AutoCad :: Dimensions Text Not Showing - Just Displays A Red Line

May 16, 2011

As you see in the picture, the word Kitchen appears fine but the red line is where the dimension of the table top is supposed to be. It should show 6999.820mm or something , but it just displays a red line.

I just started learning AutoCAD 2010 through some videos and I came across this problem, how to rectify.

I changed my Units to mm, changed it before drawing.

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AutoCad 2D :: Line Dimensions Not Showing Up?

Oct 25, 2012

I have been given a basic autocad drawing to work over but whenever I start drawing a line starting from one of the existing lines, no dimensions or details appear for the line I am drawing. However, when I start drawing a new line not conected to the existing drawing it is normal.

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Photoshop :: Text In Function Boxes Displays As A Line

Aug 15, 2013

with screen resolution but all other adobe products i have doont have the problem that photoshop has.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Command Line Typing Displays At Cross Hairs

Jul 20, 2012

I keep my command line docked, but as I type a command  as an example "LINE" it displays my typing where

my cross hairs are. I want it to display at the docked command line not at my crosshair location

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AutoCad :: Auto Label Every Line Length Of Schematic / Displays On Drawing

Jul 3, 2013

Is there a way to auto label every line length of a schematic so that it displays on the cad drawing? Sort of like using the linear dimension tool but for all available lines of a layer or line within a drawing.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 :: Text Showing Up As Blue Dotted Line On Projects And Not Staying?

Mar 31, 2013

My text was working fine til today, now when I try typing text, it is showing as a blank box, until I click outside of it, then it shows as a blue dotted line on the text. Then when I send it to the laser, it is not there!( laser engraver or the printer). I just want the text to be normal, like it was 2 days ago! Before, I could click anywhere, type, and it showed up with no problems!

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Automatically Showing Dimensions

Aug 8, 2012

I just switched from Autocad 2007 to 2013. In 2007, when you move your mouse cursor on a vertice of a selected geometry, a rectangle for example, Autocad will automatically display the dimension of the geometry. This features seems to have been turned off by default. How to turn it back on?

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AutoCad 2D :: Dimensions Not Showing In Paper Space

Jan 21, 2012

I added a lot of dimensions to my drawing(in model space) and none of them are visible in paper space. I tried turning the layer off and on, but it still doesn't show them.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Dimensions Are Not Showing When Trying To Draw?

Aug 13, 2011

I don't know whether I pressed something and switched off the dimensions display. When I started to use Autocad I could type in the dimensions of a box I wanted to draw and it would be highlighted in blue to let me know whether I was typing in dimensions for the height or the width of the box, but now I can't see it displayed. And when I click on line a previously drew it no longer shows what the dimension of that line anymore. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Dimension Displays With No Text?

Apr 30, 2013

I am trying to dimension a room in AutoCAD 2014, drawing in Architectual mode using the default template. I attached a screenshot of what I am seeing, the red lines are my dimensions but they show up with no text and I cannot figure out how to get the text to display.

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AutoCad 2D :: Text Displays And Prints With Outline Only?

Jan 17, 2013

I have a .shx font from our state DOT that I need to include on my sheets. The problem is on some drawings it is filled (like I want) and on others it is open (which is bad). The text is located in the layout tab. I've tried all of the following regular fixes with no luck:

Set the FILL command to on.
Set the FILLMODE system variable to 1.
Set the TEXTFILL system variable to 1.
In the Plot dialog box, clear Hide Objects.
Turn off the Hideplot property of the viewport.

I am guessing the problem is drawing specific bacuause I can copy the text back and forth between good and bad drawings and the fill comes and goes.

The same text object in 2 different drawings.

I also exported my system variables from the good and bad drawings and compared the two and none of the variables that matter were different.

I would just copy the drawings over into my good template and be done with it, but I have a large number of files that were created around the office that now have outlined text and don't have the time to monkey around copying all the drawings over to the good template. I know the long term solution is to get people to do things right in the first place, but in the mean time I'm hoping to be able to just change a variable and have the text be filled.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Text Docker Displays Wrong Height Of Text?

Jan 14, 2013

If I click on any text the docker shows the incorrect height of the text.  I have typed in an measured a 4" H and the docker display tell me its over 5.5". 

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Illustrator :: Text In CS6 Displays Red Plus Sign But There Is No Overset Text - How To Remove

Jan 8, 2014

I have some text blocks in Illustrator CS 6 that display the red plus sign that indicates overset text but there is no overset text. It occurs in files that were created with earlier versions of Illustator and now we are reworking them. It can't be deleted. I have cut the text in the box and pasted it into a new text box to no avail. It is not a screen artifact. I have tried copying everything in the file and pasting it into a new file and the little red plus sign comes along. It doesn't print, of course.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Displays Differently In Different Files?

Jun 20, 2013

I am trying to use our standard room name block in two new files from a client but it is not showing up the way it is supposed to.  It looks like a totally different font.  I have checked the text options box and it says it's "romans", just like it is supposed to, but it does not look right.  It also does it with regular mtext that I copy in from another file.  Once I change it back it looks right, but when I pull it in, it defaults to Romans and @arialunicode MS.  I'm assuminng that's what the block is doing as well, but how do I fix that? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 All Icon Text Displays As Boxes

Jan 25, 2011

The PC (running XP PRO 32bit) in question is at a middle school, so I'm sure someone was playing with settings, but I cannot find what they changed. underneath each screen icon that should say INVENTOR STUDIO, APPLICATION OPTIONS, SHEETMETAL, MODEL, etc. etc...all that shows is boxes; it's like they've either changed the language for the app to chinese (or other unsupported/unloaded in our OS) or some system font is haywire, but this only is affecting Inventor 2011 so far so I believe they changed a setting in the app.  Once I get into a menu option; the text for each tab is correctly displayed.  Where would one set the text/font for all icons in the Inventor 2011 interface?

