Illustrator :: Creating Drop Shadow On Text - Copy Showing Above The Text Not Behind
Apr 26, 2013
i am trying to create a drop shadow on text. i select the text and then copy and then paste in back. however, the copy shows up way above the text and not behind it. what am i doing wrong?
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Nov 16, 2012
I have 2 layers, a text layer on top, and a shape behind it. When I add a drop shadow to the text, the shadow shows up BEHIND the shape, instead of on it. If I choose mode "Multiply," then it shows up in front but is way too big.
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Jul 27, 2013
I'm using Illustrator CC although I haven't tried doing this in earlier versions. When I copy text that has a drop shadow made with "effect/stylize/drop shadow" the drop shadow is editable from the Appearance pallet only in the original document. In the pasted document the drop shadow is there but does not show up in the Appearance pallet so I can't edit it. It shows up on a different layer so I can delete it but then I have to create an editable shadow from scratch on the new document. When I copy objects that are not text with drop shadow, the editiability remains, but it doesn't seem to work with text unless I create outlines of the type and then I lose the editability of the text. Is there any way to copy drop shadows that are editable on text?
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Sep 25, 2013
For my business card design I have white text overlapping an area of very white grey- causing readability issues (insufficient contrast). It looks great apart from this one problem, so I still want to keep my white text and light background and fix it by separating the text and background with a darker drop shadow..
First, I added a black drop shadow to the text- but this was not enough to increase readability (text still looked faded on background as drop shadow was too subtle at 85% opacity, 0.04" blur) so I added a drop shadow to my drop shadow (100% opacity, 0.02" blur + 18% opacity, 0.02" blur). This produced a heavier drop shadow effect for my text as desired but, for some reason, the text came out slightly grey in print (offset run). It seems the drop shadow somehow got printed over the text itself to some extent- turning the white text somewhat grey (and so not looking as clean as intended).
How could this dropshadow bleed into the text happen? Is it to do with the fact I added a drop shadow to my drop shadow? I would have thought that, even then, the text should entirely overlap all of the drop shadow as the text is the top layer in the group.
What can I do to ensure that drop shadow does not print over text in any way in future? Do I have to stick to only one layer of dropshadow-or is there something else I'm missing?
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May 2, 2013
I'm working in Illustrator CS5 and I want to know if it is possible to copy and paste an effect like a drop shadow. For example, let's say I create a document with some text which has a drop shadow on it and some without the effect. Next I create text in a different font with a different drop shadow effect (different settings for the drop shadow attributes). Later in the project I decide, I want to go back and add the first effect to several objects and/or text in my image. Is there a way to copy that effect and paste it in?
I know that I can go in and manually copy the settings of the effect I want to copy, add the effect to a new object, and then re-apply the effect from that point, but is there a way to simplify the process by just copying the effect?
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May 17, 2013
I add a slight drop shadow to my text in an ebook cover I'm working on. Can I do that in
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Sep 2, 2013
Everyone says to do Layer > Layer Style > Style Settings.
But when I go to Layer Style and try to get to Style Settings, Style Settings is greyed out. (The text in quesiton is already selected.)
In fact, I've tried everything possible to get Style Settings to become engaged and have not been able to do that.
Also, when I go into Effects and try to add cool effect (torn paper, glowing edges, etc.) to the text, it automatically changes the color of my text. For example, my text is orange and when I tried "glowing edges" it changed the text to olive drab... and it certainly didn't glow.
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Aug 23, 2011
I'm an infrequent and relatively unskilled GIMP user. I have used drop shadow in the past, and have been using it this afternoon with no problem until I started working on one image where I can't seem to apply the drop shadow to some text. I've got a 3-layer image, a background, a smaller image on a separate layer, and a text layer. Whenever I try to apply drop shadow to the text layer or the smaller image layer, it applies it to the background. I've tried everything I can think of...deleting and recreating the text layer, changing the "level" of the layer, closing then reopening the image...closing and restarting GIMP.. I select the text layer, click "Filter > Light and Shadow > Drop Shadow", and apply and it always applies it to the background.
