AutoCad :: Line To Exact Dimensions Not Just Change The Number
Nov 2, 2011
Is there a way to dimension in AutoCAD LT?
For example: I draw a line and when I dimension it, it comes up as 9.32, but I want that line to be 5.1. Is there a way to dimension this line? Is there code that I should be familiar with? I need the line to be exact dimensions, not just change the number.
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Jun 22, 2011
After using autocad for a while, I got some questions i'd like to ask.
1) In my line of work, I have to label the items I draw in every CAD file, multileader is a nice tool to have but how do I keep the styles I make so that it "transfers" over to a new CAD file?
I have to keep making a new style everytime I create a new drawing. I would like for the default style to stay after I edit it.
2) Is there a way or command that lets me scale an object to exact dimensions? For example, I have a 800 by 750 table in my block library, the size I need is 950 by 820, normally I would have to explode it then stretch it manually on the x and y axis, is there a way to scale it up to 950 by 820 through a command?
3) I don't know what I hit, but I can't seem to select multiple objects just by clicking on them anymore, I now have to hold down the SHIFT key. How do I revert this?
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Jun 2, 2013
I'm creating a logo for a newspaper ad for an attorney. It would be very easy to create by itself, but the damn dimensions keep changing.
Whenever I try and create a new file W 2.646 " x H 2.895 " it changes W to 2.458 " which I DO NOT WANT and the image cannot be used unless the width is correct.
This is really frustrating and I was wondering if there was ANY way I can turn this dumb thing off. I want EXACT dimensions and it keeps changing it.
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Jul 5, 2012
I am using CorelDraw X4 and I am having problems printing exact sizes. The printer I am using is the HP designjet Z6100 (42 inch). Recently I tried to print a sign that needed to be exactly 17inches but it came out 16.5inches. When I clicked on the image it said that it was 17inches, but does not print correctly.
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Jan 24, 2009
Originally noticed individuals faces were just slightly elongated on the monitor screen.
Used printer profile template and did not zoom to where you had to scroll up or down, etc. Although smaller than actual size, the entire image fit on the screen. Measured width and height and then calculated to see how far off the image ratio actually was. It was indeed slightly elongated.
Did this on two 17" monitors with different dimensions (Length & Width)and different monitor resolutions. Did this with both Windows XP and Mac Book Pro using the same image in Photoshop CS2 (Win) and CS3 (Mac). The Windows image is slightly more elongated than the Mac. The Mac screen resolution is slightly greater than the Windows. The image on the Mac is less elongated than that of the Windows but nonetheless elongated.
Never noticed until the recent purchase of the Mac.
The XP system prints exactly to scale. Have not yet printed with the Mac.
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May 9, 2004
I've created a FIRE psd image and saved it as a jpg file:
I would now like to use this image. To do this I need to reduce this image to the following precise dimenstions: height: 238, width: 264. I know how to select and trim the image that I want using the Square deselect tool. No problem there. What I don't understand is how can I see the precise dimensions of this new image BEFORE I save it as a new file. Is there a way for me to see these dimensions as I select the image and adjust the selection accordingly?
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Oct 17, 2011
I am trying to size a simple graphic/logo so that it is a certain number of pixels wide at 300dpi.
For example, I need the image to be 3 inches wide and able to be printed at 300dpi.
How do I specify the exact image dimensions and maintain a DPI of 300?
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Dec 2, 2012
I have me riding a giant bird with a transparent background, with the pixel dimensions of 3000x3373 and I have a sky picture with the EXACT same dimensions (3000x3373) that I want to use as a background by rearranging the layers, but when I paste the sky background it pasts onto the bird picture at only <10% of the size of the bird picture EVEN THOUGH both images are the EXACT same dimensions.
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Aug 4, 2012
I have resized the image in Photoshop CS5 using Perfect Resize. The image dimensions are 20.00 inches x 13.33 inches. In the Lightroom print module, I chose these settings: cell size to 20.00 in x 13.33 in. All the margins are set to 0.00. "Zoom to Fill" is not checked.Page Setup: 17 x 22 paper. Manual - rear-borderless (retain size) .The size printed is 20.5 in x 13.75 in..What should I be doing to get the print size to match the cell size of 20.00 x 13.33?
