I've read on the internet that to make a Bézier curve, you are supposed to right click, i believe? It says to press the right mouse button. When I right click, however, it just makes another cubic spline line of secondary color.
I've been wondering, is there some trick to starting 2 Bezier lines at the same start- and end-points? Or do I have to eyeball it? Can I reactivate an old, previously selected line after something else has been selected? Is it possible to keep several lines selected in separate layers apart from each other?
I have created a test bezier curve in Adobe Photoshop, saved it as a .ai file for import into Maya, and imported the curve successfully. However when I try to revolve it to create a sculpture, it revolves around a pivot point which is in the middle of the scene. Is this error because of the .ai file format? I don't have Illustrator as such, just using a .ai export from PSD so I can use PSD which I know better - to get the curve in the first place. Is there a way to look at the curve in an editor of some sort and precicesly locate the pivor point, reset it etc? The file is also not yet in a default project, as I'm just testing first. I am a rank beginner, having used Maya for 4 months, 8 years ago, and now need to learn the program for work.
Additional notes: I did get the revolve to work by manually moving the pivot point but it wasn't very precise, and I'd like to know how to do this ahead of time as I have to make quite a lot of these...
My after effects is not showing the full bezier curve. The star is supposed to bounce from upper left to upper right.The curve is cropped. How to adjust this?
I want to write text then make it curve up/down etc.. without using a object. But by using my mouse.
Is this possible?
I remember I was able to do this in PSP 9 but that was a long time ago. I would be able to do it with my mouse. I get the box now after I apply text to Move, Rotate, resize, but no curve. I remember in the past dragging my mouse pointer to the center of the box and getting a option where I can move the text to curve it up or down. That is what I would like to do again.
Alright here's the problem, after reading extensively and watching many videos, I finally learned how to crop and layer , which is ridiculously easy!But now I can't get the line/curve tool to make solid connections.
Green Circle: Where the lines meet end to end Red Circle: Where the lines overlap Blue Circle: Where I crossed lines perpendicularly in example of what's going wrong.
I'm making a stylized picture composed wholly of curved lines. I free-handed the curves with my pointer tablet, and then I've been going in with the paintbrush thickening the lines and smoothing edges and whatnot (my tablet makes exceedingly wiggly lines for some reason)... It takes FOREVER going in and trying to make a perfectly smooth line using a 3px brush... (The original image is 3000 x 3450. Great learning experience, but my eyes feel like they're about to fall out of my skull after tracing, re-tracing, and re-re-tracing a 30-pixel area for an hour, lol.) I'm convinced that with the amazing images that come out of Photoshop, they must have a tool that makes creating curves a simple, easy process.
When using the erase tool and trying to create, for instance, a half circle, all I get is a straight erased line.Is it actually possible to create a curve/circle with the erase tool, or is it simply not
I am trying to make a straight image follow a curve and I cannot figure out how to do it. I want the checkered image to folow the curve on the blue image.
I want to define a curve which will have stuff in it, and then have lots of images around the curve but not going over it at all so there is a smooth edge.
In PSCS5 and earlier, I used to be able to make a straight line of points in a curve by placing 9 points on the straight line curve. I did this by drawing a small straight line at the bottom of the curve using the pencil tool and then clicking the curve point icon.
When I have a cdr file and need to save it as a plt file for my plotter the saved file has several little straight lines to make a curve instead of one smooth curved line. This didn't start happening until I upgraded to Corel Draw x4.
I`m relativly new to AutoCAD. Any ommand or option to make the polylines between two points in a curve smooth. I added a picture for reference. The red line is the problem, this will cut alot of my work time.
I've got CS6 and Windows 7. Trying to make a line with an arrow on one end curve around a circle. Actually want it to have a 3D look like it was curving around the back side of a globe. How do you do this?
In CS5 and prior versions of PS, you could "make a straight line of points in a curve". After opening the curve dialog box, draw a straight line with the pencil tool and then click the wavy icon above the pencil tool icon (edit points to modify the curve) and it would automatically place 9 equidistant points on the curve. With CS6, it only places 3 points. Any way to get 9(or at least multiple) points placed?
I am trying to make some trim work to go on a project of mine. Im using a shape then tryig to extrude down the curve is there a way to make the corner tight or a plugin to make trim work easier. you can see in the first image what im trying to make and the second my curve and what i get when im done.
I cannot figure out how to distort text into a curve to achieve a similar result to this Lucasfilm logo:
Hopefully I haven't overlooked a tutorial here somewhere - I've searched but not found anything. I'm guessing this'll have a really basic solution that I've missed completely...
I'm trying to create the magic effect found in this image: [URL]
I tried creating an ellipse and filling it in with semi-transparent brush and use the dents tool on it but its just not... WAVY enough. Is there a plugin or way to add more lines to the lines/curve tool? That would be VERY useful at all times so I can make custom waves/do more things with it.
When using the Line / Curve tool, I tend to cause a line to "finish" because when I try to click on a handle to bend the line, I miss, (due to poor vision)... and the line can no longer be adjusted. Is there a way to cause the handles to re-appear so I can complete the line the way I need to? "Undo" only makes the line disappear, and I have to start all over.
Is it possible to get more than 4 nubs on the Curve tool? I know I can use Sin Waves to get curves, but it would be more useful if I can get the curve I need by using the basics.
i'm drawing a logo and have used the line/curve tool a lot. once i have got my basic shape and have rubbed out the lines i no longer need, is it possible to reselect a line and change the curve?
I frequently use the lines/curve tool for filling in large items on the documents (maps) which I update. In the past, I have had no trouble doing this, but I now find that the lines no longer merge into one another, but overlap. I get the same effect when using the paintbrush tool. It is probably something that I am doing incorrectly, but blowed if I know what.
I need to create text along a curve. Is there a plugin for that? I will have a graphic in a circular shape and need text at the top and bottom to be curved to follow the circular graphic.