Paint.NET :: Load Binary Data As Image
May 1, 2011
Is there a plugin that will allow the loading of binary data as an image?
There is a similar capability in Photoshop and PainShopPro. I'm not writing about a RAW image loader ( to handle camera data ). I'm writing about a loader for a data matrix.
For example, I have 8-bit data, a 257x257 matrix, that can be viewed as 8-bit greyscale, and could then be assigned a palette in PSP version 8. After reworking the data visually, it could be resaved as a binary matrix without the palette, resulting in a new 257x257 matrix.
I deal with flight simulator data, and often have use to edit land classification data this way. I can do it in PSP8, but I much prefer wortking with
I also deal with 16 bit data for elevation... I don't know if even would have this capability.
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Jun 23, 2013
A short time before Adobe released Lightroom 5, Flickr announced that it is enhancing its service by offering 1TB for free to regular users and (most important for me) expanding the limit for videos to 1GB, which full playback and embedding support. The previous video size limit was 500MB. Unfortunately, LR5 will not let me publish my videos to Flickr because LR5 is enforcing the old file size limits. Is this something that can be changed in a configuration setting somewhere? Or do we need these constraints updated in an upcoming patch?
The Flickr integration is huge for me. Having limited storage, I need to offload data to cloud storage whenever possible. Flickr is a great value in media storage.
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Nov 13, 2006
i am corrently having problems with IE6 and some transparency in my grapic.
I have read that it is possible to use binary transparency insted of alpha in PNG, however im unshure if this would limit me at 256 colors.
The thing is, i dont really need the alpha transparency in my corrent grapic work, so it wouldent be a problem to just use binary in my PNGs.
However photoshop seam to anable/use alpha by default, and now comes the question, how do i chose a color as the binery transparency in my PNGs and turn off alpha so they render in IE6.
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Jun 1, 2013
I am working on parsing the psd file and saving the data as per doc of photoshop 6. I need to make an image from the layer data alone with different combinations of layers selected, visible etc... and not using the merged data section in the file.
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May 6, 2008
I had to re install Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extend but now every time I try to start it, it errors out withe the following:
"Could not load the user measurement data point presets file because the file name was not valid."
and "Could not load the user measurement scale presets file because the file name was not valid."
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May 17, 2004
I've seen in a number of graphics people have augmented them with an overlay of a series of 1's and 0's (Binary #'s). They slightly plure them but manage to keep the numbers still slightly visible.
is there a recommended font to use when doing this?
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Jun 21, 2012
I'm trying to extract the channel information from a .psd file in binary mode. I'm able to extract the number of channels and their names, but not their types (I mean if it's a spot color channel or a mask). The documentation I've found is from 1997 and some things are not the same with the newest versions.
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Feb 1, 2011
I often use photoshop to open binary flat files, either 8 or 16 bit depth. In photoshop if I select open using photoshop raw format, a dialog box pops up asking what the image dimensions are (ie, 512x512), the number of channels (ie 1), the bit depth and the byte order.Is there any way to do this in GIMP, either native or with plugins... I dont think that the UFRaw will work as these files do not come from a camera-- they are images of satellite imagery that are just binary flat files.
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Aug 27, 2013
I've been using 3D PDF Converter to convert my inventor models which have been saved by way of Export - CAD Format - Parasolid Binary Files. Â The default version is 25. Â You would think that this new version would be new and improved. Â However, it does not work.
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Nov 2, 2012
I was using a trial version of paint shop pro x5 and still had 11 days left of my trial when it suddenly stopped working. When I click on the icon to start paint shop pro it starts up and then freezes every time when it is loading in the spot that says "initializing color swatches".
I haven't changed anything on my computer- it just suddenly stopped working. I uninstalled it and tried reinstalling it, I also tried restoring it.
