Originally noticed individuals faces were just slightly elongated on the monitor screen.
Used printer profile template and did not zoom to where you had to scroll up or down, etc. Although smaller than actual size, the entire image fit on the screen. Measured width and height and then calculated to see how far off the image ratio actually was. It was indeed slightly elongated.
Did this on two 17" monitors with different dimensions (Length & Width)and different monitor resolutions. Did this with both Windows XP and Mac Book Pro using the same image in Photoshop CS2 (Win) and CS3 (Mac). The Windows image is slightly more elongated than the Mac. The Mac screen resolution is slightly greater than the Windows. The image on the Mac is less elongated than that of the Windows but nonetheless elongated.
Never noticed until the recent purchase of the Mac.
The XP system prints exactly to scale. Have not yet printed with the Mac.
I've created a FIRE psd image and saved it as a jpg file:
I would now like to use this image. To do this I need to reduce this image to the following precise dimenstions: height: 238, width: 264. I know how to select and trim the image that I want using the Square deselect tool. No problem there. What I don't understand is how can I see the precise dimensions of this new image BEFORE I save it as a new file. Is there a way for me to see these dimensions as I select the image and adjust the selection accordingly?
I have resized the image in Photoshop CS5 using Perfect Resize. The image dimensions are 20.00 inches x 13.33 inches. In the Lightroom print module, I chose these settings: cell size to 20.00 in x 13.33 in. All the margins are set to 0.00. "Zoom to Fill" is not checked.Page Setup: 17 x 22 paper. Manual - rear-borderless (retain size) .The size printed is 20.5 in x 13.75 in..What should I be doing to get the print size to match the cell size of 20.00 x 13.33?
I can create the exact Raven image I want from a photograph he found.However, no matter how I try to fill in the silhouette, no matter what commands I attempt (such as convert to shape), all that happens when I attempt to set fill color as black is that the line changes color. It's as if the line itself is the shape, if that makes sense.
By the way, I originally traced it with a series of lines and then joined them, as I couldn't do this with one continuous line.
I tried converting to shape and then combining and intersecting, subtracting, you name it, using a black shape behind the lines, hoping to get a black Raven image. But to no avail. What do I need to do to fix this? I'm thinking if I retrace it again, I'll likely make the same mistake(s). I searched for a solution in this forum, but "fill" gets a ton of results.
I'm creating a logo for a newspaper ad for an attorney. It would be very easy to create by itself, but the damn dimensions keep changing.
Whenever I try and create a new file W 2.646 " x H 2.895 " it changes W to 2.458 " which I DO NOT WANT and the image cannot be used unless the width is correct.
This is really frustrating and I was wondering if there was ANY way I can turn this dumb thing off. I want EXACT dimensions and it keeps changing it.
I am using CorelDraw X4 and I am having problems printing exact sizes. The printer I am using is the HP designjet Z6100 (42 inch). Recently I tried to print a sign that needed to be exactly 17inches but it came out 16.5inches. When I clicked on the image it said that it was 17inches, but does not print correctly.
I have me riding a giant bird with a transparent background, with the pixel dimensions of 3000x3373 and I have a sky picture with the EXACT same dimensions (3000x3373) that I want to use as a background by rearranging the layers, but when I paste the sky background it pasts onto the bird picture at only <10% of the size of the bird picture EVEN THOUGH both images are the EXACT same dimensions.
After using autocad for a while, I got some questions i'd like to ask.
1) In my line of work, I have to label the items I draw in every CAD file, multileader is a nice tool to have but how do I keep the styles I make so that it "transfers" over to a new CAD file?
I have to keep making a new style everytime I create a new drawing. I would like for the default style to stay after I edit it.
2) Is there a way or command that lets me scale an object to exact dimensions? For example, I have a 800 by 750 table in my block library, the size I need is 950 by 820, normally I would have to explode it then stretch it manually on the x and y axis, is there a way to scale it up to 950 by 820 through a command?
3) I don't know what I hit, but I can't seem to select multiple objects just by clicking on them anymore, I now have to hold down the SHIFT key. How do I revert this?
