In the screenshot below, how to remove space below text? I simply added a text box using the type tool and I get that extra space bellow the letter "B" that I don't need. I want to remove that space to center the letter within the octogon.
Is there a way to remove the white space in my picture? I do *not* mean transparency. What I need is for all my coloured dots to be shifted closer together to be more compact.
Adding strokes to an object, often text (in this case outlined/expanded text), and there develops little unsightly "negative space shapes".
The white stroke has an Offset Path added to it.
How to dynamically rid an object of these? Tried drawing little paths over them, grouping them with the compound text path and using Pathfinder > Add effect . . . but nope.
The workarounds are obvious -
1) Expand everything, delete the unwanted bits. 2) Draw solid paths over the negative spaces that match the bg, like the pic below:
I have some text blocks in Illustrator CS 6 that display the red plus sign that indicates overset text but there is no overset text. It occurs in files that were created with earlier versions of Illustator and now we are reworking them. It can't be deleted. I have cut the text in the box and pasted it into a new text box to no avail. It is not a screen artifact. I have tried copying everything in the file and pasting it into a new file and the little red plus sign comes along. It doesn't print, of course.
There is a huge space under the text "with in the text-box" that makes unnecessary and unneeded space and I need a method to adjust the ".eps" hight to remove that space
I need to remove the '' from this jpeg version of a logo I have to use it for a magazine print file I am working on in indesign. I have opened the file in Illustrator (it is a very large file because it was designed for outdoor sinage.) and I thought I had better ask about the best way to do it without it affecting image or print quality.
I'm using illustrator cs6. i did a smoke text in photoshop and saved it as png-24 file.I wanted to vectorize the smoke text in illustrator.
So i placed the png files and image trace it with high fidelity photo as my preset.
I tried out all the preset,mode and so on,but it changed my smoke effects.That's why i chose high fidelity photo,bt i can't check the ignore white box, i can't remove the background.I tried low colour.but the smoke part become white colour ,obviously when i change the background colour.
Second method that i used was image trace(high fidelity photo)>expand>ungroup>delete the white part..but it doesnt work...
I am using CS6. I have created some text with a gradient fill. I have converted it to shapes before addin the Fill. I appear to get a slight black shadow arround the letters. This appears to get worse when I Export it to png with a transparent background. This black shadow is not a stoke that I have added.
ACAD 2010 text doesn't view the same in MSpace and PSpace! Model space is the acad default text: txt Paper Space it appears as it should as Romans. The drawings print as txt and not as it should Romans! When I change the text in model space to Romans, save the drawing, enter PSpace and the return to MSpace, it seems to 'reset' back to text!
This is specific to my workstation BTW, when I open the dwg file on a colleagues PC it opens Romans in both Model and Paper space.
I am relatively new to A.C. 2010 and have a recurring issue with copy and paste. Currently all I am trying to do is copy text from paper space into model space and it wont let me.
I use x-ref's inserted in model space and label in paper space - always.
I would like to see a way of locking out model space while editing text in paper space. Unless you double click right on the text, you often end up in Model Space...I know - big deal right? It can become annoying or a big deal when a deadline is looming - when is one never? Also big fan of locking viewports.
I have been working on a set of residential drawings. I Have read several different ways to achieve text size when plotting.
I currently have all my text and dimscale set to 0" height. I have the 'scale dimensions to layout (paper space)' radio button checked. However, I cannot see even the slightest hint of test when looking at my screen. I sent a dwg to a friend of mine who plotted it. no text was visible. What height should I set the text to in order to achieve an 1/8" tall plotted text? I cannot see text in either the model space or in the paper space.
I added a number of clips to a new project and then realized the result would be too long for a good quality DVD. I've edited the ones I want to retain and deleted the others. The deleted clips all followed the edited ones.
However the space taken by the deleted ones still appears on the timeline although the clips are not on the storyboard. The project duration window still shows the original length.
I'm in hopes there is a technique whereas I can paint within the black areas to remove the white spec without worrying about going over the edge, as I would with a black paint brush. I tried different brush blending modes (screen,overlay,multiply) didn't do the trick.
I have some large collections of images: columns of 8 to 10 images across with as many as 40 to 60 rows. These are exported from a program called CatDV Pro. Between each row is gray space -- my problem is that I need to reduce that gray separator between the rows to make a better visual display and also to get it to fit on the page of the book. I have about 30 to 40 of these image collections to process.
Some things I cannot do: reduce the size of the gray separators in CatDV Pro -- not possible. It is only possible to export the entire page of images together. Sure I could export each individual image but that would be a garganuan task -- not practical.
I don't want to cut and paste indivdual images or rows. Sure, it's possible but not at all practical.
I have tried Content Aware Scaling and it is not uniform enough. Some rows squish before others. I know about protecting some area in Content Aware Scaling but that doesn't seem practical either, not with 40 rows. Maybe I'm missing something there.
Here is a small sample of what I start with:
And here is what I want to end up with. (keep in mind the actual files have many more rows):
How can i remove the white space from this JPEG image (attached to this post) so that I can overlap it with another image without the white space showing?
The image is actually saved as a rectangle with the white space on the top right hand corner, where it curves.
I am using Elements 12 and want to remove the extra spacing that is automatically inserted between paragraphs after a hard return. Is there some way to adjust the extra spacing before/after a paragraph in Elements?
In my drawing I have lot of MTEXTS having unwanted spaces in between the text strings.
A lisp to remove space from MTEXT. Here i am attaching sample drawing with MTEXT which is to be modify. Magenta color MTEXT need to modify like yellow color MTEXT.
I do a lot of CD designs, and often I have my text centered on the front covers. When I put the text centered, however, PSP is added an extra space to the end of text, so when I center it on the canvas the text is actually off-center to the left. When I go into edit the text, there is no space on the right of the words to delete.
With the text selected this is how it looks: The right edge of the frame should be flush with the right edge of the last 'T'.
Instead of adding text as a prefix or suffix i would like to know if it is possible aswell to remove text from within text: For example:
I have these texts "I am not good", "he is not good", "what not to be" And i would like to remove the word "not" from all selected text so i would get "i am good", "he is good" , "what to be". The set word not will always be the same, so there is no need for user string input.
I have problems with text frame alignment. When I set the distance between page's border and text frame the actual one is different i.e. I set 30 mm and it's exactly the distance between the border and the text frame border. However I would like to have 30 mm as a distance between text and the edge of a paper. In example below it's slightly more (dotted line).
I get this problem with Illustrator too...when I right align some text, each line of text is pushed all the way to the right, except for the bottom line of the text block. There remains one space - so the bottom line doesn't push all the way to the right.
Can anyone show me how to remove EVERYTHING in a picture except for 1 layer which happens to be rasterized text. I want the picture to have no backround whatsoever, only this layer showing. I have no clue how to remove the backround area since deleting the backround layer doesn't do anything.