GIMP :: Unskewing Images Of Flat Rectangular Objects (2013)
Feb 4, 2013
I often use my digital camera to take pictures of flat, rectangularobjects, like framed paintings on a wall, book or album covers, orpages of documents. Of course, I can't take these pictures straighton and perfectly level, but that's OK. I know what the dimensions ofthe objects are, so I can just correct the perspective in software.
In Graphic Converter (a Mac OS X app), I just use the "Unskew"function. I simply need to select the four corners of the rectangularobject I photographed. (Guide lines connecting the four points to locate them.) After I've located the four corners, I tell it to"unskew" and a rectangular image is produced.
Does Gimp have any function like this? I found the perspective tool,but that requires me to manually shift the perspective and eyeballwhen I think a rectangular image is produced. That's not nearly as convenient.
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May 27, 2011
I have a task that I repeat all the time, where I have about 20 digital photos that are all taken of something the same size, at the same magnification, but not centered identically. I then need similarly centered, identical size and shape cropped images for all of the images. In Photoshop, a friend with the exact same task solves this by opening all of the images, making a rectangular selection of the appropriate size and shape by eye on the first image, and then dragging this rectangular selection from this first image into each other open images and hand-positioning in each image as he drags it in, so that all of the selections for cropping the images are the same shape and size, and can be individually positioned, rapidly. This exact solution is perfect for this task, and although it works great in Photoshop, selections can't be dragged intact from image to image in the same way in gimp 2.6.11 on ubuntu 11.04/gnome 2.32.1/linux 2.6.38-8 generic , so I am looking for a way to accomplish something similar.
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Aug 29, 2012
I have been practicing my modeling technique and decided to create a faceted round gemstone model. I started with a 16 sided cylinder and manipulated the vertices until I had my model. However, it is supposed to be a round gemstone and not one with 16 flat sides. Everything worked as far as creating all of the facets except in the "girdle" area. This is the area that joins the top and bottom halves together and is the only part that is supposed to be round. What I need to do is to make each of the 16 rectangular polygons curved in the horizontal direction and leave them flat in the vertical direction.
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Nov 20, 2012
First one is a screengrab of the drawing I want to print
Second image is of the 'Print Preview' screen.
The printed A1 page reflects the 'Print Preview' image.Objects are 3D solids, with clipped images positioned on the front of them.It was quicker that way, rather than ripping my hair out after trying to tile in a program without any UVW modifiers.It's like the printed viewport reverts to parallel projection, while I want it to be in perspective projection instead.
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Apr 24, 2013
I am trying to use the selection tool or the direct selection tool to create a rectangular marquee somewhere within the boundaries of an illustration.
I want to select only those objects that are fully or partially within that marquee.
I can use the lasso to select objects in this way. But if I try to use the selection or direct selection tool, it selects and moves the first object I touch.
I can use the selection tools and begin from outside the image area and create a rectangular marquee of selected objects. But I can't do this if I begin within the image.
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Apr 24, 2013
is there a way to create an associative array of posts so I only have to edit one part to have the entire array change? that is, I want to have global values for the dimensions in the picture below: post diametervertical width between post centreshorizontal width between post columns (again, centre to centre)vertical shift of each column w.r.t. previous one I've used the Rectangular Pattern tool to create a repetition of my posts, but I want to shift each column of posts up slightly with respect to the one before as in the attached picture:
It seems that if you want to repeat along non-perpendicular axes like this, Inventor fails if there are too many repeats. I came across this when searching the site:
I can verify that this is my exact problem but can add that in my example, 4 repeats on the almost horizontal axis and 3 on the vertical work fine. However, 3 almost horizontal axis repeats by 4 vertical axis repeats will only work if I choose the vertical axis as Direction 2. (Is this a bug or am I trying to use the Rectangular Pattern Tool incorrectly?)
The repeat unit can be simplified to 1 circle with 2 construction lines along the repeat Direction instead of the 2x2 circles shown here but the problem persists. Also
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Jul 20, 2013
Problem :I have a large number of ex-camera jpegs of the pages of a book,photographed at an archive where scanning is prohibited. A camera stand wasused, with the book supported on foam wedges. Consequently, both pages ineach image are distorted - i.e. each page of a pair is a trapezium.It is, of course, a simple matter to crop and apply the perspective tool(twice) to an image to restore the pages to their flat state. Doing it forseveral hundred images is a non-starter, and anyway that's what the machineis for.
