Photoshop :: Textured Effect - Load Selection And Mask Color?
Jun 13, 2013
I'm seeing a lot of poster art these days online, and many of them have a really nice textured effect to the color fills. It's not your typical Photoshop filter, however.[URL]...
How is this done, do you think? A custom brush of some kind? Or load a selection and mask the color?I can't find the exact poster right now (that figures!) but sometime this texture looks almost like poor ink coverage, or a bad Zerox copy (low toner.)
I am trying to create a textured Mask from a photo of a floor & am having problems. I am following this tutorial: [URL] ... Â I have performed the following steps but am unable to select&delete any of the white areas in the Live Trace and am thus unable to create my Mask: Â Live Traced > Default Select > Same > Fill Color
I have spent the last 2 days trying to take a portrait taken between 1950 and 1970 and printed on "Kodak extra life" photo paper made to resemble a canvas painting. I took several photos of this portrait using a Canon 60D EOS. Unfortunately, the portrait looks like it was literally printed on flattened bubble wrap. The Gausian blur can't do enough. Even when combined with ALL of the noise filters AND the sharpen, unsharpen masks. Curves and levels, hues and saturations, radius, inverting, working the image in RAW...
I have tried all available forms posted on the web and I have even tried a few other things just to see what would happen. Gimp with fft failed right along with other programs claiming to be able to do this task. I spent the entire night recoloring pixels in an attempt to get this portrait to lose the bubble wrap and not be so blurred you could go cross eyed looking at it. Unfortunately, when you zoom in on the pixels you can see what could be random brush marks in the "Kodak extra life" paper printed portrait. I am stumped with this one and the web does not have a lot of info regarding this type of image.
The portrait belongs to a friend whose mom died. As they were going through her things they found this photo of her when she was younger than they can recall her being. It is the only one they found. It is stained and color faded, no problem to fix that part of it... I am not sure it can be transformed from "bubble wrap" but I will keep trying until something can change it. I have ADOBE Photoshop CS5 running on windows 7.
I am currently working on a project that requires me to resize and cut out every flag in the world. I have been given an Oval shape that every flag has to be exactly like.
I have used the actions option to automatically resize all the flags, and now I would really like if someone could tell me how to save the selection that I am supposed to use, so I could make an action thing for that as well.
My question is: How do I save a selection from one project, so I can open it in any other project?
I completed my path and clicked Load Path as a Selection. I have 2 cut out areas (holes) in the path, and the selection process did not include the holes, even though the path shows them. I had the button pressed "exclude overlapping path areas" when I made the path. How do I get the path to select the outline, minus the "holes"? Kind of like a coffee cup profile with the hole in the handle excluded to show just the outline of the cup.
I created a layer mask. I want to make new layer via cut. Then, I want to go back to the layer, inverse the mask & create another layer. Basically, I'm creating the same picture, but making layers. Unfortunately, the marching ants line (from the selection) remains. So, I have a hair thin line of transparency. I have tried feathering, borders, expand selection, making the selection smaller.
When creating a selection in CS4 and then adding the selection as a mask I cannot seem to get around a black background surrounding the selected portion of the image by default.
In CS2 the background surrounding the selection/mask displays as a pattern of small gray and white squares, which I usually prefer for initial review of a selection as a mask. Yes, I can go the mask panel in CS4 and switch background views but none utilize the gray/white pattern as used by default in CS2.
Can this behavior be changed? I've tried manipulating preferences to no avail and cannot seem to locate any options to change the default display options.
When I make a selection on a photo with quick mask in photoshop CS3 and shift > Ctrl > I and delete the background, my image that i'm left with is like 50% opaque. I don't know why its doing this. I've even tried Ctrl > J and then deleting the background and its still opaque. So I am needing some help here because i need to figure out why the images i'm selecting with QM aren't coming out at 100% opacity. Thanks. Here's what it looks like when I delete the background after doing Shift > Ctrl > I
I'm new to the CS6 interface. In the past this was my process to make add a gradient overlay adjustment to a portion of a layer:  1. Make a selection on a layer 2. Go to the Layers Panel > Select 'fx' menu 3. Choose 'Gradient Overlay' and go from there  Result: a Gradient Overlay adjustment layer with a clipping mask applied to the layer below.  Now in CS6 when I follow this process, it does not automatically create a clipping mask from my selection and make a new adjustment layer with the clipping mask. Instead, it applies the Gradient Overlay to the entire layer. It does this for any option in the 'fx' menu in the Layers Panel. It behaves the same as it did before with any of the options in the Adjustment Layer, however.
I am working on a .psd in Photoshop CC in which I used a selection to precisely remove a portion of a layer in a layer mask. The problem is that it is removing a percentage of the opacity in the non selected area. The brush has 100% Opacity, 100% Flow and is in Normal Mode. The layer has 100% Opacity, 100% Fill, and is in Normal Mode. I have tried restarting Photoshop and starting over from scratch. Here is an image of the issue.
My only other concern is that on Friday we had a power outage due to lightning and PS CC closed unexpectedly. Could my PS CC be corrupted? My computer has restarted since then.
My question is this (its pretty easy so I hope its just a stupid oversight on my part) but anyway...
I just got into messing around with photoshop lately and in a tutorial in a magazine I read for a certain step I read the following:
1) "We need an accurate selection of the figure, so go to the Channels palette and click on the Red channel. Choose the Brush Tool and select a hard round brush from the Brush Preset Picker . Hit Q to enter Quick Mask Mode and paint over the figure...after completing the Quick Mask, hit Q again to exit Quick Mask and save this selection via Select>Save Selection naming it Outline. Click on the RGB channel, before returning to the Layers palette."
