Paint Shop Pro :: When Exit The Program It Won't Load In Again?

Dec 19, 2012

I have an issue with PSP x5 on my Win-XP pc. When I exit the program, it won't load in again. if I open the Task manager. I can see that PSP is still loaded in memory. I can manually unload it and it will start properly the next time. I can use it on my Win-7 pc without the problem.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Won't Load?

Nov 2, 2012

I was using a trial version of paint shop pro x5 and still had 11 days left of my trial when it suddenly stopped working. When I click on the icon to start paint shop pro it starts up and then freezes every time when it is loading in the spot that says "initializing color swatches".

I haven't changed anything on my computer- it just suddenly stopped working. I uninstalled it and tried reinstalling it, I also tried restoring it.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X3 Does Not Load Plugins

May 25, 2012

After I migrated to Windows 7, PSPX3 does not load the plug-ins anymore. It says: "No plug-ins loaded." Older versions of PSP can load the plugins from the same directory, but not PSPX3. I have tried resetting the cache, and have checked the file location. It's correct and it is notched, but nothing works. I have 6Gb of RAM so it should do. Of course, I could always run the scripts in PSP8, so it's no big deal. But it should work.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Program Does Not Allow Resizing

Oct 7, 2012

Problems with the resize facility? The program does not allow resizing on some photographs but it does on others, even those taken on similar settings (same ISO) within minutes of each other. Pressing the resize option or the new button on some photos brings up the resize widow at top left of the screen with no data and only the word 'Static' where the original data should be shown and nothing in any of the other various boxes. Inputting data in any of the boxes does not work and the OK button does not work either. On other photos the usual resize window comes up in the middle of the screen with original photo data shown and all the usual options displayed for the required resize.

The same photographs which will not resize in X5 resize normally in my X3 version and I get the message "Requested parameter not found in the repository" when attempting to resize the photos on my laptop copy of X5.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Not In Program Files?

Jul 29, 2012

I downloaded PSPX4 from the Corel site where I bought it. It is in my Downloads folder instead of Program Files. Then I copied it to program files and it still isn't even in a folder called Corel. How do I get it where it should be? And, I cannot find all the folders then go with it, like tubes, brushes folders etc.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X3 Program Keeps Freezing

Oct 1, 2011

PSP X3: Been trying to run program for past several months but program keeps freezing. Working with JPEGs or Raw(NEF) files, doesn't matter. Cannot find any rhyme or reason. Seemed like the latest update worked, but tonight had problems again. No error messages. Sometimes I'm editing, sometimes I'm saving, sometimes I have 10 files open, sometimes just one - no apparent pattern. Fortunately, PSP X2 works fine. Win 7 Pro 64 bit was a clean install as was X3. I've even deinstalled and and reinstalled X3 one time, and still encounter the problem.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Unable To Load Plug-ins?

Dec 10, 2013

I've just installed PSPx6, downloaded and installed updates. I'm using the 64 bit version and it will not load any plug-ins. I've set the file locations etc.

I've been using PSP since version 7, so I'm pretty capable. This is really making me angry though. It's a useless program to me if it won't utilize my Dreamsuite, KPT, Filters Unlimited, Plaid lite, and Muras copies.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Load PNG Pic With Height 39920 Into X2

Jun 27, 2012

I have a *.png picture with a file size of 5.8 MB a height of 39920 pixels and a width of 1020pixels.

When I try to drag& drop this picture from WinExplorer onto a X2 PSP installation then PSP tells me: "This is not a valid PNG file"

This *.png picture can be displayed without problems with other viewers. So its a problem of PSP.

How can I let PSP load successfully this picture?

I have a memory of 4Gb and running WIn7 pro 64bit. So hardware shouldn't be a problem too.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Load (OpenEXR) Files With X4?

