Photoshop :: Smoothing Out Layer Strokes?

Jan 9, 2012

I'm creating a couple of circular icons for a website and I'm having a heck of a time getting a smooth stroke. I'm using a 3 px stroke size with an inside position and normal blending. The color of the stroke is 100% black.

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Illustrator :: How To Achieve Less Smoothing With Brush Strokes And Wacom

Aug 5, 2011

Is there a smoothing setting for brushes? When I draw certain shapes with sharper corners (like squares) illustrator rounds them out very excessively. I know there has to be a certain amount of smoothing to convert a stroke made by the user into a vector, but is there a way to reduce the amount. Interestingly, if I draw the shape really fast, I get the desired result, however if I draw slowly, it rounds it tremendously. I would think it would be the other way around because with a slower stroke you are giving more input points and therefore more precision but this is obviously not the case. Basically, I want to achieve brush strokes that more accurately represent my input. T

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Photoshop :: How To Get A Layer (strokes) Anti-aliased

Nov 9, 2012

I create my layers with the pen-tool and some of them I'd like to have a few - several wide pixel border -- and want to use the stroke effect.  However, when I do, I get jagged edges on diagonals and curves.  
How do I get these strokes to be anti-aliased?

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Photoshop :: Large Strokes (layer Effect) Uneven At Corners?

May 22, 2012

I'm using Photoshop CS6, but I've confirmed that this happens on CS4, CS5 and CS5.1 too.
When I create a shape (say a simple triangle or such, using the various Shape tools), then apply a large (40px) Stroke Layer Effect to it, the corners of the stroke aren't smooth - they're stepped/jagged.
Note how the corners of the stroke aren't perfectly curved, but are made up of noticeable straight lines. The document you're seeing is being viewed at 100%, by the way. The stroke is set to Outside, and is 40px in size.
I'm aware of the new native strokes for vector shapes in CS6, and they don't have the problem, but in a certain project I need to combine both the native vector strokes and also the stroke layer effect, so I can't simply use the native strokes instead.
I'm also aware that I could use an Illustrator Smart Object with a pre-applied stroke, but that doesn't address whether this behaviour in Photoshop is broken or not.
It's been suggested to me that this problem arises because Photoshop applies the stroke layer effect to the rendered bitmap of the layer, not to the vector shape itself, and that's why the problem has persisted for several versions of CS.

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Photoshop :: Curved Brush Strokes Coming Out As Straight Brush Strokes

Feb 8, 2012

I recently upgraded my computer to Windows 7 (32 bit) and installed CS5 on it. Everything seems to be fine, but using my wacom intuos 3 tablet i found that when making curved brush strokes every so often it came out as a straight line, the straight line being where i start and finish the curve (see pic below. The S stroke is what should happen. The straight line is what happens every so often with the same motion).

At first i thought it was the tablet and reinstalled the drivers to no effect. Since then i've discovered that the same thing occurs with the mouse. The problem occurs once every five or so strokes (i'm doing digital art, so there's a lot of strokes). It never happens if i do a stroke slowly, but will almost always happen if i do a fast stroke.

Testing other painting programs i've found them all to be fine (i grabbed trials of open Canvas, Sai and Gimp and had no such issues). However, getting out my old copy of CS2, i found it had the same problem. The problem does appear to be Photoshop + my computer based. I've since reinstalled them both but had no success there either. (My computer is a intel i3 btw with 8gb of ram, so i wouldn't believe it to be a performance issue)

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Photoshop :: Smoothing

Aug 15, 2006

smooth the edges of a picture of a musical note PSD file (when zooming in on the edges it is possible to see it much better).I tried a few things with no luck .Here is the link for the PSD file.

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Photoshop :: 3d Smoothing

Jan 15, 2009

I have just downloaded the cs4 demo for photoshop after reading about how it can paint on 3d objects. I imported an obj file I created in modo. In modo I hit tab to turn on smoothing. In photoshop I can't seem to find a way to do smoothing. I know that photoshop isn't a 3d program but I was wondering if it offers any kind of smoothing algorithm? I'd hate to have to save out my mesh at a high poly count to bring into PS to paint. Is this the only way or am I missing something?