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Mar 23, 2011
I see that there are a lot of really cool plugins, but I haven't found how to load them into my copy of
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May 25, 2012
After I migrated to Windows 7, PSPX3 does not load the plug-ins anymore. It says: "No plug-ins loaded." Older versions of PSP can load the plugins from the same directory, but not PSPX3. I have tried resetting the cache, and have checked the file location. It's correct and it is notched, but nothing works. I have 6Gb of RAM so it should do. Of course, I could always run the scripts in PSP8, so it's no big deal. But it should work.
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Feb 13, 2011
Most of the designs require some unique font to get the desired effect. Most likely, we'd search the web for one, download it, use it and discard it. We don't wanna keep all these single-use fonts installed. It would be great if we can load a font in to PDN by just browsing for it using a file dialog. I think Photoshop lets you drag and drop a font to its main window and till let you use it for that session. When you exit the application, the font is unloaded.
Can this be supported? Of course, there is a workaround: Use a font manager app. But, I think it's a pretty good feature to have in a image editor never the less
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Feb 29, 2012
i bought a new sony camera and the sony format is .arw for the raw will not load them..
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Mar 5, 2011
Is there a way to load a GIF into where it will show all the frames of the GIF.
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Dec 10, 2013
I've just installed PSPx6, downloaded and installed updates. I'm using the 64 bit version and it will not load any plug-ins. I've set the file locations etc.
I've been using PSP since version 7, so I'm pretty capable. This is really making me angry though. It's a useless program to me if it won't utilize my Dreamsuite, KPT, Filters Unlimited, Plaid lite, and Muras copies.
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Jun 27, 2012
I have a *.png picture with a file size of 5.8 MB a height of 39920 pixels and a width of 1020pixels.
When I try to drag& drop this picture from WinExplorer onto a X2 PSP installation then PSP tells me: "This is not a valid PNG file"
This *.png picture can be displayed without problems with other viewers. So its a problem of PSP.
How can I let PSP load successfully this picture?
I have a memory of 4Gb and running WIn7 pro 64bit. So hardware shouldn't be a problem too.
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Jun 20, 2012
Is it somehow possible to load .exr (OpenEXR) files with PSP X4? This format seems not to be natively supported, the Photoshop plugin does not seem to work
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Dec 19, 2012
I have an issue with PSP x5 on my Win-XP pc. When I exit the program, it won't load in again. if I open the Task manager. I can see that PSP is still loaded in memory. I can manually unload it and it will start properly the next time. I can use it on my Win-7 pc without the problem.
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May 21, 2012
today i'm using a batch file to load with the images name in the command line.
(this is my workaround)
however since i add images , I sometime forget to add those image names to the batch file, and they do not load.
so is there a way to add to the option to automatically load upon start the " last open images"
ie. the last images that were open before the program exited ?
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Feb 19, 2011
Is there anyway at this point in time to load a DDS file with alpha set to something other than 100%, alter the alpha channel, and save it back out again?
My situation is this. I'm currently working on a module for a game called Mount and Blade Warband and have created quite a few textures using and never had any issues previously with any textures I've created and saved as DDS. However recently I found a texture file that I need to replace with my own version which has it's alpha channel set to something other than 100%. It's used to blend with another texture to give an aged appearance to hair.
Now this texture when loaded into appears as a mostly transparent texture, which I cannot make any darker using the layer transparency slider which is set to maximum. i.e. The texture is loaded and displayed with transparency on, but the layer transparency slider in is set at maximum opacity as if there is no transparency -- so the only thing I can do is make it even more transparent rather than make it darker. So when I tried to make my replacement for this particular file I created my texture, set transparency for the layer to about 20%, then saved as a DDS file -- however when I load it into the BRF game editor it displays as a completely black texture, while the original file displays fine.
EDIT: Also does it actually create mipmaps when you ask it to when saving? I just noticed that my textures don't seem to have them.
I should point out that while I'm very experienced with programming, 2D etc. I'm pretty new to 3D programming (not that I'm doing so on this project of course -- thought it might be easier working out how to create 3D objects while using someone elses engine to start with) and 3D object creation -- so things like DDS texture formats still create a lot of head scratching.
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Apr 6, 2011
I have a few panasonic cameras and i love was wondering, how to write a plugin to load panasonic(.RW2) raw photo files...
