Photoshop :: Image Distorts When Load

Oct 7, 2013

have come across this problem recently. when ever i open an image in photoshop, the image is distorted. have experimented with many tools.. but no solution..
Do i have to re - install it once again??

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Photoshop Elements :: Liquify Filter - Cursor Distorts Image When Passing Over It?

Mar 25, 2013

Curser is dragging across the image and distorting even when not clicking on it. is the proxy image in the dialog box adjustable? the resolution is to hight. I have 16G of ram so thats not the problem. (it works ok on smaller low res images)

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Photoshop :: Clipboard Distorts

Jan 17, 2005

This is more a basic question, but something I have happen often. Why is it when I perform a ALT-Print Scrn on an active window [windows platform] and paste to a wordpad document, open PS and create new image and paste the image from the wordpad document to PS it is distorted?

Any help appreciated.
The reason I have to paste to wordpad first is I often have to complete documentation on systems that do not have access to PS so I paste to wordpad to save the clipboard images I need.

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Photoshop :: Outer Glow Distorts Letters

Apr 24, 2013

I am in the process of creating a flier and I am running into a problem with my type. In my head line I am attempting to use an outter glow but when I do I get a choppy distortion on my letters. It isn't all that aparent when I look at it in photoshop but when I export it to a pdf you can tell and it is really obvious when I print it. There has be no noise added to any of the effects applied to the type. In fact the only other effect applied to the type is a gradient overlay.
I am using photoshop cs6 on a mac running 10.6.8

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Photoshop :: Placing Text On Arc Distorts/Stretches...

Nov 12, 2008

I recently placed text on an arc in Photoshop and found that it appears to stretch the text as well. I placed the same text on a circle in Illustrator and then placed it on top of the text in Photoshop. When the two lines of text were then made to have letters of the same height, the letters were not the same width (Photoshop letters were wider). Illustrator appears to maintain the aspect ratio of each letter when placing text on a curve while Photoshop does not.

Is this known to happen? Is there a way to place text on an arc in Photoshop that does not distort/deform the letters of the text in any way other than to place them on an arc?

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Lightroom :: 3.4 Distorts Images In Develop?

May 16, 2011

This problem started when I updated to Lightroom 3.4 on my new Windows 7 Toshiba Portege R700 laptop. I did not experience it with prior revs of Lightroom 3 on the same laptop. Here are the symptoms:
When I enter Develop, then some of my images stretch upwards when displayed on a second large monitor if the image is as wide as possible, and stretch sideways (inwards) on my laptop monitor if the image is already as tall as the laptop monitor allows. in either case, the image is distorted so that it is appears taller and thinner. When I exit back to Library mode then the image is normal in appearance again.Some images do the opposite and stretch downwards!The files are all RAW. It appears to be a problem only with Olympus RAW (.orf) files and not with Canon RAW (cr2).  The same thing happens when I disconnect the secondary display.I can do this multiple times.I took an image, made a virtual copy, reset it and the same thing still happens.There is another similar post where the solution was to start with a fresh preview file. I tried that and it did not work (I closed lightroom, renamed the preview file, and then openned Lightroom again forcing it to create a fresh preview file.One some images, I find that my mask has shifted over. For example, I have an image where I desaturate everything apart from the main figure. Now, the main figure is partially desaturated, as if the mask has moved sideways when I export the image.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Doesn't Load Image?

Jun 19, 2013

When opening an image in photoshop, the canvas is not visible. As you can see the opened image is not visible, but when moving the image window around I can see the image.Then when i release the image from the cursor and stop moving it around, it is no longer visible. 

Also when maximizing the window, this happens: I am then forced to close the window. I'm running on windows 8 64-bit, and my gpu is a Nvidia Quadro K2000m, with a pretty capable laptop.My GPU drivers seem to be up to date. I understand that this problem can be fixed if I select to not use my graphics processor, but I'd like to take advantage of my gpu.

Setting the drawing mode to basic has had no effect. I'm also having similar problems with other programs like autodesk mudbox.

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Photoshop :: CS2 Crashes When Trying To Load Image...

Apr 6, 2009

I just recently used the CS4 Extended trial (which worked fine).  It's 30 days ended and I sadly went back to my purchased copy of CS2 (actually own the whole Prodcution Studio Premium). Now when I try it, Photoshop CS2 loads fine, but then hangs whenever I try to load ANY image.  It even displays the thumbnails correctly.  Just freezes and then gives the "Not responding" error after a few more seconds when I actually try to click on any picture. I uninstalled CS4 -still happened.  I uninstalled CS2 and reloaded the whole suite.  Same thing.  I then uninstalled it again and then manually deleted all the files I could physically find, reinstalled it.  Same thing.  I am going mad!! I am running the whole thing on Vista 64 Home Premium with 8 gigs.  (And everything worked FINE before the trial, and yes, I tried with and without all the latest CS2 patches AND tried running it in Windows XP SP2 compatability mode already -although it worked fine before without it.) 