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May 4, 2011
After applying drop shadow to a text, I find no direct way to edit the text without removing the drop shadow. I've tried the text tool, Ctrl-Click, Alt-Click, Shift-Click, etc, maybe I missed something.
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Dec 7, 2012
I am using CS4. I want to add a shadow to some text. It works on one piece of text, but not on another. It shows the shadow in the layers palette, but it's grayed out (on the one that's not working). I tried converting the text to outlines... same thing. The layer isn't locked... so I don't know what's going on. Why won't my shadow show up?
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Aug 5, 2004
I have a transparent canvas and would like to put a "square" on it. I'd like the content inside the square to be transparent as well, but I'd like to apply the "Drop Shadow" and "Outer Glow" style to the box, while keeping the inside of it transparent.
When I try to do this, nothing occurs because the "square" is empty. The only way I can get the shadow to occur is if I fill in the box with a color, such as white, first. However, then the center isn't transparent how I'd like it to be.
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Jul 15, 2013
How I could copy drop shadow to another object?
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May 18, 2012
I use illustrator most of the time. I'm designing a brochure and I've always embedded images, but now I'm trying to it correctly by linking them instead. So I have an image in ps as a tiff. I created a drop shadow for the image in illustrator.
I want to copy and paste it behind the image into the same file so both are one file linked to the brochure. Also the drop shadow pastes as too small, then i also can't get it positioned right etc.
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Oct 1, 2012
In the past day I have run into a problem whenever I copy and paste any text inside Illustartor CS6. If I copy text from outside Illustator and paste in a file, everything is ok. But if I copy text from inside an AI file and paste into another AI file or to the same file, I get a bunch of extra text that gets displayed before the pasted text. In the example below I copied and pasted the text "This is a test" within the same AI file, and got the a bunch of information above the text.
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Jun 14, 2013
Copy drop shadow properties is not working for me. When I click on the object to copy to, it tells me, "you did not click on an object." What do I need to do?
Edit: actually, I'm seeing that this is not working in Contour, either. And it may not be working in other effects as well, although I haven't tested those.
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Jun 6, 2007
Can someone please show me or point me to the right tutorial that will illustrate how to create a thin background image that has a drop shadow on both the left and right borders that run vertically down a centered web page?
The image has a white middle where content is placed and the left and right borders have a drop shadow. After the image is sliced to roughly 760 pixels wide by 1 pixel tall, it will repeat vertically down the page. It is typically placed in the container or wrapper div? It is similar to a faux column.
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Jan 2, 2014
how do i a shadow text effect like this i tried the drop shadow but it doesnt quite look the same has this?
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Apr 1, 2012
I sometimes use a trick of creating a virtual copy to get a text element of a NxN image. For example, I might use 8 images for a 3x3 and need a fourth "image" (i.e., column 1, row 2) for text. I like to take image 3 and make a virtual copy, then get that looking the way I want as my text box. When I print, I don't have to create a collection to order my images as long as the sequence-taken, along with the text box in position 4, is okay. I guess in LR 3, the virtual copy sorted after the original.
Well, I just tried the trick and the virtual copy comes before the original. I still wanted to shy away from creating a collection, so played another trick - I used the option to change the capture time under the Library module's Metadata menu, and bumped the text box up 1 second later. But the sort hasn't changed! I even forced a reconsideration of the sort by changing from capture time sort to added time sort, then back again.
Though I'm being "devious" here, it does seem to not be working correctly. Maybe sorting ignores metadata of virtual copy images?
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Feb 3, 2013
Example of applying text shadow in AI script.
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Jul 26, 2012
I've been following a few tutorials that say to use Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow, but for me Drop Shadow is not available in that menu. The only thing that is available is "Glowing Edges." I'm trying to add a drop shadow to an ellipse, but I've tried it with lines and even that didn't work.
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Feb 28, 2013
I am making a sign for sign writing. The overall size is 2400mmx1800mm. so its quiet big.