For example: I draw a line and when I dimension it, it comes up as 9.32, but I want that line to be 5.1. Is there a way to dimension this line? Is there code that I should be familiar with? I need the line to be exact dimensions, not just change the number.
Is there any way to enter exact position coordinates ( x, y) and dimensions for objects in P'shop? For example, putting a photo in an exact position and sizing it by other than dragging handles with the mouse?
I am having a problem trying to get text to fit to exact dimensions. Here is a link to a graphic representation of the problem I will explain below: [URL] ..........
This is an example of a plaque I'm working on. The red box Q will be a photograph while the black box will be text (represented by the blue lines). I have a specific body of text that needs to fit inside the black box such that the left margin (segment AB) is exactly 1/2 inch from box Q. Further, the text should also be exactly 1/2 inch from box Q at segment BC, such that the top of the text meets this 1/2 inch margin.
I can't make the text fit correctly. If you notice the text line labeled Z, you'll see that the top of the text does not reach the segment BC, meaning that the distance between box Q and the top of the text Z is much greater than 1/2 inch. If this is the case, the picture in box Q will be surrounded by unequal space on the right (AB) as compared to the bottom (BC). Furthermore, the text beginning at point A and the text labeled X also need to reach the exact margins of the black box to meet the exact dimensions of the borders of the final piece.
When I use something like Text > Paragraph Text Frame > Fit Text to Shape, what happens is the line labeled Y clearly sits to low, making the line spacing force line Z too far from segment BC.
Every time I launch Xara, I want the page and layer gallery to be at "layer level" mode, however it is only showing it at "page level" mode. Is there a way to make it default to layer level? It can get pretty redundant to have to click on that page to open it every time.
I need to prepare an image for professional printing and I want to retain as much quality as is possible.
The final file needs to be a 300ppi sRGB jpg.
The print needs to have a large white border so I am 'placing' the image into a new file where the canvas serves as the border.
In other words, I'm placing an 8x10 image into a new 12X14 file.
My question is: how do ensure that the quality of the original 8x10 image is not affected?
My current workflow is as follows:
1. Save the 8x10 as a 300ppi, 16bit, prophoto tif. 2. Create a new file with the dimensions of 12x14, 300ppi, 16bit, prophoto. 3. Place the 8x10 image into this file. 4. Save for web & devices at JPEG, 100 Quality, Convert to sRGB
hat is the best way to resize (reduction) an image and maintain the image sharpness. The image I have is a high resolution 500 x 500 pixel logo with a text which I have the Adobe Illustrator (AI) vector file.
I need to resize the image to as small as 130 x 40 pixels and export to gif.
I have tried the following methods:Photoshop Resize > Resample Image > Bicubic Sharper (best for reduction)Create a 130 x 40 pixel Photoshop file and copied object from AI to Photoshop as a smart object and export as gifCreate a 130 x 40 pixel AI file and export to gif . However, I tried to view the image from my mobile phone (iPhone), it is not sharp even though I have created from the vector ai file.
I research on the internet and find out that I can actually create a double size image and use CSS to control (divided dimension by 2) so that the sharpness can be maintained. However, I do not have control of the site html/css hence I can't use the method.
Any other way to resize (reduction) an image and maintain the sharpness.
Photoshop Elements 10. I want to enlarge an image and maintain 300 dpi resolution. If I enlarge the image the resolution automatically lowers. I need to keep the res at 300. How do I accomplish this?
getting the image in this[URL]....link. I just need the air freshener symbol in the middle, the blue tree. I have been able to kind of get it seperated from the background but it always ends up being a little blurry or fuzzy on the sides. I really need it to be crisp and smooth like it is in blue.
I want to produce images that are exactly 4" x 6" to use as masters to make 4" x 6" borderless photo prints. I use Resize > Canvas Size > Absolute Size > 4.00 width > 6.00 height. When I save a print the resulting images are not exactly 4" X 6" so they do not produce useful borderless photos. Different photos have produced different size images using those same settings. The only way I have been able to learn that they are not the exact size that I need is to print and measure them.
Is it realistic to expect Paint.net to produce images that are exactly 4" x 6"?
Is there a better way than printing and measuring them to determine that the images are the desired size?
So we've been sent a DWG file for a large site, that includes a massive aerial (TIF) image.
