Photoshop :: 3D - All Textures Display As The Same Texture After Resizing Document?
Oct 9, 2013
I've just had my first 3D experience in Photoshop mapping a bunch of different label options onto a cylinder - everything was working perfectly until I re-sized the image.
Now each label change-out gets displayed as one of the labels - Photoshop will only display one label despite there being mutiple layers and layer comps.
If I:Go to the diffuse texture for each label and choose "Edit texture"A new window opens showing the correct label/texture.
I'm a bit confused about the "Texture folder" in the "Presets" of Photoshop CS.
What are these textures used for & how do I access them in Photoshop aside for navigating to the "Textures folder" buried in my C dirve.
I assume they are associated with the Texture filter, but I have some new "Amazing Sci-Fi" textures I want to play with, if I put them in this folder, how do I access them when I need them? For lets say just a fill/clipping layer etc.
I need to Render to Texture.All lighting, textures and shadows on one texture.if I save the texture from the render window by hand, the image is correct.
I've unwrapped the uvs and am correcting the texture on a model. The model is essentially a building facade on a plane. The plane has a single large texture of the facade applied to it and that works fine. But I'd like to use another texture for a small area. I went to uvw unwrap> faces, and selected the area. Then I applied proj>planar map with x axis, turned off plane map and went into the UV editor and loaded up the new texture from "pick texture". The uv editor shows it fine. I make the adjustemnts and then leave the uv editor but it's not applying the nex texture in that area, instead it's applying thw whole facade to that small area.
I am trying to make a custom texture for Half-Life 2. The image has to be a power of two, how do I resize it in PS to a power of 2? The image is 2558x1886. Is it possible? I tried resizing it just by typing 1024 in the box but it automatically changed the other value to correspond with my changes. How do I do this? I want it to be 1024x1024.
Inventor seems to do lots to allow for simulated appearance textures. However, how does one use actual physical textures, e.g. for a plastic part? I need one surface of the plastic part to be very rough/bumpy, another to be slightly rough/bumpy, and another to remain smooth/untouched.
Let me be forthright and say I have no background here in textures/plastics/molds etc.,
I was wondering how I could duplicate the texture of this gear/star thing? I want to use the same texture for a square shaped frame. I already tryed messing with the bevel and emboss layer style but I didnt get a the matching result that I desired.
My next question is how do I make my own custom bevel and emboss layer style textures?
I make pdf ainally and if I just paste texture into all pages = huge size pdf. When I make it in microsoftword all background pictures have weight as one pic.
When I copy and paste a pdf document into Corel Draw, it seems as the default size of the pasted object reflects anywhere from 23" (left to right) & 17" (top to bottom) = 23"x17". After selecting the object, & entering an object size of 8" x 11", the document then resizes to 2"x3". So, then I always have to enter the 8"x11" again for it to finally accept that size - which it always does, but on the 2nd time trying.
No matter what changes I make in the UV texture editor, the texture on my model doesn't change (with the colors I put on it until I finalized the UV map, it would be pretty obvious). But nothing happens. Move UVs, Rotate UVs, Scale UVs--does not change the texture on the model.
Am I missing something? This all used to work just fine. Is it a setting change? Is this something caused by brining a Maya2010 file into 2011?
It appears various people are posting things that are posted in the Readme. For Nitrous these are:
• To prevent issues with Nitrous, ensure you have the most up‐to‐date system drivers. For specific details, see the sections about 3ds Max 2012 / 3ds Max Design 2012 found at URL.... • Applying Unwrap UVW after painting in 2D with Viewport Canvas and painting on top of the Unwrap UVW can sometimes cause 2D paint to fail. Workaround: If this occurs, apply an Edit Poly modifier on top of the Unwrap UVW modifier. • Civil View parameters can cause a program error when modifying surface parameters. • Object Color display will show the object’s material color when set to object color. Workaround: Enable Use Environment Background and Display Background in the Viewport Background settings (Alt+B). • Locking the computer can cause the viewports to stop responding in some cases. Workaround: If this occurs, restart the program. • Mirrored or negatively scaled objects might display face edges incorrectly. • The Soft selection Shade Face Toggle does not always properly display the shaded faces. • MassFX constraints can cause Dummy objects not to display in Realistic mode. • Body Objects display tessellated/triangulated edges instead of the proper Body curves. • Back faces display as transparent. • Hidden Line style does not display texture maps in the viewport. • Tone Mapper used with a Skylight set to use the mr Physical Sky environment will display a black background when enabled. • Enable Gamma/LUT Correction does not work on stylized viewports. • Very large textures (10K x 10K) can cause a program error. Workaround: You can control texture sizes with MAXScript: NitrousGraphicsManager.SetTextureSizeLimit 512 true NitrousGraphicsManager.SetBackgroundTextureSizeLimit 1024 true
I already have been updating the DisplayName of documents but this name only shows in the Browser Bar and Title bar in Inventor.