Jun 20, 2012

Is it somehow possible to load .exr (OpenEXR) files with PSP X4? This format seems not to be natively supported, the Photoshop plugin does not seem to work

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Set Up Default Email Program

Dec 6, 2013

I do not have a default email program associated with this progam,and to set one do I set up a default email program for this corel paint shop pro? then it says if i do have an email default to use that as a default...everytime i try to send it, my windows live email comes up, but it wont allow me to send it...jsut says fails and its keeps saying aol failed..., which is not the default....

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Paint Shop Pro :: Repeatable Textures For Program

Oct 3, 2012

what would be called repeatable textures for the program that I use which is called SketchUp a 3 D cad program , there are times when i use textures(pictures) on my models but they will repeat themselves over and over again rather than look seamless. I believe that the clone tool would take care of this but not sure how to create the image where it can be offset so I can use the clone tool.

I have a video that was made for photo shop users I believe corral will perform the same task just don't know how to get it to be offset.


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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Default Setting Program

Dec 10, 2011

Where in this program ( 4x) do i check to not use PSP as my default program? I use another editing program and PSP is opening up my 'bridge' pictures? i need to use the programs as individuals..

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Paint Shop Pro :: Change The Language In Program?

Jun 19, 2011

I bought my PaintShop Photo Pro X3 on June 13, 2011, but when I installed it, the language in my program is Spanish, I want my program in English. How I can change de language in it?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 - How To Remove Folders Created On Load

May 21, 2013

I have an issue with PSP X4; on load the program creates folders in the root of my network drive ( M: ) including:

[*]Bump maps
[*]CMYK profiles
[*]Deformation maps
[*Displacement maps
[*]and so on...

I have deleted these folders manually and they are recreated each time PSP launches. I have changed the settings in File -> Preferences -> File Locations to remove references to these folder locations, and then tried deleting them, but they are recreated again on load. how to remove them? They are littering my network drive...

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Load PSD File And Change Objects

Mar 10, 2013

In the past I created a picture with multiple objects (rectangles, colors, text labels, lines,...). As far as I remember I saved it with PSP vX2 into a *.psd file. This kind of file stores not only the final picture but the intermediate manipulation steps/layers as well.

Ok, now, some months later, I want to resume the picture design process.Therefore I started PSP vX2 and load the mentioned *.psd file. Much to my surprise I found no way to e.g. select a certain text line shown at the bottom of the picture and to edit it (again).

How does this work? Do I have to tell PS somehow "re-tokenize all layers" ?

Maybe (I am not sure) the *.psd file was saved by Photoshop and not by PSP. Does this matter? Are *.psd files compatible between Photoshop and PSP? Can I find out the previously saving program? I can imagine that this is somehow stored in the header of the *.psd file.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 - Default Program For Viewing Images

Aug 21, 2012

I am new to the PrintShop ProX4 family. I just purchased my first PSPX4 software, even though I have been using AfterShot for quite sometime. My question is, how do I prevent PSPX4 from being my default program for viewing images and or pictures attached to my emails.

Prior to purchasing and installing PrintShop ProX4, all my pictures attached to my emails would open up under my Windows photo gallery. But now, they open up under my PrintShop Pro X4 program and since I am still learning the PSPX4, I would like to convert back to the Windows photo gallery.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Where Does A Scanned In Image Go When Program Crashes

Nov 16, 2012

I was working on a very HI-res image when Paint Shop Pro X4 just quit. It just went away, no errors, nothing.

I can rescan the image, but it was a very large image and took lots of disk space.

Is this scanned in image still on my hard drive? If it is where do I find it, so I can delete it?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Crash On Program Initialization (Win7 X64)

Mar 21, 2012

My X4 crashes ("Corel Paint Shop Pro X4 has stopped working" message) during the program start-up ("Initialing Palettes" of the splash screen). I have tried uninstalling and re-installing without success. I have tried installing X4 Service pack 1 without success. I updated my NVIDIA driver to the latest version, without success.

I am running Windows 7, x64. Addition system details are below.