At this point it's too large to even work with so I'd like to scale it down (proportionally, so it will still maintain the same aspect ratio).
For simplicity sake, lets say the image is 15,000 x 15,000 and I want to scale it down to 5,000 x 5,000.
The problem is that AutoCAD seems to use that pixel size to determine the actual scale, so when I updated the new (smaller) image, it was also 3x smaller in the world.
How do I scale down the image independently of the size so it will still maintain the same scale in the CAD world? (I'm a 3D guy so this is akin to scaling down a texture, yet having the plane its projected on maintain its original scale.)
I want to image trace this photo to create logo. However the way the logo will be applied means that there can be no negative space less than .35mm or 1pt or the heat transfer will have them blend together.
How can I image trace while maintain all spaces (both positive and negative) are atleast 1pt sq?
When I drag a 3600x3600 px image onto a 3600x3600 px canvas, my image gets placed on the canvas with it's center at 1803,1803 px. So it's off just a tiny bit. When I place an image smaller than 3600x3600 px, it gets placed on the canvas with its center at 1802,1802 px or 1802.5,1802.5 px It's not terribly difficult to center it after it's placed, but I'd rather not spend the 5 seconds or so every time I place an image if I don't have to.
way to draw a line down the exact center of an image, and possibly make the line look cool. I'm trying to create a custom Magic the Gathering playmat thing for a program for testing decks out.
I tried the line tool, but it doesn't seem to allow you to fill it in with the paintbucket after, or do anything with it for that matter. I just want a cool looking divider.
Then I might create another split into 3 sections vertically for 6v6 battles, any way to measure this out automatically?
I am working on tiny comic-strip frames that are being drawn as seperate images and when it comes to colouring, there is a time-consuming snag where I forget the exact colours of the finished frames which I need to keep checking and seeing earlier single images in order to compare and then reproduce the colours accurately in a consistent sequence.
Believe it or not, I get around this problem by taking digital still camera shots direct off the screen and consulting them afterwards! This does work, but it's hardly practical------is there an easier way to repeat the exact same colors on a separate image, without having to constantly refer to pre-existing images within GIMP? If I can reproduce the exact colours on different images automatically without having to recheck earlier images, this would save me a lot of time!
[Ideally, does every shade of colour have a code number or similar method I can enter and it will come up again accurately? This way, I could write down the shade number and repeat it exactly later on a new image where the exact same colour is required.]
The sheer number of shades of colour and tones make it very difficult to remember the exact colours accurately.
How can I find all pixels in an image with an exact, specific color? So far, I've only managed to find the pixels matching a pixel I click on; but I wish to find pixels matching a specific color value!
I want to create a rectangle with the correct dimensions for use in a HD video menu. It will be filled with graphic elements as well as text boxes. As referenced in the title it is for a 16x9 aspect ratio. I tried creating a rectangle 16"x9" but that looked too big.
Make a current, parent image, pattern step and repeat at an exact distance from the parent.
I have a parent image 4.75"long X 2.00" high image I want the pattern repeated in the Y direction every 2.10" or with a .10" space between the images, to create a 1XN array or tiles or pattern?
I then want to print the new tiled, array image to the exact size.
My problem is related with the quality of a image.
My question is how to maintain high quality (original quality) of a image after resizing it?
If i resize it with same ratio like:
2816x2112px to 1600x1200px (4:3) 2816x1584px to 1920x1080px (16:9)
Mainly i use scale image option in Gimp. But now i need to resize many images for my work so i tried David's Batch Processor to resize my images. After using it, i found there is some quality promble with the resized image.
Then i tried, the scale option with, use quality setting from original image and JPEG quality parameter is 95, in gimp but the problem is same. I did it with also with David's batch processor- JPEG quality parameter is 95.
Other thing is that, the original image 2816x2112px (4:3), size- 3.6 MB is displaying in image viewer with 47% and the resized image 1600x1200px (4:3). size- 1.2 MB is displaying in image viewer with 83%, So my questions are: How can i check the quality of a image after resizing it, means the image is exactly same as the original? Or Is David's Batch Processor maintain the original quality of the images after resizing?. I realy need to resize many images for my work.