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Photoshop :: CS3 Brush Smoothing Does Not...

Jan 14, 2009

I need help with the brush tool in Photoshop CS3. All the brushes appear to be pixelated, and I'm unable to draw any smooth lines at all. Whatever I draw comes out edgy and rough.

On the other hand, the eraser tool still produces smooth lines. I tried fiddling with brush preferences, but nothing I do helps: I just can't draw smooth lines with the brush tool, although the smoothing option is turned on.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Skin

Apr 10, 2006

But,I couldn't figure out how to "paint back in detail" like it described, into the eyes and lips. It said something like "paint with a black brush over the blur mask to eliminate the blur in specific areas." I couldn't find a black brush; which brush is it talking about?

Also, I'd like to know how to apply this technique to just an area I've selected with the lasso tool, like her face.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing A Logo?

May 5, 2007

I need help with smoothing a logo. The whole outside of the logo looks rough and jagged, can anyone please tell me what to do to make it smoothed out?

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Technique

Jan 22, 2004

I have am image of a map that I have been asked to detail an post to a web page. The map had been drawn out fairly well, but the lines that make up the drawing are jagged. I would like to be able to smooth out the lines so it makes the map more presentable.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Curves

Jun 1, 2004

i`ve created a shape using curves, how can i antialias it and get a smooth curve (and a smooth outline for my mask)?

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Out Edges

Feb 5, 2009

to make my signature that I have. However it looks terrible on a light background because the part of the car that "pops" out is very pixelated. The rounded corners are like this, too. I've tried using the blur tool to smooth it out but that doesn't seem to work here for whatever reason.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Just A Section

Feb 23, 2008

Firstly, I'm new to this forum and really look forward to learning and participating. I've been working with PS for about two years.

I've been unable to get this cropped shoulder smooth against the black ground; that's the model's hair in the upper right corner falling onto her collarbone. (I can't show the entire photo as it includes partial nudity). I selected it from a busy bright background with extraction. I figured I'd be able to sharpen it at the end, but that didn't work precisely. I've tried Unsharp Masking in Channels, heal & stamp tools, even using a black pencil, but this is still my best result.

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Photoshop :: Is There A Way To Turn Off Smoothing

Mar 27, 2008

I use Photoshop for just about everything. Lately I've been doing a lot of isometric pixel art. I have encountered a problem when trying to use the free transform tool and that is it automatically anti-alias when I click the commit button.

I do not want smooth lines. I just want the pixels, no matter how jagged they look. Is there a way to stop free transform from automatically smoothing the lines? Is there an option to turn off smoothing?

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Skin

Jan 31, 2007

I recently acquired Photoshop to colorize old black & white images. While I'm quite familiar with colorization techniques, I need help with something before I get started. I scanned a lot of the images (from paper instead of photographs) I plan on using at fairly high dpis--I thought larger images allow for more manipulation--but find that nearly every second pixel has some kind of black spot on it.

I'm sure there's some technical term for this, though I'm unfamiliar with it. Anyway, does anyone know how to fix the pictures so they can be rendered more realistically? I've tried the blur tool for modest results but am looking for something better.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Out A White Background

Mar 9, 2012

I was wondering how to adjust a background. Enclosed is a photo that I'm trying to manipulate to a perfect white background.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Lasso Tool On Fly?

Aug 24, 2012

Possible to smooth the sharp edges of a hand drawn lasso selection automatically?
I know i can make a selection and then go to select>modify>smooth and it rounds off the selection, but i want to be able to do this on the fly as i make a lot of selection in my artwork.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Out Pixelated Image

Mar 1, 2012

Say I have an image that is sort of pixilated and rough, what is the best way to smooth it out so that it looks a bit better?

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Digitizer Input

Sep 19, 2012

GIMP has great tools for creating smooth lines from tablet input:

These options allow for a great range of input raniging from just remoiving jiter to creating very smooth lines with a delayed pen stroke.
The only option I've found like this in PS is the "Smoothing" checkbox in the brush propeties box, but it has very little affect and can not be manupulated. Is there anything like this available in Photoshop, or as a plugin for Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Rough Edges

Jun 5, 2004

Well I am new here and this is my first post. Anyway, I made a shape with the "Polygonal Lasso Tool" and the edges are rough and I am wanting to know of a way to smooth out the roughness so I have good looking edges.