OS NameMicrosoft Windows 7 Professional
Version6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
System NameASUS-I7 (P6T Deluxe Motherboard)
System Typex64-based PC
ProcessorIntel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, 2668 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/DateAmerican Megatrends Inc. 2209, 9/21/2010
SMBIOS Version2.5
Hardware Abstraction LayerVersion = "6.1.7601.17514"
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)12.0 GB
Total Physical Memory12.0 GB
Available Physical Memory9.65 GB
Total Virtual Memory24.0 GB
Available Virtual Memory21.6 GB
Page File Space12.0 GB
Page FileC:pagefile.sys
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT
Driver Version8.17.12.9610

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Process Still Running After Program Close?

Nov 27, 2012

I have just installed PSP X5 and have found a couple of problems.

First one is when I close PSP the process still runs for a good 10 minutes afterwards and consumes a lot of system memory. I found this by accident after I closed PSP X5 and then decided to start it again. It wouldn't open until I closed the previous process.

Second, when I start PSP after the splash screen and the program interface appear I have to wait about 1 minute 40 seconds before I can do anything with the program.

how to improve this situation because at the moment I don't consider this acceptable?

I'm running Windows 7 32 bit with 4Gb of RAM, other than browser and email no other big program is running inthe background

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Paint Shop Pro :: X3 Takes Too Long To Load Initial Directory?

Aug 9, 2011

I start psp and the TAB on the left hand side (which shows my collections) flickers as if it is continuously trying to load. After about 2 mins it stops and I can continue as normal

why it takes so long to load this information?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Local Tone Mapping Freezes Program?

Jun 1, 2012

I'm using X4 and tried Local Tone Mapping for the first time. Any time I try to use it the program freezes and I have to use Task Manager to close it and re-start. It does it on any image I've tried. does it only work on specific file types? Haven't had any other problems with the program.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Taking 10-15 Seconds From Clicking On Pic Until Program Opens

Dec 24, 2011

I've been averaging about 10-15 seconds from clicking on a pic until the program opens and the pic is displayed. Today a .jpg (272KB) took 26 seconds from clicking the pic to PSP opening and displaying it.

I have everything disabled in startup and all non Microsoft services except Protexis unchecked.

PSP ProX4 was just purchased and installed last week and has the latest patch.

Intel 2600K @ 4.5Ghz/8Gb RAM/1Tb main HDD/Asus Radeon 5870/Asus P8P67 Deluxe mobo.

Why is PaintShop Pro X4 so crazy slow to open?

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Paint Shop Pro :: On Close X5 Message Window Stalls Program

Jul 25, 2013

Just recently, upon closing PSP x5, a message window pops up, the title area usually references using the e-learning center or "Explore more ways to learn and love photography", but the window itself is empty except for the message "Do not display this message again" with a checkbox and a Close button. The Close button does not work, nor does the red X close window button. I have to go into Task Manager to finish closing the program.

I'm on a Windows 8 machine and this just started happening after months of use.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Can't Remove Instant Viewer As Default Program For GIF Files

Sep 1, 2013

I recently installed Corel Paintshop PhotoPro X3. I find now that when I double-click a gif file (and I think some other types) it is opened with Corel Instant Viewer rather than Microsoft Office 2010. I want Office to be the default viewer, so from Windows Explorer I right-clicked the gif file, selected "Open with..." then "Select default program", then Microsoft Office 2010, and checked "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file", finally "OK". The file then opened with Office. However the next time I double-clicked the same file, it opened once more with Corel Instant Viewer.

The procedure I followed has worked in other cases, so I don't understand why it doesn't work now. Is there any way of preventing Corel Instant Viewer from being the default viewer short of uninstalling it?

