Photoshop :: Adjust Predefined 3D Object Models?
Aug 13, 2013
I've mapped a 16"(w) x 8.5"(h) label onto a cylinder using the 3D tools in Photoshop CC, but the proportions of the cylinder model are too tall and too narrow. Is it possible either to adjust these preset object models or to create my own?
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Sep 12, 2013
So my original problem and question was apparently answered by this thread, but I don't understand how to implement the fix. how to adjust the resolution when viewing my model? [URL]...
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Oct 18, 2012
Got some visual issues on the model space window in perspective view of the Objects/Models somehow gets tearing effects/ parts get invisible or gone missing, when playing around with it, whilst zooming, rotating, paning, moving while inside the perspective view window, this is not evident before in older 3ds max version we have used which is 2009, the model/object is correctly done, no open poly or anything with it or whatsoever....its just the viewing when you try to play around with the model that you see the tearing ups, this is quite frustrating coz you might think that the model is empty or missing its face or sides, or another part have gone thru the object....etc etc.
> 3.06ghz Intel Quad-Core i7-950
> Asus P6X58D
> 12GB DDR3 (2gbx6)
> Leadtek Quadro FX4000 2GB
> Seagate 1TB sata
> Windows 7 x64
> 3ds Max Design 2013
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Jul 11, 2013
I am using Revit 2013 and I am wondering if there is any easy way of getting my generic model schedules to get the length of the object without having to manually type it in?!
I have attached 2 images to explain what I am talking about. I have created my own countertops and decided for scheduling purposes it would work best to have them as generic models. As you can see from the "Counter Top Properties" image that it has the length of my countertop in the program, but as the "Counter top Schedule" Images shows I can not choose "Length" as an available field. I had to create a parameter for the length ("Length of Unit"), which is just a dimension parameter, and I have to type in manually what the length is. Is there a way to get my schedule to get that length dimension automatically without having to manually type it in!?
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Apr 2, 2013
Inside 3D Studio max, its possible to adjust the pivot center of an object to anywhere in space. So if for example, I've got a sphere in my scene and I want to have a bunch of cones spin around the center of the sphere (to create the basic shape of a sun graphic) I can just change the cone's pivot to be in the exact center of the sphere and then when I rotate and copy the cone, they will all be perfectly centered around the sphere.
Tying to do this in Photoshop however is proving rather difficult. Since the triangle representing the sun's rays is smaller than the circle representing the sun, I can't move the traingle's pivot to match the center of the sun because the bounding box for the transform isnt big enough.
If I duplicate the sun and merge the triangle and the sun together, the merge action re-adjusts the pivot to be in the center of both objects so its no longer in the correct center of the circle. I can however move the pivot point to the approximate location now because the bounding box is larger, but I don't need the approximate location, I need the exact location.
Is there a way to move the pivot to a specific coordinate? Or am I going to have to move everything onto a perfectly square canvas and snap everything to grid lines?
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Oct 6, 2011
We are looking for a workflow example of developing casting models into machining models.
Typically our castings are made from different materials (Fig-1) and then machining (Fig-2) are created from these castings.
Is creating the casting as an iPart (with different materials) and then deriving the machining from the casting the proper method?
Doing it this way seems to force us into making a machining for each casting material instead of just one machining that is an iPart. How should this be set-up for BOM purposes and for use with Vault (Base Version)?
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Dec 21, 2012
Is there a way I can adjust the spacing of objects like I can adjust the tracking of text. just a simple slider that adjust the distrobution of them. the objects are all different hights so there isn't anything in the align window that is useful. I'm looking for something that I can say "space 20px apart" or "space 12px apart." and dont have to deal with moving each object individually.
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Mar 26, 2013
I know you can use map-transform tool (I think it is a poor tool...)
I need to adjust old data (image scannings, a pdf I have received, a drawing somebody gives me , etc)
I'd like to have a dialog box to adding points (original and destination) and have the oportunitiy to review the scale, the moving data, the weight on transform for evry point, a way to include/exclude .....
