AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Label A Curve By Points
Aug 21, 2012how to label a curve by points in C3D? I'm finding half of the new "fix" (line by points).
C3D - 2014, Sincpac Addon
how to label a curve by points in C3D? I'm finding half of the new "fix" (line by points).
C3D - 2014, Sincpac Addon
My curve labels keep skipping. Why do they keep skipping from C6 to C9? I know how to use the renumber tags command. It just keeps skipping C7 and C8 for no apparent reason. There are no tags on frozen or off layers. When I add all possible objects to my curve table it does not change.
Windows 7 x 64 bit
NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor
6.00 GB RAM
Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz
Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3
How to label the curve with its degree of curvature (Da)?
Degree of curvature (Da) can be calculated based on two different ways
Arc definition (considering 30 meters arc length):
Chord definition (considering 30 meters chord length):
The issue here is that there is not built in option to label the curve with its degree of curvature.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
I have tried all of the expressions below to add the the vertical curve elevation at the pvi to my curve crest & sag labels on my profile and all I get is ??? for the value. I am currently running Civil 3D 2012.
IF({Grade In}<{Grade Out}, ({PVI Elevation}+{Tangent Offset at PVI}), ({PVI Elevation}-{Tangent Offset at PVI}))
{PVI Elevation}+{Tangent Offset at PVI}
{PVI Elevation}-{Tangent Offset at PVI}
handle a PRVC label? Right now I have the PVC and PVT labels on top of each other. Is there a nice solutioon other than making a new label style?
Dell Studio XPS 9100
Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz
12GB Ram
64 bit
C3D 2012 SP3.0
I have an alignment that is line and curve tagged for a table. The last segment of the alignment is a 3 point curve. It shows up in the alignment grid view, and is tagged. When the table is produced the everthing comes in except the 3 point curve I mentioned.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to lable the delta of a PI in an alignment where one segment is an arc and the following is a non-tangent line.
Geometry points don't offer delta and Tangent Intersections won't label at PCs and PTs.
Is there an expression that can be used?
I am having an issue with my label displaying in my profile after I create my plan and profile sheet set. The PVC, PVI and PVT all show up, but the labels are not displaying. I looked through the layers and they are all thawed.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have tried all of the expressions below to add the the vertical curve elevation at the pvi to my curve crest & sag labels on my profile and all I get is? for the value. I am currently running Civil 3D 2012.
IF({Grade In}<{Grade Out}, ({PVI Elevation}+{Tangent Offset at PVI}), ({PVI Elevation}-{Tangent Offset at PVI}))
{PVI Elevation}+{Tangent Offset at PVI}
{PVI Elevation}-{Tangent Offset at PVI}
We are upgrading from LDD2008 to Civil3D 2013. I'm working on a Civil3D template
I'm setting up line and curve label style. Oringally we were going to have one set of line label style. Ex. Bearing Above or Bearing Below. After seeing that the line labels does not look at the current text style we decided to make copies of the original label styles based on Text Styles.So now I have Bearing Above60, Bearing Above100, etc. I named them based on the Leroy styles and sizes.
After editing each one and changing the Text Style each one looks at, it is not using the Texting Style i assign it. I'm doing this in the General Tab and Text Style for each label style.
i guess I should have tested before creating all them to find out it didn't work.Does it need to be done somewhere else or is do I have to do something with the overall label style overrides?
I want to make a curve label with all its elements (radius,tangent...) and the data of widenning and superelevation on the curve?. I attached the label that I want to create on C3D.
C3D 2012
Win-64 bits
I have a bunch of GIS points that have been inserted into a drawing. All the points have data associated with them, gpm values, that I would like to make more clear. Is there a way to filter and color code them with out doing it by hand?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using civil 3d 2008 and trying to lable my pavement radius with Line and Curve Label but the delta setting is only in decimal, how do i get it to read degrees, minutes and seconds.
View 4 Replies View Relatedcan i lable a point in section view with its northing and easting? i can only lable offset and elevation for thr points.
Civil 3D 2013
HP Pavilion dv6 cor i7
windows 8
In LDD I could label a bearing and distance between 2 points. (Points - not actual surveyed points, but 2 spots I click)
In 3d 2010 I only can label a whole line, not only a portion that I choose. This has to be a label option still.
