I want to enlarge a small photograph with the zoomtool.And when I try to save it on the desired percentage of 100% or so it returns back to it's original size ;After I have saved it as a new copy (image) with a new name.I have tried all the possibilities to save it within the larger size. Even by printer. Everything was in vain.But once it is transferred to the documents files it goes back to the original size.
I am trying to enlarge a picture, which is the easy bit. However, whenever I reopen the file after saving it, it has reverted back to its original size!
Would I be able to open a picture and zoom out to 45%. Then open a new layer with a new picture, and keep it at 100%?
Every time I try to change the 2nd layer image to 100% then over lay the first layer, the first layer automatically goes to 100%. Is there a way to keep one layer at 100% and another at 45%?
I realize that you can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear, but I'm in the position of needing to make some small images larger while working with them to not look completely blurry or pixellated.
Are there techniques for doing this? Does one need to start with an image of at least a certain size to expect any halfway decent results? The starting point images in question are in the neighborhood of 250px - 400px in either dimension and all combos of those.
I'm using photoshop CC on amacbook pro retina. I mainly use photoshop for web design and when I open a document that is 300x200 px, the 100% view is too small on screen. It was this way on PS cs6 also before I upgraded. I just tried to delete the prefs file and restarted PS and it did not change. I have also tried to change my screen resolution to "best for retina" and it is still the same.
I'm working with objects big from 10 to 100 centimeters. When i use ctrl+alt+mmb to zoom, or the magnifying glass, it's too sensitive and hard to zoom in/out. How to solve this?
I'm a total newbie to Gimp. I want to remove a couple spots on a jpg picture of mine. I've read and watched videos that say to open the picture, click on the healing tool, then press ctrl and click at the same time and pick a good area on the picture. Then after that, you can click on the spots to remove them. I try to do all this and it won't work. I get a plus sign and/or a circle with a line through it.
What does that mean? How on earth would I know how to fix this? I got it once yesterday but I don't know what I did. It seem to change when I changed the size of the brush but it was probably something else that changed it. It's probably something so simple.
My clone tool won't enlarge - it is stuck very very small, no matter how I try and enlarge it. The other tools seem to be stuck as well (looks like a plus sign with a very little circle? in the middle).
Took photo over skype. Other computer involved was a mobile phone. Photo very tiny. When try to enlarge, it blurs and pixilates. Any suggestions as to how to enlarge and have a decent photo. I am using Gimp 2.6.Attached File
I am a new Gimp user and have just started working on my first project with this application. Unfortunately, I ran into a roadblock almost immediately. I am unable to make text any larger than 30 PX. I can enter larger sizes than this in the Text Tool window, but any value greater than 30 has no effect. It doesn't matter whether I am trying to change existing text or am setting up the Text Tool for entering some new text. Selecting different units for the text size makes no difference in the maximum text size.
I am a new user of GIMP on a late 2008 MacBook Pro with Leopard (10.5.. I am trying to work with an image by applying filters however the image in the filters dialogue box is so small, it's almost unusable. How I can enlarge a portion of my pic in this box to more accurately alter it?
Im trying to tear a dollar bill in half...I know how to do this and accomplished it with ease in gimp but theres one problem.
When I split the dollar bill, and I move each piece upward, the bottom corner of the dollar bill hides behind something...I think its the actual picture perimeter.. I hope this makes sense...basically the dollar bill is to large..when I move each piece of the dollar bill, the corners of the dollar behind fall behind the frame I guess or the perimieter of the picture. I tried resizing the layer but that didn't seem to work. Is there some way to enlarge the space where the object sits. I tried scaling and it doesnt make a difference either..
I hit the zoom tool to zoom in on my document. Say I want to zoom in 5 times. After zooming in once (clicking on the document once), the magnifying glass switches to the move tool cursor If I click again, slowly, it goes back to zooming.
I have an image that is quite small, cropped from a larger image. I want to enlarge it to 317 mm wide keeping it in proportion.
Using the scaling tool I changed to mm and increased width to 317mm this leaves me with a 'window' into the top corner of the image.
I then used 'fit canvas to layers' and the canvas increases in size ok but it is empty (little grey squares) except for the top corner showing the small window into the image!
If I click on it with the resize tool I can see the whole image enlarged but as soon as i click on the 'scale' button it vanishes again and leaves the small window again?
I am very much a Noob at photoshop, this is officially the 2nd time I have used it. I have a small image, I want to rotate it 30 degrees counterclockwise. I also mant to put a small black border (10 pixels) around the outside of it. You can see the one I tried up in the banner on my developing site.
I'm creating t-shirt pictures and have a problem: Spreadshirt says that my pictures have tiny objects in it, and that they have too many different colors. (I'm only allowed to have 3) I want to color all the transitions between the colors, but how do I select them without having to color one little spot at the time? Is it any way to just remove the transitions? And how do I remove the objects that are too small? Select same fill color doesn't work, or I'm doing it wrong. I also clicked expand to fix a text issue, don't know if that matters.
I run MacOS 10.9, Lightroom 5.3 and I print on an Epson R3000.
The first problem I had was that the images was printed on just a small part of the paper and it cut the images. I have attached a picture showing this. I totally reinstalled my computer and now it looks like that problem is gone (for now at least). But now the images are printed but much smaller than the paper I specify. If I specify A3+ I get something close to A4. Borderless printing on 6*4 looks to be working as it should but that's the only I managed to print so far.
I tested printing from Photoshop 5.1 and that worked fine.
I am using both Paint Shop Pro X3 & Video Studio X3. I'm putting together a slideshow and when I use Pan & Zoom to zoom on a particular subject (as a bee on a flower) after so much zoom the picture blurs. I have a very good camera and the photo remains sharp in Paint Shop Pro in extreme zoom. Is there a way to sharpen the image while zooming in Video Studio?
Recently when I upload photographs in Photoshop Elements 8, the images in the catalogue appear as an hourglass when viewed as multiple images, but when I zoom in to a single catalogue image the picture appears. Previous images in the cataloge appear as normal.
I'm using Photoshop CS6 on a desktop running Windows 7 with AMD Radeon HD 6750 and I noticed that when I zoom at 66.7% or 33%, the pictures edges look "jagged"/blurry, etc. and the image only has a smooth rendering at 100%, 50%, 25%, etc.
I wouldn't ask about this except, I have the same exact version of Photoshop on my laptop, running Windows 7 with Intel's HD 4000 built-in graphics, and this computer displays smooth rendering of images at any zoom level, no matter what. So why the difference? The settings in the Preferences > Performance section is identical on both computers.
I'm trying to zoom a photo by right clicking but the zoom icon shows only in some areas of the picture (mostly on the left side). Everywhere else, right click takes me to the next photo?
Is there a relatively simple, automated tool in gimp to apply one picture's environment lighting properties to another picture?
So for example if i cut out an object from one picture that has pretty warm lighting environment, and put it in a cold light background it will look pretty out of place obviously, and this is what I would like to resolve.