I imagined that civil 3d should have this....
Have I to search again a lisp tool ?
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Jul 11, 2012
The first thing I do with any new drawing tool is
1. Draw a square.
2. Select the square.
3. Begin tweaking the square's properties--stroke width and color, fill, pattern, etc.
So how do you select the object you just drew? All I'm seeing is 'select an area' tools, which of course won't work for adjusting a specific drawing object.
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Nov 6, 2012
dimension tool.jpg
See the figure below.
Is there any way to adjust the dimensions, when dragged, with regular distance from object?
See differences by red arrows. The intention is that dimensions keep a pre-set regular distance.
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Nov 9, 2011
We use electircal elements in AutoCAD dwgs that have labels to indicate the status of the element by phase. For instance on a floor plan we might have elctrical outlets that are existing (E), new (N), demo (D), etc. How does one do this efficietnly in REVIT? Is there a way to assign a paramter to grab the phase of the object and then adjust a label accordingly? This would be ideal because over time the element s might move from one phase to another such as from new to existing.
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Feb 6, 2012
I wanted to know about Blocks which are predefined in tool pallets.If I want to change height of door in section drawing (aluminium door) as 2.1 m how can I change it.
I used block editor but it changes by scale factor not exactly 2.1.How can I change it to 2.1 m?
Also I wanted to now how to make tiles in hatch for drawing in section as it is not predefined in hatch.How can I make it?
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Oct 14, 2012
Is it possible to create AND save predefined document sizes instead of the standard US-letter, US-legal, A4, A3…? And DELETE these for video and screen sizes, ect., which I don`t need? I need my own standard sizes (print) for a daily working basis like business cards -> 85x55, postcard ->... A4). So that I don`t have to type the measures again and again manually within a new document or existing artwork. I normally combine all printproduct (drawingareas) for a client in ONE AI file.
(AI CS6)
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Aug 11, 2013
How do I see the object selected change colour dynamically as I adjust the colour sliders?
It seems the object only changes colour when I release the slider. But I want to see it dynamically change, so I can find the colour that works best without "hit or miss" - "trial and error" behaviour.
Yes... I'm aware some of you spend hours in colour programs creating a palette to work with. Good for you.
I'm just wanting to do it LIVE. Dynamically. In 2013. In Illustrator.
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May 16, 2013
how do i add to, so that they are always available?
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Mar 8, 2012
Basically I want to put a picture onto a video game controller.
I am trying to do the sticker part of this (the second step):
How to use the outline of the controller he provided as an overlay (is this even the right term?) onto an image so I know where to cut out.
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Nov 18, 2013
I am looking to edit the pre-defined selections in the metadata presets. Please see screenshot [URL]....
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Jun 24, 2012
I am looking for broad principles as opposed to blow by blow information. I am planning to use inventor for the design of model aircraft. My problem at present is a lack of understanding of the possible ways in which the following can be achieved.
The sides of the fuselage are sheet material ( balsa or ply or a combination ) which need to be available in a 2D format so they can be converted into DXF files that can then be sent to my laser cutting machine.
I also need to model the fuselage as a solids model in inventor. How does on go about modelling something like this? The curvature is going to be single as opposed to double.
Ideally I woul like a command that enables me to take a 2D sketch ( a copy of which is converted to DXF ) and to bend it around formers to form the fuselage shape. That would be similar to the process that is used in the actual construction but I dont think that there is one as yet.
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Sep 28, 2012
How to create a circular pattern around the predefined Z axis.
Dim oCompdef As ComponentDefinition
Dim oDoc As PartDocument
Dim oSketch As PlanarSketch
Dim oPart As PartFeatures
Dim oProfile As Profile
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Jun 24, 2010
Would it be possible to make a dynamic block for titleblocks with various layouts predefined in it?