Proposed solution :
Import an image to the Gimp.
Drag and drop a number of images into the same project - as many as themachine can handle.
Link the image layers.
Select one page and use the Perspective Tool to pull the page 'square'.Repeat for the second page.
Export each image, working down the stack.
Result :Selecting the right-hand page and correcting the perspective works, in thatthe Gimp progressively works down the layers. But, although each right-handpage is correctly 'squared up', all the left-hand pages, other than the toplayer, are enlarged and cropped.
Software used :2.6 under Debian Squeeze.
2.8.2 under Mint 14.1
2.8.6 under Windows 7
All OS 64-bit.
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May 29, 2012
i'm trying to learn about AutoCAD, today i was trying to create a Glass cup, i've created it with REVSURF, at my first try it got square with only SIX faces, so after some seraching, i was told to set "SURTFTAB1" and "SURFTAB2" to a higher number like 18, so i configured them to 36... After that, the cup was looking pretty good and round, but then, i rendered it, at the highest quality "Presentation". But the cup continues to show the flat little faces, i would like to know if it's normal or am i doing something wrong? maybe i should do it with a circle and then press/pull it with a smaller circle on the top?
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Aug 8, 2011
Is there any way to just rotate a rectangular image? I have often scanned in something that's not square, it's often a brochure that's taller than it is wide. But when I scanned it, I had turn it sideways to get the whole thing visible to the scanner. So it scans completely, but now I have an image of it that's not "up is up"-- I have "up is right" or "up is left." But now I have to do all this junkbutter: 1) Look at the canvas size, 2) make the width & height equal to the larger of the two, 3) use the Rotate tool to turn the image 90 degrees, then 4) do some magic to move the image to start at the upper-left, and 5) crop it back down to get rid of the blank space on the bottom. YUCKY! Is there some magic tool I haven't found yet that will rotate, move and crop all in one step? I just want to turn the entire image on it's side without any other fuss. Is that possible somehow? I have to assume it is, but I sure couldn't find it...
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Jan 9, 2012
Can one make different (rectangular or otherwise) selections on different layers?
[e.g. I need to "fade" parts of an image in one layer, and need to "blur" different parts of the same image in a different layer... and want to save the different selections (each for "fade" and "blur" layers) for easier, future edit.]
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Apr 10, 2011
I want to remove all but a rectangular area from an image. I do not want to make the rest of the image white, I want it to go away. I want to just have the rectangular image pixels left.
To be explicit, I want it to be like I cut up a photo, and threw the outside away.
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Sep 20, 2012
Can the rectangular box around the number tag be edited or removed all together?
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May 5, 2011
I'm trying to use the crop tool to cut out the rectangular image, but I can't seem to get rid of the white border. I scanned in the image so its still showing the white paper around it, how do I get rid of this and just save the image portion?
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Feb 14, 2013
Can I make a pyramid has a rectangular base instead of a square?
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Dec 4, 2012
In Autocad 2013, Is it possible to erase somme items of a rectangular associative array. I have seen that we can replace an object with a different one.
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Jun 24, 2012
I can't find the option to use angle in rectangular array in AutocAd 2013. I am using the classic view mode.
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Jul 2, 2013
I've been receiving the converted 3d DWG files from my subs (creatd in CadMech mostly).
I want to know what's the best way to convert them into true 2d FLAT dwg?
I tried to use the commaned "FLATTEN" and found no success.
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Apr 15, 2013
I am currently selecting 10 objects from a picture and then I delete the background. This leaves just the 10 objects of interest in the image.
I have hundreds of these images and would like to compare the number of pixels or diameter of the objects across the images for each of the 10 objects. Is there a way I can automate Photoshop to go through a directory of images and measure the pixels of each of the 10 objects, and then export those measurements to a file?
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Oct 23, 2012
How would you cut into a flat surface such as a rectangle, to create an opening that is visible in 3D?
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Jun 28, 2012
I have been looking all over to try to find a way to create a flat pattern from a 3D model in AutoCAD. I've found several sites saying it can be done on Inventor, but as I do not have Inventor, I would like to know if it is possible to do with AutoCAD, and if so how to do it.
