3ds Max :: Change Color Of Edges While Modeling In Symmetry
Dec 26, 2013
I know where the customize colors options is... but trying to guess at the meanings of the names is a very tedious process in max
So, I found the color for edges when working with geometry... but when I model something with a symmetry modifier applied, then the edge color defaults to the bright ORANGE color. What this color would be called?
And for that matter, any data base, online file, where these color terms are defined more clearly. It's sometimes very tedious to trial and error these things, especially if you have to restart max every time you take a guess.
I'm trying to model a pillow and I want the top and bottom symmetrical with a round "tubing" around the edges. The problem is that it wont smooth using nurm smoothing across the seem, so i get a fissure where I wanted the tube.
How do i add a symmetry to my box model in 3dsmax where when i move a vertex,edge,polygon etc on one side the same thing happens on the other side instantly. I've seen this done in zbrush and xsi wondering how i can do this on 3dsmax. I've used the symmetry modifier but the other side does not move when i edit the other.
I have a character that's textured, and I'd like to make adjustments to the mesh. I would like to select a Vertex on the right half of the mesh, and the Vertex on the left side would also get selected. So when I move it, the opposite moves in the "mirrored" direction.
In Softimage it's simple; I apply a Symmetry Map to the model, choose the Symmetry Mode, and it works. How do you set that up?
My current workflow is to Clone my object, mirror the polygons on the clone and delete the original half of the clone so I have two working halves. Turn symmetry on so the center points stay on the plane. Then I model - edit and extrude and so on, the original, the clone is updated. Well partially.
Here are the problems I am running into:
1) There seems to be no way to add a primitive into a polymesh. Been through the manual and I did not find a way to do this.
2) This leads to the next problem. There does not seem to be a way to properly merge or join objects into the poly mesh without creating a new mesh object. This in effect cuts the relationship to the clone. And anytime I want to add a primitive into the mesh as a starting point or target for creating new geometry, this means doing the clone, mirror, delete process all over. Not exactly efficient. As note here I am talking about connected parts not just putting parts in that could be separate. Such as contours on a car body that merge to a disc where the headlight would be. Just as an example. And I am polygon modeling here.
I am aware of lofting just so you know, but the above was just an example. I'd like to know specifically about working in symmetry.
Any tips on a better workflow to model - create/add new mesh components including primitives and edit them - in symmetry.
I have been having this problem for a while now that whenever I extrude or create something thats not totally smooth the edges by default are hardened. For example if I create a 12 faced cylinder it will hard edge everything including the verticle edges. Back when I first started using Maya i dont remember having to select specific edges to soften which can get very tedious and take up time.
I feel like there should be some sort of way to harden horizontal edges and soften verticle edges but I cant find the solution anywhere. Is there any way to change the default soften/harden edges?
I have been modeling something with a symmetry modifier, and it has been working great. But, recently I feel like something has changed...
When I select, for example, a vert (or anything for that matter) and attempt to center my view and orbiting origin in the viewport -- max seems to think I am selected BOTH the vert I selected and the mirrored vert on the other side of the symmetry.
Has this simply always been the case? I feel like, in the past I was able to center in on a single vert in the past... but accedentally I think I toggled something where it is behaving like I am selected both sides, and centers BOTH selections in the view.
How can i achieve symmetry on a spline by adjusting the handles of the vertices? The copy/paste tangent button is only useful for vertices with handles pointing in the same directions, how can i copy/paste tangent (same length) but pointing in the opposing directions, it would be like mirroring tangents?
I'm working on a social media icon rollover png. I need the bottom row of icons to be slightly lighter than the top row for a mouse over effect. I know this is probably something easy I'm screwing up, but when I use bucket fill to change color, I get that circular jagged edge look.
What's the secret to changing the color of a circular object without the jagged edges?
Added attachment below where you can see the jagged effect - I just bucket filled with the lighter color.