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Completely Flush Program And All Hidden Files And Registry Entries

Feb 25, 2012

I have PSP X2 on my laptop and it has developed a problem where it will not get through the initialization process. It comes up with the flash screen and after awhile the flash goes away and then nothing it just sits there and if you try to do anything you get a program not responding message and the only way out is to use the ctrl, alt, delete and exit manually. I have uninstalled the program and reinstalled it but this problem persists no matter what I do including going in and completely deleting everything corel from the hard drive.

how to completely flush the program and all the hidden files and registry entries so I can do a virgin install and start over without whatever glitch it has developed. There is an ini file or something that is staying on my computer and causing this problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Exit IV 2012 - Hangs On Exit

Dec 16, 2011

I am using Inventor Product Design Suite 2012.  When I try to exit Inventor 2012 it just hangs there indefinitely every time.  I have to use task manager to shut down Inventor.  It doesn't matter if I use Inventor during that session or not.  It was installed with all default settings and most current patches installed.  It was also installed with administrator privledges and UAC turned off.  This ia a clean install on a new hard disk drive.

The AutoCAD products in the bundle will hang sometimes on exit if plotting was the last command in that session.

My system is:

HP XW 8400
Dual Zeon 3.0 GHz CPU's
4 GB Ram
NVidia Quadro FX1800 Graphics Card
Windows 7 Professional with all current updates
All drivers are current

There are no anti virus software packages on this system.  The hard drive still has 120 GB free space. 

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Photoshop :: Why Does Adobe Program 2.0 Refuse To Load Up

May 18, 2013

Why does my Adobe Photoshop program 2.0 refuse to load up and gives an error message personalization information incomplete. I've reloaded it filled out everything . It's older than E mail registration requires either Fax Phone or mail . How can I circumvent that portion of Reg. ?.

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Photoshop :: CS3 - Program Error On Load Of PSD Image

Sep 19, 2007

OS Vista
Photoshop CS3

Photoshop CS3 was all working so well until it stopped opening PSD format files that I had previously created.

I can open a JPG file but not a PSD file.

When I open a PSD file I get a messgae box "Could not complete your request because of a Program Error"

If I create a NEW USER ACCOUNT in widows VISTA, photoshop opens the same PSD files correctly.

Therefore there must be something wrong with files associated with MY windows user account.

I have looked at, and compared, user account files associated with Photoshop, even tried replacing the photoshop related files in my user account with those from the new user account.

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Load Program?

Aug 29, 2012

I was not able to load the program due to a limited space on my C drive, the program would not allow mew to change to anoither drive event thought it says select another drive,  now it states that the program is in the process of loading even though I've rebooted twice.

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Photoshop :: DLL- An Attempt Was Made To Load A Program With An Incorrect Format

Oct 6, 2004

my adobe photoshop cs came with my laptop so i didnt have to install it or anything.. but now when i try starting the program error messages come up and the program shuts down

DLL- an attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format
then; Adobe photoshop : a required application library failed to load nd the product cannot continue. please reinstall the application

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create A Custom Palette That Will Load Whenever Program Loads

Feb 12, 2013

I am trying to create a custom palette that will load whenever Autocad loads.  The code below works with one exception.

  <CommandMethod("gtPalette")> _ Public Sub DoIt() If m_ps = Nothing Then Dim MYGuid As Guid = New Guid("{4AECF36F-C7E9-4C59-B72B-36A98DDA1D24}") m_ps = New Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows.PaletteSet("gtPalette", MYGuid) myCoordPalette = New UserControl1() m_ps.Add("Coordinate List", myCoordPalette) End If m_ps.Visible = True End Sub

 The problem is that my Palette title is now "gtPalette"  which I do not want.  However if I change 
PaletteSet("gtPalette", MYGuid)
PaletteSet("GunTech Cogo", MYGuid)

Then what occurs is that when Acad (actually I'm using Civil 3D 2012) start it trys to execute a command called 'GunTech' and then one called "cogo'.  Cogo being a valid Civil 3d Command brings up the Cogo dialog.  If I then type the command gtPalette it appears in the correct location.

Currently on my development PC the first code works perfect and brings up a palette that even has the correct title of "GunTech Cogo".  this info has presumable been saved with the GUID in my previous attempts to get the code to work.  

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