Photoshop :: Select Adjustment Curve Points?

Jun 5, 2012

I see that the points can be shift clicked to select the whole curve for global adjustment - is there an easier way?

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Photoshop :: CS3 Curve Adjustment Layer - Zoom And Use Hand?

Mar 9, 2012

i have a question about cs3 , under xp i add a curve adjustament layer ,-> curve dialog (window) open ->  well i can zoom with the mouse wheel but if i keep the space keyboard pressed , i can't use the hand tool when i click the space keyboard , it works like the [ok] button , in short if like i click on ok and close the window is there a tip to use the curve adjustament layer , zoom and  use the hand tool

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Photoshop :: Adding Points To Curves Adjustment Layer In CS6 Broken?

Nov 6, 2013

In CS3, CS4 and CS5 I was able to:
(a) add a point (corresponding to the position of the Eyedropper Tool on the image) to the RGB composite curve by Control + Clicking; and
(b) add a point (whilst focused on the RGB composite curve) to each of the Red, Green and Blue channel curves by Control + Shift + Clicking.
Neither approach seems to work in my CS6 (PsCs6 x64 latest update, on Win 7x64).

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Photoshop :: Cs6 - How To Make Straight Line Of Points In Curve

Nov 1, 2012

In PSCS5 and earlier, I used to be able to make a straight line of points in a curve by placing 9 points on the straight line curve.  I did this by drawing a small straight line at the bottom of the curve using the pencil tool and then clicking the curve point icon.

I can't seem to do this with CS6. 

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Photoshop :: How To Add Points On Curve To Make Straight Line Automatically

Jun 27, 2012

In CS5 and prior versions of PS, you could "make a straight line of points in a curve".  After opening the curve dialog box, draw a straight line with the pencil tool and then click the wavy icon above the pencil tool icon (edit points to modify the curve) and it would automatically place 9 equidistant points on the curve.  With CS6, it only places 3 points.  Any way to get 9(or at least multiple) points placed?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Plot Points Along A Curve

Jul 12, 2013

I need to trace 2 points (which are certain distance apart) along a curve at a distance of x inches(say 2 inches). How do i write the code such that the point is plotted on the curves and maintains the distance.

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Lightroom :: 3.6 Spot Healing Hang Adjustment Points Not Showing

Feb 4, 2012

I waited months to update to 3.6 because I finally had Lightroom running well on my machine. Previously versions would hang on the spot healing brush to the pointed I'd have to shut down using task manager. The problem comes when I've edited a file in an external editor and I am working on the tif file that has been imported back into Lightroom. The spot healing brush just does not want to work. This continues to happen even when I close Lightroom and go back to the file later. This really bums me out because it just crushes my workflow!
I have a new problem too. It could be I hit something somewhere to cause the following behaviour. When I am working on an image with the adjustment brush, the adjustment point disappears. It doesn't show up so if I want to change the brush parameters the point isn't there to click on an make active so I can adjust the parameters again. This just started since I upgraded to 3.6. I believe I was using 3.4 before and I never had this issue.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Label A Curve By Points

Aug 21, 2012

how to label a curve by points in C3D?  I'm finding half of the new "fix" (line by points). 

C3D - 2014, Sincpac Addon

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GIMP :: Calculate Points For Curve Bend?

Jan 20, 2013

I have a small company doing designs onto mugs, steins, pints, etc. I recently added the ability to do custom photo designs, so now I'm trying to perfect the image curvature for my pint glasses and coming up against a problem.

So - with a pint glass, in order to put a design on it you actually have to curve the image. I'm following this tutorial here - [URL] where he shows how to use GIMP to curve a photo to insert into a tumbler.

I am doing the same process except my dimensions/numbers are different. I need to be able to create the appropriate .points file for my pint glasses but if I use the one he created, my image will be off since the pints don't have the same dimensions as the tumbler he did the tutorial for.

SO - all this to say - how the heck do I calculate what values to put in the points file? For example, on this particular project I need to make an image to be curved up 5/8" on the bottom and 3/4" on the top. He used .25" and .3125" so if I use his file, my designs won't be right.

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Maya Animation :: Constraining Curve Points To Geometry?

Apr 20, 2012

How can I make a curve's end points constrain to objects in order to create a "theta" angle line that changes dynamically when the angle between the two objects changes?

