I downloaded PSPX4 from the Corel site where I bought it. It is in my Downloads folder instead of Program Files. Then I copied it to program files and it still isn't even in a folder called Corel. How do I get it where it should be? And, I cannot find all the folders then go with it, like tubes, brushes folders etc.
I recently installed Corel Paintshop PhotoPro X3. I find now that when I double-click a gif file (and I think some other types) it is opened with Corel Instant Viewer rather than Microsoft Office 2010. I want Office to be the default viewer, so from Windows Explorer I right-clicked the gif file, selected "Open with..." then "Select default program", then Microsoft Office 2010, and checked "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file", finally "OK". The file then opened with Office. However the next time I double-clicked the same file, it opened once more with Corel Instant Viewer.
The procedure I followed has worked in other cases, so I don't understand why it doesn't work now. Is there any way of preventing Corel Instant Viewer from being the default viewer short of uninstalling it?
I have PSP X2 on my laptop and it has developed a problem where it will not get through the initialization process. It comes up with the flash screen and after awhile the flash goes away and then nothing it just sits there and if you try to do anything you get a program not responding message and the only way out is to use the ctrl, alt, delete and exit manually. I have uninstalled the program and reinstalled it but this problem persists no matter what I do including going in and completely deleting everything corel from the hard drive.
how to completely flush the program and all the hidden files and registry entries so I can do a virgin install and start over without whatever glitch it has developed. There is an ini file or something that is staying on my computer and causing this problem.
Problems with the resize facility? The program does not allow resizing on some photographs but it does on others, even those taken on similar settings (same ISO) within minutes of each other. Pressing the resize option or the new button on some photos brings up the resize widow at top left of the screen with no data and only the word 'Static' where the original data should be shown and nothing in any of the other various boxes. Inputting data in any of the boxes does not work and the OK button does not work either. On other photos the usual resize window comes up in the middle of the screen with original photo data shown and all the usual options displayed for the required resize.
The same photographs which will not resize in X5 resize normally in my X3 version and I get the message "Requested parameter not found in the repository" when attempting to resize the photos on my laptop copy of X5.
PSP X3: Been trying to run program for past several months but program keeps freezing. Working with JPEGs or Raw(NEF) files, doesn't matter. Cannot find any rhyme or reason. Seemed like the latest update worked, but tonight had problems again. No error messages. Sometimes I'm editing, sometimes I'm saving, sometimes I have 10 files open, sometimes just one - no apparent pattern. Fortunately, PSP X2 works fine. Win 7 Pro 64 bit was a clean install as was X3. I've even deinstalled and and reinstalled X3 one time, and still encounter the problem.
I do not have a default email program associated with this progam,and to set one up....how do I set up a default email program for this corel paint shop pro? then it says if i do have an email default to use that as a default...everytime i try to send it, my windows live email comes up, but it wont allow me to send it...jsut says fails and its keeps saying aol failed..., which is not the default....
I have an issue with PSP x5 on my Win-XP pc. When I exit the program, it won't load in again. if I open the Task manager. I can see that PSP is still loaded in memory. I can manually unload it and it will start properly the next time. I can use it on my Win-7 pc without the problem.
what would be called repeatable textures for the program that I use which is called SketchUp a 3 D cad program , there are times when i use textures(pictures) on my models but they will repeat themselves over and over again rather than look seamless. I believe that the clone tool would take care of this but not sure how to create the image where it can be offset so I can use the clone tool.
I have a video that was made for photo shop users I believe corral will perform the same task just don't know how to get it to be offset.
Where in this program ( 4x) do i check to not use PSP as my default program? I use another editing program and PSP is opening up my 'bridge' pictures? i need to use the programs as individuals..
I bought my PaintShop Photo Pro X3 on June 13, 2011, but when I installed it, the language in my program is Spanish, I want my program in English. How I can change de language in it?
I am new to the PrintShop ProX4 family. I just purchased my first PSPX4 software, even though I have been using AfterShot for quite sometime. My question is, how do I prevent PSPX4 from being my default program for viewing images and or pictures attached to my emails.
Prior to purchasing and installing PrintShop ProX4, all my pictures attached to my emails would open up under my Windows photo gallery. But now, they open up under my PrintShop Pro X4 program and since I am still learning the PSPX4, I would like to convert back to the Windows photo gallery.