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Aug 25, 2012
Is there any way to enter exact position coordinates ( x, y) and dimensions for objects in P'shop? For example, putting a photo in an exact position and sizing it by other than dragging handles with the mouse?
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Aug 5, 2011
I am having a problem trying to get text to fit to exact dimensions. Here is a link to a graphic representation of the problem I will explain below: [URL] ..........
This is an example of a plaque I'm working on. The red box Q will be a photograph while the black box will be text (represented by the blue lines). I have a specific body of text that needs to fit inside the black box such that the left margin (segment AB) is exactly 1/2 inch from box Q. Further, the text should also be exactly 1/2 inch from box Q at segment BC, such that the top of the text meets this 1/2 inch margin.
I can't make the text fit correctly. If you notice the text line labeled Z, you'll see that the top of the text does not reach the segment BC, meaning that the distance between box Q and the top of the text Z is much greater than 1/2 inch. If this is the case, the picture in box Q will be surrounded by unequal space on the right (AB) as compared to the bottom (BC). Furthermore, the text beginning at point A and the text labeled X also need to reach the exact margins of the black box to meet the exact dimensions of the borders of the final piece.
When I use something like Text > Paragraph Text Frame > Fit Text to Shape, what happens is the line labeled Y clearly sits to low, making the line spacing force line Z too far from segment BC.
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Dec 4, 2012
I was adding a lot of aligned dimensions to a drawing and some where along the way they changed from aligned dimensions to rotated dimensions, even in the same string of dimensions.
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Feb 2, 2012
I would like to draw a line that is a specific length, lets say 16, that originates from a specific x,y location say 10,23, that terminates at exactly atleast the y coordinate 38. I don't care about the x or the angle.
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May 27, 2012
I am new to AutoCAD and I want to draw something in it, I have taken screen shot of a google map and placed it in AutoCAD, Now I want this map to be scaled proper size, for example I have 880meter x 330meters but placed object is only 20' x 15'.
How can I resize it or how can I make my drawn line to be exact 880meters ? ( I will resize my picture according to my drawn line).
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May 22, 2012
How can you dview / twist to get the view twist angle to match a line exact?
I can enter an angle but the angle of my line is not to an exact degree or degree decimal. 2013 Civil 3D
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Dec 11, 2012
it's been awhile since I have been back to autocad. I draw a line an exact length then when I try to dimension it with a fraction it rounds up. I can't find the setting. It is say 5 1/2" but will dimension to 6"..
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Sep 27, 2012
I just started using Autocad LT 2004. It seem unusual that when a dimension is drawn there is no reference to the unit such as inch or feet?
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Jul 16, 2008
way to draw a line down the exact center of an image, and possibly make the line look cool. I'm trying to create a custom Magic the Gathering playmat thing for a program for testing decks out.
I tried the line tool, but it doesn't seem to allow you to fill it in with the paintbucket after, or do anything with it for that matter. I just want a cool looking divider.
Then I might create another split into 3 sections vertically for 6v6 battles, any way to measure this out automatically?
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Jan 9, 2013
i need to mark all of my dimensions with a balloon number or make a PPAP "bubble" print. i only know how to use balloon dimensioning for Sub Assy's.
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Aug 14, 2011
I have recently gotten Autocad 2012 and played around. I am trying to figure out how to make the dimensions of a line that you are currently drawing show up in standard units (feet inches). Right now it shows up as numbers with decimals. I tried DIMSTYLE but couldn't figure out what to change.
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Jun 1, 2011
When I pull a piece of text away from a dimension line, is there a way to make the associative line that appears an arc instead of a line?
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Oct 25, 2012
I have been given a basic autocad drawing to work over but whenever I start drawing a line starting from one of the existing lines, no dimensions or details appear for the line I am drawing. However, when I start drawing a new line not conected to the existing drawing it is normal.