But When I go to put a drop shadow behind it it comes up with this - " The combination of artwork size & resolution exceeds the maximum that can be rasterized"
Why is it saying this? How do I put a drop shadow on it?
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Feb 3, 2014
My version of Illustrator CC doesn't have any options for drop shadows etc. under stylise - is there something else I should download?
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Jun 28, 2012
Today I upgraded from Design Standard CS5.0 to CS6, and as I am running Windows 7 64bit I chose the 64-bit version of Illustrator.
Now every time I start Illustrator it reports "Error loading plugins. Drop Shadow.aip"; after clicking OK it starts normally, but obviously without the Drop Shadow plug-in.
Then, I open a new document, draw a rectangle and select Effect/Stylize/Glowing Edges; the first time in a session I do that, Illustrator produces a pop-up saying "The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error. [CANT]", but on OK shows the Glowing Edges work area without problems. After finishing the Glowing Edges effect, I can then select it in that session without getting the pop-up. As Drop Shadow is in the Stylize category of Illustrator CS5 I suppose the pop-up is a side effect of the failure to load Drop Shadow.aip.
how can I get the plug-in to load properly?
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Oct 15, 2013
I'd like to add drop shadows to layers without it hitting the background - so it only lands on the actual objects behind.
I've currently done this by creating clipping paths to mask off the unwanted areas, but this is a faily complex setup on the file I'm dealing with. If I change the positions of any of the (many) items on the artboard, I have to recreate all the masks.
Is there a simpler way without using masks, like, for example, just telling the file not to render effects on the background?
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Jan 30, 2014
I'm new to Illustrator and trying to simply just add a drop shadow to some various texts. It would seem to me that when you enter text, all you would have to do is highlight and the drop shadow option should be functional. However, that's not the case.
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Jan 29, 2014
I am trying to create a drop shadow. I know the path is effects/stylize/drop shadow. The drop shadow choice is missing from my menu. The only choice I have is "Glowing Edges".
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Feb 20, 2013
I just applied a drop shadow to a shape and then went to apply to another and suddenly it's not doing anything.
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Nov 27, 2012
I am having trouble with my drop shadow increments. In a document that is 20 cm square, I have to set the drop shadow to 0.07, 0.07 and a blur of 0.08 and in a document 90 x 55 cm, the drop shadow is .2, .2 and blur .3. I thought it might be in my preferences General is cm, Stroke and Type .. Points. Using CS6.
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Sep 24, 2013
I have a vector image of a truck. Colors will all be PMS. How do I create a drop shadow for the truck using a PMS color? I saw some responses online but they are either many years old or not as detailed. It looks like it may require a few steps, but not sure. The Effect>Stylize>Drop Shadow dialog menu only shows CMYK color options.
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Jan 1, 2012
In illustrator CS4, the stylize>drop shadow dialog does not have any options to increase the thickness of the drop shadow.
I need a thicker drop shadow to surround some text to get more separation between the text and the background.
A brute force method is to duplicate the text, make it thicker, blur it, then put it behind the original text. I'm hoping there's a more convenient way.
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Jan 13, 2014
I want an 8 x 12 piece of art. In the process of creating the image, i had to use a drop shadow. However, some of the drop shadow that I dont care about ended up going over the 8" x 12". No problem right? I simply copied the object with the shadow, put the copy on top of the object, highlighted both and made a clipping mask. The end result was perfect -- it clipped off the drop shadow that was extending over the nice white border and even off into space.
However, when I tried to export into a jpeg for print, the result had the correct size white border on the top, but the other sides were too big. Sometimes I miss a stray dot or random line that is far off of the artboard, and deleting the stray stuff corrects everything. But this time everything was fine. I realized that although the clipping mask cut off the drop shadow, illustrator still registered the drop shadow as being a part of the image and taking up space. So the jpeg doesnt show it, but the deminsions are all off.
My question is whether there is a way to manually cut off parts of a drop shadow without using the clipping mask like I did.
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