Illustrator :: Text In CS6 Displays Red Plus Sign But There Is No Overset Text - How To Remove
Jan 8, 2014
I have some text blocks in Illustrator CS 6 that display the red plus sign that indicates overset text but there is no overset text. It occurs in files that were created with earlier versions of Illustator and now we are reworking them. It can't be deleted. I have cut the text in the box and pasted it into a new text box to no avail. It is not a screen artifact. I have tried copying everything in the file and pasting it into a new file and the little red plus sign comes along. It doesn't print, of course.
I work for a company where we deal with Illustrator CS5 pretty extensively, and one of the things we do most often is place text on certain art documents. We've been having issues lately (human error) where we've been missing that we have more text in a text box and we're forgetting to expand it. Obviously the easy answer is to keep a keen eye out for the little red plus sign and expand the text box as needed, but any script or a clever way to have Illustrator notify us that there's overset text or an unexpanded text box present in the documents we're working on? It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just anything that somehow notifies us of that little red plus sign being present.
I know there's a script out there that will expand a text box if there's overset text and you have that textbox selected, but if I already have the textbox selected I'm fairly sure I'm aware of the overset text.
I am creating a 'welcome' sign for a client and need to be able to type the word 'welcome' in different languages. I am using illustrator and have tried to change the input sources through the system preferences menu but this is not working. Is there an easy way I can do this ?
I have been inserting footnotes throughout the story but when I reach a certain point and insert a footnote, it sends the rest of the text into overset.
If I click on any text the docker shows the incorrect height of the text. I have typed in an measured a 4" H and the docker display tell me its over 5.5".
In the screenshot below, how to remove space below text? I simply added a text box using the type tool and I get that extra space bellow the letter "B" that I don't need. I want to remove that space to center the letter within the octogon.
I have been away from Autocad for around 6 years but just got back into it this week and now have the 2010 version.I like the "arctext" command, but it will only let me do text on convex curves and I need it to do text on concave curves for a sign I want to make..What can I do?
I need to remove the '' from this jpeg version of a logo I have to use it for a magazine print file I am working on in indesign. I have opened the file in Illustrator (it is a very large file because it was designed for outdoor sinage.) and I thought I had better ask about the best way to do it without it affecting image or print quality.
I'm using illustrator cs6. i did a smoke text in photoshop and saved it as png-24 file.I wanted to vectorize the smoke text in illustrator.
So i placed the png files and image trace it with high fidelity photo as my preset.
I tried out all the preset,mode and so on,but it changed my smoke effects.That's why i chose high fidelity photo,bt i can't check the ignore white box, i can't remove the background.I tried low colour.but the smoke part become white colour ,obviously when i change the background colour.
Second method that i used was image trace(high fidelity photo)>expand>ungroup>delete the white part..but it doesnt work...
I am using CS6. I have created some text with a gradient fill. I have converted it to shapes before addin the Fill. I appear to get a slight black shadow arround the letters. This appears to get worse when I Export it to png with a transparent background. This black shadow is not a stoke that I have added.
Instead of adding text as a prefix or suffix i would like to know if it is possible aswell to remove text from within text: For example:
I have these texts "I am not good", "he is not good", "what not to be" And i would like to remove the word "not" from all selected text so i would get "i am good", "he is good" , "what to be". The set word not will always be the same, so there is no need for user string input.
When you centrally allign text horizontally and vertically in a text box, the text sits slightly high of the centre. Is there any way of setting an action or setting to deal with this rather than adjusting by eye every time?
I edited some video for my daughter's drama class and burned a disk for her. When my daughter presented for the class on her teacher's computer there was text covering the video that seemingly had nothing to do with the video. I can't reproduce it and I don't even know what kind of system the teacher uses, but is there some trick to burning a disk so that it displays the same on anything and everything?
I am trying to dimension a room in AutoCAD 2014, drawing in Architectual mode using the default template. I attached a screenshot of what I am seeing, the red lines are my dimensions but they show up with no text and I cannot figure out how to get the text to display.