My X4 crashes ("Corel Paint Shop Pro X4 has stopped working" message) during the program start-up ("Initialing Palettes" of the splash screen). I have tried uninstalling and re-installing without success. I have tried installing X4 Service pack 1 without success. I updated my NVIDIA driver to the latest version, without success.
I am running Windows 7, x64. Addition system details are below.
OS NameMicrosoft Windows 7 Professional Version6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 System NameASUS-I7 (P6T Deluxe Motherboard) System Typex64-based PC ProcessorIntel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, 2668 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) BIOS Version/DateAmerican Megatrends Inc. 2209, 9/21/2010 SMBIOS Version2.5 Hardware Abstraction LayerVersion = "6.1.7601.17514" Installed Physical Memory (RAM)12.0 GB Total Physical Memory12.0 GB Available Physical Memory9.65 GB Total Virtual Memory24.0 GB Available Virtual Memory21.6 GB Page File Space12.0 GB Page FileC:pagefile.sys Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT Driver Version8.17.12.9610
I have just installed PSP X5 and have found a couple of problems.
First one is when I close PSP the process still runs for a good 10 minutes afterwards and consumes a lot of system memory. I found this by accident after I closed PSP X5 and then decided to start it again. It wouldn't open until I closed the previous process.
Second, when I start PSP after the splash screen and the program interface appear I have to wait about 1 minute 40 seconds before I can do anything with the program.
how to improve this situation because at the moment I don't consider this acceptable?
I'm running Windows 7 32 bit with 4Gb of RAM, other than browser and email no other big program is running inthe background
I'm using X4 and tried Local Tone Mapping for the first time. Any time I try to use it the program freezes and I have to use Task Manager to close it and re-start. It does it on any image I've tried. does it only work on specific file types? Haven't had any other problems with the program.
I've been averaging about 10-15 seconds from clicking on a pic until the program opens and the pic is displayed. Today a .jpg (272KB) took 26 seconds from clicking the pic to PSP opening and displaying it.
I have everything disabled in startup and all non Microsoft services except Protexis unchecked.
PSP ProX4 was just purchased and installed last week and has the latest patch.
Just recently, upon closing PSP x5, a message window pops up, the title area usually references using the e-learning center or "Explore more ways to learn and love photography", but the window itself is empty except for the message "Do not display this message again" with a checkbox and a Close button. The Close button does not work, nor does the red X close window button. I have to go into Task Manager to finish closing the program.
I'm on a Windows 8 machine and this just started happening after months of use.
I've been trying to figure out a way to open all of my old .pdn files in another program. It doesn't matter if it's a .psd or image file or anything, I just need to convert it into something I can actually use.
opening paint.net to convert the file. Well, great, but the files are leftover from when I had a PC--I have a mac now and couldn't download the program if I tried. Is there anything I can do?
I'd like it if Paint.net's plugin folders were under the user profile, inside AppData.
Currently, the default method of trying new plugins is a bit of a pain, since every time you copy or delete the plugins, you have to go throug UAC.
Personally, I have made a symlink from under Paint.net's folder to my profile, but this only works on single-user machines. Additionally, every time I update Paint.net, I have to remake the symlink because the updater replaces it with a normal folder.
I understand you cant tag Raw Files . But tags have been put on some raw files on one particular date, the tags are incorrect tags but when i try and remve tags it says the software doesnt support it.
When I installed PaintShop Pro X5, I listed the associated files (all of them). Now, when I go to the associated files, I cannot change the list (one or the total list). I check the boxes, but nothing changes. so I can change these associated files.
In a seemingly random way, files occasionally just show up corrupted (thumbnail is white with an X in the center) and no longer open. Image info still shows up but the image is corrupted or lost. I do not have the Preserve feature (or whatever it's called) active, as it didn't seem to have an option to select where the preserved files are stored, and I don't want hundreds of MBs of image files to be stored by default on my small SSD C: drive, where my operating system is installed. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why these files disappear. I can not professionally trust a program that exhibits this behavior. Must I now store duplicate file sets, to be drawn from should X4 decide to corrupt my working files at random?
I have paint Shop Pro X but for the files I am working on I have to use PSP 9 on XP (SP1). Trust me, after weeks writing back and forth to Corel and them testing our files it is the only way to open them. Our images are converted to .fpx using TrueSpectra which is now a relic from the past. PSP never had a problem with the .fpx files until XP service pack 2 was released and it then stopped opening them.
