GIMP :: Opening Binary Flat Files (2011)

Feb 1, 2011

I often use photoshop to open binary flat files, either 8 or 16 bit depth. In photoshop if I select open using photoshop raw format, a dialog box pops up asking what the image dimensions are (ie, 512x512), the number of channels (ie 1), the bit depth and the byte order.Is there any way to do this in GIMP, either native or with plugins... I dont think that the UFRaw will work as these files do not come from a camera-- they are images of satellite imagery that are just binary flat files.

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Maya :: Opening 2012 Files In 2011?

Aug 23, 2011

I am working back in forth between school, and my home student version of Maya. I just downloaded Maya 2012, and I can not open a file in 2011 that was created in 2012?? I already opened the option box under OPEN, and selected ignore version. And it still doesn't work. I never had this problem last semester with 2011 files, working with 2010 Maya.

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3ds Max :: 2012 Crash On Opening 2011 Files?

Apr 23, 2011

I've found an issue with 3ds Max 2012, when I open/upgrade my 2011 scene, max will crash immediately and every time. I used a 'binary search' approach to figure out what part of my 2011 file/scene was failing to import by exporting half of it, importing it and seeing if it crashed, if so, I'd split that half in half again and repeat until I got down to the offending object. I managed to get down to a single Loft object, which when exported (Save As > Save Selected) just on it's own would cause 2012 to crash on opening it.

It's not a biggy for me as I can just delete the offending object and carry on.

I'm not quite sure why there isn't a try-catch block around the entire import/load file function inside 3ds max, so that if/when max exceptions it won't bring down the entire application? I guess making this a safe transactional operation would be fairly difficult.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 Freezes When Opening STEP Files

Nov 30, 2011

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011

It freezes when I try to open a STEP file, even one I just created.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 - Error Unhandled Exception When Opening Files

Dec 7, 2012

I have succesfully installed Autodesk Inventor 2011 (Student License) on my Windows 7 (64-bit) operating system without any errors. I can open Inventor 2011, but when I try to open a new or existing file, Inventor suddenly closes and the 'Autodesk Inventor Error Report'-window opens, giving the following error:

Error: Unhandled Exception

When I go to my project folders and try to open any inventor file, the following message appears:

"Inventor.exe needs to register with he operating system and the following programs (Explorer) are running and may
prevent registration from succesfully completing. Autodesk recommends terminating the offending processes to ensure proper registration. Terminate these processes before continuing with the registration?"

If i cick 'Yes', the problem remains.

I've tried reinstalling, following the instructions carefully (installed as administrator), without success. I installed both service packs. I keep having the same problems, while in the past, it has been working perfectly, but I lost it because of hardware problems, which are now resolved.

Technical Info:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M430 @ 2.27GHz
4,00 GB RAM
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 Moving Geometry From Flat Pattern Sketch Space To Flat Pattern Space

Jan 2, 2012

I am trying to export geometry found in a flat pattern sketch overlaid onto the flat pattern.

Since I am creating the output file manually I gather the flat pattern boundaries and bend center lines for output to a file.

When I add flat pattern sketch entities to the mix they do not overlay properly.  What matrix would I have to push the sketch entities through to get them to the same coordinates as the flat pattern?

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GIMP :: Opening EPS Files

Mar 30, 2013

I have a folder of about 3000 images to edit and they're all in EPS format. Not having Photo Shop on my computer, I turned to GIMP.

I located several sources on the internet, all calling for the installation of Ghost Scripts. After trying and failing, I did some more poking around and found that some users were having trouble with opening EPS files in the current version of GIMP, and solved the issue by installing a previous version.

Before I start flailing around with various versions, I figured it would be best to find a place where experts reside.

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GIMP :: Opening EPS Files - Ghostscript Error

Oct 26, 2013

I've tried every smarty solution to get Gimp to open EPS files with ghostscript installed.

Nothing works. I'm on Windows 7 and have looked at some of the solutions on this forum. No luck. I'm wondering why Gimp has had such a long history with this problem.

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GIMP :: Error Message When Opening Raw Files?

Jul 6, 2011

A couple of times I was able to successfully open RAW (Canon CR2) files as layers to stitch together, but now when I try to open a RAW file I get error messages.

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GIMP :: Not Opening Own Output (JPEG Files)

Jun 2, 2011

GIMP 2.6.10-1 on Debian 6 does not open JPEG files recently written by itself. The program freezes and the only way out is to reboot. Older JPEG files are opened as usual, and the problem files can be opened in Digikam and Fotoxx. A sample problem file is attached.

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GIMP :: Default Directory For Opening Files?

Apr 3, 2013

I have recently switched from GIMP 2.2 to GIMP 2.8. I'm using Linux (Mageia 3)

With 2.2, if I ran the GIMP from the command line, when I did File-> Open the file browser would open in the same directory that I had started the GIMP from.