I have a .shx font from our state DOT that I need to include on my sheets. The problem is on some drawings it is filled (like I want) and on others it is open (which is bad). The text is located in the layout tab. I've tried all of the following regular fixes with no luck:
Set the FILL command to on. Set the FILLMODE system variable to 1. Set the TEXTFILL system variable to 1. In the Plot dialog box, clear Hide Objects. Turn off the Hideplot property of the viewport.
I am guessing the problem is drawing specific bacuause I can copy the text back and forth between good and bad drawings and the fill comes and goes.
The same text object in 2 different drawings.
I also exported my system variables from the good and bad drawings and compared the two and none of the variables that matter were different.
I would just copy the drawings over into my good template and be done with it, but I have a large number of files that were created around the office that now have outlined text and don't have the time to monkey around copying all the drawings over to the good template. I know the long term solution is to get people to do things right in the first place, but in the mean time I'm hoping to be able to just change a variable and have the text be filled.
I am trying to make a circular sign with text inside it that follows the contour of the circle. Half of the text will be on the top and half on the bottom.
I am trying to use our standard room name block in two new files from a client but it is not showing up the way it is supposed to. It looks like a totally different font. I have checked the text options box and it says it's "romans", just like it is supposed to, but it does not look right. It also does it with regular mtext that I copy in from another file. Once I change it back it looks right, but when I pull it in, it defaults to Romans and @arialunicode MS. I'm assuminng that's what the block is doing as well, but how do I fix that?
As you see in the picture, the word Kitchen appears fine but the red line is where the dimension of the table top is supposed to be. It should show 6999.820mm or something , but it just displays a red line.
I just started learning AutoCAD 2010 through some videos and I came across this problem, how to rectify.
I changed my Units to mm, changed it before drawing.
The PC (running XP PRO 32bit) in question is at a middle school, so I'm sure someone was playing with settings, but I cannot find what they changed. underneath each screen icon that should say INVENTOR STUDIO, APPLICATION OPTIONS, SHEETMETAL, MODEL, etc. etc...all that shows is boxes; it's like they've either changed the language for the app to chinese (or other unsupported/unloaded in our OS) or some system font is haywire, but this only is affecting Inventor 2011 so far so I believe they changed a setting in the app. Once I get into a menu option; the text for each tab is correctly displayed. Where would one set the text/font for all icons in the Inventor 2011 interface?
i am trying to create a drop shadow on text. i select the text and then copy and then paste in back. however, the copy shows up way above the text and not behind it. what am i doing wrong?
Illustrator CC, Mac OS 10.8.4 : When pasting text formatted with a Paragraph Style, the style drops off and the text converts to Myriad. I am copying and pasting from/into the same file - even into the same text box.
Today Illustrator CS4 decided to start crashing on me when I try to paste text into the art board. It will also not allow me to type text into the artboard. Whenever I try to type, it just does all the tool shortcuts. I have alread tried deleting the preferences and that hasn't worked at all.
I'm using an iMac and Illustrator CC. I created a text area box. I want to place text from an outside Word document into the area box. When I go to File>Place and locate the text file, I click on Place. When I'm returned to my Illustrator CC document, the original area box is deselected and my cursor is loaded and ready for me to drag out a new area box. Shouldn't the placed text fill the original area box?
I am working on a project which needs..Text frames to be converted as flash text >property changed to dynamic text > writing instance name “_txt”.so how can i write scripting on above process.
I have recived an illustrator file which ontains some text and I have to update the labels on the file but it seems the text has been chnged to Outlines Path. how i can convert them to regular editable text type?
I wrote the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" in Times New Roman regular 12 pt. in Illustrator CS2. The file was saved as a pdf at "press quality." I wrote the same sentence with the exact some font in InCopy CS2 and exported it as a pdf at press quality. As shown in a zoomed-in screenshot from the respective pdfs, the text from Illustrator (top example below) is slightly different than the text from InCopy (bottom example below):
Is it just an unavoidable artifact of the way pdfs are rendered? I realize it's a minor gripe, but even slight bugs/features like this would never be tolerated in a professional publishing environment. What am I not understanding about vector images and/or pdfs?
I'm making vectors for my Spreadshirt page, and when I try to upload them SS is telling me that I must convert all the text to curves.How do I convert the text, and what do I do when there is no text in the image?