To clarify, I currently have several titleblocks set up for the corresponding papersizes that i use, each one of these is a seperate block.
If i used a Dynamic Block could i incorporate several "layouts" into one block and one drawing?
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Jul 11, 2013
1) I want to search the drawing for the pre-define block names given in the program.
2) If the are there, I want to replace them with the new version.
3) Program replaces the first block it finds, then tries to insert that block.
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Jul 29, 2010
We have some patterns that our customers can choose from to put sandblast film on their windows. Not sure about the english term for it, but this is what i mean:
We are looking for a flexible way to make the vector file from a predefined pattern.
Like the example below, when resizing the outer rectangle (= the window), the number of squares should be adjusted automatically. And the squares need to be centered in the window all the time.
I'm not such an expert in using patterns in illustrator, but i believe there is no way to define settings that control the pattern i believe? Like pattern brushes in illustrator, in which settings can be set like scale the pattern or scale the space inbetween, center the pattern,...
The square pattern below is just an example, see some other examples that i would like to easily control the thickness of lines, number of circles, space between stripes, horizontal and vertical scale of the pattern,...
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Aug 2, 2013
Im working on a program that checks out syncronizes some data with our erp system and then checkes in the files again to vault. all works fine but in vault all links to other files are gone? when i checkin the files from inventor manuel then the links are ok in vault. therefore i wonder if it is possible to run the vault checkin dialog "hidden" and just pass in some predifined options and checkin to vault.
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Apr 28, 2011
how to curve text within a shape, as paragraph text, not artistic text? (See my attached image.)
I have drawn the shape, inserted the text as paragraph text, but the text always wants to sit straight. I am so frustrated as I can find a workaround in either Corel or Adobe CS products. I have tried using artistic text in Corel, but have to do it line by line - and this brings other problems, such as I cant justify each line with each other, and sometimes a character jumps up relative to the other characters and the entire paragraph does not taper this is not a solution, apart from the fact it will take me FOREVER to insert line by line....I would like to treat the text as a multiple line paragraph, and follow the shape.
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Jul 11, 2013
I'm using an iMac and Illustrator CC. I created a text area box. I want to place text from an outside Word document into the area box. When I go to File>Place and locate the text file, I click on Place. When I'm returned to my Illustrator CC document, the original area box is deselected and my cursor is loaded and ready for me to drag out a new area box. Shouldn't the placed text fill the original area box?
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Apr 27, 2009
I was experimenting with 3d model texturing in CS4. However whenever I zoom into the model I was trying to texture, it becomes very pixelated to the point of where I couldnt tell what it is supposed to look like. The only way I can tell what it is anymore is while using the camera rotate, the model once again comes back into focus with the sharp edges that I desire.
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Aug 17, 2012
Why is it that Photoshop doesn't import 3D models for popular software like Cinema 4D (C4D) while the U3D extension of that weird and unpopular unprofessional heavily copied but little used Ulead cool 3D is in the list? I think it would be much more important to be able to import C4D files.
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Nov 27, 2008
I imported a model and started altering the textures. I created textures added layers details and realized at a point that I need to modify my uv coordinates.
So back in my 3d application I did the changes and exported the 3ds file again.
Now here is my question. How can I import the updated mesh to my current psd and "tell" it to use the textures I modified before?
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Sep 19, 2007
I have a good pic of a model in a pink dress. It is just a fraction too dark.
I would like to brighten it up a bit.
Are there any ways of doing this other than the brightness slider ?
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Apr 17, 2009
1) If I add a lense flare to a layer, how do I remove it short of making backward steps? (cmd+option+z)
2) Is there a place I can get 3D models to play around with? Preferebly for free.
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Jul 19, 2012
it is possible to custom clothing for 3D Daz models using Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended? I can find tutors on painting models but nothing on making the custom clothing itself, not a texture for other clothing but making my own clothing for DAZ Kids4. I have been using Hexagon to work with clothing but was looking for a photoshop alternative method.
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