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Dec 21, 2011
I was looking at some of the image saving features in the cloud. Occurred to me that it would be great to have cloud capabilities in the PDN file menu.
Is there something already available?
If not is there a file system plugin system?
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May 21, 2013
I have an issue with PSP X4; on load the program creates folders in the root of my network drive ( M: ) including:
[*]Bump maps
[*]CMYK profiles
[*]Deformation maps
[*Displacement maps
[*]and so on...
I have deleted these folders manually and they are recreated each time PSP launches. I have changed the settings in File -> Preferences -> File Locations to remove references to these folder locations, and then tried deleting them, but they are recreated again on load. how to remove them? They are littering my network drive...
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Mar 10, 2013
In the past I created a picture with multiple objects (rectangles, colors, text labels, lines,...). As far as I remember I saved it with PSP vX2 into a *.psd file. This kind of file stores not only the final picture but the intermediate manipulation steps/layers as well.
Ok, now, some months later, I want to resume the picture design process.Therefore I started PSP vX2 and load the mentioned *.psd file. Much to my surprise I found no way to e.g. select a certain text line shown at the bottom of the picture and to edit it (again).
How does this work? Do I have to tell PS somehow "re-tokenize all layers" ?
Maybe (I am not sure) the *.psd file was saved by Photoshop and not by PSP. Does this matter? Are *.psd files compatible between Photoshop and PSP? Can I find out the previously saving program? I can imagine that this is somehow stored in the header of the *.psd file.
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Aug 9, 2011
I start psp and the TAB on the left hand side (which shows my collections) flickers as if it is continuously trying to load. After about 2 mins it stops and I can continue as normal
why it takes so long to load this information?
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Dec 4, 2011
I am having an issue with external editing from lightroom to CS5! From develop>edit in CS5>images does not load! CS5 loads but the MAC finder app comes up asking me to choose a file! Never have I seen this. I looked into the preferences and the external editing, but its in the external editing already.Â
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Jun 19, 2013
When opening an image in photoshop, the canvas is not visible. As you can see the opened image is not visible, but when moving the image window around I can see the image.Then when i release the image from the cursor and stop moving it around, it is no longer visible.Â
Also when maximizing the window, this happens: I am then forced to close the window. I'm running on windows 8 64-bit, and my gpu is a Nvidia Quadro K2000m, with a pretty capable laptop.My GPU drivers seem to be up to date. I understand that this problem can be fixed if I select to not use my graphics processor, but I'd like to take advantage of my gpu.
Setting the drawing mode to basic has had no effect. I'm also having similar problems with other programs like autodesk mudbox.
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Oct 7, 2013
have come across this problem recently. when ever i open an image in photoshop, the image is distorted. have experimented with many tools.. but no solution..
Do i have to re - install it once again??
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Apr 6, 2009
I just recently used the CS4 Extended trial (which worked fine). It's 30 days ended and I sadly went back to my purchased copy of CS2 (actually own the whole Prodcution Studio Premium). Now when I try it, Photoshop CS2 loads fine, but then hangs whenever I try to load ANY image. It even displays the thumbnails correctly. Just freezes and then gives the "Not responding" error after a few more seconds when I actually try to click on any picture. I uninstalled CS4 -still happened. I uninstalled CS2 and reloaded the whole suite. Same thing. I then uninstalled it again and then manually deleted all the files I could physically find, reinstalled it. Same thing. I am going mad!! I am running the whole thing on Vista 64 Home Premium with 8 gigs. (And everything worked FINE before the trial, and yes, I tried with and without all the latest CS2 patches AND tried running it in Windows XP SP2 compatability mode already -although it worked fine before without it.)
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Aug 27, 2008
I am using PS CS2 on my XP based PC and it has worked fine for a number of years. Recently whenever I start PS is loads fine but then the very first image takes ages to load (>1 minute). All subsequent images load quickly as you'd expect.
It doesn't matter where that first image is saved and the size of the image makes no difference.
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