We took a picture of my daughter when she was 2 that is just prescious. However it was taken on a film roll before we got a digital camera. The resolution is bad but my wife wants to use it in a scrapbook.
I have it in jpeg format now and was wondering if Photoshop can take a bad picture and make it cleaner and clearer?
I clicked on filter and then I clicked on the sharpen but I'm kind of confused about the sharpen. Whic sharpen tool do you use to sharp before printing the picture out?
and then I marked the ruler from the view but I see the extra on so turned it off but every time I would see the extra is on. How do I turn the extra off forever?
I am trying to enlarge a picture, which is the easy bit. However, whenever I reopen the file after saving it, it has reverted back to its original size!
I'm trying to print the presidential medal of freedom in high-res but all the samples I found on Google image search and on wiki are low-res. Since I need it for print, I increased it to 300dpi and it looks really jagged and blurred. I tried to search for a vector version, but couldn't find it. This is how it looks:
I tried all the filters as well, but couldn't find one that suits me (cutout is the closest, but it still looks horrible). I'm using Photoshop CS5.
Except finding an original high-res (which is impossible right now), in which other creative way can I fix it?
I want to enlarge a small photograph with the zoomtool.And when I try to save it on the desired percentage of 100% or so it returns back to it's original size ;After I have saved it as a new copy (image) with a new name.I have tried all the possibilities to save it within the larger size. Even by printer. Everything was in vain.But once it is transferred to the documents files it goes back to the original size.
I discovered Paint Shop Pro many many years ago, and have been using version 4 (that's not X4, but the old Shareware version 4.12, from 1996!) to do the very basic image manipulation that I need to do. Basically: open up a jpg, crop it, resize it, sharpen it, save it. That's pretty much all I need to do 90% of the time, and I love PSP, because it's such a tiny program that it opens up really quickly. I've been thinking about trying a bit of website creation, so I decided to splash out for a decent graphics program. Not being able to afford Photoshop (and I wouldn't know what to do with 99% of it), I thought it made sense to stick with something I know: Paint Shop Pro.
I hate the mouse. If I can avoid using it, I do. But I'm stumped at how to go about sharpening my cropped image, since the keyboard "hotkey" for Sharpen is the same as Skin Smoothing - ie, S. So when I go Alt+A (to open the Adjust menu) and S (to get the Sharpen sub-menu), I get the Skin Smoothing tool.
I go-image-resize-resample-unncheck resize all layers-set new value via % (tried 400%)-lock aspect ratio in a jpeg image.but not much happens, I want to try and double the size, where am I going wrong?
I'm trying to enlarge a 6x8 inch black and white line drawing jpg file to about 36x48..(actually a little smaller so it will fit on a 3x4 cork board) How can I do this in Corel Paint (or Draw) so that we end up with clean (and blurry) lines ?
I want to make a picture (a photograph) bigger.i want to enlarge a detail of it.first i zoom in for a 200 % ,then i click on "file",then "save as..."but when i "print" i get the whole picture and not the bigger detail of the image.
I'm just working on a flyer for a party and I like how the picture looks like after clicking on the picture with the magic wand.Now the question if I can save that picture with that looking someway?
I could use the print button, yes but then I lose the quality of the pic.
I just installed paint.net and the Photoshop PSD file plugin a few minutes ago in order to cut *.TIFF-files into pieces to be saved as *.PSD-files. That worked quite well, but I am not able to see the color depth of the new PSD-file I've saved.
In the older versions I used to just import an image and then import another image and it would place it on top of the first image. Done. Now it places the new image in a box in the upper right hand corner and for the life of me I can't figure out how to put the two images together.
All morning I have been trying to get two pictures side by side. I finally got the two pictures side by side and saved. When I open the picture it will only open in paint. I would like to put this pic up on my desktop for wallpaper.
There is not even an option to save as background. I tried saving it as a jpeg as well and same thing....nothing.
I am trying to add a background to a picture,so i get a background picture, save it to my pictures on comp, i open it up with paint, its very small, i enlarge and its all distored and blurry and i cant resize it right.
I have an ancient version of Paint shop pro X. It worked fine for what I used it for-making note cards and simple stuff with photos. That was all fine until my computer died. OK I had the disc and install on new computer but now all the features do not seem to be working-ability to change color of the fill area etc.
Tried messing with that for a couple of days to see if I could get it to look like it did on the old computer-no such luck.
Now I download free trial of Paint shop Pro 6-great most of what I needed seem to be working and easy to do. But now I want to add picture frames and there is a very limited selection and when I tried to manipulate a previous version of a picture + frame+ texture only on the frame part-now the texture went all over the picture/space.
What gives here? I am very technically challenged and wish I could get my old version to work right and I would be happy. The layers of the new version give me a real headache and don't know that I can figure that out now-didn't need to do that on the old version. I was used to the old way and want that back on the new computer.....
I have PaintShop Pro x2 and x4 installed on different drives. Problem is that I cannot duplicate a photo in either programme! I chose "window>duplicate and nothing happens. What am I missing?
possible to add to the length of my project by about 35 pixels. i was cropping the two halfs of my project, and i took the measurements from the wrong point of view. long story short, if i could increase the length at the base without stretching.
I did look through the FAQ but couldn't quite find what I was looking for, perhaps because I am not sure of the proper terminology.
I have attached a screen copy of the effect I want to achieve.
Basically I have a picture of a scene/building from the past and I want to merge the two into one picture with the same scenery is shown on the edges and the scene from the past, faded In towards the middle section of the image.
Can this be accomplished with Layers? or Maybe a Collage? or is it something else?
When I was testing out the different features on Photoshop I came across on that was like spray paint, but it allowed me to use set patterns vice regular colors. I can't remember how I did it, but I was wondering if it's possibile to do the same thing...when I find it again...but with a picture I had taken instead of what they give.