Photoshop :: How To Add Points On Curve To Make Straight Line Automatically
Jun 27, 2012
In CS5 and prior versions of PS, you could "make a straight line of points in a curve". After opening the curve dialog box, draw a straight line with the pencil tool and then click the wavy icon above the pencil tool icon (edit points to modify the curve) and it would automatically place 9 equidistant points on the curve. With CS6, it only places 3 points. Any way to get 9(or at least multiple) points placed?
In PSCS5 and earlier, I used to be able to make a straight line of points in a curve by placing 9 points on the straight line curve. I did this by drawing a small straight line at the bottom of the curve using the pencil tool and then clicking the curve point icon.
I am working with vector art that has lines that either look like they were cut off and not finished out or extend to the edge of the page so they are straight when they should actually be curved.
Is there any way to take a straight line or part of an image and curve it with ease or will I have to redraw or alter each line?
if there is a simple way of pushing multiple Polylines to meet a final line that I draw.For instance if there is a zigzagged line, and I drew a line through the middle of it (in a similar direction).
Is there a command or script that would push all of the points on the zig-zag to meet with the straight line I drew?
I draw a curved line and would like it to remain as a curved line even after saving the file. However everytime after saving, and opening the file again, the curve breaks into many line segments, which is not what I want! I want the curved line that I draw to remain as a curved line even after saving and opening. How do I do that? I am using autocad2010.
I use the ARC command to draw a couple of lines, they look okay here. But after I saved it, and re-open it again, what previously appeared as curved lines changed in their appearance to polyline segments.
I`m relativly new to AutoCAD. Any ommand or option to make the polylines between two points in a curve smooth. I added a picture for reference. The red line is the problem, this will cut alot of my work time.
I'm pretty new and have a simple problem that for some reason I can't figure it out! And that is how to make a series of lines on the image that are all perfectly horizontal or perfectly verticle. This will be part of a chart and the lines will be dividers. So the chart will have basically 21 rectangles with 3 rectangles across and 7 rectangles down.
So, I KNOW how to use the straight line tool to make the vertical and horizontal lines but I don't know how to keep the lines perfectly vertical and horizontal and parallel with each other!
When I have a cdr file and need to save it as a plt file for my plotter the saved file has several little straight lines to make a curve instead of one smooth curved line. This didn't start happening until I upgraded to Corel Draw x4.
I've got CS6 and Windows 7. Trying to make a line with an arrow on one end curve around a circle. Actually want it to have a 3D look like it was curving around the back side of a globe. How do you do this?
Alright here's the problem, after reading extensively and watching many videos, I finally learned how to crop and layer , which is ridiculously easy!But now I can't get the line/curve tool to make solid connections.
Green Circle: Where the lines meet end to end Red Circle: Where the lines overlap Blue Circle: Where I crossed lines perpendicularly in example of what's going wrong.
For a while now I have been attempting to resolve a a part of my CAD drawing. As seen below I have a 3D Solid. The part circled is result of subtracting a cylinder from the shape. I am now trying to find a solution to make both the above and below edges of the dotted line meet as one while maintaining the curve I have subtracted.
I want to erase the watermark and x mark from a istock image for comping purposes. What is the easiest/fastest way to do this? Clone Stamp/patch tool? If stamp tool, how do you get the tool to delete the x line in a straight line. Mine always copys pixels next to it.
I cannot work out how to consistently go from drawing a straight line to drawing a curve and then back again to a straight line....
The first two steps are fine, but when I go to the third step of trying to draw a straight line after a curve I am having problems, it does not seem to be consistent - I click on the last node which then displays the line next to the pen but if I try to click for a straight line - it makes a curve!
If I use the Alt key and click the node, this also sometimes works but not always and I can't for the life of me work out a way to get it to work in the same way all the time.
I applied a 1pt stroke as you see in the screenshot and I gave it a default width profile. For some odd reason no matter what I do that stroke has sharp edges and isn't curved smoothly.
how to create reverse curve with straight portion in between , as their is no option of creating reverse curve with straight portion in civil 3d , duding designing a hill road what ever the reverse curve you design will be wrong and superelevation generated will also be wrong as it do no include straight in between the curves (ie reverse curve should contain transition curve transition straight transition curve transition.)
How can I draw a straight line without that protractor shaped dotted line following my cursor making it lag and also not snap correctly to the next line? Also, I have noticed that I can't set my user interface to auto cad classic settings. There seems to be no option for it in workspace settings.
I've just recently caught up to 2.8 (From 2.4 something or other believe it or not ) and amongst a couple of things I have to say I don't like is the fact that previously when setting a path, if I wanted it to be either perfectly horizontal or vertical I could see by the steps in the path preview line whether it was or not.
With the new version, initially at least, that's no longer the case. As I tend to work with straight lines a lot of the time it's proving to be a bit of a pain. Is there any way to set the path preview line to show the steps again to indicate a straight line.
Say I have a square or a polygon. I want to transform one of the sides from straight to a smooth curve. Is there a way to do this? Â I have the pen tool and I'm tracing an object. I want to create one curved side then continue on with straight edges. However the tool insists on creating 2 or 3 curves at a time. Â Is there a way to create a single isolated or part of a shape curve thats adjustable with both endpoints. It seems that curves I create often are missing adjustment levers at one of their endpoints making it harder to get the shape I want.
Using the pen tool and plotting anchor points, what is the difference between a straight and a curved anchor point, and how do you know which they are? I know you can drag out curves when drawing with the pen tool, though I am unclear on actual straight and curved anchors.
Is it possible to use the eraser (or perhaps another tool) to erase in a straight line (rather than freehand)? I have an image that I need to make a series of erasures...take away straight line segments of the image. I keep finding how to "erase a straight line" on the internet but they are only discussing how to erase or clear a straight line just drawn...not what I am after. If there is a way (I was hoping I could use the eraser tool and press the shift key or something)
If i wanted to draw a straight line with a color, much in the way you would traditionally with the edge of a rule, with the paintbrush or pencil tool, how would i do this? The pen tool creates paths. i do not want this. i just want to draw or paint a straight line.