command, e.g. add new layer.
After making three consecutive brush strokes: Use Backwards command, the History list backs up one step, but brush stroke remains on screen. Use Backwards command a second time, History list backs up another step, the last two brush strokes disappear from screen. Use Backwards a third time, History list backs up another step (now 3 steps total), and the first brush stroke disappears as it should.
These commands work fine when creating three consecutive layers, then undoing or moving backwards.
I am using CS 5.1 for Mac running OS Lion 10.7.4. This problem occurs using either a trackball, Wacom Intuos4 tablet or keyboard shortcuts. Can this be a screen-draw bug in the brush tool?

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Photoshop :: How To Make Brush Strokes And Cursor The Same Size

Aug 18, 2013

My Photoshop brush, pencil and Clone strokes are smaller than the cursor, which makes it very difficult for accuracy. Don't know what made them change, but want the cursor and stroke to be the same. 

I've tried different settings in the brush dialog box, with difference tip settings, etc, with no results. Also, tried different settings in Preferences / Cursor setting.

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Photoshop :: Free Vector Brush Strokes (not Brushes)

Aug 20, 2013

I'm looking for free vector brush strokes. Not brushes, but actual pre-drawn brush strokes, in vector format (looks something like this).
The first few pages of Google results yield pay websites, and I just didn't have the patience to keep hunting for the free ones.

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Photoshop :: Add Texture Brush Strokes Without Altering Color?

Feb 27, 2013

I want to paint texture into an image without adding or changing color.

The best way to explain my goal is to visit this website with very fine work by Mark Wainer.


My own website is [URL]...

He has used Buzz, as have I, to change photos into watercolor like images, now defunct and taken over by Topaz software, who now market Simplify in place of BUZZ.

After running the filter, he has added brush strokes to add texture without altering any color—just adding a texture looking like impasto or thick brush strokes.

I have searched everywhere and view lots of video but cannot find a technique to get the result I want.

I am sure there is way to do this, probably with brushes in CS6 and unable to find or create a way to achieve this effect.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Pencil And Strokes Overlapping And Dark - How To Stop

Sep 13, 2012

using cs6 pencil and my strokes overlaping and dark. how do I stop this?

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