CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Type Facing Text To Exact Dimensions
Aug 5, 2011
I am having a problem trying to get text to fit to exact dimensions. Here is a link to a graphic representation of the problem I will explain below: [URL] ..........
This is an example of a plaque I'm working on. The red box Q will be a photograph while the black box will be text (represented by the blue lines). I have a specific body of text that needs to fit inside the black box such that the left margin (segment AB) is exactly 1/2 inch from box Q. Further, the text should also be exactly 1/2 inch from box Q at segment BC, such that the top of the text meets this 1/2 inch margin.
I can't make the text fit correctly. If you notice the text line labeled Z, you'll see that the top of the text does not reach the segment BC, meaning that the distance between box Q and the top of the text Z is much greater than 1/2 inch. If this is the case, the picture in box Q will be surrounded by unequal space on the right (AB) as compared to the bottom (BC). Furthermore, the text beginning at point A and the text labeled X also need to reach the exact margins of the black box to meet the exact dimensions of the borders of the final piece.
When I use something like Text > Paragraph Text Frame > Fit Text to Shape, what happens is the line labeled Y clearly sits to low, making the line spacing force line Z too far from segment BC.
I've just published to PDF a booklet I created. It will be printed but my client asks me for a screen version to be mailed. The problem is that if I set Acrobat Reader to "facing pages" the front cover (page 1) is displayed with page 2, but I want the cover to be shown alone and then page 2&3, 4&5 and so on until the back cover.
I hope this makes a sense to you.
Is there a way to create such a PDF document from Corel Draw X4?
issues using True Type Fonts when printing some text through CorelDraw x6. Basically I do screen printing, and I have issues printing TTF's... The text when it prints out chops letters/adds spacing where its not needed, and towards the end of the sheet of vellum - starts to print the first letter of word on the left over again...
I haven't had issues printing off of my HP printer, but that broke so I invested in a BROTHER HL-2230 monochrome laser printer.
I was using Ghostscript and CorelDRAW X5 and it worked great, now have a new computer and dont see it loaded anymore, but does CorelDRAW x6 ( which I have now) have a Ghostscript built into it?what are the exact steps to print halftones? I have a HP P2055dn laser printer
I have recently stumbled upon a problem I cannot correct. I am using Corel 11 and although I have the default CMYK palette selected, all the colors ( for CorelDraw and PhotoPaint) are in 255 percentages as opposed to the 100% CMYK model. I must have inadverdently selected this color mode but cannot figure out how to revert back to the 100% model. This makes it impossible to determine the exact color you want based on CMYK percentages. I know this is a RGB model but all colors are displayed in CMYK ex. C- 233 M- 122 Y- 114 K- 155.
Finding linear dimensions in the find/replace dialog in the edit menu? X6 doesn't seem to be working like prior versions and I can't find and group select dimensions.
When I draw an object it is difficult to get it to an exact size. When I adjust the size in the property bar the percentage changes. I need it to remain at 100% because I later apply a percentage change to it. Is there a way to reset the percentage value to 100% without the dimensions reverting back to their original value?
Alternatively, is there a way to create an object from the property bar alone?
We just started using X6 here at work, we were using X3. In X3 I never had a problem with page dimensions, with X6 anytime I go 200" or more in either dimension I get blank PDFs. 199" by 199" works just fine.
Often I find that if I have a bitmap within coreldraw and click edit bitmap, do some edits, and then save and return to draw, the dimensions have changed very slightly.
For example I just edited a bitmap that was 24.25" x 9.5" by clicking edit bitmap. I then made some tone adjustments and brushed out a spot, and hit save in photopaint. Now back in draw, I find the image has been scaled slightly down to 24.25" x 9.477" (9.447 instead of 9.5)
I use CorelDraw X4 to design CD covers that need Devanagari characters. However I found that using fonts like Mangal (which is used for devanagari in MSOffice) is not supported - the double-consonants are displayed incorrectly. how to type in Devanagari in CDR X4?
is it possible to display dimensions when you select the object (Appeared inside the object ).
As because i have to look for the property bar again and again for the dimensions since my eyes are soring as it appears in very less size. If it appears the inside the object with appealing big size, then it could be easier for the user to note the size instantly despite of observing the property bar.
