We took a picture of my daughter when she was 2 that is just prescious. However it was taken on a film roll before we got a digital camera. The resolution is bad but my wife wants to use it in a scrapbook.
I have it in jpeg format now and was wondering if Photoshop can take a bad picture and make it cleaner and clearer?
I clicked on filter and then I clicked on the sharpen but I'm kind of confused about the sharpen. Whic sharpen tool do you use to sharp before printing the picture out?
and then I marked the ruler from the view but I see the extra on so turned it off but every time I would see the extra is on. How do I turn the extra off forever?
I'm trying to print the presidential medal of freedom in high-res but all the samples I found on Google image search and on wiki are low-res. Since I need it for print, I increased it to 300dpi and it looks really jagged and blurred. I tried to search for a vector version, but couldn't find it. This is how it looks:
I tried all the filters as well, but couldn't find one that suits me (cutout is the closest, but it still looks horrible). I'm using Photoshop CS5.
Except finding an original high-res (which is impossible right now), in which other creative way can I fix it?
I have Martin Evening's latest Lightroom 4 and Photoshop CS6 books, but no mention of which methods are better, or better for which subjects/ conditions. It seems that Camera Raw and Lightroom are the same, so I'm tempted to just do it all in Lightroom with the Develop module Detail panel, and the adjustment brush for local sharpening. But can I be doing more with Photoshop CS6, or Lightroom and Photoshop together?
I have an image that when I Sharpen, is it too much of an effect. In other words, I wish there was a middle setting between it being sharpened and not sharpened. Is there a way to adjust the amount of sharpening?
I have a large number of images that I want to apply the same unsharpmask too. Can I do this with an action? How do I get it so save and close automatically.
I took pictures of about half of the exam (And that's all I need to pass since there was a flash project that was worth a lot of points and which I got right). But the pictures look REALLY blurry,
smart sharpen in CS2. I have a photo that I've tweaked the colors by using the curves dialog. Next I bring up the smart sharpen filter. Before I hit OK, the original photo in the background is altered. It is brighter and the colors are better as well as sharper. Overall it looks much better. I figured this was a preview of sorts but when I hit OK in the smart sharpen the results aren't as good as it was showing. In fact, they are noticeably worse. It is sharpened but the colors and brightness of the photo back to the original.
I just started experimenting with a way to get Photoshop to do a TRUE sharpen, where it actually pulls the pixels around blurry edges together, rather than just adding contrast to create the *illusion* of sharpness... but I need ideas. I use sharpening a great deal on photos, but if done too heavily, it always adds that fake "sharpened" look to it, around all the edges... Trouble is, some images NEED that sharpness, and I'm wondering why Adobe still hasn't come up with anything that does a *true* sharpen, after all these years.
So, before I dive more deeply into this, I want to save time (since I don't have much) by seeing if anyone has any ideas as to how to do a couple things.
b - 1. How would you suggest bringing the blurry pixels in selected regions together?
On my test image, I've had some success using Surface Blur (applied multiple times) believe it or not, but the problem is that on actual photos, it has a knack to only "true-sharpen" the hardest edges, and soften the more subtle ones. Here's an example of what I started testing with:
I also tried Posterize, but this won't work on a large image with more than a few colors in it, because it likes to cut things down to just a few colors (and it looks very messy in photos, because of jagged edges).
b - 2. Umm, okay, I guess there isn't a second thing... I figured out several good ways of selecting edges; now I just need to find a reliable way to pull blurry edges together along those edges.
Someone told me that when you resize you should select Bicubic Shaprer (instead of regular Bicubic) when going down in size and Bicubic Smoother when increasing the size of an image. I tried it but did not notice a big change but that doesn't mean it doesn't do a better job. I also did not dramatically increase or decrease the size.
After I sharpen an image using Smart Sharpen, then click OK, it shows the status bar of the image being sharpened. All seem good. But when the status bar is complete the image defaults back to what it looked like before it was sharpened.