Why doesn't the drag state work when adding a line label between 2 points in Civil 3D 2013.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have set the default style for the drawing to a certain style by going to toolspace - settings and right clicking on point and clicking on edit feature settings ...under default styles i set it to the one I want for both point style and point label come when I create a few manual points and then go to the prospector tab and right click on _all points, the point label style is not set to the default one I set it to as I described above? The points are not coming in the way I want them to?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have created 8 points (from 4 locations with 2 depths in each location) in _All Points/Points. These 8 points are grouped into 2 Point Groups:
Points #1, #3, #5 & #7 for Point Group - (1) Depth#1 and
Points #2, #4, #6 & #8 for Point Group - (2) Depth#2.
The "Name" of Point is filled with the SampleID (like cdc-ss01-s1, cdc-ss01-s2,...) - see the attached file. From the HELP of AutoCAD C3D 2013, I have read/studies the "Point Tables" and "Point Label Styles" and I cannot figure out how to label the 8 points to show the "Point Number", "Point Elevation", and "Name" of Point (i. e. the SampleID like cdc-ss01-s1 & cdc-ss01-s2, ....).!!
I have an alignment and would only like to label stations and specific geometry points such as EC/BC. When I add geometry points to my label set it automatically gives me curve midpoints and beg/end of alignment. How can I turn off these labels so that I only get BC/EC?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to force the Low Point or High Point in a vertical curve to a specific and precise station?
I can do it with grips, but it's imprecise. In the project I am currently working on, I have some leeway regarding the slopes into and out of the vertical curve, so I have some flexibility, but some of the LPs and HPs need to precise.
Windows 7-64
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013
I have an alignment label that I normally use to show the PVI's of a profile in the plan view.
This is a little unusual, but in a specific case I wanted to design my profile at one alignment, but show it at another. I designed my swale profile in the pathway profile view and then superimposed the swale profile on the swale profile view. I then went back to the swale alignment to add these labels.
It's a no-go AFAICT. The only profile available for me to select for these labels is the original ground profile from the surface.
I have ran an analysis and SSA gave me Error 607 on the report. It says "Inlet A9 gutter capture curve is not a valid curve."
A couple things I did different from the video lectures...
I selected user define for the Tc to figure out Q. i computed those manually.
For the Inlets I have selected Maximum Capture Cutoff.
There are some inlets in this model I created that do not capture 100% of the flow so i created conveyance links to account for the bypass flow.Not sure why is not recognizing the Curve?
I need to trace 2 points (which are certain distance apart) along a curve at a distance of x inches(say 2 inches). How do i write the code such that the point is plotted on the curves and maintains the distance.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe label associated to a grading point when is moved when is moved changes its size automatically and a leader appears. After this happen no control over the grading point and its associate label. refer to the image below.
View 1 Replies View RelatedC3D 2013. We have profile line labels, some of which get manually edited (for example, change the "<[Tangent grade(FP|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|SD|OF)]>" to a static number such as 0.29%).
However, if you CTRL+Click and select one of these labels and change the style of that one label, then the manual edits are lost and the label reverts back to the default string.
Is there any way to turn this behavior off?
Is there a way to "Edit Label Text" in a Parcel area label? Similar to the way you can edit it in other styles.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi have 2500 points that i want to import, i have them in an excel file in the right way, and i can import them using multiple>point copy/paste. but i alsoo need to label them, up or down the point maybe to put an indicator. the ideea it's to create a grid, then manually using my eye to draw some line between this value, like drawing some same temperature/same pressure lines.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to label my Profile label stations as raw stations, 20~20 meters, and I'm not being able to adapt the format to STATION 0, STATION 2, without any plus zeros or +, or -, or commas, or anything, as following in the image.
Is there a easy way to do it?
I have come up with a parabolic curve from a 'Sag Chart' program for calculating wire sag between Utility Poles. I now need to place this curve into my Profile that has the poles laid out in it. I need to make the curve Tangent at each attachment point between two poles. The best I can do as of now is eyeball it in there which will get me the sag distance pretty closly but as any Autocad user knows if it isnt exactly aligned it will drive you nuts. I made a rough sketch of what im trying to do.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI`m relativly new to AutoCAD. Any ommand or option to make the polylines between two points in a curve smooth. I added a picture for reference. The red line is the problem, this will cut alot of my work time.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI had to create a boundary map and place points to all corners. How to export these newly created points back into my data collector (Ranger) and also I'm trying to figure out how to print out a points list.
I stumbled on to this thread but I guessing that it's a different CAD year because my modify tab doesn't look like this. URL.....