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Photoshop :: First Image Always Slow To Load

Aug 27, 2008

I am using PS CS2 on my XP based PC and it has worked fine for a number of years. Recently whenever I start PS is loads fine but then the very first image takes ages to load (>1 minute). All subsequent images load quickly as you'd expect.

It doesn't matter where that first image is saved and the size of the image makes no difference.

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Revit :: Graphic Interface (ribbon) Distorts?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm having trouble with the graphic interface distorting at random times in the top ribbon area. Graphics hardware acceleration is already off.

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Illustrator :: Outlined Text Distorts Upon Export To EMF?

Mar 22, 2013

I'm working on headers and footers for a client to use in MS Word. The headers and footers are mostly text-based, and look bad in any rasterized image format, so I think the best option is to export to EMF.
Even though I have all of the fonts I'm using installed on Word, it's still treating some of them strangely. So I'm trying to convert the text to vector images with the Create Outlines command. But when I export the image to EMF, I end up with distorted text. It distorts the logo image portion too, but it's less noticeable than the text.
I'm using CS5 on an iMac running OS 10.6.8.

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Illustrator :: Object Distorts When Using Minus Front?

Mar 28, 2013

I am creating some icons with numbers on. I need them to be on a transparent background. I have created the main shape and I simple what to cut out the number that I have put in the middle so it will appear the same colour as the background. I have successfully done this with some of the icons by using the following process:
Create the Number with the text tool > Create Outline > Select Object and main Shape > Use Minus Front Path Finder Tool.
This was all going really well until I got to 4. When I minus the number object the shape distorts so the upright column of the 4 becomes wide then the original text version. The change is too much to ignore. The same problem happens with 10, 11 and 12. The problem appears to be with the upright columns but strangely is not a problem with the 1.
It looks like the path anchors are snaping to the grid I have no the Artboards. The scale of the distortion depends on the distance from the nearest gridline. I have tried turn off snap to grid and the grid itself but I still get the same result.

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Photoshop :: CS3 - Program Error On Load Of PSD Image

Sep 19, 2007

OS Vista
Photoshop CS3

Photoshop CS3 was all working so well until it stopped opening PSD format files that I had previously created.

I can open a JPG file but not a PSD file.

When I open a PSD file I get a messgae box "Could not complete your request because of a Program Error"

If I create a NEW USER ACCOUNT in widows VISTA, photoshop opens the same PSD files correctly.

Therefore there must be something wrong with files associated with MY windows user account.

I have looked at, and compared, user account files associated with Photoshop, even tried replacing the photoshop related files in my user account with those from the new user account.

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GIMP :: Distorts / Emboss To Find Function Is Greyed Out

Nov 11, 2012

Just working on an image idea, thought to try 'Distorts / Emboss' only to find that the function is greyed out. Haven't a clue what to do about it.

I have re-installed gimp and done a reboot with no change so I am stuck.

Specs - OS Ubuntu, Gimp 2.8 single window mode with precise

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Illustrator :: CS5 Distorts Vector On Resize Using Scale Tool

Apr 18, 2013

When resizing a vector group in Illustrator CS5 with a custom made symbol in the group I get distortion of the proportion of the shape.

Tried resizing with selection tool holding down shift or option
Turning off align to pixel grid in the transform panel
Turning off align to pixel grid in the symbol option
Checking Enabled Guides for 9-slice scaling is turned on
Checking Scale Stroke & Effects is turned off in preferences

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Illustrator :: Updating Data Distorts Graph Formatting?

Feb 20, 2014

I create pie graphs in illustrator for a financial sevices group. Every month when I update the data the format and colour of the graph distorts. I am spending too much time manually fixing the graphs.

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Photoshop :: How To Load Other Image Layers On Double Click

Nov 30, 2005

I have created a psd file with 5 layers. each layer contains a plain un filled box of various sizes. I have created some actions to toggle the visibility of the layers. The layers represent TV format shapes (16:9 4:3 title safe etc). I want to be able to double click on a jpeg and for it to open in photoshop (ok I know how to do that in windows) as the background layer with the other layers I have already created and saved to a psd file on top. Is this possible?

Also. If I have the image with the layers open can I drag an image into it that becomes the background layer?

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 - Unable To Load RAW Image / Type Not Supported

Oct 14, 2012

unable to load RAW images to Photoshop elements 10 / tells me that the file type is not supported.

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Lightroom :: Image Will Not Load To CS5

Dec 4, 2011

I am having an issue with external editing from lightroom to CS5!  From develop>edit in CS5>images does not load!  CS5 loads but the MAC finder app comes up asking me to choose a file!  Never have I seen this.  I looked into the preferences and the external editing, but its in the external editing already. 

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Paint.NET :: Load Binary Data As Image

May 1, 2011

Is there a plugin that will allow the loading of binary data as an image?