If you can give me some tips or advice.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Out A Plexiglass Floor

Sep 7, 2006

smooth out the plexiglass along this floor and illustrate how?

keep the original size when editing it?

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Round Buttons

Oct 13, 2004

when ever i make a round image, transparent bg with button, the edges always seem "choopy". is there a way to insure getting a smooth circle for .gif buttons and keeping all color info intact.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing An Existing Image

Jan 25, 2007

smoothing out a hand drawn image. I have the picture of a tribal tattoo and I'm trying to smooth the edges (they look rough at the minute) so it looks more photoshop-made? But I'm having trouble.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Pixels For Best Printing Quality

Apr 2, 2013

I am doing a cover for one book and the customer definitely wants one picture with very low quality on it. When it was printed as an attempt, the picture was very pixelized (one could see the pixels in a way they are - rectangle-like...). Is there any tool in Ps how to smooth tthem? What could be done to achieve as best printing quality as possible?! 

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Photoshop :: Simplifying / Smoothing A Vector Shape

Apr 2, 2013

Is there any way to "simplify" an existing vector shape layer by somehow "averaging out" curves to remove as much of the unnecessary anchors as possible?
For instance, a simple sphere can be just 4 anchors. The one I'm working with has 100 anchors. The vast majority of them are useless, and only make the shape look uneven upon close (zoom-in) inspection. If there was an option, perhaps one with a slider ever, that allowed me to "simplify" this vector shape by removing anchors and adjusting angles to compensate .

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Photoshop :: Auto 3D Model Smoothing In CC / How To Disable

Aug 29, 2013

I've created a simple poly surface mountain range in Blender 3D, with no smoothing applied. Yet when I import it into Photoshop CC it appears to have smoothing enabled, giving me undesirable results.
I've tried multiple formats (obj, 3ds, dae) and get the same results. I've checked to see if Im just exporting incorrectly, but when I open it up in SketchUP or Maya, I get the flat rigid surface that I want, and not the smooth surface.

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Photoshop :: Grey To White Gradients Smoothing Error

Aug 29, 2012

I've used PS for a long time, but I've encountered a problem recently. I don't really know when it happened but I suddenly noticed it. I use PS CS5 regularly and just downloaded a trial for CS6 today to see if it fixed my problem, it didn't
Here's my problem:


EDIT: Dunno, but the linking to the picture just seem to make a tiny thumbnail, copy paste the URL to see the bigger one.
As you can see, the overlap from grey to white when I use the gradient tool just suddenly breaks into a clean grey white border. I've never had this problem before. I have tried to see if I might use some wrong settings or color options, but I couldn't find anything.
My homepage is in the design phase and it contains a lot of grey colors, therefore this problem screws up my project!

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Photoshop :: CS5 Shape Tool Hexagon Corner Smoothing?

Apr 8, 2013

how to change the "corner radius" for the shape tool's polygon tool.  I set it to 6 sides and with SMOOTHED CORNERS off, it creates a hexagon as expected.But if I turn on SMOOTHED CORNERS, it almost makes a circle, the corners are excessively rounded.  I see no option to control how smoothed/rounded these corners are.
When I lower this to 3 sides, I can see PS is heavily rounding the corners.  At this point, I simply don't think there's an option to do what I want here.  I know in AI, you can hold the arrow keys to add/remove corners and increase/decrease rounded corners, but PS CS5 doesn't seem to support that.

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Photoshop :: Text Pixel Smoothing Suddenly Stopped

Sep 4, 2013

I Have used Photoshop forover five years, mainly for web graphics. I was changing a section of a current web site which contained text and needed redesigning. I noticed that the text on the replacement image was not smoothed as the original was despite using exactly the same font. The 'jaggies' were very pronounced. I have trawled the help pages and all the preferences available and can't find away to return the text to 'smoothed'.

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Photoshop :: Skin Brushes - Adding More Details After Smoothing

May 20, 2013

I downloaded some skin brushes which add more details to the skin after smoothing it..but how can I use it used to mask the blurred layer to keep some details ?

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