I'm using photoshop CC on amacbook pro retina. I mainly use photoshop for web design and when I open a document that is 300x200 px, the 100% view is too small on screen. It was this way on PS cs6 also before I upgraded. I just tried to delete the prefs file and restarted PS and it did not change. I have also tried to change my screen resolution to "best for retina" and it is still the same.
I'm working with objects big from 10 to 100 centimeters. When i use ctrl+alt+mmb to zoom, or the magnifying glass, it's too sensitive and hard to zoom in/out. How to solve this?
I want to enlarge a small photograph with the zoomtool.And when I try to save it on the desired percentage of 100% or so it returns back to it's original size ;After I have saved it as a new copy (image) with a new name.I have tried all the possibilities to save it within the larger size. Even by printer. Everything was in vain.But once it is transferred to the documents files it goes back to the original size.
I make .GIFS using Photoshop CS5, and when I hit save for internet and devices, the screen is too small for me to actually go down and hit save to my computer! How can I fix this to wear I can save without getting a complete new computer? I can see down to the words image size and it cuts off.
We have just finished installing a new Photoshop trial and opened the program but for some reason the menues and icons are so zoomed out that we can't see/read them
We have tried changing it in setting with no luck and we can't seem to chance the view into full screen due to the option seemingly being inactive. The program is for my mother and her vision is to poor to read any of it.
i just started seeing the very top portion of the taskbar in full screen mode. It is just a thin line that gives you access to the taskbar without minimizing CS6. I am running Windows 7 64 bit on a loaded PC.
It seems difficult to make small on screen movements without the tool jumping. Would it be better use a low DPI mouse or a high DPI one? Wouldn't you get better control with a low DPI one?
Now that the application bar has been dropped from CS6, the zoom level feedback is also gone in full screen mode. It would be nice to see zoom level feedback similar to how Pixelmator displays the level with each zoom in or out in the center of the frame.
The UI device is similar to the feedback that the new crop tool displays to show the changing image size.
when i make my brush size very small (to the point that its only like 4pixels dot on the screen), a crosshair symbol automatically appears around it which makes it hard to see the cursor's surroundings when working on small details without zooming in alot (which would make a 4px cursor appear bigger thus losing the crosshair again). I guess this feature is there for people that might have trouble locating small cursors, but on a large tablet that allows very fast work without having to zoom in much, this makes things harder. Is there a way to disable this or modify some files or "hack" the cursor icons somehow and delete it?
(Tried all possible combinations of the PS prefferences but none of it seemed to be related to the cursor becoming a crosshair once the brush size gets very small relative to screenresolution)
I Just bought a new HP laptop and it came with Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 pre installed. When I go to open the program I get the error message 'Cannot initialize application. The screen resolution is too small to play the video. The screen resolution must be set to at least 1024 x 768". Well the screen res is on 1600 x 900, so i thought i would have that covered. I tried changing the screen res to 1024x768 and get the same message.
I am on X4 and go back years with the program. I thought there was a feature to select only a part of the screen and be able to zoom on that on playback in the project. was this in an earlier version? I cannot find this feature in X4. I know I can do this for an image but want to do it for close ups in videos.
I got a shape locked on the screen and can't unlock it.It is just a rectangle with 2 rounded corners. It has a strange shadow... I don't recall doing that shape ever, I was switching among Illustrator and Photoshop and in a second it just appeared.I tried many alternatives but still can't get rid off it. It is in every new file I make. It doesn't respond to zoom in/out. If I switch to outline view it stays the same, even with the shadow.I recorded a video.
When I zoom to 1:1 with LR5 in the Develop module, I get a sharp image almost instantly, but when I then go to full screen (or go to full screen first and then zoom to 1:1), the image is blurry and stays that way, and the only way I can fix that, strangely, is to use the left or right arrow key to go to a neighboring image, and then return, at which point the blurry image comes into sharp focus in a second or so. My system seems to handle everything else in 64-bit LR5 with ease. Any thoughts re what's happening and how to fix it. A great product overall, and I love the full screen feature in other respects.