I have pc that uses xp pro cs5.1 extended....everything on the program works!! in normal editing mode I can do most things including sharpening, selection....recently I started to edit within layers and I can get most things done...but I cannot figure out how to sharpen the image once it is in layers as it is not one of the choices in the drop down menu, the same goes for selection.
If this cannot be done then I will flatten the image and edit normally. My knowlege of layers is basic.
how Photoshop CC's Smart Sharpening differs from Lightroom (and ACR's) sharpening in the Detail panel? Do they approach sharpening differently? Is one more powerful than the other, and if so, in what way? Are there particular circumstances under which you find it worthwhile to use SS rather than stay with LR/ACR? (I do see that SS allows one to control the effect in highlights and shadows.)
I have generally been sticking with LR sharpening, but want to be able to answer these questions intelligently (and be aware of circumstances where I should take the time to open PS and use SS).
Downloaded the 30 day trial yesterday. In particular I've just spent the last 30 mins looking for the sharpen tool (help document says it should be there; blue triangle) to take the fuzz of the edge of something I've cut out. if "9" does it another way, how to clean edges of cut-outs?
I am having trouble selecting an image I would like to sharpen and clean up. I used the quick selection tool to select it from the original photo, used the the paint bucket to make the shape black and the drug it over to a new window or canvas. The quick selection tool won't let me 'select' just the image shape in the new canvas, it will only select a square around the shape which includes the transparent background. The shape is blurry/ragged so I want to select the shape and sharpen it.
The smart sharpen tool in Photoshop CS6 takes up to 2 minutes to apply, during wich time nothing else can be used...is that normal? It was a breeze to use on the same computer with CS5 Every thing else works really well
Edit: The problem seems to affect the 64 Bit version only, the 32 Bit works fine...my OS is 64 Bit...
Edit: if I change the bit-depth to 8 bit it works ok, the problem is when I open a 12 bit file...
I have a some RAW images in (cr2 files) and not all the pictures are in focus (only about half of each picture, so i would like to make everything in focus) there isnt any option to redo the pictures but, what are my options to sharpen it, that visually seems everything in focus!!!
So how can i sharpen the image(make things in focus ) (The image is like the one i have attached, first obect is in focus and the background is not, and i would like to try making everything like the first one in focus)
Since a couple of weeks, processing Smart Sharpen has slowed down dramatically. A full frame EOS1Ds MII at about 4000x3000 px, 16 bit, takes more than 70 seconds when it used to take maybe 15-20! My computer runs Windows Professional SP2, has an AMD Athlon 64 2x, 4800+ on an Asus A8N SLI Premium mobo with 4 Gb ram. I have an identically equippped machine in another location and it is considerably faster. Any hints as to what might have happened or what I can do to find the problem? Btw, the efficiency is 100% according to the status bar.
When I open Smart Sharpen, on an image in CS3 on Vista, it looks great... however when I click OK, as soon as the processing is done, the image goes back to what it looked like before. How do I get it to "take".
how can i sharp a scanned image by flat bat scanner , because scanned image has very large quantities of dots and when i go to unsharp mask and any other tool but couldnt be succeeded. so i will be very thankful if any person tell me the right way of sharpning the scaned image.
These images are going to go on a mini slide of our products on our new website, but I can't seem to get the image focused....I would upload the image but Picturetrails is down. I swear this darn thing will be the death of me!! :confused: The image size is 52 pixels (height) and 26 pixels in width.
I've been using Photoshop for my Photography for quite a long time and I have recently upgraded to Photoshop CS6. Whenever I resize my images in CS6, I get the feel (from looking at the images) that the application has autosharpened my images! I am quite sure about that effect because my resizing principles have remained the same since using CS5. And in CS5, whenever I resized to that same size I am resizing in CS6, I used to run the Unsharp Mask Filter to get my images look at their best! So there must be something going under the hood in CS6, or am I missing something obvious? Basically, I want to be in total control as to how much sharpness I want to apply to my resized images!