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AutoCAD LT :: Decimal Is Showing Up In Wrong Spot For Alternative Units In Dimensions?

Nov 3, 2011

I need to show feet and meters in  my drawing.  I got them to show up, however the decimal is in the wrong spot.  Instead of it being 1.8288 meters for 6 ft., it's showing as 1828.8.  Everything I read says to 'just move the decimal'.  But how do I do that without overriding the actual dimension?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Make Line Boundary Around Multi-line Text Region Corresponding To Text Mask?

Apr 27, 2010

I need to do it quickly with many text regions. How to make line boundary around multi-line text region corresponding to text mask?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit Dimension By Double Clicking After Showing Feature Dimensions In 2012?

May 21, 2012

In 2010 and previous releases I recall being able to show the feature dimension by right clicking "Show Dimensions" and then being able to double click on any visible dimension and change its value.  I don't see this behavior in 2012.  Is there a setting to turn this on?

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AutoCAD LT :: Convert Single Line Text To Multi Line Text

Oct 7, 2011

I need to convert single-line text into multi-line text (AutoCAD LT 2009). Will this version allow you to do so?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Single Line Text To Multi Line Text?

Dec 14, 2011

I know that there was a command that would convert single line text to multi-line text but I can not find it. It use to be tt2mt or something like that.

I can not find this command in the help either. Did they get rid of this command like zoom center?

how to take multiple single line text and add them together into one multi-line text?

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Revit :: Temporary Dimensions Not Showing On Both Direction?

Jun 6, 2013

I'm placing lighting fixtures in an RCP, and after I place the light and select it, I only get temp dims in the vertical direction on screen, not the horizontal. Before I click to locate the object, the temp dims in both directions show up, but as soon as I click to place, only one tmep dim shows up.
If I place an aligned dimension from a wall face to the center of the light, and then selct the light, the dimension is not activated to adjust the distance. If I want to move the light, I have to drag it - I cannot input the distance into the dimension.
This makes trying to center a light in a room, or a set distance froma wall, next to impossible and extremely annoying and ecessively time comsuming.

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VideoStudio :: Burned Movie Displays Text Over Everything

Jan 24, 2012

I edited some video for my daughter's drama class and burned a disk for her. When my daughter presented for the class on her teacher's computer there was text covering the video that seemingly had nothing to do with the video. I can't reproduce it and I don't even know what kind of system the teacher uses, but is there some trick to burning a disk so that it displays the same on anything and everything?

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AutoCad :: How To Make Dimensions Of A Line

Aug 14, 2011

I have recently gotten Autocad 2012 and played around. I am trying to figure out how to make the dimensions of a line that you are currently drawing show up in standard units (feet inches). Right now it shows up as numbers with decimals. I tried DIMSTYLE but couldn't figure out what to change.

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AutoCad 2D :: Dimensions With Arc - Associative Line?

Jun 1, 2011

When I pull a piece of text away from a dimension line, is there a way to make the associative line that appears an arc instead of a line?

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AutoCad 2D :: Dimensions Going All Over Place After Trimming A Line

Mar 22, 2011

A coworker and I are having the same problem with dimensions. For example, we have a polyline that has been dimensioned and then we will either need to trim or break a small portion out. When we trim or break the line the dimensions on that line fly all over the place so we end up needed to re-dimension everything. We have had this problem in AutoCAD 2008, 2010, and 2011. Maybe we need to change a variable? The polylines have a zero Z-axis and it does not happen everytime we trim or break but enough to become annoying. Our CAD Manager had as try to disassociate the dimension, break the line, and then reassociate it but that didn't work; the dimensions were still shifted around.

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AutoCAD LT :: Drawing Redefines Itself In Line With New Dimensions

Oct 3, 2011

I have a basic drawing with dimensions A, B, C, D & E. Can those dimensions be tabulated in such a way that they can be altered within the table so that the drawing redefines itself in line with the new dimensions?

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AutoCad :: Line To Exact Dimensions Not Just Change The Number

Nov 2, 2011

Is there a way to dimension in AutoCAD LT?

For example: I draw a line and when I dimension it, it comes up as 9.32, but I want that line to be 5.1. Is there a way to dimension this line? Is there code that I should be familiar with? I need the line to be exact dimensions, not just change the number.

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AutoCad :: Showing Gradient Of A Line

Jun 27, 2011

I am using autocad 2011 (first time using it). I have a line that is drawn at an angle, but i want to show the gradient of the line in 1 in x terms is this possible .

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Modifying Dimensions Over Dimension Line With Leader

Feb 21, 2013

For my dimension style, I have my text placement set to over dimension line, with leader, so I can drag the actual text outside the dimension line with a leader attached when necessary, but when I try to move the text outside of the dimension line it always draws the leader underlining the entire piece of text that I have moved. Is there a way to control the leader to attach to the middle of the line and not underline the entire piece of text when doing this operation?

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Input Displaying Dimensions In Middle Of Line

Sep 21, 2012

I have a problem with Dynamic Input suddenly displaying dimensions in the middle of a line rather than on screen as I work. What I mean is that if I draw a line the length of the line is displayed at the center of the line. When I zoom in to one end of this line the display of the length of the line is no longer displayed on screen but remains at the center of the line. I use AutoCAD 2008.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Radius And Diameter Dimensions Keep Jumping From Original Line?

Aug 7, 2012

My radius and diameter dimensions keep jumping from my original line to another, see attached

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