3ds Max :: Textured Character - Symmetry Modeling?
Jan 26, 2013
I have a character that's textured, and I'd like to make adjustments to the mesh. I would like to select a Vertex on the right half of the mesh, and the Vertex on the left side would also get selected. So when I move it, the opposite moves in the "mirrored" direction.
In Softimage it's simple; I apply a Symmetry Map to the model, choose the Symmetry Mode, and it works. How do you set that up?
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Sep 7, 2012
I'm trying to model a pillow and I want the top and bottom symmetrical with a round "tubing" around the edges. The problem is that it wont smooth using nurm smoothing across the seem, so i get a fissure where I wanted the tube.
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Mar 30, 2011
How do i add a symmetry to my box model in 3dsmax where when i move a vertex,edge,polygon etc on one side the same thing happens on the other side instantly. I've seen this done in zbrush and xsi wondering how i can do this on 3dsmax. I've used the symmetry modifier but the other side does not move when i edit the other.
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Oct 29, 2011
My current workflow is to Clone my object, mirror the polygons on the clone and delete the original half of the clone so I have two working halves. Turn symmetry on so the center points stay on the plane. Then I model - edit and extrude and so on, the original, the clone is updated. Well partially.
Here are the problems I am running into:
1) There seems to be no way to add a primitive into a polymesh. Been through the manual and I did not find a way to do this.
2) This leads to the next problem. There does not seem to be a way to properly merge or join objects into the poly mesh without creating a new mesh object. This in effect cuts the relationship to the clone. And anytime I want to add a primitive into the mesh as a starting point or target for creating new geometry, this means doing the clone, mirror, delete process all over. Not exactly efficient. As note here I am talking about connected parts not just putting parts in that could be separate. Such as contours on a car body that merge to a disc where the headlight would be. Just as an example. And I am polygon modeling here.
I am aware of lofting just so you know, but the above was just an example. I'd like to know specifically about working in symmetry.
Any tips on a better workflow to model - create/add new mesh components including primitives and edit them - in symmetry.
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Dec 26, 2013
I know where the customize colors options is... but trying to guess at the meanings of the names is a very tedious process in max
So, I found the color for edges when working with geometry... but when I model something with a symmetry modifier applied, then the edge color defaults to the bright ORANGE color. What this color would be called?
And for that matter, any data base, online file, where these color terms are defined more clearly. It's sometimes very tedious to trial and error these things, especially if you have to restart max every time you take a guess.
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Jan 9, 2014
I have been modeling something with a symmetry modifier, and it has been working great. But, recently I feel like something has changed...
When I select, for example, a vert (or anything for that matter) and attempt to center my view and orbiting origin in the viewport -- max seems to think I am selected BOTH the vert I selected and the mirrored vert on the other side of the symmetry.
Has this simply always been the case? I feel like, in the past I was able to center in on a single vert in the past... but accedentally I think I toggled something where it is behaving like I am selected both sides, and centers BOTH selections in the view.
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May 29, 2012
How can i achieve symmetry on a spline by adjusting the handles of the vertices? The copy/paste tangent button is only useful for vertices with handles pointing in the same directions, how can i copy/paste tangent (same length) but pointing in the opposing directions, it would be like mirroring tangents?
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Oct 30, 2013
Is it better to texture multiple meshes of a same object as opposed to unwapping and texturing just one mesh and then duplicating the object over and over?
Fox example, I'm working in Maya and I'm modeling a grocery store. And let's say I'm about to texture an isle with bagged snack chips. Do I unwrap every UV from every bag of chips and texture them individually or is it better to unwrap and texture just one bag (mesh) of chips and then duplicate object multuple times to get the whole isle of chips.
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Oct 14, 2011
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
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May 29, 2013
I'm selecting faces to be textured in the UV editor. The red faces in the pic. The more faces I select (ctrl + click) the more the yellow box grows. Is this normal? I don't recall seeing that behaviour before. I thought it was just supposed to select the extents of the faces..?
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Mar 10, 2012
I have spent the last 2 days trying to take a portrait taken between 1950 and 1970 and printed on "Kodak extra life" photo paper made to resemble a canvas painting. I took several photos of this portrait using a Canon 60D EOS. Unfortunately, the portrait looks like it was literally printed on flattened bubble wrap. The Gausian blur can't do enough. Even when combined with ALL of the noise filters AND the sharpen, unsharpen masks. Curves and levels, hues and saturations, radius, inverting, working the image in RAW...
I have tried all available forms posted on the web and I have even tried a few other things just to see what would happen. Gimp with fft failed right along with other programs claiming to be able to do this task. I spent the entire night recoloring pixels in an attempt to get this portrait to lose the bubble wrap and not be so blurred you could go cross eyed looking at it. Unfortunately, when you zoom in on the pixels you can see what could be random brush marks in the "Kodak extra life" paper printed portrait. I am stumped with this one and the web does not have a lot of info regarding this type of image.
The portrait belongs to a friend whose mom died. As they were going through her things they found this photo of her when she was younger than they can recall her being. It is the only one they found. It is stained and color faded, no problem to fix that part of it... I am not sure it can be transformed from "bubble wrap" but I will keep trying until something can change it. I have ADOBE Photoshop CS5 running on windows 7.