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Feb 1, 2011
I often use photoshop to open binary flat files, either 8 or 16 bit depth. In photoshop if I select open using photoshop raw format, a dialog box pops up asking what the image dimensions are (ie, 512x512), the number of channels (ie 1), the bit depth and the byte order.Is there any way to do this in GIMP, either native or with plugins... I dont think that the UFRaw will work as these files do not come from a camera-- they are images of satellite imagery that are just binary flat files.
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Mar 29, 2013
I want to create a a texture for a 3D model of a human head - I don't have the original template but I do have these examples which I can use as a template. [URL]
I think for the moment I'll skip the mouth and ears and eyes aren't so hard to sort. What I can't find however, is any information on how I would go about making the face, hair and neck. What seems easiest for a cack-handed individual such as myself is to use a photo (flat-lit, straight-on, neutral expression, unobscured) of someone's face and then deform it and use some clone-like tools to fill in any gaps.
Obviously I'll need to match the coordinates of particular points on the face and keep large sections entirely unmodified. Then I'll need to do some sort of cloning or smudging to extrapolate bits of the head I don't have.
Well, is it even possible to work from a photo (or couple of photos).
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Aug 11, 2012
I would like to digitize my son's text book. But the scanner would take longer time than taking pictures by camera out of the book. However there is a downside. The photographed page is curly (see attachment). What to do in order to get the flat page?
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May 2, 2013
A user is having problems when using the copy command in AutoCAD 2013.
When they select objects, its not reporting on the commandline how many objects its found or keeping a running total of objects selected. Not even any duplications...
I've tested it on my machine but i cannot replicate the issue and have never come across this before!
Is it a bug? Is it a variable? User setting etc.
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Jan 10, 2013
I am using Autocad 2013. I need to fuse a square building which is placed on a sloping terrain. If the terrain was flat, i would have no problems. But how i can put a perfectly square building on a sloping terrain without having any gaps in between?
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Jun 22, 2013
How can create Office 2013 flat icon style with AI CS6?What is technique that used for it? [Like use "Pen Tool" with 2px strok size for divide or .... ]
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Aug 22, 2013
I have a sheet metal IPT that I saved, then did a saveas and saved as a different file name. I then took the part in the new IPT and did a mirror on the part. I chose the second "Mirror a Solid" option in the mirror dialog box, and clicked "Remove Original". Now that I'm at this part, when I try to make a flat patten of the new mirrored part, all I get are the bend and center lines of the part, not the internal and external lines that I can export for use in water/laser cutting.
I was wondering if I was doing something wrong in order to make this work. In looking through the forums I have seen people say not to use the mirror command in an assembly and create a derived part because that has issues, but I did this in an IPT, not an IAM. I have also read to make sure that the Sheet Metal Defaults are set the same, but I believe that they are talking about the derived part from an IAM drawing. All the same, I have checked my Sheet Metal Defaults and they are all the same, and in fact I tried updating them to see if it would still change the part, and it did. I was able to make my part other thicknesses and it updates the part as per the norm.
I am using Inventor 2013 Professional, if it matters at all. I have also attached a couple of picture files showing the part folded and how it looks to me when I go to the flat pattern.
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Nov 15, 2012
when I use the flat brushes to paint the colours are not flat but are of different tones of the color in the shape of the brush.
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Feb 17, 2010
I can't find a way to create multi flat patters in one part from a lofted sheetmetal part. Also, didn't the developers fix the 'can't make a flat pattern from a derived part'?
IV 2010 Suite
Digital Storm PC:
EVGA & Intel components
Win 7 Pro 64 bit
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Mar 27, 2011
But I wouldn't be able to upload a hundred tiny, plain images. I made this to add onto the background removal FAQ. I hope it's accepted.
(Image is clickable.)
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Jan 2, 2012
I am trying to export geometry found in a flat pattern sketch overlaid onto the flat pattern.
Since I am creating the output file manually I gather the flat pattern boundaries and bend center lines for output to a file.
When I add flat pattern sketch entities to the mix they do not overlay properly. What matrix would I have to push the sketch entities through to get them to the same coordinates as the flat pattern?
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