I thought they answer may have lay in creating the curve using Maya's new Bezier Curve tool, then using the Rivet plug-in from CreativeCrash to pin it to the middle of two poly cylinders (the "x" and "y" axis.) Unfortunately this doesn't work; the Script editor spits back "is not a vertex!". Either I'm not using Rivet correctly or the end points of a Bezier Curve in Maya are not the same as a CV Curve. But perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way entirely.. I ultimately would wish to extrude geometry about this curve to create a dynamically changing curved cylinder to visualize the angle. It seems like it should be a relatively simple thing to do...

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AutoCad :: Aligning Parabolic Curve Tangent To Two Points

Apr 2, 2013

I have come up with a parabolic curve from a 'Sag Chart' program for calculating wire sag between Utility Poles. I now need to place this curve into my Profile that has the poles laid out in it. I need to make the curve Tangent at each attachment point between two poles. The best I can do as of now is eyeball it in there which will get me the sag distance pretty closly but as any Autocad user knows if it isnt exactly aligned it will drive you nuts. I made a rough sketch of what im trying to do.

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AutoCad :: Make Polylines Between Two Points In A Curve Smooth

May 24, 2011

I`m relativly new to AutoCAD. Any ommand or option to make the polylines between two points in a curve smooth. I added a picture for reference. The red line is the problem, this will cut alot of my work time.

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Lightroom :: Adjustment Brush Draw A Straight Line By Clicking The Start And Stop Points?

Mar 11, 2012

Can a Lightroom adjustment brush draw a straight line by clicking the start and stop points?

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Photoshop :: How To Select Individual Anchor Points Of A Shape

Jul 14, 2013

In PS CS 6 it used to be possible to draw a shape, like a rectangle, and then use the direct selection tool to select and move one corne of the rectangle. However, in PS CC this does not work anymore. When I try to use the direct selection tool, all anchor points remain selected and so I can't move a single point, just all of them at once. What might I be doing wrong? Did something change in the CC version?!

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Cannot Select Curve Number Dialog Box?

Oct 26, 2012

Why I get this error when trying to enter a curve number?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Forcing Vertical Curve Low Or High Points To Specific And Precise Station?

Feb 27, 2012

Is there a way to force the Low Point or High Point in a vertical curve to a specific and precise station?

I can do it with grips, but it's imprecise.  In the project I am currently working on, I have some leeway regarding the slopes into and out of the vertical curve, so I have some flexibility, but some of the LPs and HPs need to precise.

Windows 7-64
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013

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Photoshop :: Click-and-drag To Select Multiple Points In Puppet Warp?

Jun 20, 2013

Puppet Warp is a great tool. But sometimes I want to isolate an area and only rework that spot, while keeping everything else in place. To do this I have to go around clicking everything to pin it down. I'm wondering if there's a way to automatically pin all possible points, or click-and-drag to create pins at all intersecting points of the web.

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3ds Max :: Multiple Select Two Control Points On Box?

Nov 25, 2011

I need to multiple select two control points on a box. Control, shift, other key combinations, etc. are not working. Control works in other apps; don't know why this is going on.

Any alternative to the key stroke for multiple selects in 3DS MAX?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Select Corner Points

Jul 17, 2011

I just want to select corner points and get the coordinates of all the points,and get all the points sorted by their X coordinate.What I am supposed to do?

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Illustrator :: How To Select Individual Anchor Points

Oct 25, 2013

The direct selection and lasso tools keep selecting entire paths. I thought these tools were for selecting individual or small groups of anchor points so that they can be edited. I am using Illustrator CS6, and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if my program is being buggy.

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Illustrator :: Select Range Of Anchor Points?

Feb 18, 2014

I am working on a scanned black and white image that I image traced in Illustrator. I am now in the process of seperating certain parts of the image from each other for changing colors. I know how to do this, but my way is by using direct select and going in and picking out points and joining them which is going to take ages. Is there any way to say select a range of anchor points on a path (not the whole path, but not individual points either) like shift clicking a range of files in windows explorer? Are there any other ways I can go about this in a more time efficient manner? I am using the Creative Cloud.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Marker Can't Select Points On A Line

Nov 8, 2012

When I try to use the move tool and hover over an object, the marker tool bounces around and has trouble finding the selection point. When I zoom in close to get the exact point on a line - it doesn't select anything, so I can't actually move an object.