We have over 200,000 web images that are currently saved as fpx files (archaic I know and many of you won't have even heard of them let alone used them) that we are converting to a more adaptable and flexible pTIFF format (Pyramid TIFF). The pTIFF will allow us to include a path that can be used by Scene7 for various web functionality (movable transparent images).
, the real problem... What I am finding is that when I open some of the fpx files in Paint Shop Pro the products that are normally shown on white backgrounds are showing on black. It turns out that someone has managed to include transparency in the fpx file. I am unable to find a path, a channel mask or layers in the fpx file when opened in Paint Shop Pro. So how is what I always thought to be a flat image creating the selection that is filling with black?. Obviously, when the conversion to TIFF takes place it's rendering the image on a black background which is a problem.
I have tried un-checking "Render Transparency" under File format preferences (PostScript tab) but it made no difference.
If nothing else, is there was a way to make the black background fill in white instead. That would be fine.
I cannot edit .EMF files generated from PowerPoint 2007. I always obtain a blank image after introducing any resolution values at the input field. The same occurs with .WMF format. I need to import vectorial graphics from .PPT files with a specific resolution, and I do not see any other way to do that.
I have PaintShop Photo Pro X3 v. with last available patches and updates installed.
After I installed Paint Shop Pro X4, I noticed that some of my picture files had changed and now I can't open them. They are labeled as .alb files. What must I do to open or convert them. Many were made a decade ago. I hate to loose them.
I've been given a .cdr file to use. I can't open it in X4, but X3 opens it. Not sure if it's opening it correctly, but it's opening it. X4 just comes up with an "unsupported file type" error. Did Corel drop support for .cdr files in X4?
My AVI files will play and allow me to capture a frame but MP4 (my new cam) will not open in X5. I did get a warning that I needed to install Quicktime, which I have done and still won't work.......
The MP4 only shows the 1st frame of the video.I thought maybe PSP doesn't support MP4, but then I read this in help file:"Corel PaintShop Pro supports the video formats that are supported by your system."
Paint shop pro 4. Patches up to date. I am unable to save files my files as .jpgs. I can save them as .psp files however. I was able to save them last week, so something has changed in my settings, but where to look. 10 years using PSP and I have to say...dislike all versions after PSP XI.
a) I have postscript (.ps) files for my company's logo which are in process color (CMYK).
b) These files open fine in PSP, and the colors are displayed properly. However, I understand that the files were actually converted to sRGB space, that is, I can't actually make changes in CMYK space, only in sRGB.
c) I need to make some changes to the logo, so I figured I would make the changes, then save a TIF file, using the CMYK space. My printer requires a CMYK file only.
d) Therefore, I simply saved the file opened in b) as a TIF file with a CMYK color space.
d) When I do the Save As in PSP, the file looks exactly like it did when first opened in PSP. (Update - if I close the TIF file in PSP, then reopen it, it does look different - greenish tinge, but not as bad as other viewers) But when I look at the file in other programs (IrfanView, MS Publisher, etc) the image is overly green, for example, my olive green logo components are almost bright green, and almost everything else seems to have a slightly greenish tint.
e) By comparison, if I open the postscript file in Irfanview, it renders correctly.
I thought Irfanview would input CMYK files (and apparently it does for .ps files) but my colors are wrong. Is this a TIF output issue with PSP? Or do I need to find another viewer to properly see the TIF file.
Sometimes after editing jpeg files in PaintShop Pro X5, attempting to save them raises an error and they can only be saved to a different file name. After closing out of PSP, the original file cannot be deleted in Windows Explorer. Shift-Delete removes the file from the list momentarily, but a refresh brings it back. Normal delete (to Recycle Bin) raises an error that admin authority is required, but clicking to proceed fails. Starting Windows Explorer as administrator does not resolve the problem. Process Explorer doesn't show PSP or any component of it that I recognize still running (and perhaps having exclusive control of the file). After a reboot, the file can be deleted. I have observed this problem on both machines where the software is loaded and registered. Both machines are malware-free. Both are running Windows 7 x64 Home Premium. Could very well be a Windows problem, but I don't have a similar problem with files that are created or modified with any other application.