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Mar 22, 2011
A coworker and I are having the same problem with dimensions. For example, we have a polyline that has been dimensioned and then we will either need to trim or break a small portion out. When we trim or break the line the dimensions on that line fly all over the place so we end up needed to re-dimension everything. We have had this problem in AutoCAD 2008, 2010, and 2011. Maybe we need to change a variable? The polylines have a zero Z-axis and it does not happen everytime we trim or break but enough to become annoying. Our CAD Manager had as try to disassociate the dimension, break the line, and then reassociate it but that didn't work; the dimensions were still shifted around.
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Oct 3, 2011
I have a basic drawing with dimensions A, B, C, D & E. Can those dimensions be tabulated in such a way that they can be altered within the table so that the drawing redefines itself in line with the new dimensions?
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Sep 6, 2013
i need to Create aligned CS line with increasing Chainage Number and Name through a center line (yellow line). The CS lines are 25 meter apart, it can be done by ME command, but can not automatically increase the Chainage number and CS number.
the CS number (CS-1200) is increasing by 1, like CS-1200, CS-1201, CS-1202, ....also The chainage number (CH Km 29+975) is increased by 25, Example: CH Km 29+975 , CH Km 30+000, CH Km 30+025, CH Km 30+050....
i would like to do it automatically, otherwise i have to keep editing for a long time,
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May 16, 2011
As you see in the picture, the word Kitchen appears fine but the red line is where the dimension of the table top is supposed to be. It should show 6999.820mm or something , but it just displays a red line.
I just started learning AutoCAD 2010 through some videos and I came across this problem, how to rectify.
I changed my Units to mm, changed it before drawing.
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Dec 5, 2011
I have a problem with a recently downloaded version of Inventor. When I start a new drawing all I get is a blank blue screen instead of one with a grid display. If I start a line I can see the cursor change to draw the line but a line does not appear. I don't know if it something with how I installed the program or just system settings.
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Sep 16, 2011
I am working in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010. I have put together a 11x17 mapset which has 30 pages. Each page has a title block with a corresponding page number. Instead of changing each title block page number one at a time, how do I change the number sequence all at once?
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Oct 24, 2012
I need to have symbolized linestyles on a number of 3D polylines in mapping data.We normally would simply explode the 3D poly's, and our linestyles display fine.
The linestyles also display fine if we change the 3D polylines to polylines.HOWEVER, with the current dataset we have very high point density on our 3D polylines, and we need to preserve the elevation attributes of the lines.
If we explode the lines we end up with so many tiny segments that they will not display the linestyles - changing the linetype scale eventually will show the style, but at far too small a size to be relevant.
We also, in most of the layers, are not able to change the 3D polylines to polylines - we must preserve the 3D attributes of the lines.So the problem is that we can't explode the 3D polylines, and we can't flatten them either, but we want the linestyles to display.We are using Map3D primarily, but can access C3D if a solution is available there.
The precise scenario is for instance a line which is a top of embankment, but which has points at around 30cm intervals, over a line length of 206m. This particular dataset has several hundred lines like this, and the linestyle we are trying to display is a simple set of repeating ticks off one side of the line.
We are experimenting with weeding the points, but the shape of the lines is being considerably downgraded by this this point we are most likely going to have to present this data without linestyles for these features - not our first choice.
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Jul 6, 2013
I seem to be having trouble changing the lineweight of my profile line. I have changed the line weight in the layer properties, in the Profile properties and tried changed the line weight in the pen style. Everywhere I could think I try to make the line thicker but when I plot, the line is still the same and difficult to distinguish from the grid blocks of the profile view.
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Sep 7, 2013
I must be missing something fundamental when trying to change a line from a solid line to a hidden or dashed line in Autocad 2000. I use the ltype command then load either Hidden, or dashed ISO,or both, and invariably the scale is way off in that I always end up with a still solid line, after using modify properties. After all that, every line I draw after that comes out dashed. Maybe I should fool with the layers? Is there a basic procedure I should follow here?
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