Photoshop :: Channel Selection Size Changes When Select And Apply Layer Mask?
Jun 28, 2013
I am making selections of models off of a white background. I use the quick select tool and refine to make a clean selection. I go in and use the clone tool to remove the "halo" that is still there to make a super clean selection with no light bleed on the model. I put a black layer underneath to make sure that I got all of the remnants. I save the selection and turn it into a channel. I apply the layer mask and everything looks good. I flatten the image and put it on a white background (this is the desired form of delivery for client) Image saved and closed. When reopened, I make a selection using the channel and there is a distinct halo effect still present. I have tried making the selection and going over it a couple times with the brush at 100% and it works a little bit, but not entirely. I have already spent a lot of time going through cloning things out so it looks good, delivering the images, then they are sent back because of the halo.
Suppose I have carefully made a selection and saved it as a channel. I then use that channel in an adjustment layer as a mask. I also use the inverse of that channel in another adjustment layer. Â At this point do I have three separate masks inside photoshop: the original channel, and two others that are layer masks? If I then see that the original mask wasn't quite right so I do a refine mask on one of the layer masks. I haven't, I think, changed the original channel, right? But I'd like to use the inverse of that channel in the other adjustment layer.
This gets pretty messy pretty fast, especially because I'm working on a very large image. After I modify the layer mask should I save it off as a separate named channel (it doesn't seem to be accessible unless the layer it's on is active) and then invert that, save it, and reload it as the layer mask for the other adjustment layer?
when I added a layer mask to a layer, it would display in the palette as the alpha channel, which was very handy. Now, when I add a layer mask, it only appears as the mask icon; i.e., gray square with white circle in the middle. I have no clue what I did to change from the one to the other, but I would certainly like to get the alpha representation back!
There's a new feature where you can opt to drag a layer mask to the trash and NOT be prompted to "apply layer mask?". This also has the "do not show again" option -which I clicked by accident. So the default is now to apply layer mask when I drag a layer mask to the trash. I can't think of any way to restore the more traditional function, without restoring all other prefs.  So what I would like is a way to restore the more classic default where dragging a layer mask to trash give me the OPTION to apply or discard.
I can do one or another, but both at the same time? It is annoying because a mask selection turns into layer selection when you select a second layer/folder.
This question is more theoretical, as I have found a work around. On a layer, I have a gray color, which I sample, and it becomes the desired Foreground color. Â I would like to Fill a Selection in an Alpha Channel with this gray color. Â However, when I view the Alpha channel, my forground color is lost to black/white, which I understand, as the Alpha channel is a gray scale image. Â But, I am able to sample a gray Swatch to make a Foreground color, but how can I preserve my chosen Foreground gray selected from a Layer? The only way that I know would be to make a new Swatch, and then use that when I am in Channels.
Photoshop 9.0.2 on WinXP Pro (3 GB RAM; Used space: 18.4GB; Free space: 214GB; Video card: 256MB ATI Radeon X1300PRO)
Hi, I have a couple image layers (each created by merging several others) that each also have a mask attached. I cannot get the layer mask selected on either one. I have found that I can delete the layer mask, and start with a new one and make edits, but it is a one-time shot: once I de-select it I cannot get back to it to make any further changes. Code:
I am working on a .psd in Photoshop CC in which I used a selection to precisely remove a portion of a layer in a layer mask. The problem is that it is removing a percentage of the opacity in the non selected area. The brush has 100% Opacity, 100% Flow and is in Normal Mode. The layer has 100% Opacity, 100% Fill, and is in Normal Mode. I have tried restarting Photoshop and starting over from scratch. Here is an image of the issue.
My only other concern is that on Friday we had a power outage due to lightning and PS CC closed unexpectedly. Could my PS CC be corrupted? My computer has restarted since then.
I want use a layer mask to paint onto a selected portion of my picture. But the selected portion was obtained via a channel mask for highly detailed accuracy. I haven't been able to get the channel mask to work with the layer mask.
I'm having a problem with being able to select inputs in the Chanel box / layer editor ! I am using maya 2012 on a MacBook pro , for instance if I create a cylinder ,when it's created I bring up the Chanel box , I have : pCylinder1 then the boxes for adjusting the xyz axis etc , then shapes / pCylinderShape1 , and that's it ! I have no inputs tab to adjust sub-divisions etc ?? Have I not got something selected
is it possible to select multiple layers (with layer mask) and merge them? Â tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6" tell current document set current layer to every layer of layer set "bloem 1-9" of layer set "Bloem" tell current layer merge end tell end tell end tell
when I select, copy and paste the image it still has the content that I removed using the layer mask. Â I want to paste it over another psd whilst maintaing the transparency. Â PSD is at [URL]
I have noticed in Photoshop CS5.1 and CS6 strange behaviour when saving for web file as PNG-24.  case1.I have one layer photo 260x360.Create Marquee square 200x200 and layer mask hide selection (effect: transparent square hole inside)save for web as PNG-24 (transparency on)-> file size 131.4k  case2.I have one layer photo 260x360.Create Marquee square 200x200 and delete pixels (effect: transparent square hole inside)save for web as PNG-24 (transparency on)-> file size 66.93k  Both pictures got same square transparent hole, but sizes are so different. Using mask do not reduce size of the file PNG24. Why is like that, bug ?
