I have succesfully installed Autodesk Inventor 2011 (Student License) on my Windows 7 (64-bit) operating system without any errors. I can open Inventor 2011, but when I try to open a new or existing file, Inventor suddenly closes and the 'Autodesk Inventor Error Report'-window opens, giving the following error:
Error: Unhandled Exception
When I go to my project folders and try to open any inventor file, the following message appears:
"Inventor.exe needs to register with he operating system and the following programs (Explorer) are running and may
prevent registration from succesfully completing. Autodesk recommends terminating the offending processes to ensure proper registration. Terminate these processes before continuing with the registration?"
If i cick 'Yes', the problem remains.
I've tried reinstalling, following the instructions carefully (installed as administrator), without success. I installed both service packs. I keep having the same problems, while in the past, it has been working perfectly, but I lost it because of hardware problems, which are now resolved.
Technical Info:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M430 @ 2.27GHz
4,00 GB RAM
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650
got this error on a machine here ... FATAL ERROR: Unhandled e0434f4dh Exception at 768642ebh and went through the discussion group for an answer and found it saying to remove the net framworks ... but my question is if the net framworks is corrupt on the machine with the errors, and we have the automatic updates, then why wouldn't all the machines come up with this fatal error?
I am a tech at a University and am working the new deployment image for our Architecture Design lab. I just installed AutoCAD 2013 and I get this error when opening Civil 3D.
Message Box
Title: Execption in c:program filesautodesksutocad civil 3d 2013aeccuipressurepip...
Body: Unhandled Exception C06d7E (Delayload "Fdo.dll" Module Not Found) at address FD90CACdh
I have tried reinstalling and copying fdo.dll and aeccuipressurepipes.arx from the install files to installed location and still get this error.
System specs: Dell Precision T3500 Operating System: MS Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 CPU: Intel Xeon W3530 @ 2.80GHz RAM: 6.00 GB Triple-Channel DDR3 Graphics: ATI FirePro V7800 (FireGL) (Dell)
today i had the third crash of Acad 2013 since i have installed it on my pc (I7-2600k 64 bit, 16g ram 250gb ssd /2gb hard drive, nvidia quadro 4000 graphics card) and whenever i try a and start Acad it comes up with "fatal error unhandled exception etc etc) after searching the web all i could do was reset to autocad defaults from the start menu but in turn i lost all my settings menus etc. is it my PC or software?
I just installed an educational version of Autocad 2014 for school and am encountering some major problems. The program works fine at first, but after I close it and reopen the application it starts to bug out. If I try to ask my layers after I reopen the program, Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application.
If I close the program and try to reopen, the opening screen gives me the same error message. I've installed and reinstalled the programs multiple times over the server, but still no difference.
My client facing this fatal error when i open my AutoCAD LT 2010 "fatal error: Unhandled e0434f4dh Exception at 7c812afbh" Even i do clean uninstall & reinstall back the software.
Is there anyway to resolve or recover this error? Because base on my previous experience it is difficult to solve the problem when the application shown "fatal error" .
I have AutoCad Map 3d 2010 loaded on a computer and whenever I open ACAD, I get the Fata Error listed above. I have uninstalled reinstalled and still the same thing.
Windows 7 64bit running Civil 3D 2013 with service pack 2 installed.
The system runs fine while on the network, but once the user takes it off the network and home or basically off the network it comes up with a FATAL ERROR when the program is started up.
Error is:
Could not load file or assembly MapPublishlmp.dll or one of its dependencies. The network path was not found.
I can ignore the error screen and "work" in C3D fine; just as long as i don't hit the <Continue> button or "X" in upper right hand corner. If either is selected the program bombs out and generates error report.
Have tried to create a shortcut with new profile, but it did NOT work either.
Like i mentioned - systems works find on network but once it is not connected to the network some issue is happening with the dll file for the mappublishlmp.dll
What ever the hell that is...Not doing ANY GIS work with system. NEVER published ANY drawings where this would have come into the mix.
We have a computer here that won't open drawings. This is the error he gets: FATAL ERROR: Unhandled e0434352h Exception at fcc8940dh. If anybody else tries to open these drawings they open fine. We have tried to open it with Civil 3d 2013 and 2014 but it happens with both programs. We have tried to recover and run audits but it still has problems.
When I open my particular file and begin working AutoCad crashes. Then posts this " fatal error: unhandled e06d7363h Exception at fe07cacdh" then does "Autocad cannot continue. You can attempt to save changes into the following file up to the start of the last command: ....."
Every time I try to open my baloon notification settings AutoCAd 2013 Architecture crashes and gives me this error: Fatal Error: Unhandled e0434352h Exception at fd51940dh. I find this particularly odd because I changed my settings once on this machine not too long ago but it's not working now. I'm going to:
When using AutoCAD Architecture 2014, I get this error intermittently when launching AutoCAD Architecture 2014. I have submitted numerous error reports, and have done research into getting this error taken care of, but nothing that I have tried has worked.
We have a 32-bit machine that continues to receive the above mentioned error message. This seems to happen unexpectedly and closes AutoCAD with no warning. It has been happening with more frequency lately. What causes this error and what steps may be taken to remedy it?
I've recently installed AutoCad 2010 and I recieve this error when trying to save an existing drawing using the save as dialog. It has no problem saving as long as I do not change the name but when I attempt to rename the drawing it gives me an error. FATAL ERROR: Unhandled e06d7363h Exception at 7c812afbh
CAD crashes and I am getting the above error while trying to edit an existing corridor. I am trying to add two different regions in an existing corridor. I accomplished this task yesterday, but due to design contraints have had to add two more regions. The two assemblies that I am using are already included in the corridor, so I know it shouldn't have anything to do with the assembly.
The computer is brand new, a dell work station T1650. Running 2010 CAD program crashing randomly and over 100 times for this past week. Any clue based on the error code?
Fatal Error: Unhandled e06d7363h Exception at fd059e5dh
Upgrading an old machine that is setup to run scheduled tasks that open autocad and run autolisp programs periodically through out the day. It's our little robot that runs by itself in a back room. This machine had AutoCAD R14 on it and has been running fine for years. With the new machine we upgraded to AutoCad 2012, which has unfortunately created some problems. The major one being a fatal error that we can't seem to fix.
The Problem - One of the Autolisp programs is a fairly simple routine that reads a dat file containing pertinent information, it steps through this dat file one line at a time and draws a shape, saves it, erases, draws the next one, and so on. There's typically ~150 items it draws. But it's never making it through. It will create about 90 drawings and then the Fatal Error appears, crashing AutoCAD every time.
What I've tried - Searched for this error and found one thread about possibly corrupt .NET, so we've tried reinstalling .Net Framework (twice) and it had no effect. There was also mention of a possible graphics card/driver issue and to try running with no hardware acceleration. This did nothing which was of no suprise since I'm only receiving this error during this specific scenario, acad runs fine otherwise.
Windows XP, Acad2012, it's running under a classic workspace in single drawing mode.
We are currently putting the old machine back to work until we can find a fix. If you have any questions about the set up or anything, ask away.