With 2.8 the file browser opens in "Recently Used" and I have to navigate to the directory I want. Is there any way to make it open in the current directory instead?

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AutoCad :: 2011 Not Responding When Opening DWG?

Feb 19, 2013

When I open certian drawings, my autocad will freeze up and says autocad application is not responding. this only happens with certian drawings. I have tried restarting my computer, closing all other programes and only having autocad running, opening the file on a diffrent computer, and updating my graphic driver.

I have attached a screen clip of the error message I'm getting.Capture.jpg

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AutoCAD 2010 :: ApphangB1 Error During Opening Of 2011?

Mar 3, 2013

i am using Window Vista, and i'm using my AutoCad 2011 for almost a year and a half now but this past week i cannot open it any any more for some errors;

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: acad.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4dbf99e8
Hang Signature: b33a
Hang Type: 0
OS Version: 6.0.6002.


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error When Opening NX File In 2011?

Oct 25, 2011

I'm getting this error (see attachment) when I try to open an NX file in Inventor 2011. I've downloaded the file from a data transfer site and I can preview the part in the preview window, but it does not open properly. This is the first time this has happened, as I've converted files before with no problem. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Crashes Opening Drawings From PSP 2011?

Sep 29, 2011

We have used Inventor 2010 with PSP 2011.

- Recently we have upgrade to Inventor 2012.

- Installed pspro_cad_fp_10.0.39.3 update for PSP Server and for PSP Clients.

And now, some drawings we can not open in Inventor 2012. Inventor crashes!

But some drawings we are lucky to be able to open and work with.

Drawings have the same template.

If the drawing is locked (read only) then inventor 2012 can open it without a crash.

If I drag&drop drawing out from PSP onto my Desktop, Inventor 2012 can open drawing without problems.

So we are not able to work with some drawings in Inventor 2012 and PSP 2011.

As the first and quick (and 100%) solution - rollback to Inventor 2010 can cost us about 5 man-days of work. (Because we have done some work in Inventor 2012 allready and will not be able to work with this in Inventor 2010)

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Photoshop :: Binary Transparency In Png

Nov 13, 2006

i am corrently having problems with IE6 and some transparency in my grapic.

I have read that it is possible to use binary transparency insted of alpha in PNG, however im unshure if this would limit me at 256 colors.

The thing is, i dont really need the alpha transparency in my corrent grapic work, so it wouldent be a problem to just use binary in my PNGs.

However photoshop seam to anable/use alpha by default, and now comes the question, how do i chose a color as the binery transparency in my PNGs and turn off alpha so they render in IE6.

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Photoshop :: Binary Numbered Background/overlay ...

May 17, 2004

I've seen in a number of graphics people have augmented them with an overlay of a series of 1's and 0's (Binary #'s). They slightly plure them but manage to keep the numbers still slightly visible.

is there a recommended font to use when doing this?

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Paint.NET :: Load Binary Data As Image

May 1, 2011

Is there a plugin that will allow the loading of binary data as an image?

There is a similar capability in Photoshop and PainShopPro. I'm not writing about a RAW image loader ( to handle camera data ). I'm writing about a loader for a data matrix.

For example, I have 8-bit data, a 257x257 matrix, that can be viewed as 8-bit greyscale, and could then be assigned a palette in PSP version 8. After reworking the data visually, it could be resaved as a binary matrix without the palette, resulting in a new 257x257 matrix.

I deal with flight simulator data, and often have use to edit land classification data this way. I can do it in PSP8, but I much prefer wortking with

I also deal with 16 bit data for elevation... I don't know if even would have this capability.

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Photoshop :: Getting Channel Information From PSD File In Binary Mode

Jun 21, 2012

I'm trying to extract the channel information from a .psd file in binary mode. I'm able to extract the number of channels and their names, but not their types (I mean if it's a spot color channel or a mask). The documentation I've found is from 1997 and some things are not the same with the newest versions.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Parasolid Binary File Version 25

Aug 27, 2013

I've been using 3D PDF Converter to convert my inventor models which have been saved by way of Export - CAD Format - Parasolid Binary Files.  The default version is 25.  You would think that this new version would be new and improved.  However, it does not work.

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GIMP :: Converting Flat Photo Into Texture For 3D Shape

Mar 29, 2013

I want to create a a texture for a 3D model of a human head - I don't have the original template but I do have these examples which I can use as a template. [URL]

I think for the moment I'll skip the mouth and ears and eyes aren't so hard to sort. What I can't find however, is any information on how I would go about making the face, hair and neck. What seems easiest for a cack-handed individual such as myself is to use a photo (flat-lit, straight-on, neutral expression, unobscured) of someone's face and then deform it and use some clone-like tools to fill in any gaps.

Obviously I'll need to match the coordinates of particular points on the face and keep large sections entirely unmodified. Then I'll need to do some sort of cloning or smudging to extrapolate bits of the head I don't have.