There is a similar capability in Photoshop and PainShopPro. I'm not writing about a RAW image loader ( to handle camera data ). I'm writing about a loader for a data matrix.

For example, I have 8-bit data, a 257x257 matrix, that can be viewed as 8-bit greyscale, and could then be assigned a palette in PSP version 8. After reworking the data visually, it could be resaved as a binary matrix without the palette, resulting in a new 257x257 matrix.

I deal with flight simulator data, and often have use to edit land classification data this way. I can do it in PSP8, but I much prefer wortking with

I also deal with 16 bit data for elevation... I don't know if even would have this capability.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Background Image To Load

May 6, 2013

As with every ACAD update, how to do the same task differently and discovering the useful functions that have been removed.  With 2014 comes Live Maps which apparently killed Base Jump.  But here's the problem, when running just basic ACAD, I can load the background image using Live Maps, but with the same drawing opened in C3D, no image.  Using the GEOGRAPHICLOCATION command causes, well, nothing to happen either.  Background image to load in C3D?  Not being able to plot the image will be the next fun hurdle that will only cause more frustration I am sure.

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Photoshop :: Load Image Either JPEG / PSD File And Make Layer Copy - Unable To Apply Preset Action

Jul 16, 2012

When I load an image either a jpeg or psd file then make a layer copy I am unable to apply a preset action to this. Either a default action or one of my own on a Mac OSX running Lion. This did not present a problem in CS5 and I am wondering if I've missed something basic?

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Lightroom :: Cannot Load Videos (MOV / MP4) - No Image Inside Frame

Nov 16, 2012

I tried to load videos from Canon 7D (.mov) and from a Sony NEX-7 (mp4) and either get a message "problem loading file" or the picture frame comes up in Grid View, with no image inside the frame.  It shows the length of the video but I cannon see it.  Ironically these same files, loaded in LR4, will run in Picasa.

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Xara :: Xdp7 Adds Load Of White Space To Image

Jul 29, 2012

I've spent most of today doing some print design in xdp7, I like the software a lot especially the live effects, however there seems to be a problem I'm experiencing using them in that once I have used an effect, xdp7 adds a load of white space to my image, like thousands of pixels, obviously I customised the size of the image before I began, and when I export the image it reads some of the time as the desired size, and some of the time the much larger size. I've tried cropping but it doesn't make any difference, I've tried changing the image size in the utilities option, but still the image I created is there along with the white space.

So how do I make sure what I save is just what I am creating, and how do I stop this from happening or counteract it. Also why does it do this?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Raster Image Takes 20 Minutes To Load?

May 21, 2012

I have a 16GB Raster that we use for Design/Proposal purposes. Is there anything I could do to potentially improve load time or is this something I'll just have to live with?

Dell T1600 Workstation
Windows 7 x64
Intel Xeon E31280 @ 3.50 GHz
Nvidia Quadro 4000
Civil3D 2013

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Load Statement In Profile To Automatically Load / Unload Cuix?

Jun 4, 2013

Is it possible to use a load statement in a profile to automatically load/unload a cuix?

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VideoStudio :: X3 Won't Load Projects That Would Load Before

Dec 24, 2010

I have a project that suddenly won't load. I have 25 versions of it, I save it under a new file name each time in case I need to go back to an older version.

Trouble is most of the versions won't load! Only the very early versions will load. Some of the later version start to load then disappear.

Hardware hasn't changed on the PC, maybe the video drivers have been updated, thats about it.

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Photoshop :: Won't Load

Mar 25, 2004

Regarding PhotoShop CS, Dell PC, Windows XP Home

I have a second computer that photoshop just won't load on. This has been with both photoshop 7 and CS. I click on the icon on my desktop, it starts to load, then during the process it just locks up and never opens up. I have uninstalled and reinstalled both version several times and nothing helps. Any ideas other than reinstalling my computer and starting from scratch?

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Photoshop :: CS2 Won't Load

Dec 18, 2006

PS refuses to load. Instead it immediately uses 95+% of my CPU & displays a message along the lines of ?Cannot import clipboard due to insufficient memory (RAM)?

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Photoshop :: Will Not Load

Aug 3, 2004

photoshop goes through it's startup loading brushes, fonts, etc, and then it all disappears like i never even tried to open it. i've tried uninstalling and reinstalling (which won't get past 99% on the "preparing installshield wizard"), I've tried system restore (b/cafter uninstalling it wont reinstall, so restore is the only way to get it back). I got a feeling something's screwed up in my registry, but i'm not techy enough to figure it out.

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Photoshop :: How To Load 6 Into Windows 7

Aug 12, 2012

I can batch process 300 files in Photoshop 6 with windows XP. I cannot do the same files on my laptop with CS5. (error message too many files open at once).  I installed both my original version of Photoshop 3 and my full version of Photoshop cs5 but the upgrade of Photoshop 6 will not recognize either one.
How to load Photoshop 6 into my windows 7 environment?

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