I use Photoshop CS2 to create Designs for webpages. These designs have pixel-exact elements, e.g. a 1-pixel-line from top to bottom.
Now when I zoom in (>100, then I have sort of anti-alias, so that the 1-pixel-line isn't only one blue anymore, but it has different blue tones. I guess for photo manipulations etc. this anti-aliasing zoom is great, but for webdesign it sucks because I don't know if only the zoom make the line "corrupt" or if it really is corrupt.
I am working on getting some settings done, moving from 2008 to 2012. How do you set the Middle Mouse Button (wheel) to either Zoom All or Zoom Extents when you double click it? I thought it was set in the Main CUI file.
My keyboard has a zoom key with + and - selections. I use to use this key in drawings to zoom in and out when in the AutoCAD application when we had Windows XP. Now that I have Windows 7 I can't do this. I can't find out how to assign this key on the Microsoft Keyboard interactive software either. I have the other keys assigned as desired.
Can I still use my keyboard zoom key to zoom in and out in drawings? If so, how do I set this up in AutoCAD, or do I need to do this through a Microsoft keyboard application?
I am having problems with zoom, pan and rotate at high zoom level. The movements becoming jerky and delayed. But for whatever reason the problem exists in some assembly files and not in the others.
I'm here with 2013 SP2 64 bit Build 200 and two screens. Left screen is graphics area, Browser is on the left of right screen. Graphics is ATI Fire Pro V7800 with driver
In video (zipped MP4) you see a cutout of both screens, think of screens changing at the left of the browser.
Now, in many cases, after doing an operation, the browser is jumping back to the middle of my graphics in the left screen.
I can't find in new max (2013) settings for zoom. I want to set Zoom about mouse pointer and adjust a bit zoom speed (now it is too much for one mouse wheel step).
I can't find zoom settings in 3ds max 2013. Where they are? I think that in previous max it was in Customize -> Viewports tab. But now it is not there.
I tried searching the forums for this topic but the search thing didn't seem to work.
A friend of mine installed Photoshop CS for me (an upgrade from 7.0) and for some reason I can't use CTRL + and CTRL - to zoom in and out, I have to use the mouse with the zoom tool which slows me down quite a bit over the course of 20 or so photo edits.
Can anyone shed some light on this? I checked Keyboard shortcuts in the preferences menu and they were correct. I've made no other changes to the program.
I have used "Share My Screen" meeting feature a few times on my machine.
a client and it gave me the blue screen of death crash and forced a restart. After it did this 3 times I gave up.
Windows XP Home 2002 SP3 PhotoshopCS4 Extended CS4 Production Premium RADEON X300 SE 128MB Hypermemory Intel Pentium (R) CPU 3.00 GHz 2.99 Ghz 2.50 GB RAM
I 'm not really that new with photoshop, however, I'm new at creating graphics. Someone recently sent me some png file logos that are 50 X 50. Now I need them larger than that. They are acting like I should be able to enlarge them without messing with the quality. Is there a way to do this in Photoshop or Illustrator?
I have Photoshop 6 in Windows 7 Home. Trying to use Clone Stamp tool to fix photo, but the cursors are too small to see, so I can't do anything with it.
there is Old picture in sizs 5" x 7". I want to print this picture from lab of size 16" x 20". Please can anybody tell me How I convert this picture in to biger size without any lose of resolution and Quality.
I convert the original picture in to TIF. then Go to Image size increase the Percentage by 100 to 125. and Again save this file into Tif with Name A1. Then Again Open A1 do same size change 100% to 125% and save this by name A2.tif. continue... This is right way or any method.
When i go to use my text tool they only font size i can see is 1296pt which looks like about 12pt if it was normal. I deleted photoshop 7 and reinstalled it twice but still no help.
trying to make text all caps, but make the first letter in every word bigger.
In premiere pro there is a setting called "Small Caps" where all capital letters look like normal capital letters, but when you type lowercase it is just smaller capital letters.
The way I get around it is in Photoshop CS2 I just rasterize my text, then cut and manually make the rest of the letters smaller.
How would I go about doing that, without rasterizing my layers?