When multiple documents are loaded, there are document tabs shown in het bottom area of the Inventor window, these show the File Name. I would like to show the DisplayName there but I don't knop how.
I'm using:
Win7 x64 Inventor 2011 pro Visual studio Express 2008 - VB.NET
I'm designing some screens for an retina display iPad and I just want the illustrator document on my 27" thunderbold monitor (at 109 ppi) to have the same physical dimensions as the physical iPad screen (7.75" x 5.81"). Maybe its so obvious that no one talks about how to do it. I do feel a little embarassed that I haven't figured this out.
Regardless of whenther I enter the doucment dimensions in inches or in pixels the resulting document is never the same pysicial size as the iPad's screen. And since Illustrator deals in vectors it doesn't have any notion of PPI that I can use to bring inches and pixels into alignement so that what I see on my monitor is the same physical size as what's in the iPad.
All i want is the AI document displayed on my monitor to be the exact same size as my iPad's screen.
For my 3D scene, I have to use a texture file on the floor. If I use the only file, than it looks really boring and below par. What I want is, I want to generate some (around 6-8) texture files within the original texture file - so the colors of all the texture files remain same but only the texture varies.Likewise there are more than 500 texture files and I just can't do them manually. Is there any way out to do this in Photoshop?
After moving a page in my document the master page elements no longer display on screen or in print. If I move the page to a different location in the document the master displays but if it is in the specific position that it needs to be it will not display. The document has multiple Masters and others do work on the page but the one that I need will not. I've tried deleting the page and adding a new one and that does not fix the problem. I've checked and "Hide Master Items" is not checked. The page in question is in position 48 with F-Master applied. If I move it to position 49 it works, 50, it works, 51, or any other it works. If I apply a different master to the page, it works. If I delete the page, add a new page and apply F-Master it still does not work. The only page that this problem is happening on is page 48.
I have a lava texture and a ground texture. I'd like to be able to make some cracks on the ground texture that would show through the lava texture below it. Something like a cracked mud look. I would be using this for a game I'm making form some terrain textures. Are there any plugins that would aid in making these transparent cracks and perhaps even add depth to the cracks?
I guess a spider web where the spider was on crack would be something I'm looking for. Similar to the following image:
I inadvertently saved a document as a jpg and wondered if there is any way I can convert it to a document file that is handled more easily with a file that is other than a photo file?
as of yesterday i have been receiving an alert when i try to move a jpeg into a new photoshop doc stating that my target document has a different depth than my source document and will (which it definiately does) result in lower than expected quality.
Photoshop specs: CS6; RGB; 16 bit; Res 300 pixels/inches; size: letter; (advanced setting - don't know what these are) color profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1; Pixel aspect ratio: square pixels
I am currently writing a book that will initially be sold as a PDF but may later go on the i Book store, however I don't have a Retina display myself and what is the best practice for making screenshots from a normal display look acceptably sharp on a Retina display?
I have Photoshop along with the iOS simulator that shows how the iPad or iPhone will look if they can be used in some way but I mainly need to get menu items and dialogue boxes from various applications in OS X and Windows looking good on Retina screens. I really don't want to pay out for a Retina display purely for this task that would only take a few hours of work at most.
The code below crashes with an "attempt to write to protected memory" in debug mode (it crashes when it hits acDocMgr.add)but in the Release version it works fine. I am using Command Flags.Session
Dim acDocMgr As DocumentCollection = Application.DocumentManager Dim pStyle As Integer = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.GetSystemVariable("PSTYLEMODE") Dim acDoc As Document = Nothing If pStyle = 1 Then acDoc = acDocMgr.Add("acad.dwt") Else acDoc = acDocMgr.Add("acad -Named Plot Styles.dwt") End If
I would like to add extra textures to PS is there anywhere to get free ones? or how can I make my own? and how do I add them. I want to make textures like net muslin, and lace for background effects.
I have some textures and icons that I've bought and/or gathered and I'd like to install them, but some are .png and some are .jpg. How do I install those on CS5?