When I try and apply a channel to an adjustment of my choosing, I get a red mask across the whole image and the alteration is global as opposed to the selection of the mask if that makes any sense? [URL] ........
I follow a tutorial about making a pattern and she tells me to paste. I need to have the right channel marked. I do have the black dot in the right channel, and the channel is marked. I have a mask selected. I click paste, nothing happens. Â It's a brick and I'm planning to have 3 channels for it. Light, dark and something in between recolorable. I even saved a selection and then loaded it onto the correct channel. I tried to delete the extra mask channels hoping it was still saved. Then all knowledge of any maskes seems to be gone. As you can see on this picture I have all the channels there with masks, but it's still not being saved. I load this into another program and channels is nothing but 3 different colors all over. There is no selection. When I'm trying to save this as dds It says I have 3 alpha channels, they are suppose to be red, green and blue! [URL] ........
I've been having this problem since Photoshop 3.0. In the event my current version of Photoshop saved preview thumbnails, and my OS would display them, there would often be portions of the image missing. I noticed that there was usually a mask or channel matching the missing portion, and deduced that Photoshop was arbitrarily masking the preview, making them useless even in the cases where I could see them. Â Don't bother responding with "Adobe does not support thumbnails" or something similar. Any work around that does not involve deleting all masks and channels "just in case" one of them randomly spikes the thumbnail. As mentioned, it seems to occur randomly; I have hundreds of tiles with scores of masks and channels that produced clear thumbnails. Perhaps one in twenty grabs a random alpha channel and obscures the preview. I'm getting tired of wasting HD space saving a PNG clone with every PSD to save myself the hassle of opening up dozens of PSD files to find the one I need to work on.
I'm interested in making a Saturation Mask. Actually I want to extract the Saturation Channel.I know there's HSL / HSB Plug-In made by Adobe which is able to do so.Yet, I'm interested if there's an option creating it using the Blend Modes (Just like adding a Solid Black Layer in Color Mode creates a Luminosity Mask).
I'm trying videostudio pro x5 and it looks very nice, but I have a problem that I think will lead to be a big limitation in the potential this software has, so I guess this is a bug or maybe I am not using it in the right way. I just hope is not that way by design
Anyway, the problem is that when I apply a filter to an animation or to an image (like PNG) that has alpha channel, I can see the filter coverin the whole frame if the clip is in the main video track, while if I move it to the overlay track the filter will only stay inside the picture, for example I've tried this with the lens flare.. please see this image (situation 1 on top and then situation 2 bellow the orange line):
I'd expect the lens flare to go over the transparent area of the clip so that it will be overlaid with the "background" main video track, but it is not. This is just an example but for example the same happens if I apply the lightning filter to a text filter or to a png..
I also have a similar concern with the free TitlerEx plugin that I've downloaded after registering: if I put it on an overlay track I can't just have the text with transparent background overlaid to the main video track.
If you look closely in the attached picture, there is a spot of light blue on the player's helmet, that looks like a mistake (think it should look like the grass behind it)...though it actually may be part of his helmet. Â Regardless, I'd like to take it out. My idea was to select the blue with the quick selection tool, then bring that selection out to the grass, select the grass with that size/shape of selection, copy/paste and then bring the grass selection into the blue part so it looks like grass in what was the blue part. Â The problem is I don't seem to be able to move the selection without taking the blue with it (so it's not an empty selection and therefore can't select a piece of the grass.)
What I want to do is to have an adjustment layer that is a reversed, black and white image. I initially thought to merge B&W and reverse adjustment layers, but read that an adjustment layer may not be the target of a merge. Is the way to accomplish this to fiddle with the B&W adjustment layer sliders somehow?  I like how the black and white displayed image of a given color channel looks, how can I export that channel into a layer?
My subject line pretty much sums up what I want to ask.
The thing is I've learned how to do both of them, but every textbook exercise I've done regarding one I found out that I can pull off with the other too.
Are they simply two different mechanisms for doing the same thing?
It appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.
When I try to save a selection to other than a New channel, the Save Selection box only allows saving to a New channel and grays out the other options. How do you save a selection to another channel and/or activate the other options?Â
I am trying to select the aplha channel (and make it a selcetion ) by using the command +mouse click but I only get the black selected not the white. So i have to invert selection, which is annoying. Am i missing something? this worked 2 weeks ago and now it has changed.Â
The ways you apply vector masks in CS6 is different than in CS5. I knew how to apply a vector mask to a folder of layers in CS5. I cannot figure out how to do it in CS6.
So my question is: How do you apply a vector mask to a folder in Photoshop CS6? Â And while we're at it, what are the best methods for applying vector masks to regular layers?