In Coreldrawx6 64bit when i resize the font, change the font in another type. How is possible this? This problem is typing measure in top toolbar, not if i resize manually. I post a sequence about this problem.
Figure 1) The text CdC is a Courier10 BT and Laboratory i Clarendon BT Figure 2) I change measure in top and fonts change all graphic.
As part of a "kit", I need to export my files to 8 different file types. I've never really checked the .ai file type before as to how it appears. I did, however, tonight and found awful results. When I import my .ai file back in it looks awful. I'll post samples so you can see.... How to fix this on export? (How to upload both files so the one you see below is the result of the .ai export)
I am using CorelDraw X4 and I am having problems printing exact sizes. The printer I am using is the HP designjet Z6100 (42 inch). Recently I tried to print a sign that needed to be exactly 17inches but it came out 16.5inches. When I clicked on the image it said that it was 17inches, but does not print correctly.
I seem to vaguely recall a method from some vector drawing program where you can press or hold ctrl or alt or shift and change the next type of node you will draw while using the bezier tool, or the pen tool, or the multi-line tool.
Is there any way to do this in 12, or use VBA to make it happen. I really just need to switch back and fourth between cusp and symmetrical.
What's the easiest way to determine if an Open Type font is enhanced with ligatures, optional caps, etc? I have not found any means other than to open each one individually and try to implement the features.
I have an arc shape that I'm trying to fill with a gradient-type blend where it will be 0% spot on the lower left side gradually going around to 100% spot on the lower right side. The example I have attached shows the shape on the left with a conical fountain just to give an idea of something close, but it won't actually work for my shape. I also attached a cdr X5 file which contains a blend I was working on, but can't seem to get it to work (that is the shape on the right). I tried cutting it in half which works, but I still can't get it.
Not sure if this is expected behavior but I've found that it's only possible to snap to one type of guide/grid at any given time.
For example if you want to snap to a guideline in the horizontal and the pixel grid in the vertical, you won't be able to. Instead, the snap will work on the guide and completely ignore the pixel grid.
Corel Supports Unicode & Open type Features but does not show ithi oberon,can you tell me why the screen shows combined ligature while corel document shows part of ligature made of.i wanna use text as displayed in encode check the first word Language Gujarati
why (sometimes) when I export text or graphics as .eps files to my cutter it cuts the same outline up to four to five times and ends up cutting right through the backing paper. I have been using postcut with various corel editions since 1997 with no problems until recently. It also cuts random lines through lines of text which is such an expensive pain in the ass.
I started to use the production manager in flexi sign to cut my designs and same thing happens, except for the random lines but it will make up to five cuts on some objects. All text and graphics are exported the same. Has something in corel newer versions changed in relation to this?
Often whatever I'm working on in X4 disappears off the document page when I zoom in or out. It's still there (I can see it in the print preview)and I can print it, but I can't see it no matter what view (e.g., normal, draft, etc.) I select. If I select the entire page I can see the graphic and text handles, but nothing else. The only way I can see my work again is to save it, close the program, and then re-open the file. My computer is a Dell Precision Work Station T3400 running Vista Ultimate with an Intel Core2 Quad CPU, 4GB RAM, and my graphics card is an NVIDIA Quadro FX 570 256MB. All my software and drivers are up to date. The problem occurs no matter what screen resolution or refresh rate I'm using.
X5 Recently have begun missing parts of print out. Tried to duplicate but appears completely random.
Output to both Full colour laser and Wide Format printers will miss either text or part of objects. Today printed the text but not the text effects. Initially closed and reopened, rebooted, However this has become a now daily feature so regardless tried reprint from the same screen so next print has everything included.
Very costly and time consuming - print preview shows all correct but output is not the same.
I had several CorelDraw documents that crashes on me, and the auto-backup did not work.
In all these documents, if I open the text paragraph window and typed on it, the entire program will crash if I exit that window after finishing.
I discovered that if I typed directly on the text paragraph, it will not crash. That means do not open the text paragraph window to do editing. But this makes editing very slow since it seems to be more memory intensive.
Strange the auto-backup directory/folder always do not have my backup files too.
A client sent me their logo where the name is straight across. They would now like to wrap it around the circle in their logo... They do not know the name of the font, what the font couldn't id it, not much response on their forum...
Is there a way to fit text to path, where the text has already been converted to curves?