Photoshop :: Making Screenshots From Normal Display Look Acceptably Sharp On Retina Display
Jan 28, 2013
I am currently writing a book that will initially be sold as a PDF but may later go on the i Book store, however I don't have a Retina display myself and what is the best practice for making screenshots from a normal display look acceptably sharp on a Retina display?
I have Photoshop along with the iOS simulator that shows how the iPad or iPhone will look if they can be used in some way but I mainly need to get menu items and dialogue boxes from various applications in OS X and Windows looking good on Retina screens. I really don't want to pay out for a Retina display purely for this task that would only take a few hours of work at most.
I'm using a Macbook Pro with retina display and having a hard time really understanding how it translates to a normal 72dpi screen, so I hooked up a second computer, this is what photoshop looks like on it.
I recently installed adobe elements CS5.1 onto my Macbook Pro retina display running Mountain Lion. All of the Adobe programs (Photoshop, Illustrator ect) are blurry and pixelated when I open them. solution to this problem? I especially notice it with the fonts dropdown.
How do you view Photoshop CS6 13.0.4 in low resolution on a macbook pro retina display? I have tried opening CS6 in applications > get info> under general there is no option to open in low resolution as there is in Lightroom.
I want to make some graphics that will be viewed on the web. I understand that lower resolution displays will display graphics larger than higher resolution displays. My question is with regards to how the graphics will be displayed on a Retina display that has 326 pixels per inch. My understanding has always been that you design graphics based on 72ppi for web.
1. If I wanted to create graphics knowing that all of my users would have Retina displays, would I setup my .PSD files at 326ppi? 2. Will graphics and websites designed at 72ppi appear really small on a Retina display?.
With all the hoop-la over Photoshop being able to work with a 1:1 native pixel operation at the Apple WWDC, I'm wondering if it will be available as a simple 'upgrade' to the existing Photoshop CS6 package or if there will be a separate app available for a premium upgrade price. I'm told that it's spectacular - running Photoshop in native Retina display mode - it might even convince me to my a MBP-Retina.
But I'm confused about the 'upgrade' path - I know that the capabilities have been announced but have read nothing about the upgrade - will it cost anything?
I am thinking of buying a Macbook Pro with Retina Display.
I am wondering if Photoshop Elements 11 will work OK with this as I have heard there is a problem. how to make them compatible. I really don't need anything more complicated than elements for what I do so don't want to spend out on one of the CS programmes.
I've got a problem with every application I downloaded from the creative cloud. The Program windows are pixelated. I can see that for example on the "Open... - window" or just at the general layout.
I don't have this Problem with my copy of Lightroom (which I bought on a CD). Is there maybe a Problem with the retina display?
Photoshop is not entirely Retina ready for me. The cursors are extremely blurry as well as the gradient presets, and many certain elements are NOT optimized for the Retina display. Supposedly, this update featured over 2,500+ redesigned cursors to take advantage of the Retina display and all I see is FUZZY & BLURRY OUTLINING. I'm running 13.0.3.
I have been working on a set of images from a recent vacation and created a web gallery to display them. I am using a Retina MacBook Pro and I noticed that when loaded in the browser (Safari), the gallery images look slightly blurry - similar to "non-retina" prepared images. I also created a slideshow in the slideshow module and they look the same.
if this is due to the fact that Lightroom is not rendering the preview images to be compatible with retina (HiDPI) support? I have invested in such an expensive piece of hardware and I'm getting such blurry looking images.
I noticed a "focus" problem using dual screen. When i activate the "Loupe" (1:1 mode) view on the 2nd screen, and i browse my pictures in the developp module (using the film strip and arrows on keyboard for example). The view on the 2nd screen is not displayed as sharp as it should be.
If i touch the detail slider (change the value and make it back to its previous value) the picture is update correctly (sharp) . Do not happen when i use the loupe in "one screen mode".
Maya 2014 SP4 OSX.I have just spent the morning creating a new model, and I needed to check the normals for a few faces that I had to delete and recreate,the normals are now showing all the time and I cannot switch them off, I have check preferences and they are deselected there, but what ever I do they do not go away!
Also there is no tick to say that they are on or off? Should there be, I am sure on the system at work we have a tick?
I have very little experience in terms of making files for webpages. I have an image, that contains display text and I need to know what the best format for webpages would be? as soon as I make a jpeg, the text turns blurry.
After closing and reopening my command prompt, I find that it is now at the bottom left of the screen and no longer part of the main graphics window. How can I get it to display at the bottom of the main display?
Is it possible? Couldn't find it with a quick run-through of the menus. And no results were returned after searching for "screenshot" in the help. Not feeling to good about the possibility right now.
I want to make screenshots of the menus and tools. What program or technique should I use for screenshots? What should have optimal resolution? How did the highest quality print? ¿File extension? In the press I have demanded the highest quality
New to this video editing game, just have a question regarding 4.3 and 16.9. i have a Canon XM2 which has a setting in the menu for 16.9 wide screen format. When this is selected on the camera the view finder shows a distored image (squshed). I have also found a setting that when 16.9 is turned off you can display 2 horizontal lines on the display. my question is am i better off shooting footage with the 16.9 turned off on the camera and then using Videostudio pro x4 to create the 16.9 format(if this can be done).
For example, Stairs have a stringer componet in plan display configuration but does not have a stringer componet in the Low Detail configuration. I need the stringer to show when I go to low detail how can I add a stringer componet in low detail.
Everytime i press the shift key and quotation mark key for the double quotation mark to display on my text on PS cs5 doesn't work. It display a double arrow instead.
I have some labels created in an outdated Bar-One software program on an old computer and the only way I can move them to a new software is to make a screenshot of the labels and then import that bitmap image into Corel. My question is what is the best way to make the highest quality screenshot on any computer?
P.S. Is it possible to photograph a computer screen and get a good high resolution image (as an alternative to screenshots)?
If I use 2 monitors to display 1 image with the image extending from one monitor into and across the second monitor, can I make a screen shot of the entire image without any break in the middle where it crosses from one monitor to the other? Will it be one continuous screenshot of the entire image, even though the image is displayed on 2 monitors?