Well, is it even possible to work from a photo (or couple of photos).

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GIMP :: Digitize Text Book - How To Get Flat Page

Aug 11, 2012

I would like to digitize my son's text book. But the scanner would take longer time than taking pictures by camera out of the book. However there is a downside. The photographed page is curly (see attachment). What to do in order to get the flat page?

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GIMP :: Unskewing Images Of Flat Rectangular Objects (2013)

Feb 4, 2013

I often use my digital camera to take pictures of flat, rectangularobjects, like framed paintings on a wall, book or album covers, orpages of documents. Of course, I can't take these pictures straighton and perfectly level, but that's OK. I know what the dimensions ofthe objects are, so I can just correct the perspective in software.

In Graphic Converter (a Mac OS X app), I just use the "Unskew"function. I simply need to select the four corners of the rectangularobject I photographed. (Guide lines connecting the four points to locate them.) After I've located the four corners, I tell it to"unskew" and a rectangular image is produced.

Does Gimp have any function like this? I found the perspective tool,but that requires me to manually shift the perspective and eyeballwhen I think a rectangular image is produced. That's not nearly as convenient.

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Photoshop Elements :: Flat Brushes To Paint Colors Are Not Flat But Are Of Different Tones

Nov 15, 2012

when I use the flat brushes to paint the colours are not flat but are of different tones of the color in the shape of the brush.

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GIMP :: 2.6.11 - Cannot Edit Text (2011)

Mar 21, 2011

I am using Gimp version 2.6.11 under Mac OS X version 10.4.11.

I am having a problem that is driving me to distraction: When I close a file and open it again, it is impossible to edit the text. Please note that before saving the file, I have no problems editing the text--so I have already passed hurdle.

It wouldn't be so bad if it was just a word or two, but I am in a situation where I will have to delete several paragraphs of text and re-type them in order to fix a small typo. With my typing skills, it is likely that I will make another typo in the process. And, of course, I don't remember what font I was using, or the type size, etc. etc.

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GIMP :: How To Change Image Background (2011)

Sep 3, 2011

I have upgraded from centos 5.6 to centos 6.0 to have all of thefeatures of GIMP. How can I change my imagebackground by using GIMP ?

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GIMP :: Text Won't Enlarge Past 30 PX (2011)

Feb 27, 2011

I am a new Gimp user and have just started working on my first project with this application. Unfortunately, I ran into a roadblock almost immediately. I am unable to make text any larger than 30 PX. I can enter larger sizes than this in the Text Tool window, but any value greater than 30 has no effect. It doesn't matter whether I am trying to change existing text or am setting up the Text Tool for entering some new text. Selecting different units for the text size makes no difference in the maximum text size.

Gimp 2.6.11
Mac OS 10.4.11

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GIMP :: Tool Options Box Hidden (2011)

Jan 29, 2011

My 'Tool Options' Box has always been on the left of the screen - at the bottom of the 'Tool box'. I clicked on something yesterday while using the Tool Options Box and somehow moved it. There is now a message there that says 'You can drop dockable dialogs here'. I've tried various things but can't get the Tool Options box back. It's lurking underneath the main Tool Box. I can drag it out and use it, but afterwards it hides again. I know this has to be a dead simple problem but I just can't seem to correct it.

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GIMP :: 2.7 Does Not Detect Input Devices (2011)

Dec 14, 2011

The problem occurs since the GIMP requires GTK+ version >= 2.24.7 (Around November 25).

Currently I have to date the latest versions from Git of babl, gegl and GIMP. Gtk +-2.24.8, glib-2.31.2, pango-1.29.5.In Edit > Preferences > Input Devices > Configure Extended Input Devices only shows "Core Pointer". Do not show my mouse or my Genius tablet, which before the version I had mentioned they appeared and everything worked.

In Gimp 2.6 everything works tooI tried deleting the ~/.Gimp-2.7/ folder but the new generated "device.rc" file only shows "Core Pointer".My distribution is Kubuntu Oneiric 11.10 64bit.xserver-common, xserver-xorg-core = 1.10.4

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GIMP :: How To Apply A Stepping Curve (2011)

Mar 16, 2011

When I create a curve to apply to an image, GIMP gives me only two choices: a freehand curve and a smooth curve. I need to apply a stepping curve (piecewise flat) and I am out of luck because there is no such option.

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GIMP :: Language Setting Windows 7 And 2.6 (2011)

Jul 12, 2010

I got a mail from a German in Saudia Arabia. He runs Windows 7 withEnglish as default language. He installed GIMP 2.6.9 and it comes upin Arabic which he can't read.

He sent me a screen shot which shows the menus of his mail program inthe back behind the Arabic GIMP. They are in German, but he says hissystem is running in English. Localisation Hell?

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