I've tried adjusting the object snap settings however this doesn't seem to be working.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Check Area - Cannot Select More Than 3 Points

Oct 27, 2013

When a check area and I start selecting and the "green window " appears it won't let me select more than 3 points
I was able to select multiple points. How can I fix this ?

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Illustrator :: CS2 - Can't Select Points With Direct Selection Tool

Apr 3, 2013

Noramlly in CS5 and any other version of Photoshop or Illustrator that I know of, if you click a point in an object, it will show the handles for transforming the line. As I'm creating something today, it works for a while and then stops. Yesterday I had the same problem. I drew a few things and then suddenly, the Direct Select Tool is not showing any transform handles.
I can get them to show if I can click and drag a box over the point, but this is slow and doesn't work well for layered art. I already tried resetting my illustrator preferences.
Also, in CS5 there's a simple icon that you can click to convert the currently selected point from a curved point to an angled point. Is there not such a thing in CS2?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: When Select More Than 100 Entities All Of Grip Points Disappear?

Sep 27, 2012

When I select more than 100 entities all of the grip points disappear. With ACAD 2002 there seemed to be no limit to the number of entities you could select without losing the grips, but with ACAD 2007 they started dissapearing though with '07 clicking "View" "Regen" would bring them back into view (unless you accidentally click on another entity). With ACAD 2013 if I go over 100 that's it. This is mostly a problem for me as I use the spacebar shortcuts extensively in creating and manipulating my drawings. I have found other ways to  to acomplish my needs such as using the move command but I have much successful history using my old methods and would like to continue with them.

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Softimage :: Unable To Select Faces On Models / Points / Edges

Aug 14, 2011

I just installed softimage 2012 on my pc and I've been having several bug problems. I can't select faces on models. Points, edges, etc. are available but not faces. also, when I change to textured view mode, no textures appear, it always shows as shaded mode. finally, xsi always opens with the layout messed up and on robot mode.

I 'm running it on administrator mode on windows 7 x64 also I tried disabling windows desktop styles etc.
I have an NVIDIA GEFORCE 9600 GS video card
8gb ram
700 gb hd

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GIMP :: Free Select Tool - Selection Points Disappear

Dec 2, 2012

I choose the Free Select Tool and painstakingly click around the border of something to remove the background. Typically it's a car and I do hundreds of tiny free select points tracing around the car's outline. I make my way around the entire car and double-click to connect the last point with the first one. Then all the selection points disappear, I have no selection around the car, and I'm unhappy.

Here's what happened. Before I started working I inadvertently had done a "Select All". The Free Select Tool was inadvertently left in "Add" mode. GIMP did what it was supposed to do, it added the car outline selection to the "Select All" selection - with the result equal to "Select All" - and there goes all my selection points around the car.

You can end up in the same bad place when "Select None" has been done and you inadvertently left the Free Select Tool in "subtract" mode.

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Illustrator :: Gradient Mesh - Unable To Select All Points That Are The Same Color?

Sep 20, 2012

All I can find online is to highlight over an area to select multiple mesh points. That will not work in my case. I can't tell illustrator to select same color, the way it does with fills and strokes? I want to change the color and I have to click on every single point again? Ridiculous.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Select Dimensions And Change Precision To 2 Decimal Points?

Sep 30, 2013

I wanted to select dimensions and change the precision to 2 decimal points.

For any dimensions I positioned on the object (like the width of the block centered in the block)...rather than above, below or off to the side. I am unable to select that dimension. Every time my cursor goes towards the dimension to select it.....the block itself is automatically selected. Any dimension outside the boundary of the object is fully selectable to edit.

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AutoCad :: Drag-select Multiple Vertex Points Form Polyline

May 13, 2011

How can I drag-select muliple vertex points form a polyline, a workaround I found is:

-select object

-shift select first vertex, shift select next vertex, etc

But this workaround is limited because I want to delete those vertexes, I cannot find the remove vertex command when I have multiple vertexes selected.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Select Circles And MText Within Specified Points?

Apr 9, 2012

I am not sure why this is not working.

(setq SelectionSet (ssget "C" Point1 Point2 '((-4 . "<or") (0 . "CIRCLE") (0 . "MTEXT") (-4 . "<or"))))

I want to select circles and mtext within the specified points.

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