I'm trying to snap a head with it's neck with the merge edge tool, but somewhere along the way, the edges lost there border edge characteristics and now I can't merge the edges. Is there a way to make the edges back to the way they were?
I have a collage I put together of several guitars, and I want to outline the guitars in a gold outline and change the background color to black, to make them stand out. I can't figure out how to do this. If it matters, I have Photoshop CS2 for Windows.
My model loses lambert on only certain faces every so often. Might be related to clicking on camera or trying to extrude certain edges. I want to delete the camera but this happens to the model every time i touch the camera. I can't reapply the lambert by pressing 6 or assigning new material. if you know what's happening.
As I import an OBJ into max (using 2012, but it was the same for previous versions too) I edit the objects and as I delete some edges to refine it, it looks as if I break the object/polygon flow. Black smears appear near edges, none of the polys are black so I don't think it's a normals problem.
I'm creating a face, but what I want is to have whatever happens on the right to happen on the left, instead of clicking each point to move the edges. I tried just cutting the face in half and duplicating, but I don't know how to flip second copy.
lowpoly but their edges are not showing. The edges that im talking about is the one that makes the model blocky, or look really low poly. what technique shall i use ?
How i can select multiple edges and perform some modifications on them like moving one endpoint of them and the multiple edges react like i would do this with one single edge.
I have several edges that will not delete. There are no faces connected, so the edges are suspended in space. I can select any number of edges but when I press delete they just deselect. I don't have more then one line occupying the space, nothing is hidden, and restarting maya hasn't worked.
Is there some way to make the Scale Tool stop when multiple selected verts or edges are aligned, like in Max? I've noticed that you can overshoot when trying to align this way. I suppose there is always snapping to grid..
I am trying to model an object with planes using edge extrusions with shift drag. The issue I am having when using this method is getting lots of unplanar surfaces (even after using the make planar button). This is because max will not let me shift drag an edge straight back on its local axis to keep it perfectly planar. See image below.
I am wanting to extrude out this edge straight back on its local axis. But the result just makes it go straight up.
Is there a way to do this? After perusing some threads on creating edges from vertices, the "Create" tool under "Edit Geometry" doesn't seem to solve my issue. In Blender, you can create a face by selecting at least three vertices and pressing "F". Is there anything similar to that feature in 3DS Max?
When I use the TurboSmooth modifier I get artifacts that you can see in the upper red rectangle of the second picture. Is this due to the former welding process that I used or is it just a geometry issue?
Furthermore I get a shape that`s supposed to be a nice 'round' surface. Probably it's just putting in some more vertecies? (second picture, lower rectangle)
For better understanding I attached the before and after pics with mesh turned on.
I know about F3 and F4, but usually when i used maya and 3ds max 2014, i could see edges when i select an object....now i cant. When i go into edge mode, i cant even see edges at all unless i blindly select them. This image i show has a box of 2 segments and i selected the middle edges....can only see what i selected in red.
when I select an edge for example the edges close to it are selected as well and turn yellow and the farther ones turn red and move when I move the edge I selected. I'm pretty sure this a simple problem, like a button I need to toggle, but I seriously can't find it. How do I select individual edges?
I found out that this was cancelled by just pressing B.
After closing a polygon hole using bridge tool, I always get disconnected edges so my question is how to do a proper bridge operation that won't end up with open edges?
Say I have an editable patch cube. Is there a way to accurately Fillet the edges of the cube while it's a patch?
I need to use patch modeling so I can convert to nurbs for IGES export. I really don't want to convert to an editable poly at any point in the process because it adds so many extra patches when I convert it back.
i am modeling a cello.... the forward edge of the body frame is a single face. in order to bevel it, i have to select all the edges... there are lots. for reasons that surpass understanding, MAYA does not recognize the edges of a 'corner' to be an edge loop. nor will it retain the selection with a selection mode change as some apps will (ie: select face, change to 'edge select' and have all the edges selected).
is there some simple way to select ALL the edges of a face?