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May 20, 2011
can make a design with as few polygons.
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Feb 23, 2012
I am in the process of modeling a new character and have to ask this question. What is the best way to create an Afro. Right now, I am thinking about just modeling the base shape of how everything will look, and then applying Maya fur to the necessary faces. I also wanted to note that this will be an animated character as well.
I have attached an image of the style haircut I am going for .
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Jun 8, 2011
What is the best way to start modeling a character (with image reference), in Maya or in Mudbox ?
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Jun 29, 2013
I'm just trying to learn the very basics of making a simple character. When I paint on any polygon shape, the same paint stroke is painted on all the polygon shapes of my character. What i've noticed though is if I separate the polygon meshes I can paint on them separately, but then that makes it impossible for me to bind the skeleton of the character to the skin.
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May 9, 2012
I am currently trying to make a symmetrical texture map for my character.
For example, I want the arms of a character to share the same texture pattern.
But I can't place the UV shell corresponding to one arm on top of the piece corresponding to the other arm because it doesn't match without flip.
If I'm trying to flip this shell it becomes shaded with a semi-transparent red color. But all UV shells must be shaded with blue and have a clockwise winding order. Am I right ?
Is there a way to reverse the winding order so the UVs match the original half's without physically flipping the UV shell on the U or V.
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Nov 9, 2012
i've modeled a character or two from scratch in max. (nothing spectacular) I also used a character pack a few years ago. I was wanting some info on the best way to model a new character. I would like opinions on zbrush, poser, etc. Something that is very compatible with max.
What is the process that you take when creating a character. Don't feel the neeed to write a book I get the basics. Been out of the game for a while, but very glad to be back. Been playing around with fumefx, houdinni ocean, and ivy lately.
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Dec 22, 2012
What is the proper way to apply the symmetry modifier to a sphere ? I created this custom android bot. After I create a sphere with hemisphere I create the eye and split the sphere in two then zero it out on the grid. Then I apply the modifier. When I do that it does not project the other half of the sphere even when it's on flip and x axis. The mirror part is kind of on the back side of the sphere. What happens is I have to rotate the mirror part to line it up and up the thresh hold a lot to get the back side to connect.
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Jun 5, 2011
Whenever i try to create an object using symmetry, convert to nurbs, object doesn't behave like a symmetry but gives off very unexpected result, is there any setting that i have turned off which is causing it?
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Apr 4, 2011
I have recently starting skinning my human model and everything was fine until I found out that the chest bone I have on each side of the chest isn't being noticed by 3ds Max as being symmetrical with the other bone. This means I can't use mirror bones or mirror vertices to that part of the model. How to make two bones that aren't being recognized as symmetrical by 3ds Max symmetrical? When using the envelopes in the skin modifier, when I go to mirror the bones or vertices, the two bones are red instead of blue or green to show symmetry. The two bones are relatively in the same place on opposite sides of the model. They aren't the same size but close. Is there something I need to do to make them have symmetry or is there a way to make 3ds Max recognize that you have two bones that you want to be symmetrical?
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Dec 28, 2011
im currently doing the tutorial about the viking helmet.Im in this section "Working in symmetry mode to add detail to the helmet".Im at the point 7 of "select the seam and rim faces to extrude".I have changed the value of the slide control to -25 but when i turn on the show end result to see the left face of the helmet,it doesnt display nothing...,i did something wrong or is this a bug?
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Sep 5, 2013
I tried to use symmetry tools in editable poly for creating mirrored morph targets and the tools seems to be broken in 2014.
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Apr 2, 2013
I imported a piece of art into Illustrator and I want all parts of it to be equal and symmetrical. What would be the best way to start going about this?
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Aug 31, 2013
In Photoshop 8 (CS2) a typed character doesn't display until another character is typed or until I leave the text layer.
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Mar 19, 2013
i want to apply the symmetry mode only for the red polygons in my medel.
how can i do this?
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Nov 15, 2005
make text with a texture(like rope or material for example)that curves and beb
nds with the letters giving the impression that the letters are made of the texture.
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Dec 21, 2010
Does Mudbox 2011 have anything comparable to the radial symmetry function in ZBrush? Specifically, the ability to designate N number of points along a mirrored axis, not just mirroring a single stroke along one axis. I thought perhaps this was called something else in Mudbox and that was why I have not been able to find it.
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Sep 17, 2011
Why my result from stress analysis isn't symmetry?I am modeling a telescope support system. The result I got from the analysis always not symmetry, the difference is very small therefore I think the test setting shouldn't have any major problem.
The difference could be cause by the round off during the simulation, if I am right about it, is there anyway to improve the result?
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May 22, 2006
I'd like to make realistic textured wings on photoshop.
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Feb 25, 2006
How do they produce a rough textured background like it this image...
Background Image
Am I right in assuming some noise filters need be applied?
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Feb 15, 2007
I would like to make a leather textured background. I know there is a way of doing this in Photoshop incorporating seamless Tiles. Is there anyone that might be able to walk me through the process or have any suggestions on how to develop a texture from scratch in Photoshop.
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