Now that was simple enough to understand and the first time I went about it it worked soon as I clicked "Q" again to leave quick mask mode the portion i just colored in in quick mask was selected by a dotted line...
My problem is that now it doesn't do that anymore. No matter what .jpg file I use...after i leave quick mask mode there is no selected outline and no option to "save selected"...the only thing that is selected is the entire square outline of the canvas...IT COMPLETELY IGNORES WHAT I COLORED IN QUICK MASK
I open a JPG and enter quick mask. I use the gradient tool with a radial gradient and make a small gradiated area. It appears in red fading out to the edges. So far so good.
I USE to be able to exit quick mask, and that gradient would now be a selection. What is happening now though is when I exit quick mask, the area selected is the entire image and not the gradiated area.
I want use a layer mask to paint onto a selected portion of my picture. But the selected portion was obtained via a channel mask for highly detailed accuracy. I haven't been able to get the channel mask to work with the layer mask.
trying to mask a certain area of a face with another picture, so I use the quick mask tool to paint in the area, but when I exit it and enter standard mode, there is nothing selected. It does however act as if there is a selection, because the other layer only is added to that section.
Also, I don't know if this is related to the other problem, but when I move another image into the original one to create two layers, then select the overlay blending option, I am happy with how it looks. However, after adding the layer mask, the other layer is really pale around the masked area.
Since I started using Lightroom and Photoshop I've always wanted to know how I can make a photo look like it does when I press alt and adjust the sharpening mask slider in Lightroom. Here's an example of what I mean:
And here's the photo while pressing alt and moving the Mask slider:This effect is just a tool to show you where the mask is being applied but I think it's a cool effect and I have a project in mind where I want to make a set of photos look this way. It must be possible in photoshop but I'm not quite sure how to do to. I've tried using a high-pass filter, converting to B&W, and inverting the colours but it not quite the same thing; it obviously tends to just look like an inverted B&W. These images however look more like those pictures you made when you were a kid by covering waxed paper with black crayon and then scratching it off in places to make an image.
I created the torn paper effect on a screen print using CS5.  How can I use this same modified image to create a mask that I can use on other screen prints?
I'm creating an animation in AE eventually but initially have two hand drawn images of the same object that I've scanned into PS. Â I have a single mask created that I turn into a selection to copy the two images to output as new single files to then import as 2 frame png sequence into AE. Â Normally, and this is critical, the dimension of the new files would/should be exactly the same. But they're not! How is this possible, the selection is the same for both layers.
I am making selections of models off of a white background. I use the quick select tool and refine to make a clean selection. I go in and use the clone tool to remove the "halo" that is still there to make a super clean selection with no light bleed on the model. I put a black layer underneath to make sure that I got all of the remnants. I save the selection and turn it into a channel. I apply the layer mask and everything looks good. I flatten the image and put it on a white background (this is the desired form of delivery for client) Image saved and closed. When reopened, I make a selection using the channel and there is a distinct halo effect still present. I have tried making the selection and going over it a couple times with the brush at 100% and it works a little bit, but not entirely. I have already spent a lot of time going through cloning things out so it looks good, delivering the images, then they are sent back because of the halo.
When I save a selection in the family editor I can't seem to find the load selection button on the manage tab like you would in the project environment. The whole panel selection is not there. If I make a selection of at least two elements I get the load selection button on the modify tab. Is this as design or as forgotten?  At this moment it seems I first have to make a selection in order to load another selection.Â
I MAss space across a strange problem.  I chose a number of elements drawn ,And then I needed them again in the future I choose,  Thus after selecting elements Click on the Save  Selection And I value Enter for selected elements.  Now that I'm on Manege Selection panel is not,Is not Load Selection Options.  In none of the family environment.....
When we choose an element appears,But the project environment There are icons at the Manege.  Project Tab:  Mass and Family :Â
I'm having problems getting a selection with quick mask. What I'm trying to do is get radial gradient selection in the center of an image going to the outer edge. I open an image, dupe it, hit quick mask then click the gradient tool. I choose Radial in the dialogue box and set the offset. I then draw a line from the center of the image outwards and the whirly thing shows it's working. But when I toggle the quick mask off, sometimes I have a nice round selection, sometimes I don't have anything and sometimes I have an opaque black-to-transparent gradient circle in the center.
Do I have to click the layer icon or something before I do the gradient? What am I unconsciously forgetting? Add Alpha channel (that doesn't seem to make a reliable difference)?
I've been using 2.8.10 for a short while and haven't had any other problems. Should I change back to 2.8.8? I never tried this in .8, so I don't know if it worked reliably then. Did I maybe set an environment variable wrong when I started with 10? Is this just further evidence of age-related cognitive decline and I should think about taking up tatting?
I've been using a radial gradient on a mask to create a selection, then messing with the selection with various tools, e.g. saturation, blur, contrast. All this on a duplicate of the background layer, of course.
On my most recent attempt, I noticed "rings" in a portion of the finished image. Is the sequence in which I'm using the tools the problem? Should I work on the top layer first, THEN create the selection? Here's a crop from the image:
I'm using Gimp 2.8.10 on a Windows 8.1 machine, but I had this issue with earlier Gimp versions on a Win 7 machine as well. From time to time, usually after working in Gimp for a while, the marching ants around selections disappear. The most recent event happened after using quick mask. QM still shows my selection, but pressing Shift + Q to turn it off left me with no indication of the mask outline. The problem is not unique to my current machine, as I upgraded in Dec. 2013, but had the issue with an older one as well. In order to fix the problem, I save my work then restart Gimp and all is well again, for a while.